In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 261 Large-Scale Development Plan

With the successful development of biochemical virus serum, it can be used on a large scale after eliminating side effects.

The only thing that needs to wait now is the large-scale preparation of biofactories.

Because it has just been confirmed in the laboratory that it has no side effects and can be used, but the process from laboratory to large-scale preparation is different.

So it will take some time to really start big development.

This time is just enough for Yingye to complete the new development plan.

"Qingxuan, how is the global exploration going?"

"Commander, the global map has been completed, and it is about the same area as our Aquablue Star.

Moreover, the ratio of land to ocean on the planet is seven to three, with only three layers of land being land and most of it being ocean.

However, there are many countries on this planet, more than two hundred of them.

The country we are in is one of the big countries, the Dragon Kingdom. "

"Well, have you sent this information back? Let those think tanks analyze it and see what we can do to get the maximum benefit."

"Commander, it has been submitted, and with the launch of the resource satellite, we have launched a global mineral exploration operation.

First of all, no less than ten mineral deposits have been discovered here. Although these mineral deposits are buried very deep underground, we have the technology to mine them. "

"Very good, although we have collected a lot of supplies this time due to the zombie tide, these supplies will be used up sooner or later.

We need to establish a complete mining base as soon as possible. We need all kinds of resources. "

"Copy that, Commander."

Soon, while waiting, Ying Ye made a new development plan and handed it over to Lin Yu.

Leaving the local plane, Lin Yu looked at the development plan submitted and was very satisfied.

In this plan, the first step is the location selection of the development area.

In the previous global reconnaissance, the existing survivor bases were analyzed.

Among them, the Dragon Kingdom has more than ten large bases that are operating normally.

In addition to these, there are also some small and medium-sized bases surrounding these bases, forming a dense distribution of bases.

So in fact, the Dragon Kingdom's official control over the entire territory is very strong. Although it is not as good as during peacetime, it is enough to withstand most problems.

Moreover, there are basically no ordinary people in these small bases. All troops are stationed inside, alert to the zombies that show signs of gathering around them.

So in this case, although the dimensional passage for himself and others was opened in the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom at this time was not suitable as a development base, so Yingye felt that it would be a good idea for him to open a base in other continents. choose.

This report also explains the situation in other continents.

When I first saw this planet in the biochemical plane, I almost thought it was my hometown.

But after careful observation, I found that it was not my hometown.

But even so, the situation above is similar to that of my hometown.

The unique racial problems still exist, and the thoughts of Danzi have caused chaos throughout the continent.

After the final relatively stable situation was formed, there were only three large bases left in the entire Star Strip Continent.

These three bases are very close to each other, which means that they have no control over other distant areas.

Just look at the survivors in those areas, so such a place is the most suitable place to establish power.

So in the end, Yingye chose a bay area as one of the locations for his base.

Later, in the report, Yingye also wrote that a new plane channel would be established in the new base.

At this time, the Qiankun Empire already had the ability to fully develop the biological plane.

Subsequent reports include the establishment of various production facilities in the new base, and a large shipyard in the bay to manufacture interstellar battleships.

That's right, it's the Jiaolong-class destroyer.

The ultimate goal is not to occupy this planet.

To be honest, if this planet was a complete planet with life, then the value would be very high, and the genetic difference between the humans here and the humans here is very small, and the culture is similar, so it is completely possible to assimilate them.

But at this time, the biochemical planet has basically become a death star.

In addition, the population here is not very large, so even if you occupy such a Death Star, you will need to spend a lot of effort to transform it, and you will not be able to immigrate too many people here.

And there is no obligation on our side to improve their technological level.

Therefore, this biochemical plane is still the first to be opened. When the level of technology is low, the resources of outer space are still of some use.

So this place is always just a springboard, and your real goal is other resources in the other party's galaxy.

After taking a rough look at Ying Ye's plan, Lin Yu thought for a while and decided to fully support it.

"King Pan, prepare to mobilize an army of 10,000 people and a thousand elite talents from various industries within a month.

A month later, I want to see at least 100,000 troops and 10,000 talented elites who can skillfully use each other's language and writing, and be very familiar with its customs, geography and landforms. "

"Yes, sir, I will make arrangements immediately."

Although the population is not large, such a small amount of troops can still be guaranteed.

The method of training them is also very simple, which is virtual reality technology.

With previous detection data, it is very simple to build a one-to-one simulated biochemical planet in virtual time.

In this way, after Lin Yu issued the order, King Pan began to recruit personnel.

This mission is still very important, so the selection of personnel is also very strict.

Therefore, after countless selections, in order to save time, all the 11,000 advance personnel in the early stage were passively injected with anti-viral serum during virtual training.

After their training is over, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The body has long been immune to biochemical viruses.

At this time, team members no longer have to worry about zombies suddenly jumping out when performing tasks, and they can also act bolder and faster.

In this way, with the combatants already in the biochemical plane and the advance members of the large-scale development team in training all injected with anti-viral serum, the operation has almost begun.

In the training base, with the completion of the last virtual training, these advance personnel are considered qualified and can start the next step.

"Everyone gather, put on your equipment, and gather in the square downstairs."


After all the trained advance personnel put on their own power armor, they all jumped from the upstairs, fell to the ground, and accelerated to the assembly point.

When everyone is assembled, they will head to the starting point under the leadership of the team leader.

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