In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 258 Contact with local official forces

Because they could not enter the city wall without handing over their weapons, the family had no choice but to trust the city gate inspectors, hand over their weapons, and enter the base.

But when they actually entered, they realized that the inspectors had not lied to them.

Inside the city wall is a huge residential area built with shipping containers.

Originally, he was planning to build a house, but Ying Ye suddenly found a container distribution area, and simply reused the waste and transported all the containers. After modifying them, it became the current situation.

Soon, with the number plate given by the inspector, they found their residence.

In fact, containers are very beneficial as a place to live.

First of all, the cost is very low, and they are all intact containers.

When they were first discovered, after cleaning up the zombies in the distribution area, a lot of supplies were found in these containers.

After all these materials are taken out, the containers are stacked up in a certain way, three stories high, and there is no need to work hard to divide them into rooms, just one container and one family unit.

After the transformation of these containers, the innermost part is the bedroom, and the outermost part is the living room, kitchen, and bathroom, making it a simple one-bedroom and one-living room.

If the couple has no children, they can only be allocated such a container.

If you are a family of three, you can get a home with two containers combined.

This kind of residential area saves Yingye a lot of time.

Of course, this kind of container is only used in an excessive stage for the time being. After the real residence is completed later, those who have contributed to the base can apply to replace it with a house with better living conditions.

These are all methods to win over people's hearts. After determining the basic policy, Ying Ye also delegated it to his subordinates.

What I am concerned about is just how many people have gathered because of this zombie wave.

"Commander, as the surrounding corpses continue to be eliminated, we have gathered more than two hundred survivors.

Among them, there are 50 survivors with special powers, some strong and some weak. "

"Well, I understand. Although these people have very powerful abilities, in the final analysis, this situation is still caused by the virus.

Therefore, we are still cautious as we do not know whether excessive use of superpowers will lead to excessive amounts of viruses in the body.

These superpowers are still closely monitored and cannot be allowed to destroy randomly. "

"Yes, Commander!"

"How long will it take for the surrounding corpses to be cleared away?"

"Commander, according to the current cleanup plan, it is expected that all the surrounding corpses will be annihilated in one day.

In addition, after the zombie riot, the zombies in many small towns or counties have already left the town and have given up staying in the town.

Therefore, the zombie density in these places has been very low, with basically only thousands of ordinary zombies left. "

“What about bigger cities?”

"Commander, except for prefecture-level cities that are slightly larger than county towns, in other international big cities like Magic City, millions of zombies running out of them can only clear out a small area in the city. That’s all.

Moreover, these survivor groups around big cities have seized the opportunity and begun to search for supplies inside. "

The staff officer who spoke opened a screen and saw a large group of survivors in the city quickly searching for supplies in an area with sparse zombies.

But further away, the movement of these survivors searching for supplies has attracted the attention of zombies in the distance.

Zombies from other urban areas are also slowly spreading here.

Seeing this, Yingye waved his hand to close the screen and decided to send a team to the surrounding small cities and counties to collect all the supplies.

"How many transport vehicles do we have now?"

"Report to Commander, we have retrieved two hundred old-fashioned heavy trucks from the warehouse, which can transport two thousand tons of materials at a time."

"Okay, then arrange personnel to collect supplies from cities within two hundred kilometers that have been cleared of zombies.

Before a complete manufacturing area for daily necessities is established, we can only reduce the logistical pressure in this way. "

"Yes, Commander."

This time the group of corpses also attracted the attention of a large gathering place nearby.

This gathering place is an official gathering place, located on a high mountain, far away from the urban agglomeration.

But the gathering of corpses also attracted them.

After all, many previous gathering places were defeated by large-scale zombie groups.

Therefore, the official set the alarm threshold directly on the satellite. Once the group of moving zombies in the wild reaches a certain number, the alarm will be directly called.

When they saw so many zombies heading towards one point, they also observed the center point of the zombie route, but found nothing unusual.

In the end, seeing so many zombies, we didn't dare send anyone to check on the spot.

However, the surrounding cities were emptied out. The person in charge of the gathering place made a prompt decision and immediately organized people to set off, hoping to clear out all the supplies before the zombies could be gathered again in the city.

It is strange to say that these zombies are very keen to stay in the city and will not come out easily.

I don’t know when it started. They used to often wander in the wilderness, but six months after the apocalypse broke out, these zombies began to gradually gather in the city.

However, there is a very common situation, that is, these areas must be where mutated zombies are.

Previous experiments also showed that these ordinary zombies like to gather around mutant zombies.

Two flowers bloomed, and after both parties were ready, a slightly larger prefecture-level city was chosen as the first stop.

This prefecture-level city had a permanent population of 600,000. It was an eighteenth-tier small city.

Just because it was so close to the Demon City, it was impossible to keep the young people, and they all went to the Demon City.

Therefore, those who stay in the local area are either those who have been working abroad for a few years and are looking for Shuyuan to return home and develop steadily, or they have a house at home and work as a renter at home.

Therefore, the population is not very large, but with the Magic City at its back, the materials are extremely rich.

Moreover, this is also a strategic logistics base in the Magic City, and a large number of newly built granaries are here.

So the official first stop was here.

Soon, both parties set off at about the same time.

Enter from both sides of the city and walk on the main road two blocks apart.

And as both sides opened fire to eliminate the remaining scattered zombies, it was immediately known that there were others in the city.

Without figuring out which force is in the city, neither side will be able to collect supplies with peace of mind.

So both sides slowly approached each other, until after turning a corner, both sides saw each other.

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