In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 330 Successful upgrade, Latitude Life

, I have a Dyson ball to survive in the wasteland.

Ten years later, with the completion of Hongmeng's calculations, the true sixth-generation divine body upgrade technology was successfully launched.

However, this upgrade is not as simple as upgrading the fifth generation divine body.

Like upgrading the fourth- and fifth-generation divine bodies, there are no technical or resource bottlenecks on Lin Yu's side.

But for this sixth-generation divine body technology, after the calculation was completed, Lin Yu found that there were a lot of pre-technical conditions required.

The entire Sixth Generation Divine Body is divided into three aspects.

The first one is naturally the supporting equipment, the large computer.

The fourth and fifth generations of gods are all celestial computers.

But by the sixth generation, it needs to be upgraded to a latitude computer.

Lin Yu has never studied this kind of creation.

It was indeed mentioned in the Latitude Technology collected before, but it was not studied in depth.

But now, because this is not a necessary condition, Lin Yu does not put it first.

The other two points are naturally energy and body.

As mentioned before, the energy of the sixth generation divine body is latitude energy or void energy.

If the energy of the three-dimensional world is used, then at least hundreds of stars are needed to provide energy to completely replenish the energy of a sixth-generation divine body.

And not to mention the supporting latitude computer, the sixth-generation divine body's own dark plane engine alone has a computing power hundreds of times more powerful than the existing Hongmeng large-scale celestial computer.

A three-dimensional world that can be parsed in an instant.

This is also the power of the Sixth Generation Divine Body.

Powerful abilities naturally require powerful energy to support them, so mastering how to draw latitude or void energy to replenish the sixth-generation divine body is also something that needs to be studied.

The last one is of course physical fitness.

Unlike the traditional divine body, the physique of the sixth generation divine body is not much different from that of the fifth generation divine body. The key point lies in its thinking.

In the Supergod Universe, Karl turned himself into a phantom body, which was actually equivalent to taking this step ahead of schedule.

At the stage of the sixth-generation divine body, the divine body has become just a container, and the most important thinking will be upgraded to a high-dimensional state, reaching a state of relative immortality.

For example, Kesha was not really dead after being blown up by the Emerald Star. She could be resurrected as long as the sacred atoms could aggregate.

But the sixth-generation divine body here is much more powerful than Kesha.

Even if the Sixth Generation Divine Body is destroyed, it can be rebuilt instantly.

It is very similar to the three-dimensional body of the giant spirit god mentioned above.

As for thinking in a high-dimensional state, it is even more abnormal.

Because they are in a high-dimensional state, there is no way for them to directly descend into the three-dimensional universe.

Therefore, they also need a three-dimensional body to meet their requirements for walking in the three-dimensional world.

It was also at this time that Lin Yu almost understood what the Giant Spirit God had done.

After upgrading to high-dimensional life, as long as there are traces of the existence of the three-dimensional world, they can be regarded as immortal.

This was also the case when the giant spirit god spread the principles of heaven.

As long as there are a certain number of creatures in the three-dimensional world who still know the concept of heaven and the situation of the gods, then at most they will sleep and not perish.

"In this way, the sci-fi heaven has always existed, but they are hidden in the high-dimensional world and have not recovered."

"Yes sir, and according to our inference, advanced civilizations like those in the Trisolaran universe are not actually true latitudinal civilizations.

Although they have mastered a lot of dimensional technology, they themselves are not high-dimensional beings. "

"That's right. If you look at the Trisolaran Universe, even advanced civilizations are still stuck in the three-dimensional world and have not gone to a higher-dimensional world. You can see that they themselves are not in a high-dimensional state.

Putting it this way, it's no wonder that Super God Universe is attacked by void creatures. It turns out that they have unknowingly walked on the right path. "

"Sir, they are unfortunate or lucky. Unfortunately, they were stabbed in the back by their own people. Fortunately, the inheritance of civilization has not been cut off.

We are also lucky. We knew this situation in advance, which saved us a lot of detours. "

"Yes, and they can join us in successfully upgrading to high-dimensional life, and maybe they can rebuild their own universe."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Do you have a specific upgrade plan now?"

"Sir, in terms of the composition of the divine body, we don't need to make a lot of preparations.

Our early preparations have not been in vain, a lot of equipment can be put to great use in studying latitude energy.

At this stage, the only thing we are lacking is that there are too few personnel to study latitude technology. The number of graduates every year is not enough for several latitude research institutes.

It is very difficult to extract people from their hands now. "

“Sure enough, in the end, it is still limited by population and heritage.

It's okay, I can't rush this kind of thing. I'm going to put up the frame first and make preliminary research preparations. After all the people are here, I will officially start. "

"Okay sir, I'll make arrangements right away."

The utilization of latitude energy is a very large project.

Just relying on Lin Yu and artificial intelligence like Pan Wang, the research speed is very slow.

But Lin Yu also knows that this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Scientific research is not as simple as treating guests to dinner.

Soon, thirty years passed slowly, and research on latitude energy technology also made great progress.

At this time, the Latitude Energy Research Institute was based in an entire star system and had more than 100 million researchers.

With the support of such a large number of scientific researchers, we finally figured out how to derive latitude energy.

At this time, the latitude energy is still uncontrollable, so it can generally only be used as a weapon.

After many experiments, Lin Yu set the measurement unit of latitudinal energy to degrees.

One degree of latitude energy can directly destroy a star system, completely destroying it, leaving no trace behind.

And black holes will not be created by destroying stars.

After all, the mass has been smoothed out, and naturally there will be no black holes.

After seeing such great power in the previous experiments, Lin Yu could not imagine how powerful it would be after upgrading to the sixth generation divine body.

Because only how to derive latitude energy has been studied, but how to effectively utilize it has not yet been studied.

So Lin Yu continued to lead the research team for a research career of hundreds of years.

A hundred years later, Lin Yu finally knew how to safely utilize latitude energy.

After one degree of latitude energy was filled into the Hongmeng celestial computer, Hongmeng was allowed to run at full power for a day.

You must know that the power of Hongmeng is very powerful. If you want to fully activate its functions, you need ten stars to continuously supply power as soon as you turn on the phone.

And since it is only one degree of latitude energy, it can keep Hongmeng functions fully activated for a day.

Lin Yu has truly seen the power of Latitude Energy.

"Pan King, according to our calculations, what is the basic energy of the sixth-generation divine body?"

"Sir, at least a thousand degrees of latitude energy is needed to ensure that the sixth-generation divine body is in a low-power operating state."

“One thousand degrees is enough for Hongmeng to be fully operational for nearly three years.

Now that Latitude Energy knows how to extract it, all that's left is the Latitude Computer.

King Pan, bring out all the latitude technology. I want to find out how to research the latitude computer. "

"Yes sir."

Because there are no technological systems similar to the Supergod Universe in other universes.

Therefore, large-scale astronomical computers like this have not been developed.

Not to mention things like the dark plane sub-biological engine.

On the other hand, those gene enhancement and life extension potions are very common.

But if you don't become a god, you will still have a lifespan limit after all.

This is why in other universes, the development time of these technological civilizations often takes tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years.

This is due to the limitation of individual life span and the cultivation of reserve talents, which makes their development slower.

Think of the rapidly developing civilization like the angel civilization, which also benefits from the power system of the super-god universe.

But they will also face their ultimate fears more quickly.

And after genetic engineering became mainstream technology, the strong personal power naturally suppressed the development of other disciplines.

Similarly, in other parallel universes, where technological weapons are powerful and personal force is insignificant, they would naturally not have thought that one day, genetic engineering could develop to the point of becoming high-dimensional life.

So sometimes Lin Yu is very lucky that he can get these technologies ahead of time and develop in both directions.

Because there is no reference technology, this technology can only be studied from scratch.

Unlike the celestial computer in the three-dimensional world, although the real body of the latitude computer is huge, its external three-dimensional performance is not large.

Moreover, it can also be taken into the microcosm of the body by the Sixth Generation Divine Body and carried around with you.

Therefore, this latitude computer cannot be carried out using the previous research ideas of celestial computers, and we can only start from scratch.

The first is to determine the performance required by the latitude computer, as well as the effects that can be achieved, etc.

These need to be determined one by one.

In this way, after a simple one-month vacation, all scientific researchers returned to their posts and continued their new latitude scientific and technological performances.

Soon, a thousand years passed slowly.

A thousand years, in the planetary era, may have produced the rise and fall of a dynasty.

It is also possible for a unified civilization to successfully upgrade to a second-level civilization.

But for advanced civilizations, a thousand years is only the time it takes for a slightly more important research.

Of course, this thousand years is also a very important thousand years for Lin Yu.

Because in this thousand years, Lin Yu finally found how to make a latitude computer.

However, we have only found a method. The specific manufacturing method, process flow, etc. are all unknown.

But I finally have an introduction and can hand it over to Hongmeng for deduction.

At this time, Lin Yu was also preparing to build a special battleship to collect the void and latitude materials needed to build a latitude computer.

In the course of a thousand years of research, Lin Yu also understood that if he wanted to build a latitude computer, the material in latitude was essential.

Just like when Carl made the void engine, he blew up the black hole and got five void particles to create the void engine.

If you want to make a latitude computer, you also need latitude matter.

However, Lin Yu will not be as rough as Karl and directly blow up the black hole with stars.

He plans to build a latitude battleship to travel to high-dimensional worlds to collect materials.

Nowadays, the entire empire is focused on the task of upgrading the sixth-generation divine body.

Although it was only now that we really started taking action due to various difficulties, we finally saw hope.

"Pan King, actually at this time, the title of the Sixth Generation Divine Body is no longer appropriate. It should be called the Three-dimensional Body.

Although the science fiction heaven is elusive, their theories are relatively consistent.

By the way, how's the exploration of the sci-fi heaven going? "

"Sir, we have explored all the dark planes in several nearby universes. We can confirm that Heaven really exists, and the Giant Spirit God spreads the theory of Heaven in more than one universe."

"Can we confirm the items related to heaven now?"

“For the time being, we have only got one clue, which is the news about the Heavenly Court Thunder Pond.

At the same time, the reason why Heaven disappeared was also obtained. "

"Why did it disappear?"

"According to the legend, there should have been an invasion by heavenly demons from outside the territory, and Heavenly Court responded. After that, as time went by, the universe gradually lost the presence of Heavenly Court's generals."

"Forget it, I don't know if this legend is reliable or not. Our current task is to complete the dimension upgrade first."

Hearing King Pan's words, Lin Yu knew that it was something he could not touch.

Because according to the civilization of the Heavenly Court, the extraterritorial demons who can be the opponents of the Heavenly Court feel that it is an extremely powerful civilization.

The battlefield on both sides is definitely a place where no one can enter.

So it’s too early to think about this now. Only by moving forward and standing at a higher place can you be qualified to participate.

Soon, fifty years later, the first Latitude battleship was completed, and the Qiankun Empire did not have enough resources to build a second one.

However, the latitude material collected by this latitude battleship in one trip is enough to build its own latitude computer.

Soon, as the latitude warship was launched, it went to the high-dimensional world, and then returned soon, unloaded the collected high-dimensional matter, and continued to set off.

Because the entire civilization has more than hundreds of billions of members that need to be upgraded, the materials collected in one trip are far from enough.

However, Lin Yuye no longer cared about the situation of the Latitude warship continuing to collect data, and began to build the Latitude computer.

Soon, after hundreds of years, the manufacturing of the latitude computer was finally completed.

With all the preparatory work completed, the official upgrade is about to begin.

As Lin Yu adjusted his condition, he went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com goes directly to the upgrade.

In order to protect the safety of the local universe, this upgrade was not placed in the local universe for fear that problems would arise and affect the universe.

Soon, time passed slowly, and soon thousands of years passed by in a flash.

On this day, there was a fluctuation in the universe where Lin Yu was upgraded. All civilizations felt it, but they didn't know the reason.

Because the universe has produced high-dimensional civilization, it is a spontaneous reaction of the rules of the universe.

At the upgrade site, Lin Yu reappeared at the site after the upgrade was successful.

But the real Lin Yu has come to the high-dimensional world, but the three-dimensional universe where he is can also clearly sense it.

"It's amazing. Is this what higher-dimensional life feels like?"

After sighing for a while, he directly hid his high-dimensional state and fell asleep, and his main consciousness descended on his three-dimensional body again.

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