In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 89 The mineral base under attack

February 14, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar,

In the early morning, Lin Yu was awakened by the rapid sound of the alarm.

This made Lin Yu very angry.

At this moment, Lin Yu, who was very angry when he got up, immediately got up from the bed,

When he came to the living room, Lin Yu wanted to see who was not afraid of death and dared to disturb his sweet dream!

After searching for it, I found that it was my tablet that made the alarm sound.

When he opened it, Lin Yu found something was wrong.

Pulling himself together, Lin Yu turned the tablet screen into a three-dimensional projection and displayed it in the living room!

In the projection, you can see a heavily armed team gradually approaching its mineral base.

According to their marching speed, they will enter the automatic attack range of their own mineral base in about an hour!

At first glance, Lin Yu thought it was the government sending troops to encircle and suppress him.

However, after careful observation, Lin Yu discovered something was wrong. This team was not from the Qiankun Kingdom at all!

Although there is no sign to know which country they are from, judging from their marching queue, they should belong to an elite force!

Lin Yu counted and found that there were 20 people in total, which was a lot of people.

In addition to these, their weapons are also very advanced and have powerful firepower. Some of them even carry rocket launchers behind their backs!

Because like the previous mutated biogroup, this group of people came straight towards their mineral base, directly triggering the drone's alarm mechanism!

Looking at the enemies coming straight to his base, Lin Yu also concentrated his attention!

Soon, the other party arrived near the mineral base!

At the scene, the team arrived at the foot of the mine,

Here, they are almost close to the electromagnetic shielding layer!

This team is one of the teams of the Eagle Federation in Qiankun Country, the Hippo Team!

Looking at his team members, captain George began to issue combat orders!

"The first team breaks through from the front, the second team flanks,

Team three, stay behind and secure the evacuation point!

Also, is the sniper team in place? "

"Captain, the sniper team is in position!"

"Very good, let's adjust the time now. It's 3:57 in the morning. Everyone is in position. We will launch the attack in three minutes!"


With the rapid action of other team members, this team gradually assumed a situation of surrounding the mineral base!

As three minutes passed, at four o'clock in the morning, the team officially launched the attack.

As the team members slowly advanced into a tactical formation, the front team member slowly passed through the electromagnetic shielding layer!

And just after the team entered the interior, General William, who was far away in the Eagle Federation, completely disconnected from the team!

"What's going on? Why did it get disconnected?"

"Sir, there is strong electromagnetic interference in this area, and we have lost contact with the frontline troops!"

"Damn it! Let people keep a close eye on this area, contact the remaining teams, let them stay vigilant, and tell them not to enter that area easily to prevent losing contact with the headquarters!"


When the first team and the second team all entered the electromagnetic shielding layer, the third team staying behind were stunned.

I saw them disappearing directly in front of me after passing through the shielding layer.

And calls through the intercom device had no response!

After looking at the silent environment around him, the captain of the third team also thought of shouting!

As a team that often performs arduous tasks and successfully completes them, the captain of the third team can only respond to his own captain!

As for the team leader, after entering the mine, he found that the signal was interrupted, which was expected.

After all, it happened from time to time when performing tasks in the past!

He called the team members to continue moving forward, and soon they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

When one of their team members stepped on the hillside, he was directly hit by a steel needle falling from the sky!

One leg was directly broken off by the powerful kinetic energy, leaving only some flesh still attached to it!


The sudden attack left the team member unprepared and he screamed out immediately!

Seeing that a team member was attacked, the remaining team members immediately began to look for the location where the attack came from!

This team member was also unlucky. He was the first to put his feet on the hillside, which directly triggered the attack mode set by Lin Yu!

Soon, through the quadruple lens, the captain saw the drone at an altitude of one thousand meters.

After seeing the drone, the captain immediately launched an attack!

"Da da da!"

Now that the team members have screamed, captain George is no longer covering his whereabouts!

Shoot directly to knock down the drone attacking your teammates from high in the air!

And this hit was incredible, it directly and completely triggered the defense mechanism!

The drones on the surrounding hills immediately locked onto this group of people.

The support drones located inside the base immediately activated one third,

All dozen drones were activated and flew here at full speed!

By the time they heard the buzzing sound in the sky, it was already too late,

Captain George could see a dozen drones in the sky heading directly towards his team!

"Take cover and avoid air attacks!"

However, there are no boulders or obstacles in the surrounding space for them to avoid air attacks!

Soon, under inevitable circumstances, this team was quickly eliminated.

Seeing this situation, the second team that was taking a circuitous route also stopped and did not dare to move forward.

Because all his captains were beaten into pieces, looking for Shuyuan So for a moment, everyone was stunned!

In the previous battles, there were no sacrifices, but this was the first time that they were wiped out so quickly like this!

Seeing this situation, after a moment of silence, the captain of the second team gave the order to retreat!

Lin Yu was in the living room of the shelter. After seeing the second team preparing to retreat, he personally ordered the drone to wipe out the team!

After Lin Yu marked everyone in the three-dimensional projection, these drones began to change directions and attacked like the second team!

Seeing this situation, he immediately gave up hiding and ordered everyone to retreat quickly!

However, human legs could not outrun the plane no matter how hard they tried, and they were soon overtaken by a swarm of drones!

With the sound of electromagnetic gun firing, the second team was quickly eliminated!

As for the three peripheral teams, after hearing the gunshots, they immediately organized their team members to prepare for support.

However, they did not wait for their captain. A group of drones appeared out of thin air from the front.

Seeing that he directly launched an attack!

After seeing the snipers in the distance, they also fired to support their teammates.

However, among the dozen or so drones, a few were not shot down, and the drones completely wiped out the three teams!

Seeing this situation, the gathering group in the distance also asked the headquarters what to do.

After General William saw it, he immediately ordered them to retreat!

But it’s obviously too late!

As soon as the order to retreat was given, the two men were killed from a distance!

General William had a heavy look on his face when he saw the disconnected black screen. It looked like it was really a military base there!

On Lin Yu's side, after seeing that all the enemies had been wiped out, he felt relieved and returned to the bedroom to take a nap!

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