In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 174 Destroyers roll off the assembly line in batches

After the genetic virus for the nail-shooting beast was developed, everything became a foregone conclusion, and the demise of the nail-shooting beast was only a matter of time.

Unless you can mutate again, evolve or degenerate into a quadruple helix or double helix organism, you can escape the pursuit of genetic viruses.

However, after Xia Lan's research, she knew that this situation was impossible. Unless human intervention occurred, natural evolution alone and the current speed of virus transmission would not give these nail-shooting beasts time to evolve.

So after the nail-shooting beasts on the front line died in large numbers, the clearing began.

A large number of hound robots entered the battlefield, went to the nail-shooting beasts, and began to clean up the headless bodies of the nail-shooting beasts.

At the scene, in addition to clearing the battlefield of enemy hounds, the guardians also acted in unison and went to the seaside to establish a new front.

Because the genetic virus had just been released and the effects had not yet been fully demonstrated, in order to prevent these nail-shooting beasts from launching a deadly counterattack, the headquarters ordered troops at all levels not to relax their vigilance.

In fact, this order was issued very timely. In some surrounding positions, many nail-shooting beasts went crazy before dying. All the infected nail-shooting beasts swarmed up and escaped directly from the mother queen's control.

Because the existing genetic virus has a process from the infection to the final elimination of the nail-shooting beasts, and this process gives these nail-shooting beasts time to fight back before death.

Fortunately, the order was issued immediately, saving these frontline soldiers who were ready to relax their vigilance from disaster.

In the end, after all the nail-shooting beasts on the land were eliminated, the second batch of pharmaceuticals was produced. This time, these pharmaceuticals were sent directly to each base, and after being diluted, they were sprayed directly on site.

When Xia Lan led the team in the Biological Research Institute to develop the water-based genetic virus, the nail-shooting beast tribe established on the seabed also ushered in the end.

Because the battle in the southern sea area has just ended, and there are still nail-shooting beasts under the ocean that cannot be completely eliminated because they are hiding in the sea.

Therefore, after the water-based genetic virus was developed, a batch of drugs was immediately manufactured and sent to the front line.

When the medicine arrived at the front line, it was used immediately to see the effect.

Under the sea near the island, in the habitat of the nail-shooting beasts, a group of nail-shooting beasts began to be affected by the genetic virus.

If there are deep-sea detectors nearby, you can see that some of the nail-shooting beasts that are eating suddenly become very painful, and their reactions are the same as those on land.

Since there are no humans or other creatures, this group of nail-shooting beasts that became crazy due to the pain of being infected with the genetic virus began to attack their own kind around them.

In the sea area, a large number of nail-shooting beasts began to kill each other due to pain, and all the broken limbs were flying in the sea.

And all this scene, the command center can only know indirectly through some movements on the sea surface.

The underwater machine has not approached the area where the nail-shooting beast is for the time being, and is planning to wait until everything returns to calm before going there. 0

Soon, the day passed. By this time, the sea surface had returned to calm, and under the sea surface, the remaining scavengers were also cleaning up various impurities in the sea water.

Another good thing about the nail-shooting beasts killed by the genetic virus is that after the genes are defeated, the body of the dead nail-shooting beast no longer has the poison.

Although humans will not eat it, at least it will not cause too much pollution to the environment.

Especially in the water, once the nail-shooting beast dies and the toxins in its body merge into the water, it will cause a state of ecological extinction in the nearby sea area for several years.

Looking back, after the sea surface returned to calm, the command headquarters asked the undersea robot to continue setting off to explore the previously discovered gathering place of nail-shooting beasts to see if there were still nail-shooting beasts surviving.

After the undersea robot approached, the situation at the scene made the people at the headquarters heave a sigh of relief.

In this settlement, a large number of headless nail-shooting beasts fell to the bottom of the sea. Among them, there was a particularly huge nail-shooting beast lying on the sea bed. The huge egg-laying organ in its abdomen showed that this nail-shooting beast It’s the Queen Mother.

At this time, the command center can also confirm that one of the tribes of nail-shooting beasts has been completely eliminated.

At this time, the visibility in the sea was already very clear, and the scavengers had cleaned up the floating debris.

After determining the final results, the headquarters also began to use neutrino satellites in space to conduct three-dimensional detection of the entire area and project it onto the huge three-dimensional map of the headquarters.

With the neutrino detection satellite, all the nail-shooting beast tribes in the sea have been clearly detected.

After determining the location, Nightingale was directly dispatched to carry the remaining water-based genetic virus to the sea above the corresponding target point for release.

As the glass bottles were opened one by one, the transparent liquid inside fell directly into the sea.

In the microscopic world, as these genetic viruses continued to fall, they finally landed on a nail-shooting beast.

As the virus pierced the skin tissue of the nail-shooting beast and entered the body, the end of the tribe began.

Soon, the infected nail-shooting beast exploded painfully, and a large number of genetic viruses quickly rushed to the nearby nail-shooting beast along with the exploded debris.

Without the knowledge of these nail-shooting beasts, they quickly became infected.

In the end, in less than a day, the nail-shooting beast tribe here was directly wiped out, leaving a mess on the ground just like the previous tribe.

Although the water-based genetic virus acts very quickly and violently, it does not mean that this genetic virus will only exist for a short time.

Under natural conditions, as long as Xia Lan does not activate the self-destruction program, this water-based genetic virus can exist for more than ten years.

And such a long time is enough for it to spread to the entire planet's sea area, and find Shuyuan to completely exterminate the nail-shooting beast.

So after researching all the air and water bases, Xia Lan could finally breathe a sigh of relief and take a big vacation to rest.

Lin Yu also focused on the destroyer that was about to roll off the assembly line.

After such a long time, the one hundred destroyers that were started at the same time have also come to an end and are about to roll off the production line.

As the first type of destroyer that can truly be regarded as a space battleship, its combat capabilities are definitely not as small as its size.

So Lin Yu has always had high hopes for it.

"Pan King, all operators are ready" x

"Sir, all preparations have been completed. Including combat personnel, a total of 3,000 personnel have been prepared."

"Very good. In this way, our space defense force has been initially established. Next, it is time to start the construction of large-scale defense facilities."

"Yes sir, the personnel and materials in this area have been prepared and can start at any time!"

"Very good, then let's announce this simultaneously on the day we go offline."

"Yes, sir!"div

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