February 2, 2024 in the Qiankun Calendar, Apple Basin,

With the official establishment of the crude oil spring, Lin Yu's crude oil extraction station can finally be placed!

Back on the heavy truck, Lin Yu took out three nano-eggs, which were a crude oil extraction station and two crude oil refineries.

These two crude oil refineries will produce refined oil, gasoline, diesel, and other ancillary products respectively!

Among them, the most important thing is petroleum asphalt, which is a magical tool for paving roads. It can completely expand the incoming trail into a wide road.

Then I set up a checkpoint on both sides of the mountain at the entrance of the basin to protect the various equipment inside!

Taking the crude oil extraction station, Lin Yu came to the crude oil spring. After starting it, he placed it directly on it!

As the crude oil extraction station unfolded, a huge building also began to take shape.

Finally, as the crude oil extraction station was completely unfolded, the crude oil spring was completely wrapped together!

After completing all this, looking at the crude oil extraction station that was not operating automatically, Lin Yu slapped his head and thought that he had not set up a power system!

This made Lin Yu dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, I forgot the most important part.

Fortunately, it’s still early enough to place your own wind turbine!

Back on the heavy truck, Lin Yu took out 20 nano eggs, placed them on a drone, and then sat on the drone himself.

Today's drones can carry up to 500 kilograms, which is more than enough to carry yourself and these nano-eggs.

Soon, Lin Yu came to a hilltop and put down the wind turbine.

As the wind turbine unfolded, Lin Yu continued to the next location by drone,

In this way, Lin Yu placed wind turbines on all the surrounding peaks of the Apple Basin.

For some mountaintop platforms with larger platforms, Lin Yu placed two of them.

In the end, all twenty wind turbines were placed and deployed by Lin Yu!

When Lin Yu returned to Apple Basin, the power grid here had been formed.

The crude oil extraction station on the edge is also covered by the power grid and begins to operate on its own!

Lin Yu calculated in his mind and found that the area in the middle of the basin was not covered by the power grid.

But this does not trouble Lin Yu,

I saw him take out a nano-egg from the Crude Matrix Research Station from the top of the heavy truck, came to the middle, and began to unfold it all

At the same time, Lin Yu placed and deployed an electric induction tower at a nearby location!

With the simultaneous deployment and completion of the matrix research station and power induction tower, the entire Apple Basin, including the surrounding peaks, is all covered by the power grid!

When the wind turbines are operating at full power, the total power generated by the twenty wind turbines has reached 6 megawatts.

The total power of two crude oil refineries and one crude oil extraction station does not exceed 3 megawatts.

Even with the matrix research station, the power does not exceed 4 megawatts.

So the current power is completely enough!

Seeing the completion of the expansion of the Petroleum Matrix Research Station, Lin Yu took a drone and came to the top. After placing an electromagnetic transmission tower on it and unfolding it, the electromagnetic shielding layer wrapped the entire Apple Basin including the wind turbines on the mountain above.

At this time, Lin Yu took out the two nuclear radiation batteries used for camping in the car!

As Lin Yu activated the nuclear radiation absorption function of the battery, the surrounding nuclear radiation concentration dropped rapidly!

When it dropped to normal levels, the two nuclear radiation batteries stopped absorbing nuclear radiation!

At this time, the capacity of the two batteries has reached 90% and is about to be fully charged!

Looking at these two nuclear radiation batteries, Lin Yu was also very satisfied.

Although it is difficult to make, it is still very useful!

Seeing that the nuclear radiation returned to normal, Lin Yu also took off his protective clothing, wore a normal down jacket, and acted in this minus 30 degree environment!

Although the environment is very cold, the temperature is not particularly low, and Lin Yu's physique can still bear it!

Seeing the crude oil extraction station that was already running automatically, Lin Yu came not far from the extraction station and unfolded the two refineries!

According to the information in his mind, Lin Yu knew that one ton of crude oil can produce 0.3 tons of gasoline and 0.5 tons of diesel according to the proportion.

The conversion rate is around 0.8,

And the remaining 0.2 is other products!

Therefore, of these two refineries, one is used to produce traditional gasoline, diesel and other ancillary products.

The other one is used to produce refined oil and hydrogen in the Dyson sphere system.

In this way, it not only ensures the use of fuel in the future, but also ensures that there will be no shortage of materials needed to unlock the technology of the Dyson Sphere system in the future!

As the two crude oil refineries took shape, Lin Yu also began to set up conveyor belts and sorters!

After the installation was completed, Lin Yu also began to place the liquid storage tanks and small storage warehouses in his hands!

Among them, hydrogen, as an elemental gas, is also very important to store!

To this end, Lin Yu specially released two small storage warehouses as special warehouses for storing hydrogen.

The surrounding caves were fully utilized by Lin Yu as storage space for various products!

When all this was completed, Lin Yu looked at the crude oil base that had taken shape and was very satisfied!

Come to the crude oil refinery and look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com Lin Yu began to set the products of the refinery!

After setting the products of both refineries according to the original plan, all the machines started to move!

The crude oil extraction station has been working for two hours and has stored two tons of crude oil inside.

So after starting the machine, these two tons of crude oil were transferred out!

In the game, when Lin Yu was playing, he saw that after each product came out, it was a square, which was quite strange. In fact, this is also an application of electromagnetic fields.

The entire product is wrapped in an electromagnetic field to form regular squares.

Then through the strong magnetic field on the sorter, this electromagnetic field is absorbed, and then sent to the corresponding machine!

Of course, these sorters also have mechanical claws that can be used to grab physical objects!

Lin Yu also knows the power of the two refineries. They can process one ton of crude oil every two hours.

Two crude oil refineries can exactly distribute the output of the crude oil extraction station for one hour!

Seeing that everything was on track, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction!

Arriving at a refinery that produces traditional fuel, Lin Yu began to check the asphalt production and found that petroleum asphalt can produce 120 kilograms of asphalt in one day.

This little bit of asphalt is not enough to build a high-standard asphalt road.

Seeing this output, Lin Yu also planned to wait for a while.

When the asphalt production is sufficient, the construction will be completed in one go.

But at this stage, you can excavate the roadbed first, tamp the foundation, and then lay the asphalt in one step!

Looking at the already dark sky, Lin Yu returned to the oil research station and planned the agricultural base to be built tomorrow!

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