In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 266 Exploring the Moon

Looking at the huge pass in front of him, Dave was also very shocked.

In his impression, such large passes only appeared in ancient dramas.

And that kind of pass is obviously not as huge as here.

"Daddy, there's someone up there!"

Dave looked up with a telescope, and sure enough, there were many figures on the city wall.

At first glance, Dave thought there were zombies on the city wall, but as the focus was adjusted, Dave could see that there were actually robots on duty on the city wall.

This situation made Dave's heart sink.

After seeing someone, his first reaction was not happiness, but irritation.

Because in his previous apocalyptic survival, he had seen too many dark sides of human nature.

So when Dave saw a powerful force like robots and couldn't figure out what the other party's tendencies were, he didn't want to get in touch.

But at this time, they were already exposed on this side of the city wall, and the other side must have known about their arrival.

So now he's stuck between a rock and a hard place.

But soon, he no longer needed to choose. While waiting for the people inside to move, several vehicles following Dave also arrived. Looking at the pass in front of them, everyone who came later was amazed.

At this time, perhaps there were enough people, so those present heard the sound of propellers from the sky.

Soon, they saw a very sci-fi-looking aircraft arriving in the sky above them.

As Nightingale landed, a Marine and nine Guardian robots came out.

"Everyone, put down your weapons and accept our investigation."

Seeing the obviously powerful firepower, everyone present, including Dave, wisely dropped their weapons.

"Now, tell me where you came from and where you are going!"

"Sir, we are from City A. Because there is a new group of zombies gathering there, we have no choice but to embark on the road to escape."

"It's really strange to be a survivor of City A. I didn't expect that there are still people alive in City A. You are unlucky. If you wait a little longer, maybe we will enter City A and collect supplies."

"Sir, we are going to the Rogge area on the west coast. It is said that there is a large settlement there and there are few zombies."

"You have been deceived. It is a paradise for zombies. There are zombies everywhere, and there are also powerful mutant zombies among them."

"How could it be? But the radio clearly said that it has the newest settlement and it is very safe."

"What's the name of that gathering place?"


"Don't think about it, you have been deceived. We have determined that this Arcadia is a warship, a warship specializing in biochemical experiments.

The spread of safe zone news is to attract people who don't know the truth, and after arresting them, they can be used as material for experiments. "

"This? I don't believe it. This is just your one-sided statement. We don't know which one of you is correct."

"In this case, it's hard to persuade the damned ones. If you want to go, then go ahead. But this place is blocked. Please take a detour immediately."

"Understood sir."

Ying Ye did not want to recruit these people to build for himself.

First of all, because the national conditions and cultures are different, these people are destined to be a hidden danger.

In this case, it is better to let them leave and go find the so-called Arcadia.

But as the Marines just said, Arcadia is a closed warship laboratory where inhumane biochemical experiments are conducted.

However, since there was no conflict of interest with him, Ying Ye didn't care about them.

Soon, the vehicles here left one after another, and only two vehicles remained here without any movement.

"Sir, I wonder if you are still recruiting survivors here?"

"We don't need it for the time being. If you want to live here, you can choose a nearby location to set up a stronghold, but it cannot affect our actions."

"Thank you very much, sir."

These two vehicles are composed of two teams of Dragon Nationality personnel.

In the database, it was also detected that the other party was not a banana person, and often supported the development and construction in the Dragon Kingdom.

Just because the biochemical virus broke out so quickly, the officials did not have time to withdraw them.

So these two groups of people stayed here.

After Ying Ye knew that they were not banana people, he also relaxed the restrictions on them and allowed them to establish a stronghold nearby. With a little effort, Ying Ye didn't care.

However, in order to avoid trouble, a huge sign was erected five kilometers outside the pass, which read "Private leaders ahead, no approach without permission".

At the same time, below this line of words, there is an arrow with the direction of Arcadia marked below.

After doing all this, the next step is a very important thing.

At this time, the lunar exploration satellite had been operating on the moon for a long time.

But as the measurements continued, the astronauts present found it more and more strange.

"Commander, look, this is the data detected by our detector.

This is a model we made based on the size and trajectory of the moon.

The data shown above are very different, and this situation is simply impossible to happen in reality? "

"I don't understand this. What do these data show?"

"It shows that this moon is not solid, and it is likely to be hollow inside.

Commander, you see, this is a new model we made. We assumed that the interior of the moon is hollow. As a result, the data are very close to the detection data.

Therefore, I suggest that the lunar exploration project be started immediately and a batch of engineering robots be launched to the moon. "

"Qingxuan, how is the establishment of the rocket launch site going?"

"Reporting to Commander, 90% of the construction of the area has been completed. Launching rockets is not a problem at this stage."

"The rocket factory is finished!"


"In this case, then select a group of engineering robots, start the rocket launch process, and start the lunar exploration project."

"Yes, Commander."

Yingye looked at the three-dimensional projection of the moon in front of him and looked for Shuyuanwww. zhaoshuyuan. com I think things are getting interesting here.

"Biochemical viruses are suspected of alien technology, and now that the moon is hollow, it seems that the water in this biochemical plane is much deeper than we thought.

Qingxuan launched the plane channel equipment into outer space and set it up.

At the same time, small fusion reactors are also launched. We can't wait to build our own starships.

Prepare to contact the base camp and prepare the Tiansha fleet. They are alive. "

"I received it from the commander. It is expected that in one day, the dimensional communication equipment will be set up and cross-dimensional communication can be started.

After calculation at the same time, it will take us a month to launch the necessary components in order to establish a plane channel that can normally pass warships. "

"Well, go get ready."


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