In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 40 Building a Stronghold

After the power system in the room was restored, Lin Yu continued his work while looking at the bright light tubes.

It was almost noon at this time. When I returned to the car, I took out two bags of compressed biscuits. After finishing lunch, Lin Yu continued his previous work.

After transporting all the components of the two devices in the room to the basement, Lin Yu began to assemble them on the spot!

After spending an afternoon finally assembling the two devices, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

When we got to the first floor, we also found that the sky outside was much darker!

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu knew that he had to hurry up and

It just so happens that there are a lot of abandoned private cars in this community.

These are all good recycled materials,

Lin Yu chose the nearest SUV to start dismantling it.

Because he still needed materials, Lin Yu did not hold back during the disassembly this time. Instead, he directly dismantled the entire vehicle into eight pieces.

Because the distance was close enough, Lin Yu did not drive to pull them, but carried them back to the base one by one.

After dragging it into the basement and letting it decompose, Lin Yu began to clean up the room.

Because all the bedding in the room were from three years ago and were covered with dust.

So Lin Yu collected all these fabrics and threw them together to the simple recycling device to recycle fiber materials.

As for those mattresses, Lin Yu tried them out and found they were still usable, so he kept them!

After putting the bedding brought from the car into the master bedroom and making the bed, it was evening time.

After taking a look at the sky outside, Lin Yu also knew that it was time to rest.

But before taking a break, there is one more thing that needs to be done, and that is to seal all the doors and windows to ensure your own safety!

When I came to the basement, I saw that the recycling of the first car had been completed. I looked at the materials obtained and found that they were much more than the previous temporary recycling device.

"It is indeed a recycling ratio of 4 to 1. The efficiency is very high. The material output of one vehicle can be compared with the previous 2.5 vehicles!"

After sighing with emotion, Lin Yu also seized the time, put these materials into the simple manufacturing station, and began to make the iron plates for the doors and sealing windows and balconies!

Because the structure is simple, it is also very fast to manufacture.

After the door panel is manufactured,

Lin Yu took it to the previously dismantled door, stuck it close to the door, activated the mechanical structure on the door, and directly nailed a row of nails to the wall around the door.

If you want to remove this door, it is very simple.

There is a handle in the room. Once pulled, the entire door will detach from the surrounding devices fixed on the wall, opening the exit.

This is also an escape door set up by Lin Yu!

After completing the sealing of the door, the next step is to seal the windows and balcony.

The sealing method is similar to the previous door.

However, this time the iron plate does not have an unlocking device, it is simply sealed!

As for the subsequent ventilation device, Lin Yu plans to build a special ventilation system.

The original ground water system circulating air conditioner is good, and you can directly modify it based on it.

When everything was completed, Lin Yu could finally sleep peacefully!

Lying on the bed, with the soft mattress underneath him, Lin Yu slowly fell into sleep!

The next day, Lin Yu slept until he woke up naturally.

In this wasteland world, the best thing is silence,

There were no car horns in the early morning, and the sound of neighbors closing doors and quarreling allowed Lin Yu to sleep until he woke up naturally!

After getting up, I put the small pot I brought on the induction cooker in the kitchen and put it on it. After adding some water, I put a bag of compressed biscuits in it and heated it.

Add a little more water and you'll have a qualified compressed biscuit porridge, but it's a bit thick!

After breakfast, Lin Yu continued to work,

Today’s goal is to complete the general renovation of the stronghold and then start collecting supplies!

Now all the doors and windows around it have been sealed, and only the air conditioning and ventilation ducts are still connected to the outside.

This is enough for Lin Yu to start a major transformation!

Take out the ion cutting gun, aim it at the selected location, and start breaking the wall directly!

As the wall was cut open, a hole three meters high and two meters wide appeared in place!

Looking at the regular opening, Lin Yu also took out the door frame that had been made and began to fix it along the wall.

As rows of nails were hammered into the wall, the door frame was firmly fixed.

Then there is the door leaf, a double door is installed directly,

Looking at the installed double doors, Lin Yu nodded.

Next, the most important thing is drinking water!

Because the outside temperature is too low, a normal bottle of water will quickly turn into ice cubes if placed outdoors.

So this time Lin Yu planned to dig out groundwater for drinking water just like the shelter.

Because the core of the planet itself has extremely high temperatures,

So it doesn’t matter even if the shallow groundwater freezes, just throw a heating rod down and continue heating it.

This way, you don’t have to worry about drinking water!

However, how to dig a well is a problem, and a water tank also needs to be built.

After all, as an emergency means, the water tank can ensure a stable source of drinking water for a period of time when there is a problem with the groundwater!

After taking a look, Lin Yu found that the existing metal was not enough.

In addition, after checking, I found that the drinking water was enough for the time being, but I couldn't take a shower.

It happens that the temperature is low, so looking for Shuyuan is not a problem.

So Lin Yu took the ion cutting gun and set off!

After dismantling all the scrap cars in the parking spaces around this foreign-style building, Lin Yu had an unusually sufficient supply of metal materials!

Afterwards, Lin Yu also calculated that in one day, he dismantled a total of 10 scrap cars.

After putting all these dismantled parts into the recycling device, Lin Yu didn't have to worry about materials for the time being.

Because of the recycling ratio, after the material purification of these ten scrapped vehicles, the amount of materials obtained is equivalent to the number of 25 scrapped vehicles before!

With so much material, Lin Yu began to carry out large-scale transformation of his stronghold!

The first is the ventilation system.

Using recycled fiber materials, Lin Yu created a multi-layer air filter device that can filter toxic and harmful substances from the outside world!

Then there is the well,

Lin Yu directly used a simple manufacturing bench to create a telescopic device, fixed the ion cutting gun on it, and connected it to a soil conveyor belt to transport the soil excavated below!

As the device started up, the whole basement was cut straight down!

Lin Yu was also paying attention as he watched the spot drilling machine start to run automatically!

When the telescopic device was about to reach its limit, the formation with water was finally found!

After some calculations, Lin Yu found that the water layer was 15 meters deep below the basement.

This made Lin Yu a little surprised,

I originally thought it would take about tens of meters, but I didn't expect it to be so shallow.

Looking at the water vapor that was evaporated and floated up due to circulating ions, Lin Yu also returned to the simple manufacturing station, preparing to manufacture an underground self-heating submersible pump!

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