In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 298 Approaching the Universe

Three years have passed in the biochemical universe galaxy battlefield.

In the past three years, with the star gates and biological soldiers provided by Lin Yu, many civilizations in the galaxy have completely suppressed the Zerg attack.

The territory previously occupied by the Zerg has been compressed to a distance of two light years.

In such a small space, there are no low-level Zerg species anymore, all are high-level Zerg species.

As the defense line continues to shrink, the number of warships that can be deployed also continues to decrease.

So in this case, the battle situation came to a stalemate again.

But the current situation can only be regarded as a minor problem for the entire galaxy.

After seeing that the battlefield was completely under control, all the vacated fleets of the civilizations turned their direction and aimed at the omnic battlefield aside.

After completely dividing the battlefield between the two sides, the strength of the Milky Way Alliance became stronger and stronger.

Unlike the Zerg, the omnic crisis here did not form a considerable sea of ​​machines.

Therefore, the severity of the battlefield is not as high as that of the Zerg.

However, the problems are similar, and the control area of ​​​​the omnic cannot be reduced.

So in this case, with the addition of these new forces, the omnic battlefield began to slowly compress the omnic control area.

Seeing that the battle situation between the two parties was progressing in a favorable direction, Ying Ye also began to make final preparations.

The previous article has already mentioned the situation of the Milky Way before the invasion of Zerg and omnics.

Therefore, Ying Ye also knows that after the omnics are compressed to a situation similar to that of the Zerg, the fourth-level civilizations that still exist in the Milky Way may take action against these third-level civilizations.

But now, these level four civilizations will not take action immediately.

These fourth-level civilizations will definitely have to wait until the Zerg and omnics are completely driven back and the space passage is destroyed before they take action.

Therefore, the current fourth-level civilizations are not keen on exterminating these invaders immediately, because they are not ready to take action against these third-level civilizations.

After all, after the crossroads of human civilization, all civilizations did not expect that the war would progress so smoothly.

So in this case, Yingye estimates that there will be at least ten years of peace.

And these precious ten years are enough for human civilization to completely gain a foothold in the fourth-level civilization.

Therefore, even if Yingye was preparing, he was also prepared for a rainy day, just in case.

There is no guarantee that any civilization will get sick and come over to provoke you.

When Ying Ye was making preparations, three years was not a long time on an interstellar scale.

Although the Qiankun Empire is developing at an extremely fast pace, overall, there has not been much change in three years.

However, in places that cannot be seen, the living standards of the people have improved a lot.

And in order to ensure that there are not a large number of social bugs, Lin Yu also specially set up a contribution system.

Only those who have contributed to society will have contribution points. People who usually receive government assistance have no contribution points.

Therefore, when starting a family nowadays, many people no longer look at the garage, but the social contribution.

Those with zero contribution are not considered at all.

At the same time, the seeds that were previously sown into the parallel universe began to sprout, and a lot of parallel universe information was sent back.

"Sir, I have compiled the information on the parallel universes that have recently returned. There are a total of ten parallel universes worth exploring."

"Oh? There are only ten? I remember that there were tens of thousands of cores scattered out, right?

A thousand to one, the ratio is a bit big! "

“Sir, this is also a situation where there is no solution.

Of these tens of thousands of cores, only half succeeded in reaching the parallel universe.

As for the other half, most of it was lost in the channel due to our miscalculation.

And after successfully reaching the core of the parallel universe, almost a thousand of them fell into the universe.

And it's not in a galaxy, there is no sunlight, and the backup energy soon reaches the warning level.

Others fell into uninhabited planets and developed, but they did not have many resources and could not provide accurate coordinates.

Moreover, these parallel universes are far away, so our equipment cannot directly open the channel. We need to build equipment on the opposite side simultaneously.

This situation occupies the vast majority, and in the end, after picking and choosing, only these ten are left that have the value of offensive development. "

"Forget it, it's not bad to have ten that can be developed immediately. Let me introduce these ten universes."

"Okay sir!

First of all, according to the classification, I divided these ten universes into three levels, namely planetary civilization, interstellar civilization and special civilization.

Among interstellar civilizations, the highest civilization is only a star-level civilization.

There are three such civilizations, and there are two planetary civilizations that I won’t talk about for now.

Among them, I think the most special ones are these five universes that I label as special civilizations. "

Next, King Pan showed the pictures transmitted from these five special universes.

One of the universes, when Lin Yu saw it, looked very familiar. There was actually an angel waving its wings in it.

"There are even legendary angels. It's not some mythical civilization, right?"

"No, sir, based on the photos sent back by the core base, we compared them and determined that they are in the Milky Way, the same Milky Way as the biochemical universe, and this kind of angel is also a technological civilization, a genetic technological civilization."

"Interesting, the super-god world has come out, so do those universes from the previous life also exist?"

"Sir, this is what I think is strange. The genetic technology in this universe has developed to an extreme state. The power of an individual has been infinitely amplified. He can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and is omnipotent.

But at its core, it is still the ultimate expression of technology, which can well make up for the shortcomings of our genetic technology. "

"Well, that's good, is there anything else?"

"In addition to this universe, there is another universe, and the classification of civilization levels in it is a bit weird to me."

"How to say?"

"According to the other party's level, our current technological level is only at the third level civilization. Even if we develop space technology and build the star gate, we are still only at the third level civilization.

And we also saw the most interesting scene. The other party actually used a small piece of paper to turn a star system into two dimensions. It was very scary. "

"Latitude technology, two-way foil!"

"Yes sir, you understand this?"

"I think I know something about it. This universe should be the Trisolaran universe, and the other party's highest-tech civilization is considered a god-level civilization.

And their classification of civilization levels is still very different from ours.

They divided civilization into seven levels.

First-level civilization, planet-level civilization.

The energy from the star to reach the planet can be completely harnessed.

The disadvantage is that it cannot break through the constraints of the planet. Once the energy in the planet is exhausted, civilization will perish.

Second-level civilization, stellar civilization.

It can master the energy of stars in this galaxy and colonize and develop it at will.

The disadvantage is that it cannot break away from the constraints of its own star system. Once there is a problem with the sun, civilization will be destroyed.

Level three civilization, galaxy civilization.

It has unobstructed access within the Milky Way, and has mastered the technology to travel through interstellar space at will. At the same time, dark matter and black holes are its energy sources. Civilization is no longer limited to one star system. Whether it is curvature engine or space jump, it is still in the state of third-level civilization.

The disadvantage is that it cannot leave the latitude of the universe. Once the universe dies, civilization will die with it.

Level 4 civilization, cosmic civilization

More than 70% of the energy in the entire universe has been fully developed, and it can travel quickly between any river systems.

Level 5 civilization: also known as multi-dimensional space conversion civilization (latitude civilization),

Species that master this civilization can transform between different dimensions between a planet, a star, a galaxy, or even a galaxy group.

Level six civilization, parallel universe civilization.

At this time, civilization can already travel to any parallel universe and see countless versions of itself.

At this time, they no longer use the energy within the universe, but use the void energy outside the universe.

Seventh-level civilization, god-level civilization.

At this time, the entire civilization has entered an unimaginable stage, perhaps only comparable to the mythical Pangu.

Can destroy parallel universes or create parallel universes at will.

It has truly achieved a state in which the universe is destroyed but civilization is immortal. "

"If you calculate it this way, we are indeed in the stage of third-level civilization, but we are also in the upper reaches of third-level civilization. After all, we have mastered the star gate technology and can quickly shuttle through the river system."

"Having said that, there is indeed a god-level civilization in the other party's universe, but it has not appeared for many years, and it should not care about our actions.

And the two-way foil attack you saw was most likely done by Singer Wenming.

So let the core over there pay attention to hiding themselves. The other side does not want us to be so peaceful. They have discovered that the new civilization has only one way, and that is to destroy the other side.

And this is the famous theory of the other universe, the Black Forest Law. "

"Understood sir, I will make arrangements."

"What about the other three universes?"

"There is another universe that actually has this planetary propulsion technology. Although it is inefficient, it is also a relatively scarce technology for us.

Moreover, the other party's sun is aging rapidly, which is also worthy of our study. "

"Well, I know a little bit about the wanderer civilization. It doesn't have many useful technologies, but it's still strange.

Any more? "

"In another universe, we discovered silicon-based life, and the other party can transform back and forth between multiple forms.

If this technology can be obtained, it will be very helpful for the development of our mechanical technology. "

"Well, what about the last universe?"

"The last universe can be said to be the strangest place.

Of course, I’m not talking about the entire universe being weird.

This time the core landed on a living planet. The most peculiar thing was that the other party's ecosystem seemed to have undergone tremendous changes.

The ground that was originally suitable for human survival is no longer suitable for ordinary people to survive.

Moreover, the creatures born from the other party's ecosystem can actually absorb the life essence of ordinary life forms, eventually turning the entire life form into a wasteland. "

After listening to Pan Wang's introduction, Lin Yu roughly understood the situation of these ten universes.

Excluding these five fantasy universes, among the remaining five universes, the three interstellar civilizations are only at the star level and cannot leave their home galaxy.

One of them is very similar to the previous science fiction movie Independence Day, but except for the star core extraction technology, which is a bit special, other technologies are available here.

The other two are ordinary civilizations with no special technology.

As for the remaining two planetary civilizations, they are from the ancient feudal era and have no other redeeming qualities except resources.

Among these ten universes, Lin Yu focuses on these five special universes.

The first is the Super God Universe. The angel civilization in it has reached the fourth level of civilization in the Trisolaran Universe. However, the opponent's technological development has been distorted and they like to rely on genetic technology for everything.

In other aspects of technology, there has not been much progress.

To say that the other party has reached level four civilization is considered to be rounding off.

Let’s look at the specific definition of a Level 4 civilization. It can use 70% of the energy in the universe and can travel quickly between any galaxies.

But can the angelic civilization inside do it? Barely enough.

But in the third-level civilization, even black holes can be used for energy, but when I looked at Super God before traveling, not even a black hole could resist it.

The main energy source is actually stellar energy.

Therefore, Lin Yu is not sure what level the angel civilization in this super-god universe is.

As for the Three-Body Universe, Lin Yu had only one order, letting the core hide himself directly.

Today's Qiankun Empire has no ability to conquer the Trisolaran Universe.

As for the wandering civilization that follows, you can still try to conquer it.

For the last two universes, Lin Yu is also planning to only carry out low-intensity development and obtain some resources and technology.

As for the Mayan ecology in the Spirit Cage Universe, for the time being, we will wait until we obtain the genetic technology of the Supergod Universe before conducting research.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, your valuable scientific researchers and soldiers may be lost over there.

"King Pan, issue the latest order to assemble a fleet and be on standby at any time.

Now that the situation on the biochemical plane has been temporarily stabilized, there is no need to worry too much since Ying Ye is there.

Command the Plane Research Institute to establish a connection with the core of the supermarket universe. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. ccom is preparing to open the channel between the two universes.

The genes of the Super God Universe can basically make people immortal. We are bound to obtain this technology.

Only by making those important scientific researchers immortal can our scientific and technological development continue to accelerate. "

"Okay sir, I'll get ready right now."

"By the way, since that side is the Milky Way, it means there is also a solar system. Can we locate it?"

"Sure sir, the moment I was sure it was the Milky Way, I was already searching for the solar system.

Just yesterday, the position of the solar system was determined.

And I have also sent an exploration spacecraft to fly in a curvature to the Proxima Centauri galaxy in the solar system, preparing to use the coordinates there to establish a remote stargate. "

"Very good, well done. Let me know when the passage is ready to open."

"Yes sir!"

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