In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 340 The First Round of Battle

In the abyss world, as the first channel is opened, subsequent channels are opened faster and faster.

However, they soon discovered a problem, that is, the locations where these passages were opened were all in the previous ancient battlefields.

So they also knew what Heaven was thinking.

Obviously, the last attack, because the defense was launched relatively late, allowed invaders from the abyss world to be scattered throughout the high-dimensional world, causing great damage to many universes and civilizations within it.

So this time, Heaven wants to limit the battlefield here to reduce the scope of the war.

But these are not big problems for the twelve demon god civilizations.

Unlike last time, only three or four demon civilizations participated in the invasion, this time, all twelve demon civilizations participated in the abyss world.

If you want to go further, you have to completely devour the high-dimensional universe to have a chance.

So at this time, they were surprisingly united and had the same goal.

At this time, in the abyss world, a large number of demon civilization troops are gathering.

Unlike the high-dimensional world, the members of the demon civilization in the abyss world are not immortal. Although they can also be resurrected, the number of times is limited.

The people gathered this time were all those who could no longer be resurrected.

In this war, once you can achieve meritorious deeds, you will be able to obtain treasures from the upper levels that increase the number of resurrections.

Therefore, although this war has a narrow escape, it is better than a ten-death situation here.

After all, the abyss world is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and they may be killed one day.

Soon, the first round of attacking teams was ready and ready to go.

At this time, more than ten channels have been opened, which can fully meet the movements of the army.

"Sir, we are ready to go at any time."

"Very good, move out immediately, occupy the opposite side and establish a strong stronghold."


"All vanguard troops are ready, the entire army will attack!"


All the fleets roared and began to pass through the passage in an orderly manner.

When the abyssal army took action, Heaven, Daxia, and Qiankun in the high-dimensional world all knew about the abyssal world and began to attack on a large scale.

On this side of heaven.

"King Tota, how are our troops prepared?"

"Your Majesty, the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals under my command, as well as the 28-constellation troops and the 12 Yuanchen fleets are ready and ready to depart at any time."

"Well, where is the Tianhe navy?"

"Your Majesty, the Tianhe navy led by Wei Chen has recovered 80% of its combat strength and can also participate in this battle."

"In that case, let's go out together."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Although the troops dispatched by the Abyss World this time do not seem to be very high-level, they have already suffered a loss last time. Haotian will not take it lightly and directly dispatched 50% of the combat power that Heavenly Court has recovered.

As for this war, Haotian's purpose is also very clear, that is to trap the opponent and prevent the opponent from leaving the ancient battlefield.

In this way, you can continuously kill the opponent's troops entering the high-dimensional world, and increase the foundation of the high-dimensional world in disguise.

In this way, it will be easier when he leads Heaven to Transcendence later.

At the same time, on Daxia's side, after all, the foundation is not as deep as that of Heavenly Court, and recovery may be slower, but the combat effectiveness at this time cannot be underestimated.

"Zero, how is the army prepared?"

"Sir, preparations are complete. For this battle, we have dispatched a total of 100 billion void-class battleships, 500 billion Titan mechas, and 100 million rules and philosophical weapons, which can meet the early war needs."

"Well, in addition, your mechanical clan's reconnaissance robot will see if it can enter the opponent's universe and provide us with some accurate information."

"Sir, at present, a group of our investigators have been revived. This task can also be carried out. At the same time, our cross-world communication has also gained a little bit of clues. Every once in a while, using the world's tide, a short communication can be completed. , enough to pass on the information during this period.”

"Very good, the investigators are ordered to ensure their own safety. In the abyss world, they are not as immortal as in the high-dimensional world."

"Yes sir."

At the same time, as a backward civilization, although it received technical assistance from Heaven, the time it received was too short after all. Even with all its efforts, it could only analyze part of the military technology.

However, in this war, Lin Yu had no intention of hiding behind and watching the show.

He still understands the reason why his lips are dead and his teeth are cold.

"Pan King, how is our fleet prepared?"

"Sir, at present our fleet has completed the transformation of 50 billion warships. In addition, based on the research on Tianting technology and the characteristics of our own technology.

The Plane Research Institute has found a new way to attack, world banishment. "

"How's the effect?"

“Based on the theory provided by Heavenly Court, we have successfully developed equipment that can detect world barriers.

At the same time, combined with our own latitude theory, we can successfully explore the situation of competing distances outside the world barrier. This range is about one yuan away. "

Because there is no sense of distance outside the world barrier, King Pan directly used the high-dimensional world he was in as a reference to formulate a unit of measurement to distinguish distances from the outside world.

Among the three civilizations, Qiankun Civilization was the first to master this technology.

In fact, it doesn't mean that Tianting and Daxia don't do research, but they have different focuses.

Heaven is still very familiar with the things above the world barrier, but beyond is the vast sea of ​​chaos. For Heaven, which wants to transcend, exploring the sea of ​​chaos is not as good as continuing to study the reality of transcendence.

Daxia, on the other hand, did not come to study entirely because of the war.

Because the ideas of research and development are different, Lin Yu, after obtaining Tianting's research on world barriers, combined with his own research ideas, also included the study of the surrounding sea of ​​chaos into scientific research.

In this way, after studying the Chaos Sea and discovering its ability to dissolve everything, the banishment technology was successfully developed.

This technology can open a single passage to the Sea of ​​Chaos in a designated area, directly sucking all objects in the area into the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Not to mention Heaven, judging from the information Lin Yu obtained about the demon civilization of the abyss world, it is completely possible to completely eliminate the other party.

"Very good, in that case, let's bring this set of equipment over and conduct on-site experiments.

If it is feasible, maybe we can find a way to directly open a reverse channel in the other side's universe, introduce the sea of ​​chaos into the other side's universe, and completely destroy the other side. "

"Okay sir, I'll make arrangements right away."

Soon, all three fleets were assembled in their respective territories.

Haotian, Lu Chen and Lin Yu from the three parties were all on remote video connection, looking at the locations where the three armies were gathering.

In this war, the general marshal is Li Jing, the king of heaven.

Liu Guodong of Daxia and Li Feifan of Qiankun served as deputy marshals, assisting Li Jing in commanding.

After all, it is a tripartite coalition, and it is impossible for them all to be commanded by Li Jing alone.

Soon, under the gaze of the leaders of the three parties, Li Jing waved his hand and ordered the army to dispatch.

"Attention all soldiers, everyone, the whole army is out."


After receiving the order, the troops from Heavenly Court, Daxia and Qiankun Civilization all gathered at the three-party assembly point and headed towards the ancient battlefield.

At the same time, on the ancient battlefield, the first round of war has already begun.

It is impossible for the Heavenly Court to wait until all the Abyss Demon God's army comes to establish a firm foothold before attacking. They must interrupt their offensive momentum while their foothold is not firm.

So not long after the three-party fleets were assembled, the automatic defense positions at the frontline base were the first to open fire.

Huge firepower poured directly into the location where the Abyss Demon God descended.

The previous reconnaissance team was too small to be worth exposing the forward position.

Now the big fish has finally come, and they won’t let them go just like that.

"An invasion of troops from outside this world has been detected, the dragnet is ready, and the two-dimensional drift bottle is ready to launch the first round of strikes."

As the defensive positions set up by Heavenly Court directly used dragnets to block the battlefield in the first round, the two-dimensional drift bottles from Daxia were directly launched, directly reducing the dimension of this area to a two-dimensional world.

The demon army had just left the passage and before they understood what was going on, they were given a slap in the face.

The first advance troops that came in had no time to react and were directly annihilated.

This made the subsequent troops very cautious and entered the battlefield directly against the latitude shielding device.

"Latitude shielding equipment is detected, start the rule modifier, modify the physical and energy rules of the area, starting...starting completed,

Advanced energy is defined as shit, and the physics rules are modified to mean that metal cannot withstand kinetic weapons. "

With the modification of the rules, these second batch of demon god's advance troops who came in directly lost their energy source and were unable to absorb energy from the surrounding space.

On the defense line, a round of ordinary kinetic energy weapon attacks also directly shredded the defense of these demon advance troops.

Their battleship armor was like paper, unable to withstand attacks from kinetic weapons.

"The opponent activates the rules weapon, activates the anti-rule shielding device, and immediately counterattacks."

After experiencing the initial panic, the remaining Demon God advance army immediately stabilized under the orders of the remaining commanders.

With the activation of the regular shielding device, the demon fleet here also regained its due combat effectiveness.

"Modify physical constants, change the gravity rules of the area, and random gravity constants."

Soon, another attack was launched, tearing apart the remaining demon god's advance army.

Originally, there was no gravity in this area, but with the modification of the world's physical constants, different gravity areas were directly created in this area.

This directly leads to the fact that a battleship may have normal gravity at the front, hundreds of times the downward gravity in the middle, and thousands of times the upward gravity at the back.

Then you can see that some battleships are like twists, and the entire battleship is twisted into a ball.

Some warships seemed to have been cut in half, destroyed in various ways.

Lin Yu, who was watching the battlefield remotely, saw this situation for the first time and was filled with admiration.

However, the Demon God's advance army on the scene was having a hard time.

"Everyone, activate all defense systems and don't save energy."


I originally thought that there was no dimensional universe around the ancient battlefield area due to previous wars.

It will be very difficult for the fleet to replenish energy.

That's why not all defense systems were turned on.

But now it seems that it is impossible not to turn it on.

A command error caused the Demon God Army to suffer such heavy losses. Fortunately, the commander-in-chief of the advance army had been killed, otherwise the higher-ups of the Demon God Civilization would have let him know what cruelty is.

With the remaining hundreds of thousands of warships on defense, surrounding attacks can no longer directly kill them.

Directly through continuous attacks, consume the opponent's energy reserves and finally break down the defense.

As for the position in the high-dimensional world, these warships alone cannot be attacked at all, so the second advance army at this time is in a defensive posture.

With the arrival of the third batch of advance troops, the situation improved.

The positions in the high-dimensional world are not worried about energy consumption.

There are tens of thousands of three-dimensional worlds, hundreds of four-dimensional worlds and dozens of five-dimensional worlds behind it as energy bases. All attacks seem to be free of charge, constantly pouring on the head of the Demon God's advance army.

At this time, the Demon God's advance army felt extremely aggrieved.

Because even the third batch of the Demon God's advance army that arrived can only defend passively and occasionally counterattack. Because they don't carry enough energy, they can attack without causing any impact on the positions in the high-dimensional world, but some of the energy can be allocated. After the attack, his own defense was almost broken.

Seeing this situation, the Demon God's advance army was also startled. They immediately gave up the attack and concentrated on defense.

After the fourth and fifth batches of the Demon God's advance army arrived, the situation really improved, and the Demon God's advance army no longer had to stay in place to withstand attacks.

However, although I can move freely, the dragnet is still open, and I cannot escape the blockade even if I run.

Upon seeing this, the Demon God's advance army went to Shuyuan and immediately commanded a part of the army to attack the blockade.

However, with the sufficient energy supply of the defensive position, it cannot be broken at all.

Seeing this situation, the Demon God's advance army present also knew that if they wanted to break this barrier, they would need a high-level fleet to come over.

But first, you have to establish a complete stronghold here.

At this time, the Demon God's advance army can be said to have gained a firm foothold.

So immediately notify the subordinate civilization in the rear to bring a large amount of resources to build a stronghold.

Haotian and the others were also watching the actions of these demon god's advance troops from behind, knowing that the defensive positions at this time could no longer cause much harm to these intruders.

This attack simply wiped out a lot of advance troops, so it was not without gain.

Fortunately, this time the coalition forces are about to arrive, and it will be a real war by then, and the old accounts carried over from the last war can also be settled.

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