In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 361 Chaos battlefield, Qiankun arrives

As the front line of Chaos Space's defense against Hongmeng Space, Chaos Battlefield has always been on high alert.

Even now that the Zone of Nirvana was created between the two due to the Pangu War, they did not relax their vigilance.

So when the Donghuang Bell appeared near the pass, the alarm was immediately sounded.

"what's the situation?"

"Report to the general, on the edge of the pass, on the Chaos side, a huge bell-shaped instrument appeared. It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend."

"Send someone to check and see what kind of force it is."

"Yes, General!"

Soon, a scout who drove the Chaos Body came out of the pass and slowly approached the Donghuang Bell.

These Chaos Bodies are simplified versions customized by Chaos Battlefield from Daxia, in order to provide some help to every transcendent.

Although he is a detached person, within the Great Wall of Chaos, it is still equivalent to a world where there are relatives of these detached people.

There are two external versions of this Chaos shoe, one is the standard version and the other is the simplified version.

The standard version is generally used by the relatives of those who have transcended, to help them escape from the world and come to chaos.

Of course, there are not many of these parts, and they are all customized to perfectly fit the soul of the user.

As for the simplified version, it is provided to the subordinate forces of various detached people.

Although as a detached person, he has entered chaos, he is not a machine without emotions, and he also has his own desires.

So a lot of slaves are needed to handle their own chores.

After these slaves enter the chaos, they also need the protection of the transcendent, otherwise they will not be able to survive in the chaos.

Now that he has a simplified version of the Chaos Body, this transcendent person has the highest authority (on the surface), and there is no need to worry about those slaves having alien intentions and driving the Chaos Body to escape.

Even the officials of Chaos Battlefield purchased a batch to use for the subordinate forces they cultivated to do trivial things.

If you perform well, you will also get a specially customized Chaos Body and become a pseudo-transcendant.

Because they are all customized and simplified versions, the worlds inside are all mass-produced small worlds, which provide limited power, but can completely provide world barriers to resist the energy of chaos.

In this way, they can also know the dangers of chaos in advance and have a certain understanding of chaos.

Only when you stand taller can you see different scenery and want to reach that height.

After the investigator quickly approached the Donghuang Bell, he did not make direct contact, but began to try to make contact.

But at this time, Lin Yu already knew the situation outside, so he immediately sent someone out to explain the situation and avoid misunderstandings.

When a figure suddenly appeared, the investigator was startled and almost prepared to attack.

However, after seeing that the person opposite was also a humanoid and could move freely in the chaos like himself, in order to avoid accidental injury, he temporarily refrained from launching an attack.

"The chaotic battlefield ahead is forbidden to enter. Who are you and what are you going to do here?"

"Hello, we are the Qiankun Civilization of the high-dimensional world. Our entire clan has transcended. We received news that support is needed on the Chaos battlefield, so we came here specially."

"That's it. Just wait a moment. I'll report it to my superiors, who will make the decision."

"Excuse me!"

On the other side, Lin Yu, who was observing the situation, saw this and immediately ordered King Pan to send a message to Ling through the road mark network to tell them that we had arrived.

After Pan Wang accepted the order, he immediately sent an encrypted message.

After Lu Chen, who was attending an impromptu meeting, received the message from Ling, he also learned that the clock-like object outside was the Qiankun Civilization.

Looking at the people who were discussing how to deal with this sudden appearance of civilization, Lu Chen also coughed twice.

"Everyone, this meeting can be ended. I know the situation of this unknown civilization."

"Yes, I have just received the report from below."

The alliance leader who was about to inquire about the situation suddenly received a notification from someone below.

"You two, are you a civilization from your high-dimensional universe?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, Alliance Leader."

"Great, I didn't expect that your high-dimensional universe is so powerful that so many powerful civilizations have emerged one after another."

"Your Majesty, how about we greet the new allies first and then show everyone our recent research results?"

"As it should be, everyone, please move!"

Soon, a group of people arrived outside the pass, and at this time Lin Yu also released his heaven.

When the people inside the pass came out, what they saw was a huge bell-shaped shadow shrouding a world.

This world is very strange. It is composed of a continent with a high mountain in the middle. From the outside, it doesn't look very big.

But this is a complete world with complete rules.

After seeing people coming out of the pass, Lin Yu also showed up and went to contact them.

Lin Yu felt relieved because he saw Lu Chen and Haotian.

"Brother Lin, welcome to the Great Wall of Chaos battlefield. This is the leader of our alliance. These are the Speakers. These are all members of Parliament."

Haotian and Lu Chen took the lead and introduced Lin Yu and the members of the alliance to each other.

After that, a group of people came back to the conference room, ready to see the latest research results mentioned by Lu Chen and Haotian.

"Everyone, please take a look at this trend chart. This chart records the number of transcendents produced in all your worlds in the past million years and the situation of the world."

After a huge trend chart was placed on the virtual projection in the middle, everyone was a little confused.

Although technology has begun to appear in the Great Wall of Chaos due to Haotian and Lu Chen, many things are not well understood.

"You may not understand, that's okay, I'll explain it to you one by one.

I believe you all knew before that your Excellency, the Alliance Leader, entrusted us to investigate the recent decrease in the number of newly promoted Transcendents. "

"After a period of investigation and visits, as well as inspection of the existing world, we have learned the reason for the decrease in new transcendent people."

“Through research, we have discovered that many worlds are entering the aging stage at an accelerated pace, and this situation is the reason for the sharp decline in the number of transcendent people.

What causes this situation is that after the transcendent person leaves, he will take away a considerable part of the world's matter, causing the overall quality of the world to decrease.

One or two detached people may not be able to see it yet, but as the number of detached people increases, it will accelerate the world's aging process.

At the same time, under normal circumstances, the destruction and rebirth of the world within the chaotic space proceed alternately.

So it took a long time for this to happen. "

"So how does this situation need to be resolved?"

"By transforming the energy of chaos, the energy density inside the world is increased in a disguised form. In this way, with sufficient energy, the world will adjust itself.

Moreover, your cultivation before transcendence requires a lot of energy, which can also increase the number of cultivators in the world in disguise. "

"This method is good. We have ignored these problems in the past. Compared with your high-dimensional world, there are three transcendent levels of civilization. Is it because of this?"

All those present were smart people, and they soon understood why so many transcendent civilizations could appear one after another in the high-dimensional world.

"There are factors in this regard, but the main reason is that we believe that one person can achieve enlightenment, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven. This has always been the case in scientific research. As long as there is a breakthrough, it will benefit the entire civilization."

"Your Majesty Haotian, do you have equipment to transform the energy of chaos? We want to buy a batch."

From Haotian's words, everyone also knew that the three civilizations in the high-dimensional world must have equipment to transform the energy of chaos.

Although everyone present can transform on their own, they need to be present to do it. Unlike Haotian's equipment, it only needs to be set up and then it can run automatically and be maintained regularly.

There are still Chaos Body available for purchase. When the time comes, just ask your subordinate forces to send people to maintain it regularly. It is simple and convenient.

“We do have such equipment, but these equipment are manufactured now, so we have no inventory for the time being.

But we can customize it for everyone, and it can be manufactured quickly. "

"Okay, thank you for your help, His Majesty Haotian. Do you need us to provide any parameters here?"

"Some rules and parameters need to be provided so that this device can adhere to the world."

"Okay, let's go back and get ready."

In fact, with the arrival of Haotian and later Daxia, after seeing that technological civilization could develop to this point, they secretly experimented in their own world.

However, it is easy to experiment in your own inner world, but because it is only your own inner world, the rules are not comprehensive, so the technological civilization and technological trees created are very crooked, and there is no possibility of continuing to develop and break through the constraints of the world.

Because of the comprehensive rules of the natural world, as long as the civilization itself does not seek death, there is no need to worry about the development path going astray.

However, there will be many factors that interfere with the development of civilization, so in many cases, most civilizations will be lost to everyone, and only a small number of civilizations have the ability to upgrade to a sufficient level.

At the same time, Lin Yu also made modifications to Golden Finger before it came out, so that the type of civilization he chooses to cultivate is different every time.

In this way, a variety of different civilizations can be cultivated and the diversity of high-dimensional civilizations in the high-dimensional world can be increased.

Before finally leaving, Lin Yu made new discoveries about the rules.

He discovered that rules can be developed later.

If a world does not originally have such rules, then when the internal civilization achieves this effect through other existing rules, such rules can be born.

However, at this stage, it would take a long time to know the results of this research, so Lin Yu left it to Goldfinger to conduct the experiment.

Here, after some discussion, it was finally decided that each world would give up one ten thousandth of its control over the Chaos Rules in exchange for the installation of this Chaos Transformation Device.

In order to take care of the fact that Lin Yu, who had just arrived, did not have any authority, the equipment supply and installation this time were all handed over to Qiankun Civilization.

But in private, Daxia and Tianting want to share this time's rule data.

This thing is a very important thing in the world.

Moreover, there are not many rules that are one in ten thousand in these worlds, but they can successfully make Qiankun Civilization rank among the members.

In this way, the detached people of the three civilization levels will have a much higher say in the entire alliance.

The time after that was relatively peaceful, and Qiankun Civilization was also very busy.

The total number of transcendent worlds in the entire chaos battlefield exceeds tens of thousands. With so many worlds having to install chaos transformation devices, the amount of work is huge.

Even if one is produced and successfully installed in a year, it will take 10,000 years.

Of course, this is not the result of Qiankun Civilization running at full power. It is doing business anyway, so why are you working so hard?

Besides, Qiankun Civilization also has its own scientific research tasks, so it is impossible to focus all its efforts on this matter.

In this way, tens of thousands of years have passed by, and today's chaotic battlefield has ushered in some new detached beings. However, these detached beings were all produced by the previous powerful worlds. Those worlds that have begun to shrink are still recovering for the time being. Expect.

And Haotian also taught everyone how to communicate with the rules of their own world, so that their world can take a good rest.

In this way, after completing the external order, the energy of Qiankun Civilization was divided into two parts. One part cooperated with Tianting and repaired the Pangu together with Daxia.

On the other hand, he continued to study the manufacturing methods of several other artifacts.

Although it cannot achieve the magical effects found in myths and legends, it is still simple to meet current usage requirements.

However, scientific researchers have very high requirements for themselves, so they have always wanted to perfectly replicate the functions of the top ten artifacts in mythology.

Today, the Donghuang Bell has been transformed to maturity and has become a portal for communication between the heavenly world and the outside world.

As for the Kunlun Mirror, the current teleportation range can already allow a single individual to be teleported directly from the chaotic battlefield back to the high-dimensional world.

But if you want to teleport back together with the world, there is still room for improvement.

As for the other artifacts, because a new battle was about to begin, the first one to be developed was the Xuanyuan Sword, which represented the strongest power and the strongest attack.

So Qiankun is very busy now, and the same is true for Daxia and Tianting.

This made the atmosphere a little tense, and some moths also felt that something was wrong, and secretly moved towards the high density of Hongmeng Space.

Accordingly, Hongmeng Space also started an arms race.

Similarly, the chaotic space has the details of the Hongmeng space, and the Hongmeng space also has the details of the chaotic space.

Sensing that Hongmeng Space was preparing a large amount of armaments, the Chaos battlefield was also prepared.

In this way, a misunderstood arms race was started. It was no longer important who started first. What was important was that no one wanted to lose the opportunity.

The three people who were busy with their own affairs were confused when they received so many arms orders. After learning about it, Ye could only laugh or cry.

But on the other hand, they had to strengthen their own civilization to deal with this incident.

So just like a passenger bus with its brakes removed, it can only carry everyone forward without being able to stop.

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