In Xiajigong, Start Rolling Mud Pills To Save The Gods On The Land

Chapter 59: Ying Zheng asks the Buddha, what is longevity! Daoji announces the secret of longevity?

On the outskirts of Yuhang, on the Guangling River.

A beautifully decorated sailboat slowly docked at the ferry port outside Yuhang City.

Three people stepped off the boat, one of them was wearing a black dark-patterned robe, and there was a hint of majesty between the eyebrows.

Behind him, there were two people standing on the left and the right.

A young swordsman holding a sword in his hand, and a mysterious man hiding his face under a golden mask.

In normal times, the strange combination of these three people would definitely attract a lot of attention, but today, the situation is a little different.

These three people are Ying Zheng, Gai Nie and Dong Huang Taiyi who came from Daqin not far away.

As soon as he got off the boat, Ying Zheng was looking around for the spies who were catching up with the net, when suddenly, he was attracted by the noise not far away.

Many experts in the rivers and lakes are gathering in groups in one direction, and the originally very spacious official road even seems a little crowded.

"Are these people all here to find monk Daoji?"

A look of surprise appeared in Ying Zheng's eyes, these Jianghu people are all chasing in the same direction, obviously rushing towards something.

Recently, apart from Daoji, there is nothing in Yuhang City that can attract these experts.

As if to confirm Ying Zheng's guess, there were also several anxious voices from the group of heroes.

"Quick, quick, let the person in front let you in, and it will be too late if you slow down!"

"Hey, I heard that Master Daoji first punched Old Monster Wang, who was in a state of broken heart, and then slashed the White Emperor in Wang Xianzhi's body with another knife!"

"Master Daoji seems to have just returned to Lingyin, hurry up and see the true Buddha!"

"Hey, it's still too late! I heard that many people have paid money to sign up in front of Lingyin Temple, so that they can face the real Buddha and see the demeanor of Master Daoji!

The people in front were talking a lot, Ying Zheng was listening, Xuan Jian mixed in the crowd, and quietly approached the three of Ying Zheng.

"My subordinate Xuan Jian, see Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng glanced lightly at Xuan Jian beside him, and said, "Where is Zhao Gao? The widow wants to see Monk Daoji, are you ready?"

When Xuan Jian heard the words, he immediately said respectfully: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, your lord has already bought the little girl Li Dongxi from Lingyin Temple, please come with me.

Hearing what Xuan Jian said, Ying Zheng's face showed a hint of satisfaction. twenty one

It seems that Zhao Gao has planned everything for him, and the dog he raised is quite useful!

Inside Lingyin Temple,

Li Xiuyuan lay on the futon and slept soundly, with a grievanced Li stuff sitting on the ground beside him, the little girl tightly clutched a delicate wooden box to her chest, and there were still tears in her eyes.

"Also ask Miss Huang to raise your hand and forgive things!

The little monk Nanbei stood beside him at a loss, Li Dongxi couldn't beat Huang Rong, but he could win.

It's just that the master taught him not to hit women since he was a child, and this time it was Li Dongxi's fault, so the north and the south could only stand with their hands folded and silently mourn for Li Dongxi.

Huang Rong's subordinates didn't show mercy, and gave Li Dongxi another blow, gritted his teeth and said, "You damn girl, dare to use the name of Lingyin Temple to make money by yourself, let's see how Brother Daoji wakes up and takes care of you! 35

After the battle with Wang Xian, Li Xiuyuan returned to Lingyin Temple and began to sleep soundly, under the pretense that he wanted to raise his spirits for the later lectures on dragon slaying.

The crisis at Lingyin Temple was resolved, and Huang Rong and Feng Heng naturally did not want to leave. In desperation, Huang Yaoshi also stayed temporarily to recuperate and accompany his wife and daughter by the way.

As for Hong Xixiang, he continued to travel with Xu Zhihu.

Everyone was immersed in the shock and joy of Li Xiuyuan's victory over Wang Xianzhi, and accidentally left the disaster caused by Li Xiuyuan behind.

As a result, it was not only the people in Lingyin Temple who were excited, but also all the experts in the world outside. Hearing that Daoji had returned to the temple, all those who signed up wanted to hurry up to see the demeanor of the number one in Da Li martial arts.

The crowd outside was turbulent, but Huang Rong and the others were dumbfounded this time.

This little girl, Li Dongxi, made thousands of taels of silver with this method, but now that someone has come to her door, what should I do?

Huang Rong, who was out of breath, tidied up Li things again, thinking that Li Xiuyuan had slept for a whole day, and she was probably about to wake up. Now she can only wait for Li Xiuyuan to wake up before thinking about countermeasures.

"No one wants to take my money!"

Even after being taught by Huang Rong, Li Dongxi still tightly hugged the small wooden box in her arms, that was all her belongings!

"Is this money yours? Give it to me!

The two little girls scuffled together again.

Nan Bei, who was on the side, sighed, and could only stand silently on the side, continuing to confess his guilt.

Huang Rong and Li Dongxi were fighting over the wooden box in Li Dongxi's arms, but at this moment, Li Xiuyuan, who was sleeping soundly beside him, suddenly opened his eyes.

Ignoring the two little girls who were still fighting, Li Xiuyuan looked up outside the hall and asked loudly, "Since you're here, why hide?"


Before Li Xiuyuan finished speaking, he heard someone chanting the Buddha's name, and a monk in white appeared in front of the hall at some point.

"Li Dengxin from the Liangchan Temple, I have seen Master Daoji.

The monk in white slightly lowered his eyes and bowed to Li Xiuyuan.


Li Dongxi first shouted with joy, and then suddenly felt very aggrieved, and cried out with a wow.

"Why, are you here to avenge your master, or are you here to bring these two unfortunate children back to the Liangchan Temple?

Li Xiuyuan asked with a smile.

As soon as he sobered up, the first thing he heard was Huang Rong and Li Dongxi's clamor, and then when he released his consciousness, he found Li Dongxin.

This guy, without any intention to hide his breath, just stood in the dark and observed Lingyin Temple, if it wasn't for his shouting, this monk would not know when he planned to come out.

"The master guessed wrong, beware that there are other things here.

Li Dangxin answered.

"When the poor monk went south, he had already received a message from Master. He passed away on his own, and had nothing to do with Master Daoji. Before the Master died, the poor monk wanted to apologize to Master Daoji. 35

"Your master is very transparent." Li Xiuyuan said with a slight smile.

"Tell me, why are you looking for the poor monk?

Hearing this, Li Dangxin showed a look of embarrassment, and after hesitating for a moment, he opened his mouth and said: "The poor monk will take over as the chairperson of the Liangchan Temple, and the Beimang court has the intention of destroying the Buddha, so the poor monk wants to entrust the east and the north to the south. To the master, I don't know if I can?"5

"Father, I don't want to stay here!

Li Dongxi was furious when she heard the words. She thought that she had to escape from the clutches of Li Xiuyuan and Huang Rong with great difficulty, but her father came to Lingyin Temple and wanted to entrust her directly to Daoji?

Li Dongxi suddenly felt his scalp tingling!

"Li Dongxi, even if your father doesn't come, do you still think you can leave Lingyin Temple? You made a fortune in the name of Daoji brother the day before yesterday. I have seen the roster, and the total is two thousand three hundred and ninety-two taels of silver. Even if you don't eat or drink for the rest of your life, you can't afford it! Hurry up and hand over the money!

Huang Rong snorted coldly from the side.

Hearing this, the corners of Li Dongxin's mouth twitched indistinctly, why is this girl still keeping it? Hurry up and forget it!

Two thousand taels of silver...

It is enough for the incense money of Liangchan Temple for ten years!

"What's the matter?" Daoji looked at Li Dongxi with great interest, this little girl can make a fortune!

Li Xiuyuan made a random move, and the wooden box in Li Dongxi's hand fell into his hand.

Li Xiuyuan flipped the wooden box in his hand. Something was wrong. It didn't seem like there was more than 2,000 taels in it, and it seemed like it was only about 500 taels.

"Are you looking for it yourself, or I can help you find it as a monk?" Li Xiuyuan asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Dongxi's face suddenly became bitter. If Daoji wanted to find it in person, the money she had hidden would not be able to be hidden at all.

"Who cares, this girl will give it to you!" Li Dongxi said unwillingly.

Li Xiuyuan handed the wooden box in his hand to Huang Rong, and then said: "Take out a thousand taels to expand the temple, don't move a thousand taels, if there is any natural or man-made disaster in Yuhang, I will take it out to help the people.

Use the rest of the money to find a few places in the city to cook porridge. "

Seeing that Li Xiuyuan had distributed all his money, Li Dongxi just wanted to protest, but his father gave him a look back.

Huang Rong, who was on the side, said with some worry: "But Daoji brother, those arena experts outside..."

Daoji smiled slightly: "Don't worry, those poor monks will handle it! They don't ask for it, and the poor monks have to find it, and now it's just right."5

dong dong dong-

At this moment, there was a knock on the back door of Lingyin Temple.

Hearing this voice, several people present were a little weird.

Although the experts in the rivers and lakes in front of the temple were waiting for Daoji every day, they did not dare to disturb him easily.

Not to mention the back door, no one dared to knock on the door of Lingyin Temple.

All the experts in all corners of the world know that the person sitting in the temple is not only a true Buddha, but also the number one martial artist of Da Li!

If it annoys Li Xiuyuan, let alone getting the guidance of the real Buddha, it is unknown whether he can stand and leave Yuhang.

"It's strange, father and mother are also in the temple, who could it be?

Huang Rong couldn't help muttering.


Just when everyone was wondering, Li Dongxi who was beside him suddenly spoke up.

"It may be someone I found outside... who came to Li Xiuyuan...

Seeing Huang Rong staring at him, Li Dongxi hurriedly explained: "It's not that I don't understand the rules, I also know that the back door in our temple is not for outsiders to go..."

"But they give too much!!!"

dong dong dong-

Zhao Gao tapped on the back door of Lingyin Temple.

Following him were the three Ying Zheng.

But Zhao Gao knocked several times, but there was no movement in the temple. At this moment, Zhao Gao's back was already soaked in cold sweat.

It took him a piece of gold to get the little girl to agree. After Daoji returned to the temple, he was the first to see these people, so he wouldn't be trapped by the little girl!

Feeling the colder gaze behind him, Zhao Gao couldn't help shivering.

Could it be that he, Zhao Gao, is going to roll over here today?

Just when Zhao Gao was worried, he heard a creak, and the wooden door opened in response!

A young monk in his early ten years was standing opposite the door, and Zhao Gao was relieved when he saw this.

This little monk from the north and the south is also a person in Lingyin Temple, and many heroes have met in front of Lingyin Temple.

"Master Nanbei, I'm disturbing you."

A rare look of respect appeared on Zhao Gao's pale face, and he quickly put his hands together and said respectfully to Nanbei.

"Followers, please come with me. 35

Nanbei led the way, Zhao Gao hurriedly followed, and at this moment, he just heard Ying Zheng's voice from behind: "The errand was done well, after returning home, there are many rewards.

In the meditation room of Lingyin Temple, Li Xiuyuan couldn't help but get a big head when he looked at Li Dongxi who was babbling in front of him.

"So, you also don't know the identity of the other party?"

According to Miss Li Dongxi's description, the people who came to her were lavish and unfathomable, and at first glance they were not ordinary people.

As for other information, Li Dongxi couldn't say anything.

"Stay where it's cool, by the way, wipe the Daxiong Palace up and down for me."

Li Xiuyuan took a sip of wine, shook the fan and said.

"Daoji! Although my father entrusted me and Nanbei to you, you can't order us like that!

Hearing this, Li Xiuyuan snorted coldly and said, "Li Dongxi, why don't we talk about the fact that you used the name of a poor monk to go out and cheat? 55

Hearing this, Li Dongxi, who was just right now, suddenly became empty and hurriedly escaped from the meditation room.

"It's kind of interesting to spend a piece of gold just to see me."

Li Xiuyuan smiled slightly, the other party spent so much money to come to see him, he must be asking for something!

Maybe someone needs to be rescued?

Since Li Dongxi received the other party's money, he has to meet the other party, otherwise it will lose the face of Lingyin Temple; but after the meeting, the rescue is still saved, and whether to answer the other party's request or not depends on his mood. !

As for Lee stuff...

It has been a long time in Japan, and he will have time to clean up this little girl in the future.

Shortly after Li Dongxi left, there was a sudden noise from 717 outside the meditation room, and then the door of the meditation room was opened.

"Master Daoji, the guests are here.

At this moment, there were four people behind Nan Bei, one with a gloomy face, and with his sullen and morbid face, Li Xiuyuan could see at a glance that this was an eunuch.

The swordsman on the side looks lazy, but there is a faint sword energy emitting from the outside of his body, and the long sword he is holding in his hand is not an ordinary thing, is this a land sword immortal?

As for the masked man in black, his whole body exuded an air of immorality, and he was actually a land fairy!

These three people surrounded a middle-aged man in black, with a hint of a secret protection, plus the mysterious power of the man in black, it is obvious that these four people are mainly this person.

After Li Xiuyuan's eyes swept across the four of them, he immediately understood.

"I've seen Master Daoji." The black-clothed man, who was not angry and mighty, said slowly, but he just nodded slightly, and didn't mean to salute.

But Li Xiuyuan was not at all unhappy about this, instead he smiled and said, "Isn't the Emperor Qin okay?"

As soon as Li Xiuyuan said these words, both Ying Zheng and Gai Nie Zhao Gao behind him had a look of astonishment on their faces.

"True Buddha is a good way, you have seen it all."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh, if he had doubts about Li Xiuyuan's methods before, now he has dispelled his last doubts.

Da Qin and Da Li are thousands of miles apart, and it is impossible for Dao Ji to see his true face.

This one in front of me is indeed not ordinary!

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, and said straight to the point: "I heard that Master Daoji is a free-spirited person, and he is no longer a fool. I came to visit Master Daoji today, but I actually have something to ask for.

Ying Zheng looked up and asked, "Dare to ask a living Buddha, how can he live forever?"

After hearing Ying Zheng's question, Li Xiuyuan couldn't help laughing.

As expected of Ying Zheng, apart from the method of immortality, there shouldn't be anything that could make him come to Lingyin Temple for advice.

"It's hard to say, it's easy to say!"

Li Xiuyuan deliberately sold a secret, pretending to be mysterious.

"Please also enlighten the living Buddha!!!""

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, it turns out that this monk Daoji really knows the way to longevity?

Donghuang Taiyi, who was beside him, was also inexplicably shocked. In his opinion, he could live forever if he ascended to the heavens! Could it be that this monk knows how to make people ascend to immortality?

"Actually, it's not that troublesome." Li Xiuyuan smiled.

"I also ask His Majesty the First Emperor to answer a question from the poor monk. If the First Emperor can answer it, it is not impossible for the poor monk to directly hand over the method of immortality to the First Emperor.

Ying Zheng's breathing became more rapid, and he hurriedly asked, "Excuse me, the true Buddha, the widow must know everything!

Ying Zheng's eyes were bright, as long as he answered Li Xiuyuan's question correctly, he would be able to find the way to longevity?

How could Ying Zheng not be moved by this?

Li Xiuyuan looked at Ying Zheng and smiled slightly: "I don't know what is the most important thing in a country in the eyes of His Majesty the First Emperor?!

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