In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 3 Dyson Sphere Technology and Exploration

The next day, after Lin Yu woke up, he opened the Dyson Sphere's technology tree. The first option was electromagnetism, which was the same as when he played the game before!

However, Lin Yu also had a headache for the ten electromagnetic coils needed.

But then, Lin Yu noticed that there was a small box-like pattern in the lower left corner of the interface.

After Lin Yu clicked it curiously, a huge amount of knowledge poured into his mind.

Because I had been strengthened before, the influx of knowledge this time just made my head a little swollen.

Lin Yu closed the interface and then carefully reviewed the knowledge in his mind.

Through quick absorption, Lin Yu knew that this was Yuan's last gift before leaving. All the basic knowledge of the Dyson Sphere Universe was formed into a knowledge package, so that he could complete the prerequisite knowledge learning.

In this way, you can use this knowledge and use tools to manufacture the first electromagnetic coil in the technology tree, officially opening the technology tree!

After careful searching, Lin Yu found several important equipment manufacturing methods!

One is a multi-functional recycling machine, which can recycle various metal scraps and re-refine them into simple metal blocks.

For example, you can use scrap copper to directly form copper blocks, or scrap iron to form iron blocks, concrete waste to form stone, etc.

Although the conversion efficiency is very low, these basic materials are still very important, so that you can get through the difficult period in the early stage!

Continuing to search for the information in his mind, Lin Yu also found a way to make a light mecha Icarus!

Moreover, it can also be decomposed to separately manufacture various functional equipment on Icarus.

Like conversion furnaces, space backpacks, universal printers, collection manipulators, and more!

After an hour, Lin Yu could be said to have completely digested this knowledge package, and he had already mastered it!

Although it is all basic knowledge, you can already get started with repairing wind turbines outside by yourself!

“The most important thing now is to find resources, and the first goal is to make Icarus’ collection tools!

In this way, it will be much easier for me to collect supplies! "

After having a preliminary plan, Lin Yu was ready to take action!

After cooking another portion of rice and eating it, Lin Yu was ready to set off!

Putting on protective clothing and carrying a crowbar he found, Lin Yu set off!

Because there are no supplies in the shelter,

So even if the conditions are simple, Lin Yu has to go out!

After leaving the shelter, Lin Yu did not set off immediately. Instead, he looked for some objects from around to cover the door of the shelter!

Due to power issues, the electronic lock of the door has been closed and can be opened manually from the outside!

So this is also an expedient measure,

And with the technological knowledge of the world of Dyson balls, Lin Yu became more confident.

Even if this shelter is occupied by others, I can still live well in this wasteland world!

After covering it up, Lin Yu observed again and found that it was not easy to find if he didn't look close.

After nodding with satisfaction, Lin Yu set off with his only tool, the crowbar!

Lin Yu first followed a path and came to the highway!

After arriving at the highway, Lin Yu also saw the condition of the highway!

The original asphalt road surface has not changed much.

And because of radiation, there are no weeds growing on the roadside!

Coupled with the cold environment, the whole world is very lonely!

Gathering his mind, Lin Yu started walking along the kilometer!

Because there was no detailed map, Lin Yu could only rely on the large map of the Republic of Qiankun he had seen before to determine his area.

So after determining the area you are in, you only need to go along a certain direction and road, and you will soon enter the urban area!

Time passed slowly like this. After Lin Yu walked south along the road for two hours, he finally saw the corner of a ruins!

"Finally we saw the building complex, this road is too difficult!"

Seeing the buildings in ruins, Lin Yu was relieved.

Fortunately, he saw the building complex, otherwise he would have wondered whether he was going the wrong way!

Along the way, the asphalt road has good and bad sections, and there are still some obstacles to your movement.

Relying on his strong physical fitness, Lin Yu arrived here!

After sitting on the roadside and resting for a while, Lin Yu got up and continued moving forward.

After entering the building complex along the road, Lin Yu roughly knew the situation here!

"It looks like this is an ordinary small town street!"

Looking from the outside, Lin Yu found that the scale of this building complex was not large, and there were not many high-rise buildings.

In small towns, the most common buildings are the old two- or three-story buildings with front houses.

After entering the street, Lin Yu was ready to start looking for supplies from the first house!

Because of the war, the streets were deserted at this time!

So on the street, you can only hear the howling of the strong wind,

Lin Yu came to the first facade room. There was a corner hanging on the door that said Daming Supermarket!

Lin Yu used his powerful strength to remove some clods of earth that had fallen from upstairs blocking the door, and Lin Yu entered the supermarket!

It's said to be a supermarket, but it's actually just a canteen, and most of the stuff inside has been taken away.

Looking at the empty shelves, Lin Yu also thought of trying his luck and started searching carefully!

Because the space is not very big, Lin Yu can search quickly!

Lin Yu directly ignored the empty shelves one by one.

Continuing walking inside, Lin Yu came to the back part,

There is a single door here. Lin Yu estimates that it should be a room like a small warehouse!

The lock on the door is just an ordinary brass lock.

Seeing that the room was locked, Lin Yu had some expectations in his heart.

If there is nothing inside, it will definitely not be locked!

He pointed the crowbar at the brass lock and swung it hard!


With the sound of metal hitting, the brass lock was smashed open!

Opening the door, Lin Yu saw what was going on inside!

There is only one small shelf in the middle.

At the bottom of the shelf, there are more than ten bags of rice, all of which are 20 kilograms.

And there is the same amount of flour next to it, also of the same specifications.

The second layer of the shelf is filled with mineral water and instant noodles, while the top layer is filled with a lot of compressed biscuits, as well as other snacks, etc.! There was even wine in sight!

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu was also very happy.

You can actually see so much food!

I immediately walked to the shelf and started checking it out.

The first is the top shelf. After Lu Chen checked it, he found that the compressed biscuits on it were actually military compressed biscuits.

And there are quite a few pieces, and there’s a small cardboard box next to them that contains them all!

Lin Yu looked through it and found that the shelf life of this batch of compressed biscuits was actually as long as three years!

As of now, this batch of compressed biscuits still has half a year to expire!

Moreover, this batch of compressed biscuits is well preserved and can be eaten even if it expires.

The shelf life means that if the food spoils during the shelf life and there are problems when eaten, the manufacturer needs to be responsible.

It does not mean that expired food must not be eaten, but you need to bear the unknown consequences at that time!

"It seems that this canteen owner is very worried, and he actually has so many things in stock!"

Although I don't know where the owner of this canteen has gone, it does not affect Lin Yu in accepting this batch of supplies!

Next, Lin Yu continued to check other supplies.

After Lin Yu looked at the instant noodles and mineral water on the lower floor, he gave up.

Due to time constraints, these two items have long expired.

Lin Yu couldn't guarantee that he was lucky and would be fine after drinking it.

However, the bottom layer of rice and flour is still edible.

Although it is on the bottom floor, it is not placed directly on the ground, and it does not become moldy like the shelter warehouse!

After reading these things, Lin Yu also looked at other places in the room.

After checking it out, there was nothing of value!

Because there was too much rice and noodles, Lin Yu only took ten compressed biscuits before leaving, then resealed the door and left!

Today, Lin Yu does not have any vehicles and cannot transport large amounts of materials.

So next, Lin Yu's goals are hardware stores and car or electric vehicle stores!

Oddly enough, this town was not affected by too many nuclear explosions;

But in the middle of the town, if you look for Shuyuan, you can see a huge pit. I don’t know what kind of weapon caused the damage!

Next, Lin Yu continued to look for valuable stores,

Because it is a street, there are a lot of front houses, so there are also many shops, most of which are restaurants.

After Lin Yu entered one of the restaurants, he saw a large number of flies flying inside, and he wisely backed out.

With so many flies, there probably won’t be anything good in it!

Moving on, Lin Yu saw a cake shop,

After cleaning up the debris around the cake shop, Lin Yu entered the cake shop.

After some searching, Lin Yu successfully found two bottles of honey, each bottle was 300 ml.

And it looks like it’s still pure honey, so it hasn’t gone bad!

This made Lin Yu very happy. Honey is a very good dessert and rich in nutrients.

Because there were only two bottles, Lin Yu took them away directly!

Next, Lin Yu searched several shops but found nothing of value.

And most of the food has completely spoiled due to improper storage!

As Lin Yu moved forward, he gradually approached the pit where he was attacked.

Arriving at the edge of the pit, through visual inspection, Lin Yu estimated that the diameter of the pit was more than fifty meters.

The scope of the shock wave is not small, and the glass of a store farther away is directly shattered.

Seeing such a large direct killing radius, Lin Yu secretly smacked his lips!

Looking across from Dakeng, Lin Yu finally saw a car dealership opposite Dakeng!

After taking a closer look, I saw some electric bicycles placed inside!

Seeing this, Lin Yu was also very happy, he could finally have a transportation tool!

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