In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 305 The King of Angels Arrives on Earth Star

At this time, Morgana, because she was no longer chased by angels after arriving on Earth, let herself go a little bit, and talked with leaders of multiple forces and countries to talk about their ideals.

However, as the number of people she talked to increased, she discovered that the bosses of these forces were all very ambitious people, but many people's abilities were not worthy of their ambitions.

In the end, Morgana simply stopped looking for them and came to Dahua alone, ready to see why Qiankun Civilization paid special attention to it and why the Super Seminary chose this country as a cooperation partner.

However, after entering the territory of Dahua, the feeling was obviously different from that in the outside country. This made Morgana very interested and wanted to explore the reasons.

However, at this time, Angel Yan has been on the Earth Star, and Morgana did not dare to start her demon engine casually. Although Angel Yan could not find her because of her upgrade to the fourth-generation divine body, once she used her own power, she would definitely Will be discovered by Angel Yan.

"I finally enjoyed my vacation. I have plenty of time to explore slowly. There is no need to expose myself in a hurry for quick success."

Faced with Atuo's question, Morgana responded like this.

But when she was talking to the barbecue restaurant owner, Morgana felt a sense of malice, which made her very uncomfortable.

At this stage of her life, the malice was obvious, and it must be Bichi who was plotting against her behind the scenes.

"It seems that my vacation is almost over, Water Chestnut, who is plotting against me? No, this malice is so strong, I have to ask that guy Karl to send my demon wings over."

After muttering to herself, Morgana did what she said and immediately contacted Carl to teleport her demon wings to the Earth Star.

On Karl's side, Kesha had just left not long ago, and there was an angel Zhixin floating in the sky, so Karl was also very helpful to Morgana's request. When Zhixin wasn't paying attention, he secretly stole the devil's wings. was teleported to Earth Star.

However, although Karl did it very secretly, Zhi Xin, a young right-wing guard, still noticed something unusual.

"Carl, what did you just do?"

"Nothing, just teleporting the Demon Queen's demon wings to where she needs them."

"You are actually helping the devil. You are worthy of being the main god of the Styx civilization. It is really evil."

"This angel, the war between you angels and demons has now involved me. I just want to do my research here. I can't afford to offend either of you."

"Then tell Morgana that sooner or later, she and her demon army will all be wiped out by us angels, and let her surrender obediently."

"Okay, I'll pass it on, but do you really think you can burn this place down?"


Looking at the serious face of Zhi Xin, Karl was also a little helpless, but young angels like this are relatively naive and have to experience severe beatings from society.

Looking at the scorching sky, Karl sighed in his heart and turned back to the study.

On the other side, after Carl sent his demon wings, Morgana also became more confident, and naturally no longer deliberately concealed herself, so in an instant, Angel Yan captured the demon's aura.

"It seems that my calculation is correct. Morgana is indeed on this planet. Chase, ask the sisters to stay alert. I will contact the queen and report the situation here."

"Okay, Sister Yan."

Angel Chase also knows that Morgana, the evil god, is not something that he and others can deal with, so he just needs to protect himself and wait for Queen Kesa to come.

Soon, Yan returned to the Angel Nebula through Angel's own insect bridge.

After returning to Merlot Heaven, Yan immediately went to meet Kesha.

"Queen, we locked Morgana on the Earth Star of the Red Crow System, but there are also the opponent's demon wings present at the scene. In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from spreading to the Earth Star, I came to ask Queen Kesa for instructions."

"Well, you did a good job. As a guardian of the righteous order, you must uphold justice. So this time, I personally led the team to go out and completely eliminate the demons."

"Yes, Queen Keisha."

Soon, the Angel Legion began to assemble. Except for the angels stationed in some important places who did not move, a total of 100 high-level angels, 1,000 second-generation angels and tens of thousands of angel recruits were gathered for this expedition.

Such a powerful force was enough to completely destroy the Deno galaxy in its heyday.

And this time Kesha's leadership was also part of Karl and the devil's calculations.

On the other side, after signing a cooperation agreement with Angel Civilization and obtaining complete god-making technology, Lin Yu made a prompt decision and gathered a large number of scientists to participate in the research.

Because the god-making project is not a subject matter, Lin Yu also gathered the efforts of the whole country to study this technology this time.

Because of the foundation of the previous genetic enhancement liquid, the research on the first and second generation warriors went very smoothly, and the ordinary enhancement process was quickly completed.

At this time, it was possible to popularize the second national strengthening, but Lin Yu did not do so immediately.

First, the entire god-making technology has a certain degree of consistency. If there are flaws in this second step, it is likely to affect the upper limit in the future.

On the other hand, the technology just developed is still relatively complex and the utilization rate of resources is not high. Moreover, at this time, there is no place in the empire that requires war. The main thing is war in different universes.

As the strengthening process of the first and second generation super warriors was overcome, research on the third generation warriors also began.

However, during this angel expedition, Kesha did not withdraw the angels participating in the research from the Qiankun Empire, so the research here was not interrupted.

Kesha would never have thought that just because of this unintentional move, the future of angel civilization would become extremely bright.

The screen returned to the Chiwu Galaxy. When Kesha arrived, Morgana naturally got the news immediately. Looking at the scene of the Angel Legion arriving in the Chiwu Galaxy, Morgana couldn't help but cursed secretly.

"Atuo, how are our demon army prepared?"

"Queen, we have transformed more than a thousand demon warriors, but now, the reincarnation of demons has come to a standstill. These warriors were Dahua soldiers who sacrificed their lives when Taotie was trying to capture the beast-body crocodile god and test Dahua's military power. transformed.

As for other countries or forces, relatively few have been transformed. "

"Then there won't be only a thousand demon warriors, right?"

"Queen, in fact, except for Dahua, the soldiers transformed from other places cannot be reused at all. If one out of a hundred can be transformed into a generation of demon warriors, it is considered good, and the rest are low-level demons without much intelligence. Servants play no role in the war with angels.

However, among these Dahua soldiers, basically nine out of ten can be transformed into first-level demon warriors, and a very few with outstanding qualifications can be directly transformed into second-level demon warriors.

The probability of this is one percent, which is very high. "

"I didn't expect the quality of Dahua's soldiers to be so high. Have you found the reason why the conversion rate is so high?"

"In their minds, the bottom line is to defend their homeland and the country. Even our reincarnation technology cannot suppress it, so if we want to use these soldiers to attack Dahua, it is impossible."

"This is not a big problem. Time is a very strange thing. If we look at it a thousand years from now, it's hard to say whether the earth and stars are still there today. Even now, in a thousand years, the impression of my hometown will be almost the same. It’s almost been worn away.”

"Then Queen, what should we do now that our warriors are few in number?"

"It's okay. You go to Fraser over there and transform some of the demons there. By the way, you also transfer Kesha, Bichi's left wing guard. In this way, Carl and I will deal with Kesha here while you waste time. If Lei Ze takes care of the angel's left-wing guard, then the angel civilization will not be enough to rely on."

"Yes, Queen!"

"By the way, your first goal this time is to transform a sufficient number of demon warriors. Don't think about going up to Heyan and fighting her to the death. In your current state, you can't beat her at all. Only by getting rid of Kesha can you greatly weaken her. With Angel Yan in such a state, you will be able to take revenge and complain if you have any grudges."

"Yes, Your Lady Queen, Atuo knows."

"Well, go down and get ready. I'll go over the details of the plan with Karl."

Looking at Atuo leaving, Morgana also had high hopes in her heart. He was also the most promising demon in the demon army to become the third generation god.

In Morgana's heart, the one she always wanted to deal with was Kesha. As for the angel civilization, she did not want to destroy it.

Moreover, even if Kesha goes offline, the Angel Civilization still has He Xi, the Tianji King, so the Angel Civilization cannot be destroyed.

That's why when Karl formulated this plan, Morgana agreed. If Karl planned to destroy the angel civilization as well, Morgana wouldn't even look at it and would just turn around and leave.

Soon, all the angel legions entered the Chiwu Galaxy and were about to reach the sky above the Earth Star.

"It has been confirmed that Morgana is on Earth."

"What kind of tactics will be used this time?" Angel Leng asked Queen Keisha during the flight.

Keisha: "The one who visited them first, the Xiongbing Company? That's what they're called, right?"

Yan: "Yes."

Kesha: "I don't know what the Earth Star civilization is like. Do they have a government that fights for their own people?"

Yan: "Some do."

Keisha: "How much sacrifice is it worth?"

Yan: "Ah Zhui, look for Shuyuan Where is your judgment?"

Chai: "Sacrificing me is enough!"

Keisha: "That won't work. There are so many civilizations in the universe, and there is only one Ah Chai!"

The angels slowly approached the Earth Star while chatting happily.

. . . . .

"Queen Keisha is about to arrive on Earth."

"The location of the Xiongbing Company has been found."

"The location of the Galactic Power has been located."

"The location of Nuoxing God of War has been located."

"The location of the sun's light has been located."

"Get ready to enter the atmosphere and let the clouds roll in."

"Queen Keisha has arrived!!"

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