Following the account reconnaissance fleet of the three clan alliances, no defense facilities were found in the outer reaches of the solar system.

Especially after seeing the situation of the fourth planet inward, the coalition felt relaxed.

It seems that this Blue Star civilization has just entered the space age, and the powerful battleships from before should be some of the battleships left over from ancient civilizations.

Through the perspective of the reconnaissance fleet, they also saw the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals series battleships inside, which were the same as those in the database.

In their understanding, the attack power of these warships in ancient times was still very powerful. It is no wonder that the remaining teams were wiped out.

However, after thousands of years of development, the technology of myself and others has also improved a lot.

Although he did not break through the civilization level due to his superior allies.

But his territory has also expanded a lot. In addition to the local galaxy, all surrounding galaxies within ten light years have been explored.

Because they are unable to manufacture their own curvature engines, the development progress of these three races is very slow.

In addition, the race has no talent for scientific research, so up to now, it has only preliminary researched the curvature engine, and the flight speed is still relatively slow.

However, compared with the original human civilization, the performance of battleships is many times stronger.

Therefore, in the face of today's human civilization, even if they have battleships left behind by ancient human civilization, it is impossible to defeat the tens of thousands of battleships here.

“Hey, maybe I was too nervous to send out so many troops.

First let’s make an agreement that the resources here will be shared equally by everyone, one-third for each family, so don’t cross the line. "

"Hmph, I think you should take care of yourself. You are not qualified to take care of us."

"It's up to you, I'm just reminding you, don't come looking for me if your hand gets chopped off."

Looking at the tense atmosphere, the commander of Tava Civilization spoke.

"Okay, before human civilization has been completely wiped out, you have started fighting among yourself, and you are not afraid of others laughing if you spread the word.

Now everyone, prepare your deployment, we are ready to push through.

What a bad luck. I thought there would be an almost evenly matched battle, but I didn’t expect human civilization to develop so slowly. "

Shaking his head, the commander of Tava Civilization felt that since it was here, let’s go through the process.

"Yes, Commander, we will make arrangements right away."

As the army was mobilized, Ying Ye, who had been paying attention here, immediately received the report.

"Okay, the enemy has started to move, everyone is ready, wait for the prey to enter the cage, close the door and beat the dog!"

"Yes, Commander."

In the distance, not far from the Yinghuo Planet, the reconnaissance team is still invisible.

And they didn't know it yet, but they had been slowly surrounded, and they were still quietly monitoring the situation from Blue Star to the moon and Yinghuo.

Soon, they received new orders to continue their investigation and learn more about the situation.

At the same time, they were also informed about the army's preparations to enter the galaxy, letting them know that not far behind, there was an army of 30,000 giving them strong backing.

But soon, they knew that this thick shield was too far away to help them in time.

As the coalition forces began to take action, the 30,000-strong army soon passed through the outermost meteorite belt and arrived at the outermost dwarf planet, Pluto.

However, the dwarf planet was too small and the coalition did not take it seriously.

Anyway, humans have not set foot here yet, and the passage of time has made this ancient battlefield disappear, leaving little value for exploration and research.

As the army continued to advance, it soon reached the location of Jupiter.

Looking at the huge gaseous planet in front of them, the fleet docked in the orbit of Jupiter and began to collect hydrogen to replenish the energy inside the battleship.

There are also some battleships distributed on the side of Saturn and Neptune and Uranus.

The entire fleet of more than 30,000 ships was stretched very long.

At this time, on Ying Ye's side, the time was ripe.

"Order, destroy the enemy's reconnaissance fleet immediately, and be careful not to let the other party send the latest situation.

Also, all planetary defense systems are on full fire, hit me hard! "

"Yes, Commander."

As orders were sent out, large-scale changes occurred in the void of the solar system.

On all the planets, a large amount of energy began to gather, and the surrounding holographic projections were all lifted.

Such a situation was immediately detected by the coalition forces, and all warships sounded the alarm.

While the coalition forces were still in a daze, the planetary roadbed energy artillery cluster opened fire.

Because the team is too long, even if the three parties cooperate well, it will be difficult to get together in the first time.

Those warships far away from the planet are not within the attack range of the energy main cannon.

But the battleships around the planet cannot be avoided.

These warships were on resource collection missions, so they were very vigilant and were taken away in a wave.

As the first wave of attacks ended, the commander of the Tawa civilization also reacted.

"All warships organize their teams nearby and launch a counterattack. This is the enemy's roadbed defense device. All injured warships will stay away from the planet.

The fleet that was already far away from the planet immediately supported the nearby attacked warships and destroyed the planetary defense device. "


After taking command, these coalition forces finally reacted from the panic.

Under the powerful artillery fire of the coalition forces, all the defense devices on several surrounding planets were destroyed.

The second wave of attacks was not as effective as the first wave, and the results were only half of the previous ones.

"Report, all unmanned defense devices on our outer planets have been destroyed.

According to observations, the other party did not detect our manned positions. "

"Well, let the soldiers not be exposed, these will be used to prevent their escape in the future.

Also, what was the result of this victory? "

"Report, the calculation has been completed. The two raids destroyed a total of 5,000 enemy warships and injured 3,000 warships."

"Yes, in this way, we will be much less stressed in frontal combat later.

Also, are there any new instructions from the headquarters? "

"Report to the commander, find Shuyuan It's still the previous order, let us continue to hold on and wait for the arrival of the new assembled fleet."

"I understand. Tell all commanders and fighters to purposefully consume the opponent's warships according to the previous plan."


Ying Ye sat back on his seat and began to think in his mind.

The order from the headquarters is very clear, which is to defend this star system.

To be honest, this star system is not worth much. Although there are many basic resources, there are not many scarce resources. Special items of this universe such as grating stones and organic crystals are not found here.

But just like what Lin Yu said when we got here, a universe has its own specialties. Sometimes just one characteristic is different, which can have a great breakthrough effect on technology.

Therefore, the strategic position of the solar system is very high, and Yingye will not lose this strategic location in his own hands.

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