On the battlefield of the Milky Way on the biochemical plane, since human civilization took over the defense line of a quasi-third-level civilization and advanced the defense line a light-year distance, the surrounding quasi-third-level civilizations also breathed a sigh of relief.

As the defense line advanced one light year, the Zerg had to mobilize the surrounding Zerg here.

This action naturally greatly reduced the number of Zerg faced by other quasi-third-level civilizations around them.

In this case, the surrounding quasi-level three civilizations advanced simultaneously to a distance of one light year.

The chain reaction caused by this is that all lines of defense are advanced to varying degrees, further compressing the scope of the Zerg's activities.

The surrounding civilizations are also very grateful to human civilization and have made their casualties much smaller.

On the other side, in the local universe, Lin Yu is also very interested in this kind of Zerg.

To this end, Lin Yu also issued a special order for the frontline expeditionary force to look for opportunities to capture some Zerg for research and study the social structure of these Zerg.

For this reason, Yingye also specially prepared a team to take charge of this order.

At this moment, deep into the hinterland of the Zerg, a small fleet of only five cruisers was anchored here.

The holographic simulation technology on its surface makes this place empty.

Moreover, the surface treatment of the battleship prevents internal sounds and energy reactions from dissipating.

In this case, although there was a planet occupied by the Zerg not far away, this team was not discovered.

With continuous observation, the team transmitted all data back through quantum communication.

Different from traditional light quantum, today's quantum communication technology is an ultra-long-distance communication technology.

From the invention of this technology until now, no communication delay has been found.

Even though we are thousands of light years apart, we can communicate in real time without any obstacles.

Moreover, its quantum entanglement characteristics will not be discovered by the enemy at all.

So just like that, the fleet quietly approached the planet and observed it more carefully.

As the observations continued, researchers at the rear discovered something unusual.

"Strange, isn't it said that this Zerg is predatory, and no grass grows wherever it goes?

Why is this planet still so vibrant?

But the one covering the surface should be the bacteria carpet, right?

It's really strange. At the same time, it was detected that the mass of the planet was slowly increasing.

And the Zerg formed a unique ecological circle on it. "

"Old Wang, what's so strange about this? The Zerg is also a civilization and naturally has a social structure.

But as you said, instead of destroying the planet and completely plundering resources, it is this sustainable development model.

I guess it's because of the blockade that some Zerg accounts have to do this. "

"It is very likely that, in the context of the entire universe, if there is a simple way to obtain resources, I believe many people will not bother to research some sustainable development technologies."

What these two researchers said is not unreasonable. Just like the previous Blue Star, it did not consider sustainable development.

Sustainable development was not taken seriously until it was discovered that resources were limited.

Continuing to observe, they also discovered a very strange place.

On this planet, there are a group of creatures the size of hills.

Moreover, the Zerg continue to transport various substances into these organisms.

"Open the Zerg warship and compare it."


After this comparison, we immediately knew that it should be the latest model of the Zerg biological warship.

“Let me just say, it’s impossible for the other party’s technology to remain in its current state for such a long time.

Fortunately, an anomaly was discovered this time and I knew about the opponent's new biological battleship in advance.

Order the reconnaissance team to return immediately, and at the same time, look for opportunities to capture one or two Zerg on the way back. "


As the order was issued, the reconnaissance team immediately activated the force field device inside the battleship, using the planet's own position to throw the entire team out.

At this time, the entire fleet cannot start its engines, otherwise it will be easily discovered by the Zerg here.

In order to ensure safety, one can only rely on the force field device and use the position of the surrounding planets to eject the entire fleet out of the star system like a slingshot.

After leaving the galaxy, start the curvature engine directly. In this way, even if the Zerg find it, they will not be able to catch up.

Just like that, like a bouncy ball, the reconnaissance team was ejected from the star system without any danger.

Looking at the star system behind him, the captain of the reconnaissance team breathed a sigh of relief.

"All battleships, start the warp engines, let's go home."


As the warp engine started, the powerful energy reaction immediately attracted the surrounding Zerg responsible for guarding the star system.

A large number of Zerg rushed here quickly.

But it was too late. In an instant, the reconnaissance team entered a state of warp flight and disappeared here.

After discovering the intruder, the Zerg commander on the scene was very angry.

As new orders were issued in the invisible thinking network, the Zerg warships with curvature flight also dispatched a part of the pursuit and reconnaissance team.

When the reconnaissance team was about to get close to the release line and exit the warp flight, they sailed not far before detecting a Zerg fleet exiting the warp flight behind them.

Seeing this situation, the reconnaissance team leader felt very solemn.

"Call the line immediately to support us."


As the human defense line moved, it also attracted the attention of the civilizations on the surrounding defense lines.

"What else has human civilization done to make these bugs pursue it so hard?"

"I don't know, but since these bugs are so anxious, it means that this secret operation of human civilization should have a great harvest, so that these bugs have to go crazy.

But no matter what, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Since insects are an important thing, then support human civilization and resist the Zerg attack. "

"Well, order the troops to launch a small-scale counterattack to distract the Zerg."


As the surrounding defense lines opened fire at the same time, the entire Zerg was caught off guard.

As a last resort, the Zerg commander could only direct the battle while ordering the pursuing Zerg to destroy these invaders.

As the spore main guns and bioenergy cannons on the Zerg warships were fired, the reconnaissance team was a little exhausted.

Fortunately, the main station fleet above the human defense line has been dispatched and intercepted all these attacks.

Seeing the protected reconnaissance team, even if the Zerg commander was very angry, he could only give up the pursuit and focus on fighting the attacks of other civilizations.

Seeing that the Zerg attack was beginning to become sharper, and after the human civilization had successfully responded to the reconnaissance team, they also ordered the fleet to return to the defense line and rely on the defense line to continue to block the Zerg attack.

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