In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 54 Putting Mineral Cores

The next morning, after Lin Yu got up, he did not immediately place his mineral core and mining machine, but began to search the surrounding houses.

When he came out this time, Lin Yu estimated that he would stay here for a long time, so although he had plenty of food, in the spirit of plucking a goose's feathers, Lin Yu still searched in this small town.

It is already January 18, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar. According to the calendar, it is the Laba Festival of the Qiankun Republic!

After searching several surrounding houses, Lin Yu didn't see any useful supplies.

Not only was the material missing, but I was also shocked.

In some rooms, Lin Yu finally saw some bones.

Judging from the posture, it seems that he was not expected to be attacked by a nuclear bomb. He did not have time to evacuate and was affected by the nuclear explosion. He was directly killed by excessive radiation.

The pain before death can also be seen from the scratches on the floor!

"Alas!" Lin Yu sighed and could not rebury these remains.

I still have a lot of tasks to do, and I don’t have the time to try my best to bury the remains of these unfortunate people!

After seeing that there was no harvest in this town, Lin Yu also returned to the street, put away the tent, and drove the truck back to the mining area.

Looking at the Geiger counter that was making crazy noises, Lin Yu ignored it. He got out of the car in protective clothing, went to the mine first, and observed it carefully!

After standing on it and looking at it for a while, Lin Yu found a place that was more suitable for placing the mining machine.

There, there is this flat area of ​​more than one square kilometer,

Continuing to observe, Lin Yu found the way to that area.

Although it has been bombed by nuclear bombs, there is still a way to go!

After driving to this large platform, Lin Yu observed it on site and found that it was indeed very smooth!

When he came to the side of the platform close to the mine, Lin Yu observed it. According to the knowledge in his mind, the iron ore here should be relatively rich.

Lin Yu took out an iron ore mineral core from the car, started it and threw it directly to the ground!

As the core starts up, just like a seed sprouting, tentacles continue to extend downward and into the mountain!

Underground where Lin Yu couldn't see it, the iron ore core tentacles continued to extend downward, and soon exceeded a thousand meters.

And when the tentacles extended to a distance of two thousand meters, they no longer extended downward and began to develop horizontally.

When the entire underground root system becomes extremely developed, the iron mine begins to function.

Under the action of its internal device, iron elements begin to gather rapidly from the microscopic level,

From the outside, at the foot of the mountain in front of Lin Yu, crystal-like blue iron ore crystals sprang out of the ground!

Looking at the iron ore crystals in front of him, Lin Yu was also very excited.

Walking forward, Lin Yu put his hand on the iron ore crystal. He could directly see the reserves of this iron ore crystal.

Because this mine is not large, there are not many iron ores here. The core three-dimensional projection shows that there are only 10 million units!

This translates into 10 million tons of iron ore reserves!

This reserve is not high. Just like a spaceship, the iron ore required to manufacture it weighs 100,000 tons.

So these 10 million tons are really not much!

Looking at the iron ore in front of him, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

After that, Lin Yu went a little further and activated the mineral core of the copper mine and dropped it!

Following the same process as iron ore, several copper ore crystals grew from the ground!

Lin Yu came to the front, checked, and found that the reserves were 5 million tons.

This reserve is also very impressive for Lin Yu at present!

So I am very satisfied with this copper mine.

Next, Lin Yu walked further than before,

This time, Lin Yu is planning to put in the core of the coal mine.

In the follow-up, Lin Yu plans to unlock the two technologies of thermal power generation and smelting and purification.

Once unlocked, you can use the furnace to turn coal into high-energy graphite, and then feed it to a thermal power plant to generate electricity. This is much more efficient than burning coal directly!

As before, the coal also crystallized;

The reserves shown by coal crystallization are much higher.

After the crystal growth was completed, Lin Yu came to the core and saw that the reserves showed that it had reached 500 million tons.

This reserve is already very powerful. You must know that the power generation capacity of one ton of coal is 3,300 kWh.

The power generation capacity of high-energy graphite is 7,000 degrees.

When two coals are combined into one high-energy graphite, each can generate 400 more kilowatt-hours of electricity.

The furnace consumes 330 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour, which can already produce a lot of high-energy graphite in this time!

Therefore, it is absolutely cost-effective to use high-energy graphite to generate electricity!

Lin Yu was also very happy to see such a huge reserve. Previously, Lin Yu thought that there were only less than 100 million tons of reserves, but he did not expect that there were so many.

Three of the current cores have been used up, and the remaining two are silicon ore and stone.

According to the resource map, there is silicon ore in this mining area, so after searching for a while, Lin Yu saw a trace of silicon ore on the edge of the platform.

Seeing this, Lin Yu was sure that there was silicon ore on the edge of this platform.

So Lin Yu dropped the mineral core of the silicon mine here!

As the mineral core works, silica crystals begin to emerge from the ground!

After seeing that this speed is slower than the previous concentrated minerals, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Lin Yu knew that there were not many silicon mines here!

Sure enough, after the silicon ore crystal growth was completed, Lin Yu approached and the reserves displayed on it were only one million tons.

Although the reserves are not large, which makes Lin Yu a little disappointed, these silicon mines are enough for Lin Yu to complete the initial intelligent construction!

In particular, the microcrystalline components and processor technology that will be unlocked later will allow you to form various intelligent mechanical armies.

By then, whether it is large-scale construction or combat, there will be a certain guarantee!

The last core of the stone mine is easy to handle. Just find a place with many stones and drop it.

Although stone mines are important, their reserves are also very large!

After laying down the five mineral cores, Lin Yu needs to build a wind turbine next.

The electricity generated by the mineral core can only reach this level.

If you want a continuous supply of minerals later, you still need to provide electricity to allow them to continue growing and collect the appropriate material elements.

It just so happens that this mining area is surrounded by mines and the location is very high.

The wind speed above is also very high, which can meet the full power generation of the wind turbine!

Lin Yu counted the surrounding mines. There were more than 30 large and small ones.

Lin Yu returned to the truck, took all the nano-eggs from the wind turbine, and started walking up the hills one by one.

Every time he reaches a hilltop, Lin Yu starts a wind turbine.

By the time Lin Yu completed the placement of thirty wind turbines, the sky was getting dark.

Looking at the dim environment, Lin Yu did not return to the place where he rested last night. Instead, he just stayed in the car and rested for the night!

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