In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 332 Multi-dimensional universe, creating a 3-dimensional universe

Soon, thousands of years passed by.

During this period of time, thousands more members of the Qiankun Civilization completed their dimension upgrade.

During this time, Lin Yu was also checking the status of his dimension promotion.

"Pan King, it took a thousand years for more than a thousand members to upgrade to high-dimensional life. Are there any specific difficulties?"

"Sir, there are two main aspects. One is that latitude materials are difficult to obtain, and the other is that it is difficult to upgrade the base construction."

"First, let's talk about the acquisition of latitude matter?"

"From tens of thousands of latitude warships a thousand years ago to tens of millions of latitude warships now, the number of our latitude warships has increased very slowly."

Lin Yu nodded. Only 10 million ships were maintained in a thousand years, which was too few.

Not to mention anything else, in just this thousand years, hundreds of ordinary combat fleets have been formed.

Judging from the scale of a fleet of one million warships, there are almost 100 million warships.

This is because the number of personnel is sparse, so a lot of streamlined modules and intelligent modules are used.

With the support of the fourth and fifth generation divine bodies, each battleship has very powerful combat effectiveness.

"How much latitude material can be collected by a latitude battleship."

"It's only about a hundred degrees, and each round trip and collection time is almost a month, which greatly slows down the progress of latitude material collection."

"I understand. Inform the members who have successfully upgraded to come over and let's discuss it."


Soon, all the high-dimensionalists arrived and began to discuss how to improve the situation.

"If you ask me, it's better for everyone to work hard and take some time to go to the high-dimensional world to absorb latitude matter."

"Well, our current progress is too slow and we can't keep up with the birth population. We still have a long way to go if we want all of our employees to be promoted. It's time to make changes."

"In addition, in the two-dimensional world, there should be a lot of latitude matter. We have to speed up the manufacturing of latitude warships."

"Well, in that case, let's prepare with both hands. On the one hand, we will separate a group of people to collect high-dimensional matter regularly, and the other group of people will cooperate with the imperial factory to mass-produce latitude warships.

In addition, our empire's own garrison warships also need to undergo latitude transformation, from two aspects. "

"Well, it should be faster this way.

In addition, the base also needs to be increased, otherwise when the materials are enough, the base will not be upgraded enough, which will be inappropriate. "

"Now that the tasks have been assigned, let's get ready."


Soon, everyone left and began to speed up the advancement of civilization members.

On Lin Yu's side, he was preparing to do a new thing.

Because after entering a high-dimensional state, the demand for energy is no longer separate material energy.

The bioenergy, latitude energy, void energy, etc. emitted by three-dimensional life are all sources of energy for high-dimensional creatures.

In order to ensure a stable source of energy after entering the high-dimensional world in the future, Lin Yu plans to build his own three-dimensional universe.

After all, many three-dimensional universes have the imprint of Heaven. When Heaven is revived, there will inevitably be some conflicts.

Just by utilizing the void energy, we can collect the ruins of the destroyed three-dimensional universe and recreate a small universe to serve as an energy base.

After having a plan in mind, Lin Yu and Pan Wang discussed the feasibility, and finally analyzed that this situation was very necessary. After all, no one can guarantee that they can live in peace with Heaven forever in the future.

Heaven must be awakened, because Heaven is needed as the main force to fight against the invaders.

Moreover, Lin Yu has not thoroughly researched many high-dimensional technological weapons and needs a good teacher.

But now that he has a way to deal with it, Lin Yu also plans to create several three-dimensional universes first, and then stamp them as his own Qiankun Empire.

However, this kind of thing is not easy to accomplish.

The first is the battleship dragging the debris of the universe.

The existing latitude warships are not feasible and can only go to high-dimensional time to collect latitude materials.

It is necessary to re-create high-dimensional warships.

And it needs to be a more advanced battleship.

Soon, looking at the high-dimensional world, Lin Yu had a plan.

In a high-dimensional world, although the rules are different, the basic principles of warship manufacturing are still the same. As long as several functional modules can achieve the corresponding effects.

Soon, the design plan of a high-dimensional warship was designed by Lin Yu.

Although one high-dimensional warship cannot pull away the debris of the universe, building a few more will do.

But it's too early to say that yet.

Lin Yu plans to wait until half of the members have become high-dimensional life forms before proceeding with this plan.

At the same time, under King Pan's multi-line operations, multiple upgrade bases began to be constructed throughout the Qiankun Empire.

Like the previous base, it is specially used for upgrading the sixth-generation divine body.

Compared with upgrading the fifth-generation divine body, which consumes a large amount of stellar energy, upgrading the sixth-generation divine body consumes latitude energy or void energy.

So in this case, the requirements for location are not that high.

Therefore, such an upgraded base can be manufactured in large quantities.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the latitude energy of the local universe is not extracted too much, this large-scale upgrade is planned to use void energy.

Soon, one hundred years passed slowly. After the population policy had been cancelled, the total population of the entire Qiankun Empire stayed at around 500 billion, and the growth thereafter was extremely slow.

After all, they have been watching for a long time, and they are not too optimistic about the inheritance of future generations.

In one hundred years, with the efforts of more than a thousand high-dimensional beings, the entire empire collected 10 million upgrade resources.

This is the result of a hundred years of continuous efforts.

But after all the 10 million upgrade resources are used up, find Shuyuan www. With tens of millions of high-dimensional beings, more latitude resources can be obtained.

In this way, all members of the entire civilization can be upgraded in a snowballing manner.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

According to the previous practice, the task of upgrading all can only be completed in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

However, here, the requirements for upgraders are also very high. After all, high-dimensional life is immortal. If you have evil thoughts in your heart, the destructive power will be much greater.

In the face of existing high-dimensional lives, although the thoughts of those three-dimensional lives cannot be understood clearly, there is still no problem in judging good and evil.

The human heart is a very complicated thing. Lin Yu estimates that after the upgrade of all members is completed, there will be more than tens of billions of people who cannot directly upgrade to high-dimensional life.

At that time, these people will have another path, which is to upgrade to four-dimensional or five-dimensional life, spread the reputation of the Qiankun Empire, exchange for merit, and gradually upgrade to true high-dimensional life.

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