
"Zhao Yuan."


"28 years old."

"Farewell first?"


"The purpose of this operation?"

"Explore the granary fifty kilometers away to see if there is any remaining food in it."

"What's going on with your special powers?"

"I don't know. I just woke up suddenly. After a long period of training, I can use it skillfully."

A simple interrogation, and I learned a little bit about these people.

"What major forces are around?"

"There are three large forces, five medium forces, more than ten small forces and some idle survivors around."

"How do you divide the size of the power?"

“Mainly individuals and families, usually one to five people, are defined as idlers.

More than five people and less than 50 people are small forces.

There are more than 50 people and less than 200 people, which is a medium-sized force.

Those with more than 200 people and less than 500 people are large forces.

But this is not absolute. As long as there is a superpower, it is a small force.

Five superpowers are a medium-sized force, and more than ten superpowers are a large-scale force.

Ordinary idle people will also join some forces to seek joint survival. "

"The scale is not big, so small."

"There is no way. Ordinary zombies are fine, but mutated zombies are too powerful. Once the number of people is too large, these mutated zombies will be attracted to them. Therefore, we strictly control the number of people in the base, and the most important thing is to develop superpowers."

"You know the names and spheres of influence of these forces. Draw them."


At first, the captured personnel did not intend to tell the truth and prepared to provide some false information, but they were immediately discovered by the interrogators.

So after experiencing the current stimulation, I started to explain honestly.

Of course, these superpowers also know that even if they don't confess, there's no guarantee that others won't be able to bear it.

You suffer the consequences, and in the end all the information is known to the other party, so why bother!

However, it was also related to the fact that these superpowers had not undergone strict training. They were all of the same skin color and had no deep hatred. Therefore, after being stimulated twice by electric current, they confessed directly.

After Zhao Yuan, the captain of the superpower team, finished explaining, Lin Yu got a complete map of the surrounding forces.

Fortunately, due to transportation and resources, this mountainous area has not been favored by these forces. Instead, it is on the edge of this area.

After knowing the news, Xia Lan also breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, she didn't have to worry about fighting for the time being, which would affect her research.

But now these superpowers are also a troublesome problem. If they are not released, the disappearance of these superpowers will definitely attract the attention of the other party. After sending people to investigate, they will definitely find their side.

If you put them back, it is very likely that the other party will come and attack you after they know that you have abused them.

Under this situation, Xia Lan felt that she was still suitable for research, but not suitable for managing such a huge base.

So he immediately returned to the main plane, contacted Lin Yu, and asked him to send people over to manage this place again.

This is exactly what Lin Yu wants. Xia Lan is not a manager, so even if she doesn't mention it, she will be called back after a while.

The personnel who want to be detained have already been prepared and can take over at any time.

Since Xia Lan took the initiative, he would also be a favor.

Soon the new takeover staff was in place, and the new person in charge of the base, Ying Ye, was also considering how to arrange these superpowers.

In the end, Yingye decided to let these superpower users go back, but they needed to be processed.

Soon, these superpowers were anesthetized again, and then put on thinking devices, preparing to delete the memories of this period.

With Xia Lan's operation, the memory deletion of these people with special powers was finally successfully completed.

After installing positioning and monitoring devices on these superpowers, Yingye sent people to send these superpowers to the route to their destination.

Soon, an hour passed. These superpowers slowly woke up, and their first reaction was to jump up immediately and assume a fighting posture.

After seeing the surrounding wilderness and the team members lying on the ground, he immediately called the team members up again.

In the new memories implanted in them, they encountered a large group of corpses and then fled here in embarrassment.

After being exhausted, he finally got rid of the group of corpses and took a short rest.

In order to make this memory more real, Ying Ye also arranged for a large group of corpses to chase them when they woke up.

Seeing the two giant zombies and more than a dozen swift zombies in the corpse group, these superpowers ran away again regardless of their fatigue.

At this point, these superhuman beings who were tired of running for their lives put aside the strangeness of their bodies. Only after they were completely rid of the corpse group did they have time to pay attention to their own situation.

After checking and confirming that there was no abnormality in their bodies, these teams of superpowers took a short rest and continued to set off.

And Ying Ye, who was watching the whole process, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and finally got over it.

"Command the engineering robot to suspend the construction and continue the construction after all the surrounding concealed equipment has been erected.

In addition, a biowave device developed by the Biological Research Institute to drive away zombies was erected to drive out all zombies around the mountainous area. "


Seeing that a problem was solved, Ying Ye began the next step of deployment.

The first is the concealment project. The trouble this time was that the construction site was discovered because it was not concealed.

As the new order was issued, the surrounding holographic simulation devices were erected directly, and the installation and debugging of all devices was completed in less than a day.

At the same time, sound-absorbing walls were built in eight directions to absorb the noise generated during construction.

As long as you don't get closer than fifty meters, you can't hear the slightest sound from the construction.

After doing all this, Ying Ye had no new orders for the time being. Instead, he looked at the distribution map of the surrounding forces obtained from previous interrogations.

In this area, various forces, large and small, have their own territories.

But in the final analysis, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. com is still surrounded by a super large city in the middle.

As a world-class super-large city, it is very rich in materials, but at the same time it is also very densely populated.

Before the virus outbreak, the resident population alone reached 20 million.

After the virus broke out, the city was paralyzed, and a small number of people inside later escaped.

The whole world is almost the same. The bigger the city, the fewer people run out.

And half a year is not long. There are still a lot of supplies in the entire city. As long as you are brave, you don't have to worry about resource shortages at all.

Of course, not everyone wanted to plunder the supplies of other survivors, but they were all attacked by other people.

After all, no one can guarantee that he will be weak, so this rule can be regarded as a guarantee for himself.

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