Heavy snowfall on January 23, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar

After waking up, Lin Yu took a shower, had breakfast, opened the door of the shelter, and prepared to transport supplies to the car.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a thick layer of snow outside, reaching the level of my calves!

Looking at such heavy snow, Lin Yu was speechless.

But the wheels of my truck are high enough, so I don’t have to worry about driving!

Seeing that the snow was still falling, Lin Yu took the time to transport supplies from the shelter to the car!

An hour later, Lin Yu closed the door of the shelter and drove off!

The other half, Sister Xia Lan, also had a sad look on her face when she saw the thick snow.

However, in order to complete the transaction, the two had no choice but to go to the car, load the supplies into the car, and drive off!

Because Sister Xia Lan’s refuge is much further away from Lin Yu’s stronghold than Lin Yu’s refuge,

So when Lin Yu arrived at the stronghold and started cleaning up the scene, Sister Xia Lan was still halfway there!

When Lin Yu finished cleaning up the power grid of the stronghold and transported the supplies to the basement of the stronghold, the Xia Lan sisters also arrived in the town!

According to the location given by Lin Yu, the two of them drove slowly through the town, looking for this location.

Finally, the two of them saw Yuyuan Community written on a building!

"It looks like this is it!"

After my sister said something to the side, my sister Xia Lan drove into the community.

As I was driving in the community, my sister soon saw a large truck parked in the distance!

"Sister, it should be there!"

Following her sister's instructions, Xia Lan also saw the truck that was at the gangster's stronghold before!

After Lin Yu finished unloading the supplies, he also heard the sound of cars in the distance!

When I came outside, I saw a car driving in the distance. Lin Yu was on guard behind the bunker with an electromagnetic gun!

Xia Lan stopped the car 50 meters away from Lin Yu's original defense point!

"Hello, I am the person who wanted to trade with you at the gangster stronghold last time!"

"I know, now how do you want to trade?"

"Sorry, I don't know what you have here. Do you have a list?"

"wait a moment!"

Lin Yu returned to his base first and took out a plastic-sealed list from the side.

This was specially made by Lin Yu to facilitate subsequent transactions!

Looking at the list flying over, Xia Lan subconsciously took two steps back.

Looking at the list at her feet, Xia Lan picked it up and started reading!

There are a lot of things on it, most of them are daily necessities.

Among them, most of them are various toilet paper and some metal products.

For Xia Lan, this thing is still useful as toilet paper!

Then looking down, Xia Lan saw a rather special thing called sanitary napkins.

Seeing this thing, Xia Lan's face turned slightly red.

If we continue, there will be various resources and weapons.

Xia Lan was also surprised to see that there was still gasoline for sale.

I made a mental note of this, my car still needs gasoline!

Further down the list of weapons, look at the repeating bed crossbow introduced above, it is definitely a powerful weapon for guarding the home!

Xia Lan also didn't expect that such a home-guarding weapon was still for sale.

However, if Lin Yu can sell this kind of weapon, he definitely has a more advanced weapon.

After watching it for a while, Xia Lan also made a decision in her heart.

"Sir, I decided to exchange for some sanitary napkins, glass, fuel and a repeating crossbow!"

"Okay, but what are you going to exchange for it?"

"Sir, I only have potatoes and some vegetables here. I wonder if you agree to trade like this!"

After listening to Xia Lan's words, Lin Yu knew that the survivor in front of him was the owner of the greenhouse he had discovered before!

Although you can also get potatoes in this transaction, it is true that I secretly dug a potato before.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu came up with a trading plan.

"Let's see, these supplies include a pack of sanitary napkins weighing ten pounds of potatoes, and a piece of standard glass weighing one pound of potatoes.

For fuel, ten pounds of potatoes or ten pounds of cabbage per liter.

I don’t want potatoes for bed crossbows. You can exchange them with other resources. If you have a detailed map and resource distribution map of Mobei Province in the Qiankun Republic, then I can directly give you two bed crossbows! "

"Okay, thank you very much for Mr. Lin's support. I will prepare the supplies right now.

I need a total of ten packs of sanitary napkins, a hundred pieces of glass and 100 liters of gasoline! "

"Okay, I have all these things, and the reserves are okay. You can come over and trade at any time!"

"Okay, thank you very much Mr. Lin, I'll go back and prepare supplies right away!"

Although the prices of supplies are relatively high this time, only Lin Yu's family has so many supplies now! It’s a rare thing to live in, so Xia Lan has to change it!

The sanitary napkins are for myself and my sister, and the glass is for building more glass greenhouses to grow more potatoes.

Fuel is for cars, and bed crossbows are for defending homes!

In addition, regardless of the items exchanged this time, a pack of sanitary napkins only weighs ten pounds of potatoes.

You know, a pack of sanitary napkins can only be used by women, and only for a few days.

Ten pounds of potatoes can definitely keep an adult from going hungry for three days.

And three days, with luck, was enough for him to find more food!

So although ten pounds of potatoes is not much, in the wasteland world, food always comes first!

Although Lin Yu can also grow potatoes, it takes time for potatoes to mature. For the potatoes currently being traded, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyaan.com and it will be enough for him to eat for a while and improve his diet!

After Xia Lan left, he picked up his sister in a hidden corner, and then started to stop in front of a house in the town to carry all the supplies into the car!

In the car, Xia Lan also calculated the number of potatoes he needed to pay!

After some calculation in my mind, I needed to pay a total of 1,200 kilograms of potatoes. The metric unit of appetite is 600 kilograms.

With so many potatoes, I have basically emptied my own reserves.

However, after Lin Yu eliminated the gangsters, the previous glass greenhouse was back in his hands.

The potatoes inside are now ready to be harvested, so after this batch of inventory is released, a lot of space can be freed up, enough for you to place new potatoes!

As for cabbage, I don’t even have enough of that stuff, so naturally I won’t trade it!

As for the next map, it is actually a very important material.

Even though the map is inconspicuous, it is a very important item in the wasteland world.

Once you have a map and find landmark buildings, you can determine your orientation and then find where resources may be nearby!

After thinking for a while, Xia Lan thought it would be better to trade the detailed map of Mobei Province.

Because she also thought that she was already familiar with the area here.

You won’t get lost without a map,

And I can't go to far places, so leaving the map in my hand is of little use.

Besides, I don’t only have this map in my hand. Trading one will have little impact.

But I don’t have a resource map myself.

So this time, it seems that I can only get one bed crossbow!

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