In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 133 Sunshine, Rockets and Spaceships

Remember in one second【】

June 21st in the Qiankun calendar is foggy.

Although it is located in a plain, the weather also changed suddenly. Yesterday, it was still cloudy. When Jiang Wen got up this morning, he found that it was foggy and there was no one visible five meters away.

Such heavy fog is also a troublesome thing for Jiang Wen, so after this situation occurs, he can only order the team to postpone their departure.

On Lin Yu's side, the sunshine began to appear.

Looking at the nuclear dust layer that has become much thinner after cleaning, this morning, sunlight finally shone down from some holes.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu was very excited. After coming to Aquamarine Star for so long, he finally saw the sunshine again.

The other residents in the base were also very surprised. They did not expect to see the sun again in their lifetime.

Everyone put down what they were doing and cheered.

Duan Weiguo, who was training at the base, was also very excited. Although it was just ordinary sunshine, in Duan Weiguo's eyes, it was the light of hope.

After seeing the sunshine, these people also worked harder and wanted to make the base better.

After Lin Yu saw this, he also knew that it was time to start space exploration.

Come to the power research station, where Lin Yu will conduct in-depth research on the existing thrusters and improve their performance so that they can fly out of the Aqua Blue Star.

In the power laboratory, Lin Yu opened the rocket model that had been prepared.

Previously, the thrusters were not unlocked, so Lin Yu's initial plan was to follow the traditional method of building a satellite and launch it into space to obtain some data on Aquamarine.

With the thruster unlocked, Lin Yu also knew that he could already build a spacecraft in the atmosphere.

After unlocking the afterburner thruster, the knowledge that entered his mind successfully allowed Lin Yu to connect the previous and the next and understand how to transform the thruster and become the engine of the spacecraft.

Comparing the engine technologies of other civilizations in his mind, Lin Yu can intuitively see how powerful the Dyson Sphere civilization is in its application of energy and materials.

Although the advanced level of a thruster in the atmosphere is not very high for these civilizations, the technology of the Dyson sphere civilization is a bit incredible. It only takes two units of steel and three units of copper blocks to make a thruster. , it seems impossible when I think about it.

The Dyson Sphere Civilization did just that, and its total weight was only 5 tons, but the thrust it generated reached 100 tons. It can be said to be very powerful.

Looking at these parameters, Lin Yu also threw the rocket design into the trash can and started a new design.

This time, Lin Yu plans to adopt the sci-fi shape of the spaceship, as seen in movies and TV series.

Among them, Lin Yu drew on a game he played before and used the Punisher in the 13th movie as a model to design a new spaceship.

Because it is only an experimental version of the spaceship, many weapon systems can be removed. In the game, the Punisher is also equipped with many Tornado fighters and Jackal fighters, so this can also be eliminated.

However, Lin Yu does not intend to reduce the armor. After all, the situation in the universe is very complicated, and thicker armor will not go wrong.

After the body was strengthened, the memory in Lin Yu's mind was also strengthened a lot, so in this case, the data of the Punisher was quickly recalled by Lin Yu.



637 meters long and 75 meters high

In terms of armaments:

It is equipped with a large number of multiple rocket launchers, missile bays and point defense guns, and carries a large number of Jackal fighters, which can release small transport drones to replenish ammunition for the Jackals.

There are two hangars, one for carrying fighter aircraft and the other for landing operations.


These are just some basic data, but these are enough.

Because propellers are used as the power source, there is no need to consider too much aerodynamic layout.

Lin Yu used a thought reading device to transmit the appearance of the Punisher in his mind.

Afterwards, Lin Yu threw this picture to King Pan and asked him to optimize the appearance of the entire spacecraft based on a reasonable mechanical mechanism.

As for other important components, Lin Yu designed them accordingly.

The first is the energy system.

Such a large spaceship is a bit underpowered when using electricity.

Although in the Dyson Sphere game, the interstellar transport spaceship also uses electrical energy, it is also an interstellar version of a battery.

This battery is so powerful that it can be used as the Punisher's energy system.

But everything has two sides. For such a powerful energy system, the corresponding materials are difficult to find, at least not on Aquamarine.

In order to ensure battery life, Lin Yu chose to use hydrogen fuel rods as energy source.

As for the power system, the thrusters were upgraded before and a new thruster was designed - the Tianma ht1 thruster.

The Tianma-1 thruster generates huge thrust and can push over thousands of tons of weight into space.

Of course, the full version of the afterburner thruster is more powerful. A single afterburner thruster can easily push a weight of 10,000 tons into space.

Moreover, after using a large space elevator such as an interstellar logistics station, the load capacity is larger because it is in the microgravity environment of space.

Using the Punisher as a model, the verification spacecraft designed by Lin Yu had an empty weight of only one thousand

^0^ Remember in one second【】

tons, length 100 meters, width 30 meters,

After using two Tianma-1 models as power, Lin Yu can also have an extra one thousand tons of carrying capacity for mining lunar resources.

Then there are other life support systems and self-defense weapon systems.

In order to cultivate future talents, Lin Yu did not design an unmanned spacecraft, which must be driven by at least two people.

Because of the small number of people, Lin Yu could only make the spacecraft more automated, allowing the ship-borne intelligence to land from the air on its own.

After completing the rough framework, Lin Yu handed it all over to Panwang for optimization.

At this time, King Pan has improved greatly.

In the game, matrix research stations can be superimposed, and then the computing power will also be superimposed.

Under this characteristic, after Lin Yu superimposed three matrix research stations, Panwang's computing power has reached a hundred times that of the previous Blue Star Tianhe-2.

Such a huge computing power is very sufficient for Lin Yu to use alone.

Just when Pan Wang was going to optimize, Lin Yu also came to the manufacturing area.

At this time, in the corner of the manufacturing area, a round and thick object was lying there. If you look closely, it is clearly a rocket.

This was specially made by Lin Yu in order to master the low-Earth orbit parameters as soon as possible.

Now, although the design of a new spacecraft has begun, Lin Yu will not waste this rocket.

Previously, Lin Yu built a satellite equipped with a converter from neutrino communication to electromagnetic wave communication, which could connect two different communication systems.

And this device is to allow King Pan to directly control other remaining satellites in space.

At this point, the rocket and satellite are built and ready for the first launch.

Moreover, the nearby nuclear dust has almost been cleaned up, and the launch conditions are fully met.

Seeing that everything was ready, Lin Yu also began to command the large engineering robot to transport the rocket to the launch site at the air force base.

In the afternoon, at the Air Force launch site, a thick rocket stood in the launch site.

On the control tower of the space base, Lin Yu stood on the viewing stand, while others were also watching.

As for the operations, they are all operated by the eight-claw robot controlled by Panwang.

This kind of robot is also specially designed to perform some precise control purposes. It can control multiple aspects at the same time, which is very convenient.

When everything is ready, the last ten seconds countdown officially begins.








"Rocket launch, start the engines!"

"The engine started successfully and the rocket began to take off... The attitude is stable and the signal is normal!"

"The No. 1 hydrogen fuel rod ran out of fuel and began to break away...the breakaway was successful!"

"The No. 2 hydrogen fuel rod ran out of fuel and the separation was successful."

"The rocket has entered the predetermined orbit and started to release the satellite."

"The satellite is released successfully. The lunar probe starts the attitude engine and adjusts the orbit... After the adjustment is completed, start the power engine and head to the moon."

"The remaining satellites have entered the intended orbit, sir, the launch was successful."

"Okay, start searching for satellite signals immediately, looking for special satellites."

"Yes, show!"

Seeing Pan Wang going about his business, Lin Yu also turned to face the air force personnel here.

"Comrades, this launch was a complete success."

"Bah bang bang!"

Everyone clapped with joy on their faces. Everyone present knew that after Lin Yu mastered the rocket launch technology, it represented that the Republic of Qiankun had regained control of the right to speak in the sky.

After encouraging the air force officers and soldiers, Lin Yu also left here.

On the other side, in space, the conversion satellite launched by Lin Yu flew to the designated location.

Because Aquamarine is spherical, Lin Yu launched three neutrino-to-electromagnetic wave satellites. After occupying three directions respectively, they can cover the whole world.

After the three satellites are in place, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com At this time, all the electromagnetic wave signals of the satellites in orbit were received by Panwang.

Back at the electromagnetic research station, Pan Wang also reported on the current situation.

"Sir, all the satellites in orbit have been cracked and controlled by me. Among these satellites, I found three special satellites, which are a space-based weapon of the Eagle Federation's Staff of God, and two space-based weapons of the Republic of Qiankun. .

All three satellites are space-based kinetic energy weapons with considerable power. "

After listening to the report, Lin Yu nodded, but he almost knew what was going on with these satellites.

In the final nuclear war, the officials of Skynet and Qiankun Republic were probably unable to connect to their own satellites in the sky, so they were not used.

Now, these three satellites belong to Lin Yu.

At this time, Lin Yu could finally say loudly that he had completely established a firm foothold on this planet.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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