In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 327 The fleet attacks and completely annihilates the Norma Empire

In five years, the Qiankun Empire has also undergone great changes.

Since the location of the Norma Empire's home star was determined, it has been locked and locked using a large celestial computer. No matter where the home star is, it cannot escape the Qiankun Empire's lock.

In five years, the Qiankun Empire had prepared more than a million warships.

All of these warships are equipped with external high-dimensional jump engines.

There is also another action, which is to locate the positions of all sweeper warships in the universe.

Lin Yu has seen too many examples of centipede insects dying but not freezing, and snakes biting them instead of dying.

Therefore, in order to ensure the annihilation of all Norma civilization warships, after activating the star network throughout the entire known universe, these Norma Empire's sweeper fleets have nowhere to hide.

Five years have passed, and now is the day to officially declare war on the Norma Empire.

A direct interstellar broadcast was sent from the Mopan Galaxy next to the Dubell Galaxy, officially announcing that the Qiankun Empire and the Norma Empire were in a state of war.

In the entire known universe, some of the peak-level fourth-level civilizations who received this news scorned it, while others took it very seriously.

What is scornful is that this kind of all-interstellar broadcast can be realized by oneself. Without knowing the other party's technology, although the specific star system cannot be determined, after seeing that there is no fourth-level civilization in the Mopan Galaxy, I think it is a waste of life. The third-level civilization did it.

But there are also some civilizations that understand that there are no fools in the world. Since this Qiankun civilization dares to do this, they must have the confidence.

The Norma Empire also received this interstellar broadcast.

Just when they were treating it as a joke, they suddenly found that multiple of their cleaning fleets had lost contact.

"Hurry up and find out what's going on, why so many of our fleets have lost contact!"

"Report, all of our lost fleets suffered an unknown attack and were all destroyed.

According to the information finally transmitted back from the battleship's black box, it can be determined that it is a special high-dimensional attack. "

"How could this happen? What kind of civilization is this Qiankun Empire? Can anyone explain it to me?"

"Sir, according to the database, this Qiankun civilization is a civilization that the 2022 team encountered in the A10 river system in the ninth star field five years ago.

Our initial assessment was that it was a level four peak civilization that was equivalent to our own technological level.

But judging from this situation, there are only two situations.

One is that the other party was hiding their clumsiness and deliberately misleading us.

Another way is that the other party has developed technology that far exceeds ours during this period of time. "

"No matter what it is, if the other party declares war on us and can accurately find our fleet outside, it may not be impossible to lock the location of our home star."

"It makes sense. Order all the fleets outside to move to get rid of the enemy's lock.

The home star shielding device is opened, let's get out of here. "


The entire Norma civilization acted quickly, and it took less than a day to pack up and prepare to drive away from their home planet.

Lin Yu is not worried about this move of the Norma Empire.

After all, it has been locked, unless you leave the known universe and go to the unknown universe.

However, it has not reached the fifth level civilization. Presumably the Norma Empire does not dare to move there at home.

Soon, Lin Yu passed through the dark plane remotely and watched the Norma Empire's family move, feeling a little funny in his heart.

Although this war will cause a lot of casualties, it is a battle to establish prestige.

When we prepare for the dimensionality upgrade later, it will definitely cause a lot of noise. If we can't shock other civilizations in the universe at this time, then when the dimensionality upgrade comes, there will definitely be monsters and snake gods coming to disturb us.

In order to avoid this kind of trouble, you definitely need a powerful object.

It happened that the Norma Empire had invaded before, so they directly used this as a reason to declare war on them.

Soon, as time passed, the Norma Empire also discovered something was wrong.

Because the number of fleets outside is still decreasing, this makes the Norma Empire very frightened.

Because after the movement order was issued, all the warships outside had already started moving.

So in this case, it is very difficult to lock these fleets.

But after that, the number of warships destroyed every day still did not decrease.

It's like playing a game with full field of view and precision-guided strikes.

Finally, during the research on these unknown attack methods, the Norma Empire finally understood what state the Qiankun Empire's technological level had reached.

"Sir, after our research, we can confirm that the Qiankun Empire has stepped into the threshold of high-dimensional civilization.

The method of attack this time has been determined, which is to attack us from a higher dimension.

But there is one thing we are not sure about, and that is the way the other party locks us in.

Because according to our research, even in four-dimensional space, it should not be possible to directly lock our fleet.

Although it is very simple to observe three dimensions in four dimensions, the three-dimensional universe is very vast, and it is impossible to lock it simply, unless the other party has already locked us. "

"In this way, maybe the other party we are talking to at the moment can also know."

“Hey, it’s also our fault that we have acted too arrogantly over the years, which is why we have provoked this terrifying civilization.

Is it possible for us to reconcile with Qiankun Civilization? "

"The odds are not high. War in the interstellar era usually ends with the direct destruction of the other party.

So we have only one way now, and that is to go to the unknown universe.

At least, in the unknown universe, we still have a glimmer of hope. In the known universe, we may not be able to escape the pursuit of Qiankun Civilization. "

"Then prepare for action. Order all fleets to go to the designated location to rendezvous with the mother planet and prepare to leave here."


Although the Norma civilization is already a level four peak civilization, they still live collectively on their home planet.

Because he is well aware of the laws of the black forest in the universe, he does not dare to fully expand his territory.

Therefore, the Norma Empire can only use space technology to continuously expand the living space of its home planet.

At the same time, technology is also used to collect materials from other stars and put them on the parent star to further increase the size and mass of the parent star.

Therefore, the size of the Norma Empire's home planet at this time is larger than the sun in the solar system where the Earth star is located.

Coupled with the many sweeper fleets scattered outside, the population of the Norma Empire is not low.

In this case, although it is easy to transfer the home star after problems arise.

However, access to resources is relatively scarce, so apart from the living area, the military and manufacturing areas are actually separated.

In this case, these areas can only be abandoned and leave with only the mother star.

Anyway, in their eyes, as long as people are still there, there is still hope for everything.

At this time, Lin Yu also received the Norma Empire's decision, but did not stop it.

Because he felt that this was an excellent opportunity to wipe out the Norma Empire in one fell swoop.

Previously, it would have been difficult to locate these Norma Empire's sweeper fleets if they did not stay in the star system.

The area can only be locked through the high-dimensional world.

In this case, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If the other parties can all gather together, then as long as their existence is erased from the high-dimensional world at once, the future troubles can be eliminated forever.

So instead of stopping him, he also reduced the frequency of attacks and prepared in advance at their meeting point.

However, as time went by, Lin Yu also discovered that the leader of the Norma Empire was worthy of sitting in this position.

Although the order was given, the home planet did not go to the rendezvous point.

Because he was also afraid of being caught in one fell swoop, his home star headed in the opposite direction.

"You are really a thief, but you are also very courageous. You actually gave up all the fleets outside. Are you betting that we have not locked onto your home planet?"

Lin Yu was also glad that he did not destroy the other party's home planet first.

"Pan King, mobilize half of your strength to lock the opponent's home planet.

In addition, calculate when the other party's home star will leave the known universe? "

"Okay sir,...the calculation has been completed. The other party will leave the known universe after thirty azure star days.

At the same time, the opponent's outbound fleet will arrive at the rendezvous point after 25 Aquamarine days. "

"Very good. It seems that the other party is still lucky and thinks that we have not locked onto their home planet. Otherwise, the fleet would be used as bait and there would be no such a long time interval."

In fact, it is the same as Lin Yu thought.

The Norma Empire was also gambling, so after the home star sailed in the opposite direction for a while, it was not attacked and its vigilance was relaxed.

Moreover, in subsequent reports, there were constant reports that the fleet heading to the rendezvous point had been annihilated.

This made them more sure that their home planet was safe.

The consciousness of these people in the Norma Empire was also quite high. After knowing that they were decoys and could protect the safety of their home planet, no one complained and still rushed towards the rendezvous point resolutely.

"Pan King, if such a civilization behaved in a low-key manner, it might not be in this situation now."

“Sir, in the words of the earth, one drink and one peck are destined.

They are in such a situation and it is their own fault.

The civilizations they purged did not make any mistakes themselves and had nothing to do with them.

But they were also eliminated.

So our destruction of them today has nothing to do with them. "

"Yes, I'm a little sentimental. I ordered the military department to always pay attention to the opponent's situation, seize the opportunity, and eliminate them directly."

"Yes, sir!"

Just when Lin Yu was preparing to completely eliminate the opponent, other civilizations watching the battle were also a little scared.

Because the Norma Empire is quite famous as a sweeper civilization camp.

Therefore, it is also very surprising that the Norma civilization is unable to fight back at the hands of this new Qiankun civilization.

After knowing the attack method of Qiankun Civilization, all civilizations were afraid.

Because of this attack, all level four civilizations currently have no way to stop it.

But at the same time, such attacks also allow these fourth-level civilizations to discover new research directions.

In previous research, all fourth-level civilizations studied how to carry out dimensionality reduction attacks.

For example, two-way foil is a dimensionality reduction weapon.

But as time went by, these civilizations discovered that after successfully studying two-way foil, subsequent research had no direction.

Therefore, many level four civilizations are stuck at this stage and cannot continue to improve their technology.

In the end, we can only continue to improve the original technology and study how to increase the capabilities of weapons or other technological creations while reducing energy consumption.

Now, because of the sudden emergence of the Qiankun civilization, everyone has seen a new path, which is tantamount to a guiding light for all fourth-level civilizations.

Lin Yu also had a general understanding of the situation of these fourth-level civilizations through the Star Network.

So in this case, in order to avoid trouble, Lin Yu sent a new interstellar broadcast a week later.

“Inform all interstellar civilizations that this Qiankun civilization is a peace-loving civilization and we will not attack others at will.

This war with the Norma Empire was caused by the conflict five years ago.

The sweeper fleet of the Norma Empire invaded our territory and river system for no reason, causing a large number of casualties to subordinate civilizations and causing great humiliation to our prestige.

For this reason, we have just declared war on the Norma Empire.

We hereby warn some civilizations to never say anything unforeseen. "

Soon, the announcement spread directly across the universe.

Some people who were close by wanted to take advantage of the situation that they had no time to take care of during the war between the Qiankun Empire and the Norma Empire to fish in troubled waters and get some cheap civilization, but they also began to stop.

However, there are always a few stubborn people who think differently from others and think that they are not talking about themselves.

For those who didn't listen to advice, Lin Yu didn't even bother with high-dimensional attacks. He directly hit them with a lower-dimensional attack and wiped out the opponent's civilization.

This move completely shocked the restless civilizations around them.

Seeing that the small civilizations around him were all honest, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Soon, the time came for the final battle.

After all the fleets of the Norma Empire gathered at the meeting point, because they knew the situation of their home planet, they started to form a group and leave for the unknown universe without stopping.

Of course, Lin Yu would not let go of these cleaning battleships, and directly launched a large-scale high-dimensional attack to completely wipe out these fleets.

After these fleets lost contact, the Norma Empire's home planet naturally also knew about it.

So I didn’t dare to stop and look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. ccom continues to sail on the home planet, wanting to leave the known universe.

"Sir, the Norma Empire's home planet has arrived at the edge, and it is expected that it will leave in one Aquamarine star day."

"Prepare high-dimensional attacks to completely destroy them."

Lin Yu's heart was also filled with anger, and he issued the order iron-bloodedly.

For the sake of our own civilization, we cannot be kind to women.

As Lin Yu issued the order, the high-dimensional attack that had been prepared was launched directly.

In order to ensure that the people of the Norma Empire would not suffer so much, the attack this time has also been improved a lot.

Silently, the mother star of the Norma civilization seemed to be wiped away by an eraser, completely disappearing into the three-dimensional universe.

Looking at the final disappearance of the Norma Empire, all the fourth-level civilizations knew that this war was over, but at the same time, this battle made the Qiankun Empire famous and made the Qiankun civilization strong for a long time. synonym.

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