"Bip! Blop! Blop!"

With a rapid siren, Lin Yu woke up from his sleep.

Getting up from bed, patting his hungover head, Lin Yu decided in his heart that even if he broke up, he could not give up on himself, and he should drink less alcohol in the future!

Yesterday, the three-year love affair ended and Lin Yu became single again.

In sadness, he went to the street to get drunk.

"Speaking of which, how did I get home?"

After thinking back, Lin Yu also felt strange. When he looked up, he found that he was in a strange room.

This room is not large, with basically nothing except a bed, a bedside table, and a wardrobe!

"Where is this? How did I get here!"

Looking at the dim lights above his head, Lin Yu decided to check the room first!

After getting out of bed, Lin Yu walked to the closet door. When he opened it, he found that there were no clothes inside, nothing at all!

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu was ready to open the door and take a look at the situation outside. After all, no matter what the situation was outside, he had to face it!

Close the cabinet door, walk to the door, and open the door!

What came into view was a dim corridor, and some of the lights at the top had dimmed.

When Lin Yu saw this situation, he knew that it was caused by the low voltage of the power system.

This incandescent lamp has this characteristic!

After looking around, Lin Yu found that his position was at the end of the passage. Looking into the passage, there were some wooden doors with glass on both sides of the passage!

"What the hell is this place!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yu felt a little hairy in his heart!

Walk out of the room and walk along the passage. After arriving at the first wooden door with glass,

Lin Yu looked into the room and found that it was a small processing room with only a small manual machine tool and a bench drill placed on the table!

Seeing this, Lin Yu felt more and more strange.

Without going in for a closer look, Lin Yu continued to move forward and came to the second glass wooden door.

Here, Lin Yu discovered a small warehouse, but there were not many supplies left in it. Judging from the traces, it must have been moved away in a hurry!

Lin Yu turned the door handle and found that it was not locked and could be opened directly!

After entering, Lin Yu saw that the remaining food supplies were some moldy rice and wheat!

I wiped the shelves and found that there was not much dust on them. According to previous discoveries and the decoration of this warehouse, this warehouse has been vacant for no more than a month!

"The area of ​​this warehouse is not small. It is obviously abnormal to store so many supplies. It is either a case of persecution paranoia or the outside world has undergone great changes!"

Lin Yu also had some guesses about this behavior of stockpiling so many supplies!

After walking out of the warehouse, I checked the door of the warehouse and found that there were no signs of damage, indicating that either internal personnel had moved the materials, or outsiders had taken control of the place and moved the materials!

Lin Yu continued to move forward in the passage and came to the third door. He found that there was a small piece of dirt inside. Lin Yu judged that this should be a planting area.

Because there were no crops inside, Lin Yu did not go in.

Arriving at the last door, Lin Yu saw that this time the door was no longer a wooden door with glass, but a steel fire door!

Pushing open the door and going in, he found an equipment room. There were two power cabinets placed against the wall of the site. After Lin Yu opened it, he found that the equipment inside was in good condition!

Lin Yu checked and found that there was nothing valuable at the scene!

After leaving the equipment room, I came to the end of the passage and saw a closed steel door.

After checking it, I found that this is a manual door, which is the same as the five-proof door in civil air defense fortifications. It is fireproof, explosion-proof, sealed, waterproof, and smokeproof.

After struggling to open the door, Lin Yu finally saw the situation behind the door!

The room in front of me should be the living room!

Looking at the furniture with a layer of dust in front of him, Lin Yu looked forward and saw the kitchen and bathroom next to the living room.

Opposite him, there was a passage. Lin Yu guessed that this should be the passage out.

After such a long period of exploration, Lin Yu also discovered that there are no windows here!

This made Lin Yu very strange!

After passing through the living room and coming to the entrance of the passage, Lin Yu found that the passage was not long. The end of the passage was the same as before, with a five-proof door.

After opening it, I found a five-proof door more than ten meters away.

Arriving at this door, Lin Yu saw a display screen next to the door.

Some parameters are displayed above,

Through research, Lin Yu learned that this is a display screen that displays environmental parameters.

And it should be from the outside world,

Seeing that one of the items with the nuclear mark had a value of over 2,000,

Lin Yu took a closer look and found that the unit above was millisieverts.

Two thousand millisieverts, Lin Yu knew that once he was exposed to such an environment, it would cause great damage to his body!

"What on earth is happening outside? The amount of radiation is so high!"

Lin Yu knew that he couldn't leave here now!

So the next step is to explore this abandoned residence!

Lin Yu also found the reason for the alarm sound that woke him up before.

It was a low battery alarm, and with these dim lights, Lin Yu knew that the power system in this place was about to run out!

Now I have a rough idea of ​​the situation in this room, although I don’t know if the data at the gate is true.

But if you don't believe it, you can't believe it. Lin Yu will not put himself in danger without taking protective measures!

Leave the passage of the double protective door and return to the living room!

Lin Yu started to look for useful information on his own!

In the corner of the living room, Lin Yu found a bookshelf. Fortunately, the books on it were not taken away. Maybe the other party did not have such needs.

Lin Yu walked to the bookshelf and started looking for useful books.

Here, Lin Yu found a book on the geography of Aquamarine.

Lin Yu also discovered that the characters in this world are Chinese characters that are between simplified and traditional Chinese characters, and there is no obstacle to reading them.

So this book is very helpful for you to understand the situation in the outside world!

After opening this book, Lin Yu finally understood the situation in the outside world!

The Aqua Galaxy is a huge star system. In the entire star system, except for one huge star that is ten times larger than the sun,

In the galaxy, there are ten planets,

Among them, Aqua Blue Star is a living planet located in the fourth orbit. In terms of volume, it is 20% larger than the previous Blue Star.

In addition to this one, there are nine other planets,

Among them, in the first and second orbits, there is a lava planet, and magma explosions on it are commonplace!

The third planet is a semi-water planet. Because it is closer to the water blue star, the liquid on it has not evaporated too much.

Moreover, most of the evaporated water vapor moves to the back side with the climate within the planet, and is cooled and falls back into hail!

But the tidal locking of the star gives the side that is always facing the sun a desert terrain.

Moving outward, we come to the fifth and sixth planets, but they are two rocky planets.

The seventh planet from the outside is an icy planet, and the eighth is a gaseous planet with a satellite about the same size as the blue star in the previous life.

According to scientists’ detection, it is a habitable planet!

The ninth one is an ice giant with more than ten satellites, which are about the same size as the satellites of the giant blue star.

The last planet is an ordinary rocky planet. According to detection, this planet has extremely rich mineral resources.

But the distance is too far and mining is too difficult, so it has never been mined!

After reading the introduction to the galaxy, Lin Yu continued reading!

Next is an introduction to the entire Aqua Blue Star!

On Aqua Planet, there are three super alliances, the Eagle Federation, the Arthur Empire and the Qiankun Community.

Through the introduction, Lin Yu felt that this structure was similar to the previous Blue Star structure, forming a radiation range of forces!

Next, here is an introduction to some of the geographical conditions on Aquamarine.

The general terrain is still similar to the previous Blue Star, and it is also divided into seven oceans and five continents.

These three forces are evenly matched and restrain each other.

After roughly flipping through it, Lin Yu knew that this was an enlarged version of Blue Star.

But I haven’t gone out yet, so I don’t know if I’m really in such a world!

Continuing to look at the bookshelf, I saw some newspapers and a diary.

Lin Yu first took out the newspaper and read it!

Above, the current situation is introduced!

One day, the Qiankun Community developed controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Forcing the other two forces to join forces, forcing the Qiankun Community to share technology,

But the Qiankun Community will not compromise, and the international situation is about to break out!

From the newspaper, Lin Yu saw that as the Eagle Federation fired the first shot, the entire international situation was completely out of control!

The later newspapers are no longer available, probably because of the tense situation, they are no longer being published!

But there is also a diary, and Lin Yu thinks there should be big discoveries in it!

Sure enough, what happened next was recorded in it!

From the initial conventional war to the final nuclear war, all three parties were jealous.

Each dropped a large number of nuclear bombs on the other's political, military, and industrial areas!

Most of the intercepted nuclear bombs exploded in the atmosphere, forming a large amount of nuclear radiation.

Coupled with the years of war and the destruction of heavy industry, by the end of the war, the entire Aquamarine civilization has basically been set back hundreds of years, and has re-entered the level of civilization in the early days of the Industrial Revolution!

Coupled with the loss of a large number of talents, as of the last entry in the diary, three years have passed since the end of the nuclear war.

Nuclear winter plunged the entire Aquamarine planet into severe cold!

In the diary, Lin Yu saw several important information,

"In July 2018, the war between the three forces officially began. Now it is meaningless to find out who fired the first shot. The war has finally broken out!"

"Qiankun, May 2019, today, a nuclear war officially broke out. Both sides were already red-eyed. I also came to the prepared shelter.

Fortunately, I had some wealth and prepared such a simple shelter, so I could last until the end of the war! "

"In August 2019, this city was inevitably hit by a nuclear bomb!

Wearing sunglasses, I saw the doomsday-like scene from the observation port. Fortunately, I was close to the mountains and far away from the city, so I only received a little impact! "

"Qiankun February 2020, half a year has passed since the nuclear bomb exploded, and the nuclear radiation in the outside world is still very strong.

It seems that the yield of the original nuclear bomb is not small, and it should be produced in post-production. After no worries, the consequence of pursuing the killing effect is that there will be no grass here for hundreds of years in the future!

Fortunately, when it was originally built, radiation protection treatment was done! "

"Qiankun In August 2020, the summer outside has not arrived, and the highest temperature is only 10 degrees. At this time in previous years, the temperature can reach more than 35 degrees, and sometimes the outdoor temperature can even reach 40 degrees!

It seems that the external nuclear winter is coming. During this year of communication interruption, only continuous learning and training can make me forget my loneliness! "

"Qiankun February 2021, the Spring Festival is coming, and I am celebrating the Spring Festival alone. The good news is that electromagnetic waves are no longer chaotic, and telegraphs can be used!

I got news about nearby shelters through the radio,

But I am also thinking about whether I need to go there. In this post-war world, I don’t know if the officialdom still exists.

If it's a trap, then...! "

“Qiankun March 2021, after all, I still don’t have the courage to gamble, so I just observe in secret and constantly collect information from the outside world through the radio!

But there is bad news today. The wind turbine outside is damaged.

It was also bad time. During the nuclear explosion, the early protective facilities blocked the first wave of impact, but it was also affected.

It's a miracle that it lasts until now. Even if it breaks, I can put it away to avoid attracting other people's attention! "

“Qiankun In August 2021, after more than half a year of continuous learning, I finally made a simple small wind turbine using materials from scrapped generators. The electricity consumption in the shelter is finally not so tight!

Relying on the previous solar panels, under the influence of nuclear fallout, one solar panel could only generate one or two degrees of electricity per day.

Fortunately, there are still many things prepared, and a few extra pieces can still meet the basic electricity needs! "

"In February of Qiankun 2022, the water purification device of the shelter was damaged, which forced me to go out and look for supplies outside. I hope I can find something useful!"

"Qiankun March 2022,

It's so scary. Nuclear-radiated mutant creatures have appeared in the outside world. The former little white rabbit has become taller than a human!

What's wrong with this world? Is there still room for us humans to survive?

Fortunately, I gained a lot from this trip. With the radiation protection suit, I can go to some uninhabited areas to find supplies! "

"In April 2022, Qiankun finally restored a military crossbow in one month.

Coupled with ten arrows, it is enough to ensure your safety when you go out! "

"Qiankun 2022 June, this time I have to go out again. The food in the shelter is almost running out.

It has been more than two years since I entered the shelter. Since I have not opened a planting room, many seeds are of no use.

This time out, I still need to find suitable building materials and dig a temporary growing room!

Moreover, long-term malnutrition has caused some problems in his body! "

The next diary is from half a year later, or in other words, it is just a note, not a diary!

Lin Yu keeps reading!

“Qiankun In January 2023, after half a year of hard work, a decent planting room was finally built.

The good news is that there is no radiation in the soil, and it seems that staying away from urban areas is beneficial!

Now your seeds are finally put to use! "

"Qiankun March 2023, today is a good harvest day. After more than a month of planting, the cabbage is finally mature.

After more than two years, I can finally eat vegetables, but my staple food is almost gone.

The bad news is that the moisture-proofing is not done well, and the underlying layer of staple food has returned to moisture and become moldy!

This left me having to assemble some shelves to move all this rice to! "

“Qiankun September 2023, I finally harvested the first batch of rice today. After manually crushing it, I got a total of three hundred kilograms of rice, which is enough for me to use for a long time!

Life is getting better now, but disasters always happen unexpectedly.

A group of mutated creatures appeared nearby, and the pickup truck on the ground will definitely be discovered.

I can only pretend first and then come back to consider my next move! "

"Qiankun October 2023, one good news and one bad news!

Let’s start with the good news. I finally got in touch with my old family and they are doing great and have joined a large gathering.

Although it is a wasteland world, the rulers of this gathering place are still very knowledgeable and do not rule violently. Although they are also dictatorial, they basically ensure that everyone can survive safely in today's environment!

And under the threat of mutated creatures nearby, I can no longer stay here! I want to embark on a new journey to this settlement and meet my family!

But the bad news is, it's so far away that I only have enough fuel to get there.

The current situation can only be a gamble!

It will take me ten days to complete the transportation of the supplies.

In order to preserve this shelter, the electrical system inside will not be damaged.

Latecomers, if you see this notebook, this shelter is given to you. I hope you can live well in this world, hahaha!

By the way, I also put a set of nuclear radiation protective clothing in the middle of the double protective door. Maybe you can use it! "

This notebook ends here! Lin Yu also knew what was going on here!

"It seems like this is really not the world I had before!"

Although Lin Yu still had doubts and thought it was a live broadcast program,

But seeing some of the conditions here, including the dust, it is indeed true that no one has lived there for a long time!

If it was really a show, there would be no traces of other people!

After putting down his notes, he came to the middle of the double-layer protective door. After searching carefully, Lin Yu finally found a hidden compartment.

It turns out that this place was covered by dust, so I didn’t notice it just now!

After opening it, Lin Yu also saw the intact protective clothing inside!

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. There is always a way, and with this protective suit, he can go outside to see the situation!

But before that, Lin Yu decided to take a look at the other books on the bookshelf to determine the level of technology in this world.

In other words, the level of technology before nuclear power!

When he came to the living room, Lin Yu took a book of global weapons catalog and read it.

Through the military, Lin Yu can intuitively see the technological strength of this planet!

After a rough reading, Lin Yu had a complete understanding.

The level of scientific and technological development in front of the core of this planet is very similar to that of the previous Blue Star, but in terms of energy technology, the Qiankun Community seems to be cheating.

In just two years, controllable nuclear fusion has gone from project establishment to successful research and development.

Seeing this, Lin Yu also felt confident.

At this time, Lin Yu's stomach began to growl.

From the time he got up to now, he has not had a drop of water.

So before going out, there is one more thing to do, which is to fill your stomach!

However, when I was in the warehouse just now, I saw that the rice inside was completely moldy and inedible.

So I can only try my luck in the kitchen!

When I opened the kitchen door, there was also a layer of dust inside!

Because of hunger, Lin Yu also speeded up his search.

As the cabinets were opened one by one, Lin Yu finally discovered the half-opened bag of rice.

I looked at the bag. It was a small bag that weighed ten kilograms. There was still half a bag, which was five kilograms of rice!

This made Lin Yu relieved, as long as he had something to eat,

Opening the faucet on the side, he found that there was still water coming out. After taking some water, Lin Yu cleaned the kitchen first!

Then I took the water again and went to the gate. I went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and tested it with the detector at the door. I was sure that the water quality was normal!

"It seems that the water purification circulation system here is still working! This is good news!"

Returning to the kitchen, he found the rice cooker and after cooking a pot of rice, Lin Yu also started to look at other places!

The first is the bathroom. Everything is normal inside, but because of insufficient power, the water heater cannot be turned on and can only discharge cold water!

Lin Yu also checked and found that there was a 100-cubic septic tank under the bathroom.

It seems that the owner of this refuge site is very thoughtful.

Water resources are drawn directly from groundwater!

It can be said that as long as the battery is sufficient, there is no need to worry about water use!

Next, while cooking, Lin Yu began to clean up the shelter.

I borrowed some water and wiped the living room, kitchen, and bathroom clean.

After the meal is ready and I have a meal of white rice, I continue to be busy.

Cleaned the entire shelter except for the plantation and warehouse!

Looking at the brand new nest, Lin Yu also rubbed his waist!

During the cleaning process, Lin Yu also made some new discoveries. In a drawer of the bathroom sink, he found a pack of rice seeds and half a pack of cabbage seeds!

This discovery made Lin Yu very happy. In this way, as long as the planting can be successful, a virtuous cycle can be achieved and self-sufficiency in food can be achieved!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu decided to go to the planting room first to see if there were any sowing tools left!

As for planting methods, in the agriculture chapter of the encyclopedia on the bookshelf, there are detailed planting methods for some common crops!

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