In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 338 The invaders return

In the abyss world, the demon civilization that was attacking the barriers of the high-dimensional world suddenly found that the already crumbling barriers it was attacking were suddenly strengthened a lot.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, we have an abnormal situation here, and the strength of the opponent's world barrier suddenly increased."

"How could this happen? What about other areas?"

"Commander, we have prepared a total of thirty attack positions. In more than half of them, the strength of the barriers is rising rapidly, and there is no hope of breaking through."

"The remaining half is slowly increasing due to the increase in barrier strength in other areas."

"Immediately send equipment from other areas to the half of the area that can still be broken, increase the power, and it must be broken within ten days."


After receiving the new order, everyone got busy and accelerated the frequency and power of attacks.

Tianting, who was recovering, immediately discovered this situation, but at this time, Tianting and Daxia's recovery had entered a critical stage, so they had no time to be distracted.

However, when the Twelve Capital Heaven Defense System was first activated, Emperor Ziwei, the center of Heaven, wanted to place the battlefield on the previous battlefield according to the focus of defense.

There, many three-dimensional universes were directly reduced to a state of nothingness, leaving behind a large amount of cosmic debris.

So the world barrier there is still in its previous state, and there is no change.

Although the cosmic barrier is a whole, as time goes by, the entire world barrier will eventually become the same strength.

But that will be a long time.

Therefore, in order to avoid the situation where the barriers cannot be broken, the demon civilization in the abyss world will definitely find ways to break down the barriers in these locations.

This is a conspiracy, and the other party has to accept it.

The original invasion also failed to respond, and the other party took the opportunity to break the barrier.

In the end, the victory was achieved after Nuwa Butian repaired the barrier she broke and directly used the Zhoutian Star Defense System to reinforce the entire world barrier, cutting off the Demon God's escape route.

However, the original war also destroyed many three-dimensional universes. In the end, because the huge heaven required too much energy, there were too few remaining three-dimensional universes, and it could only gradually sleep as it could not make ends meet.

But this has also led to some vicious cycles. The less miracles are shown, the weaker the control over the remaining three-dimensional universe will be, and eventually it will fall into complete sleep.

At the beginning, Zhou Tianxingdou's defense system was always on. As a result, the abyss world on the opposite side kept attacking, and the defense also consumed too much energy.

After a long evolution, many three-dimensional universes have been reborn, so after this awakening, Heaven will not repeat the same mistakes again, and deliberately placed the battlefield on the ancient battlefield.

Lin Yu also got the news and ordered the team that went to the ancient battlefield to collect the debris of the universe to speed up the collection to prevent the other party from being caught off guard.

After receiving the order, the collection fleet also accelerated its speed, no longer worrying about the loss of energy.

After quickly collecting the remaining cosmic debris, these fleets left one after another.

There were originally a lot of cosmic debris floating here, but after several fleets from the Qiankun Civilization arrived, this area was very clean.

"Sir, the fleet collecting space debris has returned."

"Very good. How many cosmic debris have been collected?"

"Sir, our harvest this time is very huge, including 3,100 three-dimensional universe debris and 600 four-dimensional universe debris.

We have discovered even the remains of a five-dimensional universe, and we can gain a lot from it. "

"Yes, if we complete the utilization of all three-dimensional universe remnants as soon as possible, and develop civilization, these re-created universes will be our sufficient soldiers and energy base."

"Yes, sir."

Before leaving, these collection fleets also placed a lot of detectors here to control the situation here in time.

"Pan King, what is the current situation in Daxia and Tianting?"

“Sir, first of all, it’s Daxia. Because their home planet is much smaller than the Thirty-Third Heaven, their recovery speed is also the fastest.

Recently, our energy meter has also detected that a large amount of high-dimensional energy has arrived in distant unknown areas through the latitude interlayer.

Not long after, a fleet returned to Daxia.

So I estimate that the other party should activate long-range energy transmission and provide energy to those fleets outside. "

"Well, don't worry about them. Has our own universe been taken back?"

"All of them have been recovered. With the addition of the 3,100 cosmic debris this time, we estimate that the number of usable three-dimensional universes will increase to 4,000 in a short period of time."

"Well, yes, four thousand three-dimensional universes are almost enough with our current size.

By the way, those remnants of the four-dimensional universe must be carefully studied and we strive to complete technical research on reconstructing the four-dimensional universe. "

"Okay sir, I'll make arrangements right now."

"By the way, what was the result of the previous three-party trial?"

“The results are out, and the final winner is Rune Civilization.

A system that takes into account both cultivation and technological civilization can quickly cultivate a large number of mid-range cultivators.

As for the improved utilization of resources, their development is also very orderly. With the same resources, the pure cultivation system may only be able to cultivate one cultivator.

But if you put it in Rune Technology, you can train two or even three people.

This gap cannot be seen when the number is small, but as the order of magnitude continues to increase, the final result is self-evident, and the sea of ​​​​people alone can kill the other two parties. "

"Well, now that the training direction has been determined, let's implement it quickly.

After all, the storm is coming, and I have a hunch that the other party will invade soon. "

Lin Yu's hunch was very accurate. On the Abyss World side, the progress of the fastest coordinate point had reached 90%.

"Commander, we can open the first channel in two days at most.

Since the last intrusion, the other party has increased its defenses, and we have calculated for a long time before finding the loopholes. They are all dynamic, and it is too difficult to lock them at any time. "

"No matter how difficult it is, it must be completed, otherwise neither of us will get any good results."


Soon, two days passed by in a flash. As 99% of the instrument jumped forward and became 100%, a vortex was opened, and the passage between the high-dimensional world and the abyssal world was opened again.

After seeing that the passage was successfully opened, everyone present cheered.

"Immediately organize a team to check and see the situation on the other side, and return in a quarter of an hour."


Soon, an elite exploration team was ready and entered the vortex directly.

The moment the passage was opened, it was discovered by three parties in the high-dimensional universe, so everyone became nervous.

On the Heavenly Court side, Haotian has been awakened, and other Heavenly Court members are also in place.

"Your Majesty, our clairvoyance has discovered that the opening location of the opponent's passage is in the center of the ancient battlefield.

Our plan has worked, and the other party can only open the channel at the location we specified. "

"Well, this time our power is a little stronger, so our goal this time is very simple, to completely eliminate the invaders this time, then restart Zhoutian Xingdou, isolate the other party from prying eyes, and then help Daxia and Qiankun civilization develops, accumulates strength, and counterattacks the opponent."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Have the people from Daxia and Qiankun Civilization arrived?"

"Your Majesty, the other party's envoy has arrived and is waiting in the reception area."

"Well, Taibai, if you come with me, whether we can take the high-dimensional universe a step further depends on whether the cooperation between the three of us can be achieved."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Soon, Haotian saw the envoys of the two civilizations Daxia and Qiankun who had been waiting for a long time in the reception area.

"You two have come from afar, welcome to our heavenly palace as guests."

"Your Majesty Haotian is very polite. We both came here this time to discuss with Your Majesty how to deal with this invasion."

"I think the envoys of Daxia should know my position. I will never tolerate the alien civilization that invades the high-dimensional world and must destroy it. It just so happens that the envoys of Qiankun Civilization are here this time, and I will also tell you about it. The state of the world.”

Hearing that there was still a secret, Liu Wen, the messenger of Qiankun Civilization, listened carefully.

"The gap between our high-level world and the abyssal world is actually quite big. The other side has a total of twelve civilizations like ours, but we only have three. This is the gap at the world level.

After eliminating the opponent's invasion last time, our level has almost reached enough, so this time the Qiankun Civilization can be born normally.

But in the future, if we do not make new developments, then there will not be a fourth high-dimensional world civilization born.

But there is one thing that we are better than the other side, that is, the level of our heaven is actually half a level higher than the other side's twelve demon civilizations.

Perhaps it is because of this half-level difference that the number of high-dimensional world civilizations born here has been reduced to only two. According to conventional calculations, we can give birth to at least six civilizations. "

"Your Majesty, what do you need us to do now?"

“Gather your strength and wait to attack.

This time we used the Twelve Capital Heavens to limit the opponent's passage position to the ancient battlefield. In this way, our initiative was much higher. "

"In this case, let's go back and prepare."

"Two envoys, please go back and tell your leaders that we have a great chance of winning this battle. Once we succeed, the possibility of upgrading the high-dimensional world will be very high, so I hope that the three of us can work together to completely eliminate this abyss. world."

"Okay Your Majesty, we understand."

Looking at the two envoys leaving, Haotian also sighed. He had already said this and hoped that the two parties could do their best.

"Taibai, this is the only time we have been so close to transcendence in so many years, so in order to transcend, we should give up some things appropriately."

"Did His Majesty mean to provide technical support to Daxia and Qiankun?"


"Your Majesty, I understand."

On the other side, Liu Wen, who returned from the 33rd level of heaven, also reported to Lin Yu.

After listening to Liu Wen's story, Lin Yu also understood a lot of secrets.

But soon, when Lin Yu made preliminary arrangements for internal matters, someone reported that Taibai Jinxing from Heaven was visiting.

"Welcome Heavenly Messenger Taibai Jinxing. Your arrival really makes us shine."

"You're welcome, Leader Lin Yu. This time, our Majesty is worried that he can't explain clearly, so he asked me to come here and explain things clearly to you."

"Please tell me."

"You have just upgraded to a high-dimensional world. Many things may not be very clear. The high-dimensional world is not the end of civilization. Beyond that, there is a transcendent civilization that surpasses god-level civilization."

"Beyond civilization, what do you call this civilization?"

"You know, the universe is divided into dimensions, and above the dimensions is our current high-dimensional world.

But the high-dimensional world is not the only one. The abyss world is a world at the same level as us, so transcendent civilization is a world civilization that transcends the high-dimensional world. "

"I've been taught a lesson, I wonder why you came here this time...?"

"We in Heaven have developed so far that we are very close to entering a transcendent civilization, and this time, our opportunity will be the closest, so this time, we also hope that you can support us. Of course, we are all at the same level. We also know the principles of civilization and equality and reciprocity, so we will provide an encyclopedia of science and technology that a high-dimensional world civilization should have, as well as the non-core technology of our heaven."

As soon as this condition was put forward, Lin Yu was a little excited. After all, these technologies are conventional technologies, but he also needs to study them from scratch.

If you can get technical support from Heaven, you can save a lot of things on your own.

After all, time is the most pressing nowadays.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu also made a decision.

"Emissary Taibai, in principle, we agree to this cooperation, but I think it's better to have a good negotiation with Daxia. In this way, with our two civilizations helping each other, the success rate should be very high."

"In fact, Daxia has already reached a cooperation with us. After we complete the cooperation, everyone will be a collaborator."

"I see. If that's the case, then let's sign an agreement."

"Okay, Leader Lin Yu is generous."

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous. We all benefit from each other. Everyone can find what they need at Shuyuan"

At their level, it is impossible to play word games in the agreement. In just one breath, they can analyze the contents of the agreement completely, and there is no way to hide any traps.

Therefore, the signing of the agreement at this time is more casual and grand.

Soon, the two sides reached an agreement on an offensive and defensive alliance. In the agreement, Heaven will provide Qiankun Civilization with all the conventional technologies necessary for high-dimensional world civilization. At the same time, after the detachment is successful, the data obtained during the detachment process will be provided to Qiankun Civilization. This way,

Correspondingly, the Qiankun Civilization where Lin Yu lives needs to do its best to use its armed forces to help Heaven capture and guard the abyss world.

Taibai Jinxing also said that this is the same template as the one signed by Daxia, so there is no need to worry about heaven being treated differently.

Hearing this, although Lin Yu's expression remained as usual, he felt much more comfortable.

After Taibaijinxing left, Lin Yu took the technology that had just been handed over to him and immediately asked the scientific research institute to thoroughly understand all conventional technologies and give priority to researching technologies that are beneficial to the war.

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