At the foot of the mountain on the edge of the Blue Star Sea State, an electric tricycle was racing at a speed of 40 yards. Under the skillful operation of the driver, it constantly avoided obstacles on the road.

This is our protagonist Lin Yu. After a preliminary search of the surrounding towns, he rode a newly assembled electric tricycle, loaded with harvest, and embarked on the road back to the shelter.

At this time, Lin Yu was highly concentrated and constantly avoided obstacles or big potholes on the road. Due to the war, the road surface was much more dilapidated than in peacetime, making it difficult for Lin Yu to drive.

After half an hour's drive, Lin Yu finally arrived at the shelter.

Looking at the shelter under the road in the distance, Lin Yu turned the front of the car and rode the tricycle directly.

Following violent bumps, Lin Yu slowly arrived at the door of the shelter.

Parking the electric car in front of the gate, Lin Yu got out of the car and opened the shelter gate.

Due to the size of the tricycle, the gate of the current shelter can pass an electric tricycle. In addition, the distance between the two doors is sufficient.

Therefore, Lin Yu did not need to unload the tricycle's cargo and move them into the shelter one by one.

After riding the tricycle in, Lin Yu got off the car, closed the gate, opened the second gate, and continued riding in.

When I came to the living room, the tricycle couldn't get in because of the furniture.

But this was not a problem for Lin Yu. After getting off the car, he took off his protective clothing and put it back where he had previously stored it.

Then he began to show his strong physical fitness and moved all the furniture to the side.

Seeing that the road was open, Lin Yu then rode the tricycle into the living room and started to turn around.

Next, Lin Yu rode the tricycle to the entrance of the warehouse.

In the huge living room, the voice of "Reverse, please pay attention!" rang out.

After placing all the goods in the warehouse, Lin Yu rode the tricycle into the living room.

After getting off the car, Lin Yu took out all the tricycle batteries in the living room.

Next, Lin Yu will use the tools at hand to start reworking and remaking all these lead-acid batteries.

Because Yuan Zai gave him a lot of knowledge when he came to Kai, so he has integrated all this knowledge.

Lin Yu can also make batteries by hand like the previous cheating countries!

Among the many batteries this time, Lin Yu can conservatively make 20 usable batteries.

And after the transformation of the knowledge in Lin Yu's mind, the power storage performance is much better than the original lead-acid battery!

After preparing all the tools, Lin Yu first went to the kitchen to cook a meal and reward himself!

After eating and drinking, Lin Yu officially started to take action!

The first step is to remove the casing of the lead-acid battery.

When I was resting in a hotel, I smashed a lead-acid battery in order to obtain fire. The violent chemical reaction caused the battery to explode.

But for normal disassembly, you just need to pay attention!

Lin Yu observed carefully and found that the upper cover of the lead-acid battery casing was covered with glue.

At this time, you only need to slowly heat the edge to melt the glue, and then you can uncover the shell.

After being uncovered in this way, there will be no violent impact, and the chemical reaction will not be particularly intense.

So don’t worry about explosions!

After using the heating method to heat all the lead-acid battery casings, Lin Yu uncovered them all and saw the structure inside.

It's just some lead plates and sulfuric acid, and the internal situation can be said to be clear at a glance.

This is also a characteristic of lead-acid batteries.

After opening everything, Lin Yu started to get busy!

The first step is to take out all the lead sheets, then smelt them and re-make them.

After this step is completed, the purification of the sulfuric acid solution needs to be completed.

This step cannot be done in a shelter.

And you will also need to wear protective clothing when the time comes!

Lin Yu first took out the lead plates piece by piece with pliers, drained the sulfuric acid, and put them aside.

Fortunately, the indoor temperature was high enough, so the sulfuric acid did not solidify.

But normally, the temperature outside during the day does not reach minus 30 degrees, only about minus 20 degrees.

So in this case, it is still feasible to purify concentrated sulfuric acid outside!

After preparing everything, Lin Yu took the lead plate and the battery containing sulfuric acid outside the shelter.

At this time, outside the shelter, Lin Yu, wearing protective clothing, began to make new batteries!

The first is the purification of sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid in lead-acid batteries is only 30% dilute sulfuric acid.

According to Lin Yu's transformation plan, sulfuric acid with a purity of 50% is needed.

Just in the dilute sulfuric acid stage, you can also use distillation to purify it, so the next thing is relatively simple.

After a simple distillation device was erected, Lin Yu began to make fire below.

There are many fallen trees around, and over such a long period of time, all the moisture inside has been lost.

These trees became the best firewood. Use the lighter found in the outdoor store to directly ignite some flammable materials, and then continuously add firewood to ensure a stable fire!

After placing the simple distillation device on the fire, pouring in sulfuric acid, and starting distillation and purification, Lin Yu began to process the lead plates!

There are two types of lead plates in lead-acid batteries. One is pure lead as the negative electrode, and the other is lead dioxide as the positive electrode.

Lin Yu also needs to reprocess these two types of lead plates!

After dividing the fire into a small part and rekindling a big fire,

Then put the same type of lead plates together for smelting!

As time went by, in the evening, Lin Yu finally completed the first phase of the task.

The sulfuric acid distillation is completed, the preliminary mold manufacturing of the lead plate is completed, and the production of all lead plate styles has been completed!

After putting the purified sulfuric acid into plastic bottles, Lin Yu moved everything to the middle of the two doors of the shelter!

After carrying all the things in, Lin Yu closed the door and returned to the kitchen to start cooking.

Because he devoted himself to work, Lin Yu only felt hungry after finishing his work.

So give priority to eating, and then continue making new batteries after eating!

After a hasty meal, Lin Yu continued his previous work.

The sulfuric acid has been prepared, and the next step is to reprocess these lead plates to form lead plates of specific specifications.

As Lin Yu continued to work, the only sound left in the shelter was the sound of Lin Yu polishing lead plates!

Because it can only be polished manually, it is quite time-consuming.

In other words, Lin Yu has a strong body, so he can persist longer.

That night, after completing half of the lead plate polishing, Lin Yu went back to the bedroom to rest and prepare to continue the next day!

After completing the battery manufacturing tomorrow, Lin Yu is preparing to go to the town for the second time to continue looking for supplies and expand his shelter.

The most important thing is to complete the ten coil tasks and unlock the first technology in the Dyson Sphere technology tree!

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