In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 5 Overnight and clean water

Entering the hotel, Lin Yu first put his things on the front desk, then entered the front desk through the small door on the side and started looking.

Generally speaking, to ensure safety, spare keys are usually kept in the general manager's office.

In this kind of small hotel, it may be kept directly at the front desk for convenience, and in a small hotel like this, it is very likely that even the rooms upstairs do not have electronic locks, but mechanical locks, so the front desk still needs to look for them. For a moment.

After entering the front desk, Lin Yu started rummaging around and saw two desktop computers at the front desk.

After some searching, Lin Yu found several keys in the drawer. Looking at the numbers on them, Lin Yu knew that these were the keys to the room upstairs.

Put these keys beside your belongings, and then start to disassemble the computer in front of you.

After violently dismantling the host of one of the computers, Lin Yu shook his head when he saw the situation inside.

Because of the nuclear explosion, although the town here was far away, it was also affected by the magnetic storm. Most of the electronic equipment was directly scrapped. Some lucky ones were able to maintain normal use.

In the car dealership before, I searched for a lot of electric vehicle display screens before trying out a good one. What I did just now was just trying my luck. Obviously my luck was not very good!

"Forget it, since most of the electronic equipment has been scrapped, there is no need to waste time. Let's wait until we find the materials later and make them again."

Thinking of finding one or two good computers by looking for a needle in a haystack, Lin Yu also shook his head. This was too inefficient, and he had been active for so long today without eating, and he was already hungry.

After leaving the front desk, taking his things, Lin Yu went upstairs to find a room.

This time at the front desk, Lin Yu found a total of five keys, namely 8206, 8305, 8318, 8322, and 8328.

There is only one room on the second floor, and the other four are on the third floor.

Because the mineral water he had on hand was expired, Lin Yu needed to make a fire and boil the water before he could drink it.

Arriving at the room on the second floor, Lin Yu opened the door and saw that it was a standard room. The white sheets on the bed inside were covered with a layer of dust. Seeing this, Lin Yu also knew that this room was occupied. No more.

When you lift the quilt, the sheets underneath are not dusty because of the quilt, so the sheets can still be used.

Take off all the sheets and quilt covers, and then take these sheets to the third floor.

After arriving on the third floor, Lin Yu followed the same method and took out the bed sheets and quilt covers from three of the rooms. He planned to wash them first and then hang them up to dry. He would put them away and take them back when he left.

Due to time constraints, Lin Yu planned to stay here for about three days.

Holding the bottle of mineral water that had frozen into ice cubes, Lin Yu was preparing to light a fire. At this time, the sky outside had completely darkened.

Taking the battery and some scattered pieces of furniture he collected, Lin Yu came to the backyard.

Put these pieces of wooden furniture on the ground and pile them up, then put the battery next to it, picked up a big stone, and smashed it directly at the battery.


As the protective casing of the battery was smashed open and violently impacted, a chemical reaction occurred rapidly inside the battery and it spontaneously ignited.

At this time, Lin Yu had already run away, because spontaneous combustion was only the first step, and the next step would be a slight explosion.

Sure enough, as the burning continued, the battery exploded slightly again, and the fire began to increase further. Even from a distance, Lin Yu could feel the high heat.

After waiting for a while, as the chemical reaction of the medium gradually ended, the intensity of the fire began to decrease. At this time, Lin Yu held two wooden table legs and moved forward.

As the wooden table legs were ignited, Lin Yu finally had a fire. After lighting the firewood piled on the side, Lin Yu also put the pot on it.

Open the cap of the frozen mineral water bottle and put the bottle directly into the pot.

These mineral water bottles Lin Yu are also useful, whether as portable water source tools or as plastic raw materials, they are very useful.

While the ice cubes were being heated, Lin Yu returned to the hotel and continued to look for wooden furniture. These would be the raw materials for burning later. The more the merrier.

Over time, these ice cubes of mineral water gradually melted. Seeing this, Lin Yu poured out the remaining water in the bottle and then put the mineral water bottle away.

About half an hour later, a large pot of water began to boil. After the water was boiled, Lin Yu took out a tea set, which was also found in the hotel.

After taking out the tea set, place it in a basin, pour boiling water in, and start cleaning and disinfecting.

Lin Yu also took out three of the same mineral water bottles for cleaning and disinfection. These three will be used as temporary kettles to hold drinking water.

At the same time, a thermos pot was also cleaned and disinfected by Lin Yu. After everything was completed, the water this time was also consumed.

Lin Yu continued the previous operation and threw the remaining mineral water into the pot.

At the same time, Lin Yu returned to the hotel to look for any mineral water that had not been taken away.

After searching for a while, nothing was found. In order to ensure that there was no problem with the water source in the backyard, Lin Yu temporarily returned to the fire.

After putting all the water sources into sterilized mineral water bottles and thermal kettles, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. ccom Lin Yu kept the fire burning, returned to the third floor of the hotel, and put clean water in the room where he would rest at night.

After leaving the door and locking it, Lin Yu planned to search carefully this time.

Because of the protective clothing, Lin Yu was also cautious when searching. After all, the radiation from the outside world was still relatively high. Although it may no longer work for Lin Yu now, Lin Yu himself didn't know it yet, so for Lin Yu For Lin Yu, the protective clothing he wears is still relatively important, as it can protect against radiation and cold.

In a small warehouse downstairs, Lin Yu saw a lot of mineral water. Without exception, all of them were expired and frozen into ice.

After counting carefully, Lin Yu found that there were ten bottles of mineral water, all of which were 500 ml in size. One bottle contained 12 bottles, which meant that one bottle of water contained six liters, and ten bottles equaled 60 liters.

Move all these ten bottles of mineral water to the backyard, and begin to gradually melt and boil them, turning them into clean water sources.

Unlike the river water in the outside world, these mineral waters are well preserved and only need to be boiled again. If it is river water, it needs to be filtered, purified, and then boiled again.

After boiling the mineral water and sterilizing the mineral water bottles, Lin Yu refilled the remaining clean water sources into the mineral water bottles. After a final count, Lin Yu got a total of 50 bottles of clean mineral water that could be drank.

After doing all this, Lin Yu also felt sleepy. He returned to the room, took out the compressed biscuits, and ate them with the water in the kettle. After eating and drinking, Lin Yu became more and more sleepy. It became intense, and after blocking the door, Lin Yu also lay on the bed and fell asleep wearing protective clothing.

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