In Xiajigong, Start Rolling Mud Pills To Save The Gods On The Land

Chapter 118: Return to Eternal Night, and discuss Haotian with the Master

Chapter 118: Return to Eternal Night, and discuss Haotian with the Master

Leaving Beiliang, Li Xiuyuan returned to the eternal night.

Among the nine rivers and lakes in the world, Yongye Rivers and Lakes is undoubtedly the most troublesome.

Before, he led the top experts from the eight rivers and lakes to the eternal night rivers and lakes, and made a lot of arrangements.

When Haotian appeared and invited Master to go to the sky for a battle, he joined hands with Master, but failed to kill Haotian.

This time, when we come back to Yongye Jianghu, as long as we are sure that Haotian and many human kingdoms have broken their fate, they will be able to fight in the sky and cut Haotian!

"Master Daoji! 99

When Li Xiuyuan stepped out of the door, the Master greeted him.

Seeing Li Xiuyuan again, the Master was very shocked.

When I saw Li Xiuyuan for the first time, although the opponent had a lot of tricks and amazing skills, his realm was a little different.

Seeing Li Xiuyuan now, he only felt that the aura of this Daoji master was far from the same as before.


"Can the kingdoms of gods all over the world today use the poor monk's dragon slaying skills to break the connection with Haotian's luck?

Li Xiuyuan nodded slightly and said while walking with the master.

"Master Daoji's dragon slaughtering skills are very effective in all parts of the world and have achieved good results."


The Master understood that when Li Xiuyuan came back today, he was obviously preparing to fight Haotian again and end Yongye completely.

However, there are still many troubles in this matter.

"Master, please tell me, if there is any difficulty, you can tell the poor monk."

While shaking the folding fan in his hand, Li Xiuyuan took out the wine gourd and took a sip of wine.

"Master Daoji."

"Now in the eternal night rivers and lakes, only you and I are qualified to fight against Haotian in the sky.""

"A battle to the sky can indeed kill Haotian completely. 35

"However, if the old man and the master are damaged in Haotian's hands this time, there will be no hope for Yongye Jianghu to escape the eternal night catastrophe. 35

The Master has been thinking about this for a long time.

He had been thinking about this matter since he sent Li Xiuyuan away last time.

As far as Yongye Jianghu is concerned, this is the closest to killing Haotian.

But even now, if he wants to kill Haotian, from the Master's point of view, there is still little hope.

This is still using Li Xiuyuan's dragon slaying technique to greatly weaken Haotian's power.

If not, there is no hope at all.

In the past, he fought against Haotian and could only survive in Haotian's hands.

"Master, don't worry too much.

"Just imagine, the eternal night rivers and lakes, or even the nine rivers and lakes in the world."

"A thousand years ago, or even a thousand years in the future, will there be a better situation than today?"

As soon as Li Xiuyuan said this, the Master immediately smiled wryly.

He was thinking about the common people in the world, and it was a bit of a prison.

What he thought and thought in his heart was more to end this endless eternal catastrophe for the eternal night.

But what Li Xiuyuan said was obviously absolutely correct.

Whether it is the past millennium or the next millennium, there will never be a better situation than today.

If with the current good situation, Haotian can't be slashed, that's the fate of the eternal night.

No matter the past, present, or outsiders, they will always be reincarnated in the endless eternal night catastrophe!

"Master Daoji's remarks, clear the clouds and see the sun. 35

"Since there is no better situation than today, when the old man explains some things, I will go to the sky with Master Daoji to fight Haotian! 99

The Master has already made up his mind completely. After the fate of the world and Haotian is completely cut off, he will start the battle that will determine the fate of the eternal night, and even the fate of the nine rivers and lakes in the world.

The Master had to make some arrangements, and Li Xiuyuan also temporarily stayed in the academy.

Knowing that Li Xiuyuan is coming to the eternal night rivers and lakes again, many martial artists in the nine rivers and lakes also went to the academy where Li Xiuyuan is located.

Everyone's mood is very solemn!

In the past, Yongye was closed, and the eight major rivers and lakes did not know the existence of Yongye.

Today, among the eight major rivers and lakes, there are many martial arts warriors entering the eternal night.

The eight rivers and lakes in the world have also learned more about the closed eternal night rivers and lakes.

If the Eternal Night Tribulation cannot end in the Eternal Night Rivers and Lakes, the other eight rivers and lakes in the world will one day be burdened by the Eternal Night Tribulation!

In a courtyard, Li Xiuyuan basks in the sun leisurely.

He gently shook the palm fan in one hand, while the other hand held the gourd and kept pouring wine into his mouth.

These wines are all brewed by the Master, and the decisive battle is imminent. The Master simply does not hide it, but takes it out for the monk to drink enough at a time.

"Master Daoji, can I help one or two in this battle?"

Dongxie Huang Yaoshi came to Li Xiuyuan and asked seriously.

Not only Huang Yaoshi, the old sword god Li Chungang, Wudang junior uncle Hong Xixiang, but also Li Hanyi and everyone in the eternal night rivers and lakes.

At this moment, they all looked at Li Xiuyuan with serious expressions.

In the past, when Master and Haotian fought, they could only watch from the sidelines, and they were not qualified to participate in the war at all.

Even if they had cultivated all the way to this day, there was still a huge gap between them all from Haotian, from the Master, and from Li Xiuyuan.

With their strength, if they want to go to the sky and participate in the war, they are still not qualified.

However, since Li Xiuyuan's debut, in the eight rivers and lakes, more than once, the corruption has been turned into a miracle.

Although even the Master had no way to get them to join the war, Li Xiuyuan might have a way.

"No way." 9

Li Xiuyuan took a sip of wine, then shook his head.

Everyone has a chivalrous heart, of course it is excellent.

Even if not because of chivalry, but because of some other reasons.

Everyone dares to come to fight at this time, it is all the luck of the rivers and lakes, the luck of the world!

However, everyone is still far away from Haotian. 750

Hearing Li Xiuyuan's words, although everyone expected it, they were still very disappointed.

Master and Li Xiuyuan are about to have a final battle with Haotian, but they can only watch from the sidelines.

This feeling is really not an ordinary uncomfortable feeling.

In the courtyard, these arena warriors are the highest peaks in their respective rivers and lakes.

But after coming to this eternal night river and lake, they are just people on the mountainside, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the top.

"Master Daoji, can't I do anything when I wait?"

Huang Yaoshi gave a wry smile. He has practiced martial arts all his life. It is not appropriate to be a spectator at this time, right?

But Huang Yaoshi and everyone in the courtyard also understood.

The warriors in the nine major rivers and lakes can be divided into four classes, the first class is the unbelievably powerful Haotian, and the second class is the equally unfathomable Li Xiuyuan.

The third class is the master who they can try their best to chase, but may not be able to catch up.

The fourth class is the master of the other "mountains are high and I am the peak" in the nine major rivers and lakes.

When they came to this courtyard, they already had the answer in their hearts.

However, everyone still hopes to make a contribution in such a battle.

So at this time, everyone came by luck.

It is a pity that even the unfathomable Daoist master who has turned corrupt into a miraculous many times has no way to do it this time.

Under the huge power gap, they can only be spectators.

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