In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 12 Temporary Manufacturing Station

In the workshop, it was already the evening of the third day,

Before going to bed, Lin Yu focused on sorting out today's harvest of the recycling device.

Arriving at the discharge port of the recycling device, Lin Yu saw the piled materials.

Because they are all regular square material blocks, they are very convenient to place.

And because the densities of various materials are different, the sizes are also different, making them very easy to distinguish!

Collecting all the materials, Lin Yu began to distinguish the materials and stack them neatly!

"This is iron. Well, its volume is exactly one kilogram. Count how many there are."

The first thing Lin Yu sorted out was the iron block. The density of iron is 7.8 grams per cubic centimeter, which is 7,800 kilograms per cubic meter, or 7.8 tons.

This weight is already very high,

Lin Yu's tricycle has a maximum load capacity of only one ton. If the discharge specifications of the recycling device are converted into volume calculations, there is no way to transport 7.8 tons of material.

The same goes for other metal materials!

So in this case, Lin Yu can only determine the discharging specifications according to the weight model!

After stacking all the iron blocks, Lin Yu finally determined the quantity. There were 200 iron blocks in total, which is 200 kilograms.

Six cars converted a total of 200 kilograms of iron material, which is considered enough.

Although a lot is wasted, the most indispensable thing in the wasteland world is scrap iron!

Next comes other materials. According to statistics, the six scrapped cars this time have been converted into a total of 150 kilograms of copper, 300 kilograms of aluminum, 400 kilograms of plastic, 30 kilograms of glass, 10 kilograms of titanium, 5 kilograms of gold, 200 kilograms of rubber, etc.!

Although the quantity of these materials is not large, for Lin Yu, it also solves the problem of making something from scratch!

After placing all these materials, Lin Yu went to rest first!

On the morning of the fourth day, after Lin Yu got up, he did not go out to dismantle scrapped cars.

On the one hand, oxygen acetylene has been almost used.

Secondly, it’s because my current vehicle has a limited load capacity and I can’t transport more materials!

After the recycling device completed its mission, when Lin Yu was about to return, he removed the circuit board of the recycling device.

But the theme of the recycling device has not been dismantled, maybe it will still be useful in the future!

Lin Yu has an important task today, which is to build a temporary manufacturing platform.

Different from the manufacturing bench in Dyson Sphere Technology, this manufacturing bench is an excessive product.

The purpose is to manufacture various regular mass-produced parts.

And compared to the manufacturing mode in the game, it is more cumbersome in reality!

Among the parts of the temporary manufacturing bench, except for the circuit board, all other parts can be completed in this workshop!

Lin Yu prepared the parts except the circuit board. The solar panels can still work during the day, so he took the time to manufacture the parts for the temporary manufacturing station!

As the sounds of lathes and milling machines gradually sounded, Lin Yu began to process bit by bit!

Lin Yu didn't go out all day today, he was all in the workshop processing!

Because it is a temporary manufacturing platform, the accuracy requirements are not very high. This ordinary manufacturing platform can meet the requirements!

By nightfall, Lin Yu had finished manufacturing all the parts.

After all, the machine is not big and the processing difficulty is much easier!

At night, after assembling all the parts, all that is left is the circuit board.

Because the function of the temporary manufacturing bench is more powerful than the temporary recycling device, a circuit board cannot meet the requirements.

According to the knowledge in my mind, under the current conditions, at least four circuit boards need to work together to meet the requirements!

Using the remaining light in the evening, Lin Yu began to solder circuit boards.

As the solder wire continues to be consumed, solder the existing electrical components bit by bit according to the knowledge in your mind!

After darkness completely fell, the lights in the workshop were still bright!

Using backup batteries, Lin Yu continues to work!

Before the power ran out, Lin Yu finally completed welding the circuit board on the temporary manufacturing station!

In this way, the fourth day out went by quickly in Lin Yu's busy schedule!

On the morning of the fifth day out, Lin Yu got up and started assembling the temporary manufacturing bench!

After spending a whole morning assembling all the parts of the temporary manufacturing bench, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief!

After being out for so many days, it’s almost time to return.

Using this temporary manufacturing bench, you can complete all the parts of the real first-generation manufacturing bench, and then return to the shelter to assemble it!

As for the basic manufacturing station in the game, even though it is just basic, it has a very high technical content.

The particle crusher and particle printer inside are black technologies among black technologies!

Lin Yu cannot know the specific operating principle yet, because it is a basic manufacturing process subject after electromagnetism.

Before unlocking electromagnetism, I could only get a brief introduction!

After connecting the circuit boards one by one and starting the machine, Lin Yu could finally make some precision parts!

Putting plastic, copper and other materials at the discharge port, Lin Yu began to design the circuit board.

Because there are no computers, we can only make some crude circuit boards.

But no matter what, it is much better than hand-made ones!

After starting the machine, let it run by itself. After seeing that it would take three hours to manufacture ten circuit boards this time, Lin Yu went out to continue looking for supplies!

For this outing, look for Shuyuan Lin Yu did not ride his tricycle. Instead, he pushed the tricycle to a hidden location and hid it.

After finding a large backpack, Lin Yu went to the surrounding shops to look for materials!

Because when we start manufacturing parts, the existing materials are definitely not enough.

So in this case, Lin Yu needs to continue to collect waste materials, convert them into standard materials, and manufacture parts!

The oxygen acetylene has been used up, and the cutting of scrapped cars cannot be carried out, so Lin Yu can only look for some small scraps to purify and transform!

I went to the surrounding shops, took the sledgehammer in my hand, and started to hit these metal objects.

Even those rolling shutter doors are not spared!

In one afternoon, two shops around the workshop were looted, and the scene was a mess!

And when these materials began to be transformed, my temporary manufacturing station had already completed the manufacturing of circuit boards!

The next step is to manufacture the magnets.

Because unlocking the first technology electromagnetism requires ten standard coils,

And two magnets and a copper block can make two standard coils!

So now, Lin Yu has all the necessary conditions to unlock electromagnetism!

After putting away the ten simple circuit boards, Lin Yu continued to choose to manufacture circuit boards.

In the initial technology tree, the demand for circuit boards is still relatively large!

Each of the four technologies: basic logistics system, basic manufacturing process, automated metallurgy, and electromagnetic matrix requires ten circuit boards, which adds up to forty!

Now I already have ten. To make ten more, I need twenty more.

Therefore, you must prepare the materials required for these basic technologies in advance!

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