In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 154 Warship docks at port

Remember in one second【】

After Jiang Wen and others left, in a secret base in the distance, a group of engineering robots shuttled tirelessly on the three warships.

The initial design of these three warships must have required a lot of manpower to operate.

But today's goal is to transform it into a highly automated driving method.

During the navigation process, the conditions of the ocean need to be monitored in real time and various parameters should be adjusted at any time to ensure navigation safety.

Therefore, it is relatively difficult to transform.

First of all, various equipment that originally required manual activation, except for some equipment that requires mechanical control, other electronic control equipment have been equipped with integrated modules that can be controlled remotely.

Of course, these modules are wireless devices and can transmit power and control remotely.

Because he did not build his own battleship, King Pan could only use this relatively primitive method.

After the warship is launched and returned to the base, more in-depth modifications can be carried out.

The mechanical and manual equipment on site are naturally operated by some engineering robots, working with the main control computer to drive the battleship.

During the transformation period, Jiang Wen also returned to Jiang Xinzhou with Dr. Jinmu.

After getting off the plane, looking at the huge airport and the numerous Snapdragons and Eagles at a glance, I sighed in my heart that this is indeed the remaining strength of the country, and its foundation is strong.

Just as the equipment was being moved, a Kunpeng ship also arrived at the airport here, preparing to load and unload supplies.

When he saw the huge hull and flight mode, Dr. Kaneki was also stunned.

"Is this something we created recently?"

Unconsciously, Dr. Kaneki's words changed from "you" to "we".

From here, Dr. Kaneki has completely lost all doubts, or in other words, he has accepted this self-proclaimed official force from his heart.

When Jiang Wen brought Dr. Jinmu to see Lin Yu, Jinmu was surprised to see such a young person in charge.

"Dr. Kaneki, welcome to your arrival. Inviting you here in this way is also a last resort.

This is the last top-secret order sent by the Supreme Central Committee, announcing the official launch of our 404 warehouse. You can take a look and identify the authenticity. "

Lin Yu handed Secret Order No. 01 to Dr. Kaneki and asked him to identify the authenticity.

Kaneki took it and took a look and found that it was indeed a real secret order, with the signatures and seals of the supreme leaders of various generations on it.

Seeing this, a big stone in Jin Mu's heart finally fell.

"Commander Lin Yu, Jin Mu from the 101 Research Institute, along with his subordinate researchers, are reporting to you!"

"Dr. Kaneki is too polite. Everyone is working together so that this nation can be revived again.

Dr. Kaneki, come with me. I will prepare a new exclusive laboratory for you. The various instruments in it will definitely be no worse than what you had before. "

"Okay, thank you very much, Commander."

The group of people followed Lin Yu to the newly built research station. Its properties are similar to those of the previous 101 Research Institute. They are all equipment and instruments in the field of electromagnetism and energy.

When Dr. Kaneki saw the instruments and equipment in the institute, he was very surprised and hurried over to check them out.

After inspecting these instruments one by one, Jin Mu determined that the research equipment here was much more advanced than his previous 101 Research Institute, and was enough for him to conduct more advanced scientific research.

Seeing the addicted Jin Mu, Lin Yu did not disturb him, called his deputy, explained some things, and left here.

When Jin Mu came back to his senses and found that Lin Yu had left, he was a little embarrassed and quickly asked his assistant if Lin Yu had explained anything important before leaving.

"Doctor, Commander Lin Yu has told you to rest for a few days,"

"Commander underestimates me too much. There are so many strong winds and waves coming. How can it be difficult for me to rush around a little bit? Tell the commander that I will start researching it right away. I will definitely give him a surprise."

"Okay, Doctor!"

After receiving the report from his assistant, Lin Yu was looking forward to what kind of surprise Dr. Kaneki could give him in the end.

These top scientists often just suffer from the limitations of the times and are unable to reach greater heights.

This limitation includes not only manufacturing technology, but also cultural heritage, social values, etc.

Sometimes, a small accidental factor can lead to a technological explosion. Similarly, such accidental factors can also cause technological stagnation or even regression.

Looking back, after Jiang Wen safely delivered Dr. Kaneki and others, and repaired for a day, he continued to set off to the next location.

This time, they went to an unusual location in the hinterland of the Qiankun Republic. We will talk about what they will encounter here later.


On September 20th in the Qiankun calendar, at a temporary harbor next to the Jiangxinzhou base, three warships were approaching and slowly docked at the port.

In ten days, with the help of powerful engineering robots, three warships were finally converted into automated driving mode.

And as the huge door on the side facing the ocean opened in the belly of the mountain at No. 1, seawater began to pour in.

At the same time, as the seawater pours in, the space above the door is also quickly opened, so that the door is always wide enough to

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Let the battleships go out.

From here, we can also see why this is a small aircraft carrier.

After all, the space is not big, so we can only adopt this solution.

When there is enough sea water to float all three warships, they can finally move away from here.

After the destroyer was activated first, the remaining battleships and small aircraft carriers were also activated one after another.

Under the control of the intelligent program and in cooperation with some of the robots left behind on the warship, the destroyer quickly passed through the gate and drove outside with superb skills.

After traveling a certain distance outside, the destroyer stopped and waited for the battleships and aircraft carriers to come out to facilitate the formation sailing.

In this way, after all three warships came out, they completed the formation, loaded with ammunition, and sailed towards Jiangxinzhou under the escort of more than a dozen Night Owls.

After a day of sailing, Lin Yu finally saw these three warships in this port.

"Pan King, are the renovation docks ready?"

"Sir, it is ready and ready for use."

"Very good. Although the ground warship this time is only a surface ship, with a slight structural modification, it can be turned into an air unit and can completely complete the navigation mission in low-Earth orbit."

"Yes, sir, this transformation dock is large enough to accommodate the transformation of three warships at the same time. Model calculations show that after we have a complete hull, it saves us a lot of time. It only takes three months. The renovation can be done.”

"Well, let the people take a look at these three large ships to enhance their confidence."

"Yes sir!"

Next, the previous scene appeared. Three warships docked at the port, which made the people very excited.

I always thought that the coastal defense forces of the Qiankun Republic had been completely destroyed in the war, but I didn't expect that there were still some left, so when they saw this place, the people felt at ease.

As the three warships left, the place gradually fell into calm. The crowd dispersed and continued their previous work.

After the three departing warships entered the renovated dock, they were directly lifted up by the large machinery inside and suspended in mid-air.

Lin Yu also came here. Looking at the warships being erected, he also felt that it was a dock that was transformed from a basic manufacturing platform. Its performance was so powerful that even a giant ship of 10,000 tons could be erected directly without any effort.

After looking at the renovation plan and confirming that there were no major problems, he turned around and left to deal with other matters.

Behind Lin Yu, you can also see a detailed introduction to the transformation plan.

These three warships will all be converted into air battleships capable of space navigation.

Among them, after the aircraft carrier no longer needs to float in the water, the hull at the bottom to ensure buoyancy can be removed, and other equipment can be added, such as various main guns or defensive secondary guns located below.

The same goes for other battleships and destroyers, and they can all be modified in this way.

The driving engines in the middle of the warship can all be removed and a weakened version of its own afterburner thruster added.

As for weapons, needless to say, aircraft carriers will naturally add a lot of small unmanned aircraft as a means of long-range attack, while battleships will transform their artillery systems into electromagnetic guns as their main means of attack.

As for the destroyer, Panwang plans to increase its mobility and serve as an assault and cover role.

After reading the transformation plan, Lin Yu suddenly discovered that he had not unlocked new technology for a long time, and all the materials produced were used for expansion and development.

Therefore, there are not many electromagnetic and energy matrices in Lin Yu's hands.

Moreover, many technologies cannot be unlocked simply by unlocking them. Materials are also a big problem. Find the book garden

Therefore, the three warships this time are also a timely blessing for Lin Yu. After the transformation, they can be used as temporary cargo spacecraft to transport some materials from the moon.

Therefore, in this transformation, these three warships have reserved part of the space as a place to carry materials.

Even the ammunition depot has been freed up to store supplies.

Fortunately, the materials produced from the lunar base are all standard modules and can be filled to the brim, otherwise the cost-effectiveness of a single shipment would be very low.

On the other side, after Lin Yu returned to the command room, he did not immediately check the technologies that needed to be unlocked in the future. Instead, he first checked the recent situation of Skynet and the Resistance Army.

The war had dragged on for such a long time, and Lin Yu felt that it was time to end the battle.

After he entered the space age, he had no time to pay attention to these things. In order not to be involved in his future energy, Lin Yu planned to take a look at the situation on both sides first, and then formulate a battle plan to quickly resolve both sides.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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