After the war with Varen and the annihilation of the expeditionary force, and with the encirclement of the star ring, the Aquamarine Galaxy fell into calm, and various development and construction were also carried out in an orderly manner.

The best thing they did in this war was not letting the flames of war spread to Aquamarine.

Even the most recent one was only once bigger on the moon.

Moreover, it lasted only about a day, which was short-lived, and most of the time was only in the process of rushing, and the actual fighting time was also very short.

However, it did not affect Aqua Blue Star, and it only frightened the people on Aqua Blue Star. No one was injured.

Even if some debris floated over, they were destroyed by the defense equipment in outer space, and there was no chance of falling into Aquamarine.

However, this battle also made Lin Yu see his own shortcomings.

The first is that the manufacturing speed of battleships is insufficient. The number of high-end battleships is not large, only a short hundred.

The second is that the combat effectiveness of the battleship is not very sufficient, and the firepower and armor defense are still lacking in some places.

At the same time, there is also a very important problem, that is, the development of land armor units is seriously lagging behind.

In the interstellar era, traditional tracked and wheeled tanks can no longer meet the requirements of all-terrain.

So combining existing technology, Lin Yu thought of manufacturing mechas, a land combat unit.

And there is no need to build a hundred-meter-tall mecha like in the movie.

The land combat mecha in Lin Yu's mind is just a large armored unit on land controlled by one person, similar to the Titan in the game Titanfall.

Use plasma cannonballs and plasma rockets as the main means of attack.

Moreover, the anti-gravity devices installed on the legs allow this kind of mecha to cross various terrains, such as mountains, cliffs, rivers, etc., and can directly fly over them.

Under this standard configuration, a jet device can also be installed on the back. On some planets with lower gravity, it can fly directly to the outside of the planet, truly realizing the integration of space, ground and space.

Of course, this kind of mecha is completely achievable with current technology, and Lin Yu only quickly designed it after integrating some technologies with Pan Wang.

These are all incidental, I just thought of it and designed it casually when designing a new battleship.

In addition to mechas, Lin Yu directly handed over the combat equipment of the Marines to the Weapons Research Institute for upgrading. He was also beginning to solve the current problems with Pan Wang.

The first is the issue of manufacturing battleships.

Because today's warship manufacturing still uses the traditional manufacturing process, which is to manufacture parts and then assemble them.

There is no way to change this. No matter how far it develops, you have to go through this level.

Sometimes, the strength of some parts when molded at one time is not as good as when they are assembled into multiple parts.

Therefore, the necessary steps must still be taken, unless it can be developed to the point of direct material reorganization in the future, then the battleship can be directly grown.

Although the method cannot be changed, the only way is to find a way in the process.

As mentioned above, some places are not strong enough after one-time molding, but there is no problem if this kind of parts is used in some insignificant places internally.

Lin Yu also smiled at this situation. He didn't expect that he used to hate cutting corners, but now he is actually doing "cutting corners" too.

However, there is no way to do this. The original design did exceed the standard in some places.

Just like when I was in Blue Star Land, I was researching missiles. When the range was not enough, I added a lot of fuel, but the improvement effect was not great. On the contrary, I reduced the fuel command, but shot farther.

Some of the scientific mysteries are surprising.

In addition to these process improvements, another option is to expand the manufacturing plant area.

Since time cannot be improved much, you can add a large number of manufacturing bases.

Trading time for quantity is still very advisable.

However, this time the expansion included both destroyers and cruisers. Lin Yu directly expanded the ships at a ratio of two to one.

The ultimate goal is to roll off 2,000 destroyers and 1,000 cruisers every six months.

Today's cruisers and destroyers are not very large, and the most precious resource used is titanium.

Lin Yu has a lot of these resources, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being, so this goal is completely achievable.

However, starting from the next level of battleship, it is not so easy to manufacture.

First of all, battleships of this level were named battleships by Lin Yu. Battleships of this level are completely the core battleships of a fleet.

Moreover, this kind of warship has strong firepower and is a good hand in attacking difficult situations.

But again, the manufacturing of this kind of warship is quite complex and very difficult.

According to the previous naming method, this battleship was named Qinglong-class battleship.

Since it is a main battleship, its firepower will be very powerful, and an energy main gun can no longer meet the requirements.

Therefore, this Qinglong-class battleship has two sets of main guns at the front and rear. Each set of main guns is composed of three energy main guns. The power of a single main gun is twice as powerful as the main gun of today's cruisers.

There is no way, who calls the battleship huge? The design requirements alone are ten kilometers long, five kilometers wide, and three kilometers high.

Such a large volume can completely accommodate this main gun.

For such a large warship, ordinary small fusion reactors can no longer meet its usage requirements. Large fusion reactors are built directly inside, and there are two of them.

Only in this way can this energy-devouring behemoth be able to operate.

Moreover, during the design, Lin Yu also reserved a part of the space so that he could replace it with an artificial sun after studying antimatter in the future.

As for such a huge battleship, it doesn't take just a few hundred people to launch it.

In the design, the rated number of members of a Qinglong-class battleship is 3,050.

These people are only those who control the warship, not including ground combat personnel.

If a Marine Corps is added, the number can reach 5,000.

There are so many living supplies every day.

Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainability of supplies, there is an ecological park inside the battleship that can provide daily food for two thousand people to assist in the supply of supplies.

With this design, the natural protection must also be an energy shield.

Although Lin Yu and Pan Wang have not yet come up with the research these days, they have handed over these issues to the following researchers for help in research.

I am studying new battleships to calm my mind and avoid getting into trouble.

And in addition to the protective shield, there is also high-strength armor as the last line of defense.

The material used in this kind of armor is the degenerate material that Lin Yu obtained after unlocking the strange matter and then started to create the degenerate material. The performance is very powerful.

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