This is a very bizarre thing.

The so-called phase is the power created by the devil to influence the world with the help of his own power.

Theoretically, it is impossible for the phase to disappear.

Unless it was hit by the level of the devil.

The representative of this is the spear that Othinus can create in the future - the spear of the Lord God.

The Spear of the Lord God is an item that controls and adjusts Othinus's demonic power to achieve 100% success and to get rid of infinite possibilities. At the same time, it has great power.

Once the gun is thrown, it will definitely hit the target; the gun will not be shot down or destroyed on the way; after the gun penetrates the target, it will definitely return to the hands of the Lord God.

This gun can shatter the symbol of human authority, even a battle-hardened hero will give up the challenge and fall to the ground in the face of this force, forcibly looking away.

It was an irresistible killing blow if it didn't go beyond the limits of the human realm.

One shot blows the whole world, destroys the dimension of time and space, destroys everything in the world, and turns the world into a "dark nothingness where even the possibility has disappeared". In the end, even the fragments of the world themselves will be involved and become part of the attack. It is "a blow like the torrent that swept through everything, except for the aspects other than the hidden world, it is estimated that there will be a big loss.


Such damage is caused by external forces.

And now, the Nordic phase is indeed collapsing naturally.

This kind of thing really made the angel fall into shock.

Is there anything in this world that can cause an entire phase to collapse?

The answer is yes.

It's just that the answer was so scary that she didn't even dare to say it.

"The Demon God Odin is dead."

Aleister gave that terrible answer.

The Nordic phase was created by the demon **** Odin.

It is also maintained by the power of the demon **** Odin.

Because Odin is immortal, that aspect is immortal.

Now, that phase has collapsed, so the answer after that is obvious that Odin, or rather, Othinus is dead.

"Can even 'God' die?"

There was an indescribable color in Aiwass's voice.

"In terms of general rationality, it is indeed unreasonable, but if it is a monotheistic religion, it is normal."

Very bland, Aleister gave the answer.


An extremely rare genre of mythology.

The so-called monotheism is relative to polytheistic belief, which is to believe and acknowledge that there is only one supreme **** or main **** in the universe. This one and only **** created the world and all things in the universe. above all things.

In primitive society, each clan religion has its own gods, and even a clan has many kinds of gods. Primitive beliefs range from the original concept of soul, worship of ghosts, totems, ancestors, and polytheism, to the supremacy of class society. The transformation of gods and monotheism has a slow process of development and change, but in general, human society experienced a long stage of polytheistic belief before the emergence of monotheism. This polytheistic belief reflects the fact that there are many clans and tribes in the primitive society, the human ideology has not been unified, and it is still scattered and chaotic. Various ethnic groups and tribes plundered each other, blood relatives revenge prevailed, and the society was in the integration stage of ethnic fusion and cultural collision.

The birth of monotheism is destined to be cruel.

So much so that when thinking of monotheism these days, most people only have one name in their minds.


Not long ago, an angel from a monotheistic religion descended into the world.

He impassively stated that he would, as in the myth, clean up all the pagan gods in the world and give the world a purification.

Honestly, at the time, Aiwass actually had his doubts.

Michael is really great.

This is undeniable.

He is the king of angels, the king of all angels, and his status is far higher than that of the evil dragon who refused to kneel before the Son of God.

In the emerging biblical faith group "Jehovah's Witnesses" believe that **** Christ was the Archangel Michael before he came to earth.

One can imagine how high the status of this angel is.


Aiwass was not optimistic about the boy who was suspected to be Michael.

It's easy to ask why.

She is an angel herself, and understands that angels are probably phase gods.

Although they belong to the same category of mysterious leaders as Demon Gods, the difference in strength is completely different.

Anyway, Aiwass can be sure that if he starts a war with the Demon God, he can end the battle within three seconds.

Othinus would be on her knees... begging her not to die.

But now...

Recalling the collapsed world, Aiwass felt the fear spread from the depths of his soul...

That guy actually killed Othinus.

Obviously according to the plan, the ten themselves should activate the artificial heaven, persecute the demon gods to the lower realm, and then bury some kind of wedges in their bodies when they are in the lower realm...

At that time, it should be Michael's home.

Dwarf the pagan god, then kill him.


Now, the artificial heaven has not yet been launched, and the massacre against the demon gods has already begun. It is really...


Terrible doesn't look like an angel at all.

However, the nature of him is indeed the same as the nature of Michael in the myth.

In mythology, similar to the godlike...

That name made Aiwass tremble.

No, not possible.

How can a **** that is so vast that it is impossible to give birth to a mind be born? !

Almost instinctively, the angel began to convince himself.

Moreover, it is not the only God who is similar to Michael.

The Son, Jesus, is an existence who has inherited the will of God.

That lord is also an existence similar to Michael.

And **** is a more powerful being than the devil. If it were him, it would be normal to kill the devil.

"He could be Jesus."

The angel representing the underlying physics looked at his summoner.

"The origin of your partner... is completely beyond the level of the plan. Do you want to continue to cooperate with him?"

In this regard, the man hanging upside down in the nutrition jar did not directly answer the question.

"Artificial Heaven, it's time to open."

The man hanging upside down had a calm voice.

ps: This book is almost over.

I thought I could write another volume.

At that time, I didn't watch Moban very much, but I just thought that the devil might be very nb and would collapse the combat power, but it should not affect the plot.

However, after flipping through the original book of the magic ban, I didn't expect it to collapse like this.

I can't even write if I want to pour water.

You can only delete the volume that is scheduled to be planted, and the preparation is over.

If I write about the magic ban in the future, I will never touch the plot after the fire on the right.

The stride is outrageous, really, all the time in Cavan.

Chapter 24 It's Time to Do It Against Jehovah

"Devil God, even if it's weakened to that extent, it's still so tricky."

On the third floor of the little garden, the sigh of the boy sounded.

There, the boy who had been at the forefront of Hakoba's double digits clutched his severely injured arm.

In theory, it should be a hand injury that is far stronger than the stars, dripping with blood.

It was the hand that was shattered by a half-finished gun of the Lord God.

Because the power contained in it is too terrifying, it is difficult for even two-digit gods and demons to recover in a short period of time.

In exchange for...

Beside that young man, a one-eyed girl with straight facial features and a face as delicate as a puppet looked at her facelessly.

That is Othinus.

The demon **** who was defeated because the environment he was in was really too bad for him.

Under the action of the simulated innovation map called the Road of Fire Sword, or the destruction of eternal calamity, the demon **** who could modify the world in a single thought became a "part" of Su Han.

"Don't make that look."

The young man looked at his latest entourage with a helpless expression on his face.

"Is it so hard for you to lose to me?"

"How can you not be ashamed of losing to the unfinished Demon God?"

The girl's voice was flat as always, but with a little attention, it was not difficult to hear the resentment in it.

"Unfinished Demon God?"

In this regard, Su Han couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The so-called Demon God is the God of Magic.

As for a magician, that is something that only people with high diplomas can understand.

He is a magician who is a half-way monk, and his level can be said to be rotten.

And now, he is actually regarded as an unfinished devil by a real devil?

To be honest, such a compliment made Su Han feel quite strange.

"Devil? I really want to be that kind of existence, but I, at least now, don't have much to do with that kind of thing."

"Don't overestimate my education."

The teenager sighed before he had time to digest the 13,000 little yellow books.

He felt that the world was too unfriendly to his kind of parenting.

In response, the Demon God just shook his head.

"It's already half the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, how could he actually say such a thing?"

Those words made Su Han's expression suddenly stunned.

Hell, the sixth day devil?

"Buddha's Tradition" 2 says: 'All scriptures say: The magic wave is at the top of the six desires, and there is no palace. Today, the Sutra of Cause and Effect is the Heavenly King of Freedom, so it will be the sixth day.

The so-called Devil King of the Sixth Heaven is naturally the Devil King, Po Xun, who transformed into Zizai Heaven.

Do you have anything to do with those bald people in Buddhism?

Rarely, Su Han felt confused in his heart.

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