In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 37 Placement of Wind Turbine

On the morning of the third day after returning to the shelter, Lin Yu got up, washed and had breakfast, then came to the manufacturing room.

I saw two nano eggs piled up on the side of the basic manufacturing table at the discharge port.

Seeing this, Lin Yu knew that the two new wind turbines had been manufactured.

After taking it out and putting it away, Lin Yu took the military crossbow and left the shelter!

Along the previous path, Lin Yu came to the place where the wind turbine was placed.

When he came last time, Lin Yu didn't observe this place carefully.

After returning here, Lin Yu estimated the area here and found that only four wind turbines could be placed at most.

So next, Lin Yu needs to look for other places,

In fact, the best location is the top of the mountain.

However, as Lin Yu expands the shelter under the mountain, the extensive use of ion sources will definitely cause the mountain above to collapse.

Therefore, in this case, Lin Yu also takes into account the subsequent development, and the strengthening of the entire mountain will also be put on the agenda!

This technology needs to be applied to the unlocking of mountain-moving and reclamation technology.

Based on the previously unlocked technologies, Lin Yu felt that there were also private goods in this technology!

Therefore, Lin Yu is not ready to continue to expand the shelter before this technology is unlocked!

After only preparing to harden all the existing shelters, Lin Yu will also suspend this work!

After thinking so much, I almost forgot important things!

Came into the valley and began to measure the distance.

After arriving at the approximate location, Lin Yu began to place the first wind turbine.

As the nanoegg is activated, the wind turbine begins to take shape!

Seeing that there was no big problem, Lin Yu continued to other areas and placed the second wind turbine.

After everything was completed, Lin Yu came to the edge of the valley and looked at the two wind turbines that were gradually taking shape in the distance, feeling a little calmer in his heart.

Half an hour later, the first wind turbine was deployed.

A few minutes later, the second wind turbine was deployed successfully.

With two wind turbines connected to the grid, the grid in this area is starting to have enough power!

After observing for a while, Lin Yu returned to the shelter after seeing that everything was normal at the scene.

Arriving at the electric induction tower above the shelter gate, Lin Yu clicked on the explanation of the electric induction tower.

On the three-dimensional projection, Lin Yu saw the power generation and electricity consumption at this time.

Because the original wind turbines were not integrated into the power grid, Lin Yu could only see the power generation of three wind turbines, a total of 900 kilowatts.

At this time, the furnace is still on standby, with a power consumption of 12 kilowatts, plus the 300 kilowatts of the basic manufacturing station, a total of 312 kilowatts of power consumption.

Other electrical equipment in the base does not have wireless receiving devices, so it is not included in the Dyson Sphere power grid!

This is what Lin Yu is going to do next,

Back at the shelter, Lin Yu came to the furnace.

Now that the capacity of the power grid has been increased, the next manufacturing task can begin.

The first is the manufacturing of glass. This manufactured glass is a universal material and can be used as the basic material for manufacturing various prism lenses!

Nowadays, my demand for glass is also very large.

Lin Yu looked at the dismantled building stones on one side.

It is divided into two waves, one for making glass and one for making high-purity silicon blocks.

Lin Yu plans to make a batch of glass first, and then make high-purity silicon blocks.

After putting half of the stone into the furnace to make glass, Lin Yu began to prepare supplies for going out.

Now, Lin Yu has to start preparing supplies for going out.

The last time I went out on a tricycle, I didn't prepare any supplies. As a result, I could only use the previous workshop as a base, which greatly limited the scope of my unit's activities!

But now, with the furnace and manufacturing bench all ready, you can use trucks to transport supplies and build a real outside stronghold!

There is still more than a day left before the wind turbines are fully manufactured.

This period of time is just enough for Lin Yu to prepare supplies for his next outing.

In the living room, Lin Yu took out a piece of paper and began to calculate the supplies needed for this outing, as well as the tasks for this outing.

On paper, Lin Yu wrote down the tasks that needed to be completed during this outing.

“First, find possible mining areas nearby, map them or ask others;

Second, continue to dismantle scrapped cars, which is an ongoing task;

Third, look for more fuel. Now that small trucks are used, the demand for diesel has also begun;

Fourth, check the situation ten kilometers around the shelter to determine the nearby mutant beasts or human gathering areas that threaten you;

Fifth, and most important, is to find enough food to successfully survive the window period of harvesting crops in the grow room! "

Looking at these five tasks, Lin Yu also had a clear understanding of this outing.

Only when a plan is made can it be completed in an orderly manner and ensure that the goods received during this outing will not be discounted.

After making the plan, Lin Yu began to prepare the supplies for this outing!

Lin Yu continued to write on the paper,

"The first thing is food. Just bring all the last dozen or so compressed biscuits, as well as drinking water. You should also prepare two buckets.

The temperature outside is extremely low now. In order to ensure that the water resources can be drunk normally, insulation measures need to be added!

In addition to these, you must also prepare the tools for going out. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

The ion cutting gun only has two batteries, which are not enough. You can prepare a few more.

As for the temporary manufacturing bench, after you have a basic manufacturing bench, you can upgrade it to a simple manufacturing bench, add a standard circuit board, add a display screen, and design your own drawings!

It just so happens that the basic manufacturing platform for 3D projection devices can also be manufactured. They are all basic technologies, so don’t worry!

In addition to this, you also need to bring a wind turbine nano-egg to ensure the power supply at each point.

In addition to this, according to the principle of the furnace, the previous temporary recovery device can be upgraded into a simple recovery device to improve work efficiency and conversion ratio.

According to the knowledge in my mind, after upgrading, the conversion ratio should be 5:1. "

After briefly writing down some tools and equipment that needed to be focused on, Lin Yu began to prepare.

Although the basic manufacturing station is still manufacturing wind turbines, it does not affect its own design work.

I came to the basic manufacturing bench and entered the drawings and principles of the temporary manufacturing bench and temporary recovery device that I had made before.

Lin Yu opened the projection of the three-dimensional model and began to optimize and adjust it!

After two hours, Lin Yu finally completed the preliminary design.

Today, the functions of the two devices are several times more powerful than before!

After the upgrade of the simple manufacturing station, Lin Yu added a three-dimensional interactive projection device, which can be edited online and new items designed for manufacturing.

As for the simple recycling device, its function has not changed much, but its recycling efficiency is about five times higher than before.

The ratio of recycled items has been increased by Lin Yu to 4:1, which can reduce waste by more than half!

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