In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 358: Chaos Body of All Members, Donghuang Bell Experiment, Daxia Arrives

Time passed slowly, and ten thousand years had passed since Daxia left the high-dimensional world.

During this period of time, a large amount of chaotic matter was collected and consumed, making people feel that the chaotic space airflow around the high-dimensional world has become much thinner.

Of course, this is not an illusion, because with the comparison of the two photos, it can be clearly seen that the color of chaos around the entire high-dimensional world has become much lighter.

This situation made Lin Yu attach great importance to it.

It was also at this time that he realized that the chaotic air currents in the entire chaotic world were similar to minerals and were also limited.

Perhaps chaotic airflow can continue to be generated, but currently in the periphery of the high-dimensional world, the speed of replenishment of chaotic airflow in the distance can no longer keep up with the consumption on one's own side.

This situation made Lin Yu start thinking about subsequent development issues.

"Pan King, let's calculate, if we want to completely achieve transcendence, according to the current operating mode, how long will it take us, and what will the chaotic space around the high-dimensional world look like in the end?"

“Sir, after calculation, we can draw the following conclusion.

First point, if we follow the current development model, it will take at least 10 million years for all of us to achieve transcendence.

Secondly, during this process, the chaotic airflow around the entire high-dimensional world will also approach a thin state.

For example, compare chaotic airflow to fog.

If the visibility was one meter at the beginning, the visibility now has risen to ten meters.

According to the model, after 10 million years, the visibility around the entire high-dimensional world will reach 500 meters.

At that time, the entire high-dimensional world may expand rapidly due to the thinness of the chaotic energy around it, reducing its lifespan a lot. "

"What is the lifespan of the existing high-dimensional world?"

"According to the highest latitude we are currently at, there may still be a thousand miles of time left, but according to current models, there may only be a thousand miles of time left in ten million years."

"It will actually reduce so much time. No, the chaotic material collection area must be moved away from the high-dimensional world."

There are many units above 100 million, the most common ones are mega, jing, gai, etc.

In addition to these commonly used units, there are also Zi, Rang, Gou, Jian, Zheng, Zai and so on.

Each one is from a thousand to one, so the time it takes to drop directly from a thousand Gai to a thousand Beijing is very scary.

In less than 10 million years, so much lifespan has been consumed. To the latecomer civilization, Lin Yu and his Qiankun civilization are sinners in the high-dimensional world.

Normally, an ordinary world will have a lifespan of one year after its birth, which is the standard world lifespan.

But if you are born with deficiencies, your life span will be short.

And if you are innately powerful, the world will have more lifespan.

The two worlds opened up by the Pangu definitely have more than one lifespan.

Today's high-dimensional world is still very young and is still expanding rapidly.

If it hadn't been suppressed by the surrounding chaotic energy, it might have become very huge.

These chaotic gases are like springs. As the world is opened up, the strong pressure inside the world pushes the chaotic gas to continue to compress.

Eventually, when the world expands to a certain extent, the internal and external pressures will be balanced, and then the size of the world will stabilize.

As time goes by, after the energy within the world continues to be transformed into lower abilities, the energy for world expansion also weakens.

Just like two springs inside and outside, after balancing each other, the inner spring gradually loses its elasticity and begins to be squeezed inward by the outer spring.

At this time, the whole world also enters the aging stage.

However, this situation is very cruel to those civilizations who want to transcend, because they have to race against time. Only by transcending can they not be affected by the destruction of the world.

As for latitude civilization, to be honest, at their level, they may not be able to feel it because of the problem of vision.

Moreover, the aging of the world takes a long time, so long that they won’t even notice it.

After knowing that excessive mining would shorten the life span of the high-dimensional world, Lin Yu also made arrangements accordingly.

The first is that existing mining areas begin to be gradually closed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yu was also preparing to replace many of the old equipment.

The latest equipment now collects much faster than the old equipment, so it was just replaced.

This new equipment does not improve the collection efficiency much, but compared with the old equipment, the collection range becomes wider.

Naturally, the energy of chaos collected is much more than that of the old equipment.

In the case of internal multi-line operation, the output each time is also much higher.

If the previous collection of chaos energy only produced one piece of chaotic matter, now ten pieces can be produced.

So in this case, the new equipment is definitely much easier to use than the old equipment.

In order to consider the future development of the high-dimensional world, Lin Yu established a new mining area on the edge of the existing beacon network coverage.

The concentration of chaotic energy here is no different from the concentration in the depths.

According to King Pan's model, the chaotic energy here is enough for him to collect tens of thousands of years of time.

In ten thousand years, the beacon network on our side can definitely cover more places.

At that time, we will follow the same pattern and move these mining areas to edge areas to continue mining.

And as the scope increases, there will definitely be gaps between the previous number of mining areas. At this time, just arrange the latest mining equipment to fill the gaps.

After completing all your plans, you can leave the specific implementation process to Pan Wang. You only need to grasp a general direction.

On the other side, with ten thousand years of research, new breakthroughs have been made about the artifact of the Donghuang Bell.

This means that soon, Qiankun Civilization will be able to have its own chaos-level weapons.

"Pan King, how is the popularity of Chaos Body now?"

"Sir, 50% of the members have been covered so far, and the remaining 50% should be completed within a thousand years. By then, all members will have the ability to walk freely in chaos."

"Well, very good. In this case, even if the Chaos battleship is destroyed, these members can safely fall into Chaos and will not suffer secondary damage due to Chaos."

"Yes sir, in addition we have also placed multiple world seeds on these chaotic bodies.

Once there is a situation of being alone, the member who is alone can also rely on these world seeds to open up a small world.

In this case, you can use local materials, use small world resources to create a chaos collection device, and then put it into chaos to collect chaotic materials to build new beacons.

And usually, our combat distance is not too far. Basically, we can connect to our own network by placing about five beacons. "

"Well, even so, the chaotic space is changeable. Once it breaks away from the beacon network, it will fall into an unknown area and it will be impossible to discern its own direction.

So let the scientific research department find out if there is any technology that can locate the single person. "

"Okay sir, I'll make arrangements right away."

This technology is also prepared for a rainy day. Lin Yu also watched the combat video sent back from heaven before, knowing that there are new challenges waiting for him later, so the technology about chaos also needs to be studied in advance.

After everything was arranged according to plan, time passed quickly.

Although I wish I could transcend quickly and go to the front line to fight, the development of science and technology does not happen overnight and requires continuous experimentation and analysis.

During these ten thousand years, scientific researchers finally completed all research on the Donghuang Bell.

Now, it’s time for real experimentation.

Different from previous scientific and technological research, the difficulty of this research greatly exceeded Lin Yu's expectations.

I originally thought that the specifications of the Donghuang Bell were not comparable to those of the Pangu, so it should be relatively simple to study.

But this research made Lin Yu understand that as long as he is exposed to chaos technology, none of it is easy to study.

This time it only took more than 20,000 years to complete the research, which is already very fast.

However, after passing this level, there is still the next level. Now Lin Yu is faced with a very serious matter, that is, there is insufficient chaos material reserves to complete the production of the Donghuang Bell this time.

The reason for this is also very simple, that is, the chaos body of all members used a large amount of chaotic matter, which caused this situation.

"Pan King, how long will it take to make the Donghuang Bell?"

"Sir, according to the current progress of collecting chaotic matter, it will take at least three thousand years."

"Three thousand years, luckily it's not very long. By the way, is the venue ready for this experiment on the performance of the Donghuang Bell?"

"The preparations for the two experimental sites have been completed, and the construction of the No. 1 test site has begun. It is expected to be completed in a thousand years."

"Very good, then let's wait another three thousand years. No, maybe more than three thousand years. These three thousand years are just the time to collect chaotic matter.

In addition, making the Donghuang Bell may take even longer time. Alas, we can only wait. "

Sighing, Lin Yu could only give up temporarily.

One of the two experimental sites prepared by King Pan was to open up a smaller world for testing the teleportation function of the Donghuang Bell.

In another place, a chaotic space was chosen as the experimental site for the Donghuang Bell to open up the world.

As mentioned before, the Donghuang Bell is one of the ten ancient artifacts. It is said that it is the gate to heaven and has the ability to create the world.

This sentence contains two functions, one is the transmission function, and the other is the function of creating the world.

While Lin Yu was making intensive preparations, Daxia was about to arrive at the battlefield of chaos.

Because he did not walk directly along the original route to heaven, he was delayed for a while on the way.

However, along the way, the research on chaotic space has made great progress, and by the way, the landmark route left by the heaven has been maintained and widened.

In addition to these, the chaos body project that was jointly researched with Qiankun Civilization also equipped all personnel, and 80% of the chaos material reserves were consumed for this purpose.

However, the price is worth it. At this time, the world of Star God Planet has removed the world barriers and is completely immersed in the energy of chaos.

Because all members are Chaos bodies, there is no need to worry about the erosion of Chaos energy.

Such close contact with chaos also provided first-hand data for the study of chaos, allowing Daxia's chaos technology to develop rapidly.

At the same time, after Daxia arrived at the Chaos battlefield, looking at the Chaos warships around the planet world, the battlefield guards were also a little confused.

What's going on? Why are there so many more detached people? Is the world in the chaotic space developing so fast now?

Although the other detached people were very strange, the detached people belonging to the heaven side soon knew that this was Daxia coming over.

"Your Majesty, the team of Daxia Civilization has arrived and is waiting outside the pass."

"I didn't expect Daxia to arrive so soon. It's great. Now, our strength is much stronger."

Haotian, who was distracted in the meeting, was very happy when he heard the news and immediately told others about it at the meeting.

Everyone was very happy to have a new force join, and immediately went out to greet them with Haotian.

When he came to the pass and looked at the huge planet world in the distance, Haotian was also a little lost.

"I didn't expect them to actually create a planet world, and all of them have evolved and become chaotic creatures."

Looking at the subjects of Daxia moving freely in the chaos, Haotian immediately thought of the key points.

With Haotian's endorsement, the next thing is simple.

Daxia parked the planet world at the edge of the pass, next to the two worlds led by the Pangu, while Lu Chen led the escort team into the pass to participate in what happened next.

It is worth mentioning that although he did not have outstanding military exploits, Daxia automatically obtained an important seat and could express his own opinions. This was a powerful voice brought by strength.

Let’s look at the high-dimensional world.

Five thousand years have passed by in a flash. Since enough chaotic matter was collected two thousand years ago, the construction of the Donghuang Bell began.

Now two thousand years have passed, and the construction of the Donghuang Bell has come to an end and is about to be completed.

A year passed quickly, and with the installation of the last device completed, the entire Donghuang Bell was completely complete.

"Sir, the construction of the Donghuang Bell has been completed and the self-test is normal. The next step of testing can begin."

"Very good. Let everyone pay attention to safety and ensure the stability of the operation of the Donghuang Bell."

"Yes, sir."

After getting Lin Yu's permission, the experiment officially began.

The first is the transmission function. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com The world required for the previous Experimental Site No. 1 has been successfully developed. After two thousand years of operation, it is very stable and can develop on its own.

So the world at this point is very mature as a testing ground.

"Enter the coordinates of Experimental Site No. 1 and prepare to start remote transmission."

"Target area covered!"

"The safety shield at the teleportation destination has been established and teleportation can begin."

"Start the Donghuang Bell, start teleportation, 3, 2, 1, start!!"

As the last command was issued, the East Emperor Clock directly covered an area of ​​the galaxy and transmitted it to an empty star field inside the test site.

In just a short moment, the transmission was completed, and the experimental galaxy appeared completely in Experimental World No. 1.

Seeing this, everyone was very happy, indicating that the teleportation function of the Donghuang Bell had met the expected requirements. The next step was to experiment with the limits of this teleportation function, the teleportation distance, and the maximum range of teleported objects.

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