February 21, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar, yin

With the first Night Owl in service, Lin Yu can also officially control the Night Owl to explore the coast!

Last night, Lin Yu controlled the Night Owl. After adjusting its direction, he started automatic driving.

Lin Yu marked this according to the location on the map!

After activating the automatic driving, Lin Yu set it to drive at low altitude for 1,500 kilometers, then automatically stopped and kept alert, and notified himself at the same time!

After the settings were completed, Night Owl increased the power of the rotors on both sides and moved forward at full speed!

When flying at low altitude, you must not fly too fast to avoid obstacles, but the speed of 150 kilometers per hour can still be guaranteed.

In this case, you can almost reach the coastal area in ten hours!

And these ten hours are still a straight line distance,

After finding the location, if you want to carry out preliminary construction, you must transport a large amount of equipment to Jiangxin Island by land.

Therefore, Night Owl is also responsible for calculating the route on its way to the coast!

After the first Night Owl sets off, the second Night Owl behind it will follow the signal of the first Night Owl and join the first Night Owl along the highway!

Soon, Lin Yu watched the scene quickly passing around the first Night Owl through a three-dimensional projection, and also developed visual fatigue!

In this case, Lin Yu also went back to rest first, preparing to wait ten hours before coming over to check the situation!

When Lin Yu woke up, it was already this morning!

I looked at the time and saw that it was half an hour before the scheduled time!

After washing up and getting ready to have breakfast, the alarm from Night Owl finally came!

After breakfast, Lin Yu turned on the three-dimensional projection and connected to Ye Xiao!

At this time, the situation around Ye Xiao appeared here!

I saw that below the Night Owl, there was already a frozen sea.

And far behind the Night Owl, the high-definition camera can see a coastline!

It turned out that there was an error in the previous estimate, causing the night owl to fly directly off the coastline.

And because it was flying at a low altitude, it was not captured by border radar!

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu immediately controlled the Night Owl to return to the coastline and correct the course!

Although it seemed that the coastline was relatively far away, with the powerful speed of Night Owl, it quickly reached the coastline again!

The coastline at this time is still relatively desolate, and there are no signs to indicate it!

In this case, Lin Yu also flew back a certain distance and came to a seaside town.

As Lin Yu flew slowly over this ruined town, he also found a broken sign in the ruins below and determined his location!

Taking out the map, Lin Yu also found the approximate location. After some calculations, he predicted that it was still 200 kilometers away from Jiangxin Island!

With this distance, you can reach it in no time!

Control the drone to return to the seaside and start heading north along the coastline.

Because the offshore sea has frozen, Lin Yu also needs to pay attention to the altitude parameters at all times to avoid a crash due to his visual fatigue!

In this way, after Lin Yu traveled 100 kilometers along the coastline, he came to the edge of a cliff!

Here, Lin Yu suddenly discovered some abnormalities!

On the edge of the cliff, there is a cave entrance, and there is a faint light inside.

This made Lin Yu very curious,

After thinking about it, Lin Yu asked the Night Owl to dock on the top of the cliff, then opened a gap from the top of the Night Owl, and flew out a small drone, only the size of a palm.

This is a small thing that Lin Yu specially installed later, just to detect places that these night owls cannot enter!

After the drone took off, it immediately went down to the bottom of the cliff and entered the cave entrance above the cliff.

As the drone entered, Lin Yu also saw the situation inside.

Inside, there is actually an underground base!

Here, all kinds of living facilities are available.

But there was no one inside, which made Lin Yu very strange.

As the investigation progressed, Lin Yu gradually saw the internal situation.

Especially after seeing a bald eagle logo in a room, Lin Yu knew that this was a stronghold of the Eagle Federation.

To be honest, Lin Yu also admires the Eagle Federation, since it can establish such a large stronghold under the nose of Qiankun Country!

As the investigation continued, Lin Yu also understood the reason why he could not be discovered.

In this stronghold, there are a large number of supply bases.

Although some daily necessities cannot be produced, crops can still be grown. In addition, with its back to the sea and the use of seawater desalination technology, a large amount of water resources can be obtained!

In the end, Lin Yu was blocked by a door leading underground.

On the door, a radiation sign is very visible,

"This is most likely the opponent's energy center!"

Looking at the situation here, Lin Yu also guessed that behind the door is the opponent's energy center.

According to the sign on the door, it is most likely a small nuclear fission reactor.

Although the cost of doing this is very high, facing an opponent like Qiankun Country, no matter how much you spend, it is worth it!

Because there are no personnel inside, Lin Yu can quickly investigate this place without any scruples.

Inside the open door, Lin Yu saw a photo, which was a group photo of a group of team members.

And this is the same group of people who attacked him before!

"It seems that this is their home base, and they actually came out in full force instead of being left behind!"

Just when Lin Yu was about to continue investigating, he suddenly received an alarm from Ye Xiao.

After checking, I found that a group of armed troops were heading here not far from the cliff.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu knew that people from the Republic of Qiankun had discovered this place!

So Lin Yu immediately activated Night Owl and flew down the cliff. After recovering the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, he immediately continued flying at low altitude along the coastline and stayed away from here!

Lin Yu finally understood why there was no one here anymore.

It is very likely that when the other party sees the failure of the operation, they will go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com because they will be surrounded and suppressed.

So evacuate the people first!

But unexpectedly, they were not attacking an official base, and no one was chasing them.

But their move to evacuate people made the Qiankun Republic border guards discover something unusual here!

Immediately organize personnel to investigate this place.

When Lin Yu left, he also saw three armed helicopters flying in the sky in the distance!

Seeing such a big movement, Lin Yu also shook his head. The officials of the Republic of Qiankun are now in a sensitive period. Once there is a move that crosses the line, it will deeply stimulate the officials of the Republic and cause them to overreact!

Lin Yu's idea of ​​not wanting to have contact with the authorities also happened to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble for him!

Soon, Lin Yu controlled Ye Xiao to arrive at the predetermined location.

Looking at Jiang Xinzhou in the distance, Lin Yu planned to use a small drone to conduct a preliminary inspection. The movement of the night owl was still too loud!

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