In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 286 5 years of development

Time passed slowly, and just like that, because of the alliance's guarantee, no abnormality occurred in the solar system on the biochemical plane for five years.

With these five years of peaceful development, coupled with the very comprehensive conventional technologies for level one to level three civilizations provided by the alliance, the technological development of the entire Qiankun Empire has entered a high-speed era.

At this moment, in the local plane, the Qiankun Empire has spread throughout the twenty light-year range around the Aqua Blue Star System.

Coupled with the population policy that has been implemented, the population of the entire Qiankun Empire has successfully exceeded 10 billion.

At the same time, the population on the biochemical plane has reached two billion, which has basically allowed the society here to function normally.

With the completion of the large-scale battleship manufacturing base in the second year, 20,000 Qinglong-class battleships and 30,000 Warlord-class battleships were produced in just three years.

At the same time, the redesign of the Tianbing-class and Chilong-class cruisers has given these two cruisers the ability to sail in curvature.

At this point, excluding the number of battleships in the home plane, there are 20,000 Azure Dragon-class battleships, 30,000 Warlord-class battleships, 50,000 Chilong-class cruisers and 100,000 Tianbing-class cruisers on the biochemical plane.

Not counting logistics and destroyer types, the main station force in the entire biochemical plane has reached 200,000 battleships.

This is the result of desperate efforts over the past few years.

If all efforts were devoted to developing people's livelihood, there might not be so many warships.

Of course, the quality of life of the people here in the biochemical plane has not dropped much, and it can only be maintained by the continuous blood transfusion of the local universe.

Now, five years later, the focus of development in all aspects of society has shifted back to improving people's quality of life.

Therefore, among the 200,000 warships, in addition to the 50,000 fleets used to defend the solar system, the other 150,000 ships, plus destroyers and various auxiliary ship types, will reach 200,000 ships again. Ad-free website am~w~w.

In the camp of human civilization that has been prepared on the front line, there is also a small team making preliminary preparations there.

At this time, on the solar system side, Ying Ye's new successor Zhou Kai also took over the management of the solar system side from Ying Ye.

In this expedition, the coach still wins, and he also likes the feeling of expanding the territory.

After the handover was completed, Ying Ye came to the military camp.

After coming to the virtual conference room and connecting to the virtual system, he appeared in a very large virtual conference venue.

While Ying Ye was preparing for the pre-war mobilization meeting, Lin Yu, who was far away in his home universe, was also listening to King Pan's report on the results of the past five years of development.

“Sir, in the past five years, our development has made tremendous progress.

First of all, in terms of population, as of yesterday’s statistics, our total population has exceeded 10 billion.

Among them, the young and middle-aged population exceeds 5 billion, and the remaining 5 billion are minors.

Stimulated by population policies, each family now has more than five children.

After all this group of minors reach adulthood, our population growth will once again usher in a new explosive growth. "

"Well, yes, a population of five billion young adults is enough for us to have enough troops to launch a full-scale interstellar war.

In addition to population, what kind of development is there in other aspects? "

“First of all, in terms of technology, the most rapid development in recent years is biological and energy technology.

In terms of biotechnology, we have successfully mastered longevity technology that can extend human lifespan to two thousand years.

However, the current cost is high and only a few important scientists can enjoy it.

However, the Institute of Biology has launched a universal version, which can be mass-produced and is enough to extend human life to a thousand years.

In addition, in terms of energy technology, we have successfully mastered the technology of miniaturization of antimatter energy.

Combined with the previous antimatter energy rod style, the original energy core can be reduced again.

Nowadays, five new anti-matter cores that are the same as the original energy cores are installed inside the newly renovated Qinglong-class battleship.

The energy reserve has reached five times that of the previous one, greatly extending the battleship's continuous combat capability. "

"Not bad, what about other technological developments?"

“With the information provided by the alliance, we have basically made up for our shortcomings in other technologies.

If we don't count the development time, we can now be regarded as a true third-level civilization, but the foundation is much different. "

"You can't rush this kind of thing. This kind of foundation will be accumulated slowly in the future."

"Okay sir, in addition to technology, our military development is also very rapid.

Today, the local universe has more than 100,000 Qinglong-class battleships, 300,000 Warlord-class battleships, 500,000 Chilong-class cruisers, and one million Tianbing-class cruisers.

Because of the problem of its own military strength, although so many warships were built, many of them were still stored in the manufacturing base due to manpower constraints.

Today, there are only 10,000 Qinglong-class battleships, 20,000 Warlord-class battleships, and 50,000 Chilong-class and Tianbing-class cruisers each in actual service. "

“It’s still a matter of development time. Although there is five years of development time, it is still too short for the population.

We need at least twenty years of development before the entire civilization can become formal. "

"Sir, in fact, we don't need to wait another twenty years, it only takes ten years. After the first batch of newborns reach adulthood, our marriageable youth will increase significantly.

However, as life span increases, some ethical issues have begun to emerge, such as two children, and it is possible that one of the younger ones is an older uncle. "

"Let sociologists deal with these issues. Only when everyone discusses social ethics issues can we finally reach a consensus."

"Other aspects are also developing rapidly. This is the latest completed development report. You can review it."

"Well, I understand. How are Ying Ye's preparations going?"

"The pre-war mobilization rally has begun. Do you need a projection for you?"

"Then let's take a look. The information obtained from the alliance at Shuyuan shows that our enemy is very powerful."

"Yes sir!"

As the projection was turned on, the virtual conference room on Ying Ye's side was also projected in front of Lin Yu.

At the meeting, Yingye announced the goals of this operation to all commanders and commanders above the captain level.

“Everyone, although we were invited to participate in the defense of the galaxy, after all, it is our first time to join the battlefield and we still don’t know much about the enemy.

Therefore, my first order to you is not to be greedy for merit and to advance rashly, but to focus on defense.

After you have found out the opponent's true and false situation, you can then formulate a new battle plan.

Now, everyone leaves the conference room and waits for the order to go. "

"Yes, Commander!"

As everyone left, this brief mobilization meeting also ended. Lin Yu also looked forward to the situation of the subsequent war.

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