In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 15 Return to the Refuge

In the small town workshop, Lin Yu put away the three nanoballs in front of him and began to sort out the supplies in the house.

Because the subsequent technology unlocking also requires items such as gears, Lin Yu also invested 20 iron blocks to make a batch of gears.

After Lin Yu loaded all the supplies onto the tricycle, Lin Yu checked the situation of the temporary recovery device!

After seeing that all the waste products had been transformed, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

After transporting this new batch of materials to the car, the tricycle's load-bearing limit is almost reached!

"I originally wanted to dismantle the temporary recovery device, but it seems I have to wait until next time!"

Lin Yu looked at the temporary recycling device in front of him and shook his head slightly!

The same is true for the temporary manufacturing platform on the side. This time there is no way to transport it!

"But just in case, it's better to remove the motherboard. This way, others will not be able to use the device if they get it!"

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu decided to remove all the circuit boards on the equipment.

In this way, it doesn't matter even if someone discovers this place. As long as the motherboard is there, Lin Yu can make another one at any time!

Among the materials this time, the most important thing is iron. This is the most collected material.

Although I have used a lot in the past few days, I still have a lot of stock.

The second most important thing is the car battery.

In the process of dismantling scrapped cars, Lin Yu collected a lot of sensors and car batteries.

Lin Yu also checked and determined that it was a lead-acid battery.

Moreover, the volume is much larger than ordinary electric vehicle batteries. Lin Yu dismantled more than a dozen scrapped vehicles and obtained a total of fourteen discarded car batteries.

After these batteries are returned to the shelter, Lin Yu can completely rebuild them and turn them into high-performance lead-acid batteries!

While making gears at the temporary manufacturing bench, Lin Yu also went out again and went to the surrounding hardware stores to see if he could find magnets!

Sometimes, people's luck comes and they can't stop it.

In a nearby hardware store, Lin Yu found a box of strong magnets.

This kind of magnet is usually bought by people who like to fish in the river.

Because of the strong magnetic force, most metal substances can be adsorbed.

This box has not been split yet, so Lin Yu guessed that the boss had just purchased the goods and had not had time to sell them!

After preliminary estimation, if all this box is recycled, twenty or thirty magnets should be obtained.

"This time's collection is comparable to the total number of scrapped cars dismantled before. It's really important to find the right direction!"

Looking at the permanent magnets in front of him, Lin Yu was a little speechless. He had worked so hard to dismantle scrapped cars and only got ten magnets.

But this time it was just an accident to get so many magnets. It was really a twist of fate.

Although he found so many magnets, Lin Yu did not stop looking.

The temporary manufacturing bench in the workshop is still working. I can't go back now, so I might as well continue collecting supplies.

Anyway, the tricycle still has some spare capacity, so it’s okay to add some small things!

In the next hour, Lin Yu searched a total of three hardware stores.

Although there are a lot of things inside, the tricycle's load capacity is limited, and Lin Yu did not collect some large items, only small items.

The most important thing is the collection of permanent magnets.

In bits and pieces, Lin Yu also collected almost ten pieces.

After the collection, Lin Yu returned to the workshop, prioritized the recycling of permanent magnets, and obtained magnet blocks one by one.

Then after the gears were manufactured, Lin Yu used the manufacturing bench to manufacture a batch of ten coils again.

After recycling other waste products, the coil is also manufactured!

After packing up the coils and other things, it was getting late, and Lin Yu was ready to set off!

And just as Lin Yu was packing his things, far away in the air-raid shelter on the other side of the town, the two brothers from the previous survivor family also made preparations and set off in a van!

Although the road in the wasteland is difficult to walk, as a sacred car, it is still very solid!

When they arrived at the other side of the town, Lin Yu had just left the town, riding a tricycle farther and farther!

On the way, Lin Yu was in a very happy mood. He hummed songs along the way and returned to the shelter leisurely.

But what he didn't know was that not long after he left the town on his tricycle, several mutant rats crawled out of a hole in the ground on the edge of the town.

This was a newly dug hole, and these mutant mice were attracted by Lin Yu's activities!

The vibrations caused by the operation of these machines were transmitted to the ground and were captured by several mutant mice not far away!

In order to find food, these mice also dig holes here.

When a mutant mouse comes out, you can see that the size of the mutant mouse is now comparable to that of an average medium-sized dog!

One of the mutated mice sniffed the air, and then screamed in the direction Lin Yu left!

Several other mice were attracted by the brothers driving a van.

Because there was more movement here, the last few mutant mice were divided into two waves. The largest mouse chased in the direction Lin Yu left,

The other three smaller mutated mice headed towards the two brothers who were coming!

As for Lin Yu, look for Shuyuan www. After showing his driving skills on the complicated road, he quickly arrived at the shelter,

Park the tricycle in front of the shelter door, open the shelter door and ride the tricycle inside just like last time.

In the living room, Lin Yu got out of the car and started unloading the goods.

Carry all the purified materials into the warehouse one by one, and then pile them up against the wall of the warehouse according to type!

In addition to these, Lin Yu also put those parts on the shelves according to type!

Then, looking at the fourteen scrap batteries in the car, Lin Yu thought for a while and put them in the warehouse.

The last is the biggest harvest of this time, ten already manufactured coils, forty circuit boards, and thirty gears.

This batch of supplies is enough for Lin Yu to start the most basic automatic manufacturing.

But before that, Lin Yu still needs to ensure that the shelter has sufficient power.

So looking at the three nano-eggs he got, Lin Yu was very excited.

Putting down the mining machine nano-egg in his hand, and holding the two nano-egg of the wind turbine and the electric induction tower, Lin Yu also left the shelter, preparing to place these two power devices.

Of course, when leaving the shelter, Lin Yu did not forget to carry a military crossbow for self-defense. , everything is for safety!

Arriving outside the shelter, Lin Yu climbed towards the hillside above the shelter.

After searching for a while, Lin Yu saw a very suitable place.

This is a sunken mountain valley. The height of the entire wind turbine is six meters, and this valley can hide the wind turbine very well.

In addition, in the wasteland world, there are basically no threats from the sky, so it is very safe here, and it is not far from your refuge.

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