April 21, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar, fog

Today, there is a sudden heavy fog all over the world.

This heavy fog also caused a naval formation of Skynet's construction branch base to get lost and gradually approach the Qiankun Kingdom.

This naval formation consists of three cruisers, five destroyers and ten transport ships. It is still large in scale.

In this formation, in addition to battleships, there are more than 10,000 T400 and 50,000 T1 war machines on transport ships.

In addition to these, on several other battleships, there are two hunter-killer attack aircraft on each cruiser and one on the destroyer.

A total of eleven hunter attack aircraft were parked quietly on the battleship.

This fleet is the result of Skynet's development these days.

After occupying this continent, without the resistance of the resistance, Skynet's development showed exponential growth.

Such rapid growth made Skynet more powerful, and it quickly formed this naval formation.

After being loaded with soldiers, the formation began to set off, preparing to go to the Eagle Federation for support.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the journey, heavy fog suddenly began to fall, causing the formation to lose contact with Skynet.

However, when it was being built, Skynet also enhanced the intelligence of the battleship itself, making it capable of autonomous action.

So this heavy fog can't stop the formation's progress.

However, the ocean currents on the seabed and the loss of direction caused this naval formation to gradually deviate from the route and gradually approach the Qiankun Kingdom.

On the other side, the sudden heavy fog also caused Duan Weiguo great trouble in searching the surrounding situation.

"Commander, there is heavy fog around now. Our aerial search has been greatly restricted. It is very difficult to understand the surrounding situation. I suggest that the emergency plan be launched immediately and the monitoring within 20 kilometers of the surrounding area be strengthened."

"Well, you can go ahead and do it in the military, I will support you behind your back.

In addition, Chen Rong, how are our supplies prepared? "

"Commander, thanks to your agricultural base, we now have sufficient food reserves. In addition to our own expenses, we can also prepare rations for two hundred people for a month."

"Well, this is already very good. In this way, I have contacted 20 surviving teams. Except for the five teams that are moving closer to us, the teams in other areas are too far away, so they can only stay in the local area temporarily. .

In addition to weapons and ammunition, this material transportation also needs to transport ten days of rations for 50 people, two Guardian Type 1 units, and a neutrino communicator.

In this case, we can also get in touch with them in real time and provide timely support if there are any difficulties. "

"Yes, Commander, I'll go back and prepare."

Looking at the two people leaving, Lin Yu also sighed, the official status is more useful.

After King Pan sent the ban, Duan Weiguo found him the next day and immediately revealed his identity.

After confirming the code word, Duan Weiguo and Chen Rong joined Lin Yu's camp.

Internally, it calls itself the 404 Warehouse, and externally it calls itself the Morning Star Organization.

After confirming Lin Yu's identity as a "central government", Duan Weiguo and Chen Rong also burst out with great enthusiasm and devoted themselves to their work.

In just a few days, Duan Weiguo trained ten militiamen into new recruits for the army. If they cooperate with the Guardian Type 1 in combat, there will be no problem.

Chen Rong, on the other hand, took the initiative to take on the logistics work and handled the Guardian Legion's logistics work in an orderly manner.

At this moment, in an open space, twenty nightingales were parked here quietly.

These nightingales are the troops that will provide support to these 20 troops.

Among them, 15 Nightingales need to go to the garrison of the 15 troops, while the remaining five need to find the remaining five teams approaching Jiangxinzhou, and then drop supplies to help them arrive safely.

Soon, 15 of the twenty Nightingales took off directly and headed to the designated location.

The remaining five units require manual operation to find the remaining five troops based on the direction of the previous points.

Because of the heavy fog, the nightingale quickly disappeared after entering the sky.

Chen Rong also walked into the nearby command room and gave orders to the five people sitting inside, asking them to control Nightingale and search for the remaining troops along the predetermined route.

Lin Yu saw that the team had set off, and asked King Pan to open the three-dimensional map. He looked at the 15 flashing red dots near the east of Qiankun Kingdom, and the 15 green dots that were constantly moving forward. He was also very concerned about Chen Rong's speed of action. satisfy.

Because of the final nuclear war, the area close to the central and western parts of the Republic was plowed by nuclear bombs again, so Lin Yu did not contact these troops there.

There are two situations. One is that this area has just experienced a nuclear explosion and the magnetic storm is severe. Even with high-power electromagnetic waves from satellites, this area will receive serious interference.

Another situation is that all the Republic troops here have been destroyed, and no one is left.

To be honest, the second possibility is very small. After all, in the end, the Republic also launched a lot of missiles in this area, which blocked a lot of them.

Although some important areas were hit by saturation and could not survive, there were always missed areas that were not affected.

However, Lin Yu now has no energy to search these places. Only after the five nearby teams arrive and recruit them can he have enough manpower.

Lin Yu turned to look at the remaining five Nightingales. After taking off, they also disappeared into the thick fog. Only the three-dimensional map showed the positions of these five drones.

On the other side, the company that had received the order had been advancing for several days and was currently resting in a cave.

Because of the sudden appearance of heavy fog, the team's progress was blocked.

In order to avoid losing their way, instructor Liu Xiangqian ordered the troops to find surrounding caves to rest and recuperate.

Although we were walking along the road, there were no houses in the surrounding area, so we had to find caves in the mountains to rest.

At this time, in the cave, instructor Liu Xiangqian also ordered the troops to rest and began to bury pots for cooking.

But looking at the busy people, Liu Xiangqian also felt a little worried.

After all, the team's supplies are almost exhausted by now.

He had just opened the map and looked at it. He was now less than 500 kilometers away from his final destination.

But the distance that used to be very short is now as far as a chasm for this army.

Previously, Liu Xiangqian used some of his knowledge of wild survival to find a lot of edible plants. Although the taste was not very good, at least it could satisfy his hunger.

Liu Xiangqian's team also found a lot of supplies from the surrounding abandoned houses, which allowed the team to persist until now.

Today, Liu Xiangqian knew that the remaining rations could only last three days and he could only eat one meal a day.

While on the road, these foods were simply not enough for the soldiers to consume their physical energy.

But now, I can only take one step at a time.

Without a vehicle, walking on two legs would definitely be much slower.

While they were resting, in the northeast of the Qiankun Republic, Skynet's lost naval fleet arrived here.

After discovering the new continent, the underlying hidden program was immediately activated, and the Hunter attack aircraft in the formation took off directly to explore the continent.

As luck would have it, these Hunters entered the low-altitude air defense identification zone of Qiankun Country.

After discovering the entry of the unidentified aircraft, the fire control radar was immediately activated to lock the hunter.

Because the hunter was poorly made, it did not install an alarm device, and still entered the northeastern part of Qiankun Kingdom with great arrogance.

Soon, this automated unmanned air defense base opened its launch pad, and several Red Flag 9 anti-aircraft missiles immediately locked onto the five incoming Hunters.

"Dong ~ ew"

A Red Flag 9 was ejected directly, ignited directly in the air, and aimed at one of the Hunters.

Immediately afterwards, several other rounds of Hongqi 9 were launched one after another, quickly approaching the target.

After the missile approached, the Hunter-Killer's own radar also discovered the missile and immediately began to avoid it.

However, the Hongqi 9 placed on the border as a low-altitude air defense weapon is obviously not something that a simple aircraft like the Hunter-Killer can evade.


With a loud noise, the Hunter-Killer was directly destroyed.

The other hunters did not escape the fate of being destroyed and became a ball of sparks in the air.

The fire produced directly dispersed a lot of the surrounding fog. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Because there is no sunlight, the fog dissipates very slowly.

Although these five Hunter attack aircraft were destroyed, the Hunters heading to the north and south were not attacked.

In the north, the hunters entered directly into the Ula Kingdom. Because it was the Far East region, the defense line was cut off and there were not many defensive weapons.

So these hunters went directly into the mainland at a distance of two hundred kilometers,

After receiving no attack, they returned directly to prepare to escort some Skynet soldiers to log in and establish a new stronghold.

In addition, several Hunters heading south arrived in areas closer to where Liu Xiangqian and the others were stationed.

Therefore, after not being attacked and discovering traces of human activities, we immediately returned, preparing to escort some Skynet soldiers like the other Predators, log in here, and check the whereabouts of humans here.

When the time arrived in the afternoon, and as time went by and the fog gradually dissipated, the exploration team of Skynet and Lin Yu became much more convenient.

Especially when searching the ground from a high altitude, there is no need to lower the altitude.

Directly let Nightingale rise to an altitude of eight thousand meters, and the search range will be wider.

In a bay area 1,500 kilometers north of Jiangxinzhou, a Skynet transport ship logged in.

The T1 and T400 above logged in one after another and assembled directly at an abandoned port.

These Skynet soldiers, there are 1,000 T1 units and 5,000 T400 units.

Such a large number, in today's era, can sweep away all unofficial resistance forces,

Although these robots carry light weapons, they are difficult to cause damage to armored troops.

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