In the interstellar age, time is both the least valuable and the most valuable thing.

Time passed slowly, and two years passed quickly.

In the past two years, Ying Ye led the fleet from the Biochemical Universe to fight against the Zerg for two years.

In the past two years, many civilizations in the galaxy have been at war with the Zerg, and both sides have hurt each other.

Originally, the Zerg Overlord wanted to accomplish all their achievements in one battle and quickly break through the galaxy's defense line.

In this way, as long as any Zerg can escape, coordinates can be transmitted at any point in the galaxy and a new channel can be reopened.

However, after the successful trade between human civilization and the elves, other civilizations also saw ways to reduce the casualties of their own warriors, and reached deals with Yingye one after another, in exchange for sub-level biological combat soldier cultivation methods. .

Taking this opportunity, Yingye collected most of the basic technologies of civilization and a small number of advanced technologies.

What human civilization has paid for is only replicable second-level biotechnology.

Therefore, in the past two years, although the Qiankun Empire has not changed much, after completely digesting the technology of these civilizations, the technology tree of the entire empire has become luxuriant.

Inspired by these technology trees, researchers studying space technology have upgraded and optimized the newly developed stargate technology.

The stargate technology at this time can already be regarded as the second generation.

The original star gate could travel quickly within a hundred light years, without requiring time to navigate like warp flight.

But the second generation star gate can already travel quickly within a thousand light years.

This kind of technology can actually radiate the tentacles of the entire Qiankun Empire to the entire galaxy.

But Lin Yu did not do that. Instead, he suppressed domestic development and required military technology to be developed simultaneously to the level of a fourth-level civilization.

In this regard, the scientific researchers have no complaints, and what Lin Yu said is also very reasonable.

After all, the true strength of today's Qiankun Empire is only at the peak of the third-level civilization. It just creates a star gate and does not have the strength to protect this technology. It is like a child carrying gold bricks through a busy city, which is very dangerous.

Don’t think that since a fourth-level civilization has a star gate, it won’t send warships over.

The resources of the universe are limited. If we are in the same river system, the established fourth-level civilization will not allow the new fourth-level civilization to touch its cake.

Therefore, Lin Yu will not build a star gate in this universe for the time being until he develops attack and defense methods that are comparable to level four civilizations.

And if it was still before, the population was too small, and the existing territory was enough for the Qiankun Empire to develop for another hundred years.

According to the current speed of technological development, one hundred years will be enough for humans to become one of the top overlords in the entire Dumbbell Galaxy.

But in the biochemical plane, there are not so many worries.

After being pinned down by the Zerg, the native civilizations in the Milky Way no longer have the energy to deal with the civilizations below.

On the contrary, they were actually relieved about the newly emerged fourth-level civilization.

After all, after becoming a fourth-level civilization, the temple civilization can completely abandon part of its defense line and hand it over to human civilization.

In this way, they don't have to worry about the Zerg attacking, and they can also let their own civilization take a breather.

Therefore, when the defense line of human civilization began to build the star gate, all the surrounding civilizations were shocked.

"What's going on? Isn't human civilization a third-level civilization? How can it build a star gate so quickly?

Who gave them the technology? Has it become a fourth-level civilization? "

The surrounding third-level civilizations all have such doubts.

Therefore, in order to clarify the situation, the surrounding third-level civilizations sent envoys to visit.

Ying Ye also knew that it was impossible to hide the movement of building the Xuanhe Gate of the Star Gate.

Therefore, a special banquet was held to entertain these ambassadors.

At the banquet, Ying Ye also explained the situation.

“Everyone, we also know your thoughts on coming here this time.

We don’t have anything to hide here, so we’ll just let you know our thoughts.

The stargate you see is indeed space technology independently developed by us.

But it’s not like I just started researching it recently.

We have actually been conducting research on space technology.

Just to increase the transportation volume of materials for strategic needs, we will focus all scientific research resources on stargate technology.

Finally, we successfully completed the research and development of the technology and began manufacturing the stargate.

Don’t worry, everyone, we have not been promoted to level four civilization, which means our navigation skills are better. "

After listening to Ying Ye's words, the surrounding civilized ambassadors also felt very bitter in their hearts.

Listen, it sounds like a Versailles man, actually comparing Stargate technology to slightly better navigation technology.

If you don't like it, you can give it to me. I still have a lot of soldiers and supplies that haven't been transported here!

Of course, you can only think about this kind of thing in your heart. If you really want to say it out loud, you won't give Ying Ye face.

“By the way, we are actually also undertaking the commission to build the Star Gate.

Of course, because our stargate technology is not very mature, the distance is shorter. Of course, the cost is also much cheaper. "

What Ying Ye was talking about was actually the first-generation stargate technology, which had short communication distance and high energy consumption.

But something is better than nothing.

So after Yingye revealed some basic parameters, some nearby civilizations began to actively contact Yingye and request cooperation with human civilization.

Even those civilizations that are further away are asking for cooperation.

Although it is not possible to build a star gate directly to the front line, the transportation methods within the civilization can be improved to speed up the transportation of materials within the civilization.

Ying Ye looked at the civilized ambassadors around him and felt very satisfied.

It seems that the purpose of this banquet has almost been completed.

"Okay everyone, let's leave the specific cooperation matters to professionals. We will eat well and drink well at this banquet today, and everyone will return home happily!"

"Okay, thank you Mr. Yingye for your hospitality!"

The civilized ambassadors around him were also in a good mood after seeing Ying Ye not rejecting him and looking for Shuyuan, and they had a good time.

After the banquet, Ying Ye also received many cooperation messages from civilization.

For this reason, Ying Ye directly handed it over to the Archon of the rear solar system.

After seeing so much information about cooperation from civilizations, the Archon was very happy.

Now, the resources on my side will definitely be enriched.

The agreement with these civilizations is also very simple, that is, barter.

The materials for building the star gate are provided within the civilization, and the core equipment is provided by human civilization.

Of course, maintenance must also be carried out by human civilization.

In this way, this side of the sun received a massive amount of resources in a short period of time.

Except for part of it used to build warships, all other scarce resources were shipped back to the home universe.

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