In Xiajigong, Start Rolling Mud Pills To Save The Gods On The Land

Chapter 116 Boiled frogs in warm water? Li Xiuyuan's decentralization plan!

Chapter 116 Boiled frogs in warm water? Li Xiuyuan's decentralization plan!

Li Xiuyuan staggered out of the Beiliang Palace.

"There are a lot of people today.

After burping, Li Xiuyuan squinted and swept across the crowd, but found a few familiar faces.

Ying Zheng took Zhao Gao and Li Si to the front, and when he saw Li Xiuyuan appear, Ying Zheng immediately bowed respectfully.

"I have seen Master Daoji."

Ying Zheng was completely humbly asking for advice at the moment, and immediately said: "I heard that Master Daoji wants to talk about the law of governing the country, and the widow rushed over at the first time, and asked Master Daoji to teach me."

Seeing Ying Zheng asking for advice so humbly, Li Xiuyuan naturally wouldn't be stingy. Originally he was going to talk about the policy of governing the country, but now when Ying Zheng asked, he happened to be talking about the policy of governing the country.

Li Xiuyuan smiled and helped Ying Zheng up.

Then he said: "Today is here to talk about the policy of governing the country after the dragon slaughter. Although the Qin emperor's dynasty never slaughtered the dragon, you can listen to it."

Hearing what Li Xiuyuan said, Ying Zheng was a little excited, and the spies of the dynasty on the side were even more fiery.

According to the meaning of Li Xiuyuan's words, even if you don't need dragon slaying skills, can you use these strategies for governing the country?

When everyone heard this, they could not help but prick up their ears, wanting to hear what is so extraordinary about this so-called strategy for governing the country!

Ying Zheng listened from the side, as if a student asked the teacher for advice.

"Before speaking about the strategy of governing the country, the poor monk must first popularize a concept for you." Li Xiuyuan's eyes swept to everyone, "A country, in the eyes of the poor monk, is a huge machine. The poor monk calls it a state machine. !

"Everyone is a part of this huge machine. The rotation of each gear can affect the operation of the country. Scholars, farmers, business, and industry are all closely related to a country."

Hearing what Li Xiuyuan said, a look of confusion appeared on everyone's face.

State apparatus?

No one has ever heard of this term, let alone understood it.

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment beside him, all the disciples of Da Qin contended with each other, he still had some knowledge.

After pondering for a while, Ying Zheng hurriedly said, "Master Daoji said that he compared the country to a weapon?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng suddenly realized.

The machine in Li Xiuyuan's mouth should be similar to those of the Mohists and Gongshuists, but comparing the state to a machine is quite novel and has never been heard before.

Li Xiuyuan nodded and said: "Yes, in the poor monk's opinion, whether it is a machine or a machine, it is very appropriate to describe a country.

Just like the army of Northern Liang, Xu Xiao is the commander of this army of Northern Liang, Chen Zhibao is in charge of commanding the front, and Xu Yanbing is a fierce general who is in charge of the front. machine. 35

"And looking at a country, this principle remains the same.

Hearing Li Xiuyuan's explanation, everyone nodded in agreement.

Li Xiuyuan's comparison of a country as a whole is beyond the understanding of many people.

Li Xiuyuan went on to say: "The size of a country cannot be mastered by the monarch alone, and it is necessary to set up branches and let people do their best to make a country prosperous.

"Countless branches are interconnected and interdependent, so that the state machine can function normally, the country will not be in chaos, and the people can live in peace.

"However, among the various dynasties in Kyushu today, it is a different situation."

"Emperors of all countries can't wait to take power and concentrate all power in their own hands, constantly weakening the role of others.

Li Xiuyuan swept over to the crowd and said lightly, "I heard that the Emperor Daming had just abolished the prime minister, and since then he will not be appointed prime minister. This is the emperor's arrogance of power."

"The poor monk will take another example today. The female emperor of Beimang bet the whole country's forces to invade Dali, but now she is being attacked. This is the weakness of the monarch's arbitrary decision.

If the ruler makes a mistake in decision-making, it is very likely to ruin a country's luck. The poor monk once said that the country is not a country of one person and one surname, but a country of all people! Why should hundreds of millions of people ruin their original comfortable lives for the mistakes of one person? They even said that their families were broken and their wives were separated!"

Hearing what Li Xiuyuan said, Ying Zheng on the side couldn't help but feel depressed.

According to Li Xiuyuan, the emperor of a country is useless from beginning to end?

Not only is it useless, it's not a disservice if it doesn't help.

"Master Daoji, is it possible that there are still many wise lords in this world. Ying Zheng coughed lightly, still intending to save face for himself at the party.

Hearing this, Li Xiuyuan smiled slightly and said, "Then Emperor Qin has not counted, how many monarchs are there in this world?

"Slaying the dragon is the general trend. If the dynasty wants to survive, decentralization is the only way out. Only when different matters are handed over to different departments and agencies, and each department echoes each other, can a country prosper.

After the words fell, Ying Zheng also fell into deep thought at this moment.

I heard Li Xiuyuan talk about several longevity methods before. Longevity is as difficult as reaching the sky, and Ying Zheng doesn't expect to have longevity at this moment.

As a result, Ying Zheng had to start thinking about what happened behind him.

Now that he is young and strong, will he make wrong decisions when he is old and faint?

At this moment, Li Si, who was beside him, was silent and silent, but his heart was secretly delighted.

If Ying Zheng really followed Li Xiuyuan's suggestion to decentralize power, he would naturally get the greatest benefit as the Prime Minister of Great Qin.

"Master Daoji, my Tang Dynasty has been divided into six divisions, isn't that the method of separation of powers that Master said?

Fang Xuanling spoke from the side.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, it was divided into six divisions to govern different fields. Does this not coincide with Li Xiuyuan's idea?

Hearing this, Li Xiuyuan smiled faintly, and said, "The Six Divisions of the Tang Dynasty are indeed a good start, but in the opinion of the poor monk, the six divisions can continue to be divided into subtleties.

In the final analysis, the six departments are still subject to the imperial power, and the various departments mentioned by the poor monk can decide the decision-making of the headquarters.

"Scholars do not know how to fight. If they are allowed to lead the army, they will be defeated. Those who are in the army do not know how to manage business. If they are allowed to do business, they will not lose everything. There are specialties in the arts, but no one is an omniscient and almighty saint. Therefore, in different situations. In the field, it is best to have people who are good at this way to manage it.

Hearing Li Xiuyuan's suggestion, Ying Zheng was silent at the moment, not because he was worried that his subordinates would divide his power and lose his imperial prestige, but found that this was indeed a good way to strengthen the country!

"There are hundreds of schools of thought in my Daqin, and they are all good at different fields. From this point of view, there is no more suitable method for this separation of powers in this Kyushu than in my Daqin.35

Ying Zheng had already made up his mind at this moment. After returning to Daqin, he discussed to let the various schools of thought participate in the various ministries of the imperial court, and to promote the method of separation of powers mentioned by Li Xiuyuan.

Fang Xuanling on the side was also thoughtful.

...for flowers....

The method Li Xiuyuan said was indeed a good way to strengthen the country, but as the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, it was somewhat inappropriate for him to raise this matter with Li Shimin.

If so, he would be mistaken for greed for power.

Although Li Shimin would not be so skeptical, he could not resist the long mouths of the court and the opposition.

But Fang Xuanling was very reluctant in his heart.

This time, if Li Xiuyuan finished talking about the strategy of governing the country, all countries would reform their laws, and the national power of each country would definitely be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Fang Xuanling was worried about this, when his eyes just fell on Li Bai who was beside him.

Seeing Li Bai, Fang Xuanling's eyes suddenly lit up.

This fellow Li Bai did not have a formal official position in the court, and was regarded as a general figure in the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, this guy usually has a wild and unruly character, which makes Li Bai's words more appropriate?

"Could it be that His Majesty thought of this level long ago, and only let Li Taibai come to Beiliang with me?"

Fang Xuanling thought that was probably the case!

If Li Taibai said this, Datang would not only be able to catch up with this reform, but he himself would not get into trouble.


It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

In the crowd at this moment, Xu Xiao and Li Yishan were also listening to Li Xiuyuan.

Hearing what Li Xiuyuan said about the separation of powers, Xu Xiao shook his head and sighed: "I, Beiliang, are all big-headed soldiers on the march, how can I use so many people?

Beiliang actually had the idea of ​​decentralization. When Xu Xiao took over the helm of Beiliang, Li Yishan was in charge of people's livelihood and Chen Zhibao was in charge of military affairs.

But there are too few scholars in Beiliang. Just one Li Yishan and Beiliang can't wait to break it into several pieces for use. If the division of power continues to be refined, how can there still be people in Beiliang?

"My lord, in fact, you and I don't have to worry about this. I really don't have that many talents in Beiliang, but Beimang does."

Li Yishan smiled slightly, the fruit that Hong Jia ran to the north might finally be picked by them in the north!

At that time, many nobles in the Central Plains were driven to Beimang, and now Beiliang occupies a large area of ​​Beimang. Besides working in Beiliang, do these scholars have other options?

"That's right, if those scholars don't have one and a half jobs, they won't be able to live their lives, so it's a good choice!

Li Xiuyuan's ear is very good. Hearing Xu Xiao and Li Yishan discussing below, Li Xiuyuan immediately smiled and said, "I am talking about recruiting talents, not only scholars."

"Just like the technology of the Ministry of Industry, these scholars can understand? Even if they understand, they will definitely not be able to catch up with the masters who have been immersed in this industry for decades!

Another example is the Ministry of Agriculture, do these scholars know the farming season, and can they cultivate the land?99

Hearing what Li Xiuyuan said, everyone present couldn't help laughing, and there was a thoughtful look in their eyes.

What Li Xiuyuan said is that people really make the best use of them, no matter their background, only their talents!

"Master Daoji, the disciple has been taught."

Li Yishan sincerely gave Li Xiuyuan a teacher salute.

At this moment, there was an old acquaintance of Li Xiuyuan in the crowd.

Huang Longshi!

Huang Longshi looked at Li Xiuyuan in front of the stage with thoughtful eyes.

This monk is not so kind to give advice to the world's dynasties, but intends to boil a frog or a knife in warm water.

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