In Xiajigong, Start Rolling Mud Pills To Save The Gods On The Land

Chapter 74: Eternal Night Rivers and Lakes Exposure! Nine Realms of Martial Arts! A powerhouse that

"I heard that your Excellency is invincible? Alcoholics, butchers, come and learn!

The billowing sound is mixed with extremely terrifying internal force, and it spreads out in all directions!

In front of Lingyin Temple, all the heroes changed their expressions when they heard it, and this sound wave rippling, actually had the terrifying power of the ancestors of Longhu Mountain just now.

Could it be that another immortal has come into the world?

Li Chungang and other masters followed the sound waves to spread out their perceptions, feeling the breath coming from that direction, and the expressions of several people became a little dignified.

And more Jianghu experts heard the terrifying voice like a fairy, but they muttered in their hearts.

A strange look appeared in Huang Longshi's eyes.

"In this world in Kyushu, are there martial arts masters named drunkards and butchers?

These two names, the more you hear them, the more strange they feel, how can there be a martial arts master in the world with this name?

Rao is Huang Longshi, who is well-informed and has collected all his memories, but he did not recall which of these two characters existed in any rivers and lakes.

There are naturally no rivers and lakes close to Dali, and in the farther rivers and lakes, Huang Longshi, who has heard Li Xiuyuan count the heroes of Kyushu, does not remember that Li Xiuyuan once mentioned the names of these two people.

At this time, Li Xiuyuan, who was standing on the high platform, had already vaguely guessed the origin of these two people after hearing their registration numbers.

"I didn't expect that the one that was isolated from Kyushu was that river and lake?

Li Xiuyuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that the river and lake was not worth mentioning, but he didn't expect it to be such a "surprise"


If it were that river and lake, at least in the future he would not have nothing to do when he entered the extreme realm of martial arts, and it would become a lot more interesting!

However, Li Xiuyuan did not rush to reveal the identities of the two, instead he transmitted the same voice: "I don't know where you two came from?"


The faint buddha nature swayed between the heavens and the earth, and the minds of the masters who were shocked by the roars of the butcher and the drinker were also calmed down a lot at this moment.

The invisible power that the two had created was quietly dispelled by Li Xiuyuan.

In the distance, butchers and drinkers are also paying attention to the changes in front of Lingyin Temple.

Going all the way to the gate that separates the eternal night rivers and lakes from other rivers and lakes, the butchers and drinkers heard the most 21 names on the road: Yuhang, Lingyin, and Daoji.

Both of them have lived for thousands of years, so they know that someone must be behind the scenes.

However, drinkers and butchers also became interested in Li Xiuyuan.

According to the rumor, Li Xiuyuan was already the most powerful being among the other rivers and lakes.

Now that they have decided to leave Yongye Jianghu to gain a foothold in other rivers and lakes, the first thing they have to do is to find out how powerful the other rivers and lakes are.

Yongye Jianghu was isolated from the other eight rivers and lakes for too long, and the drunkard and the butcher discovered that even the Yongye Jianghu and other rivers and lakes defined the martial arts in a different way.

They don't even know what kind of realm they should be considered to be close to the seventh-layer state according to the standard of Da Li.

Is it a celestial being?

Therefore, these two people came to Yuhang to find Li Xiuyuan.

However, the moment they saw Li Xiuyuan, the alcoholic and the butcher were vaguely disappointed.

The strength of the monk in front of him should have reached the sixth-level realm, but at most those small realms of the sixth realm, this monk can only master one.

"It turns out that the strength of these rivers and lakes outside is not so strong. The drunkard shook his head with a sneer.

In terms of realm, this monk Daoji is not even as good as the one who knows and guards the concept.

"It's really boring to be able to be the king and hegemon in this arena from an ordinary six realm." The butcher, who has always spoken little, also said.

Li Xiuyuan, whose strength was only comparable to that of the sixth realm, had already left his opponent at the end of the day, so the butcher and drinker, who were still worried about the state of the martial arts outside, finally calmed down.

The strength of Li Xiuyuan is not to mention a lot in the Yongye Rivers and Lakes, but there are also a lot of them.

Now seeing Li Xiuyuan's strength, the drunkard and the butcher also have some inferences about the martial arts realm of other rivers and lakes.

The sixth floor of the eternal night rivers and lakes, apocalypse, annihilation, immeasurable, demons, no distance;

Mastering one is the land fairy,

Mastering two of these realms should be equivalent to the realm of heaven and man in other rivers and lakes.

And Li Xiuyuan should be between the two, similar to a state of comprehending the second realm, so he is a half-step heavenly being.

The seventh-level realm of the eternal night rivers and lakes, the immortality of the Demon Sect, the transcendence of the academy, the emergence of Taoism, and the nirvana of Buddhism; it should be similar to the immortality of heaven and man in other rivers and lakes!

But what makes the drunkard proud is that after the seventh realm, there are still two realms in the eternal night!

The eighth level, the pure world!

Reaching the Purity Realm can isolate the connection with the Haotian world, and it is immune to all attacks with the vitality of heaven and earth, which cannot cause damage to it.

The ninth level, no distance!

But ignoring all the rules between heaven and earth is the last step in human practice!

And since the record of the eternal night rivers and lakes, the Master has been the only ninth realm in the world!

As far as Li Xiuyuan is so powerful, aren't the two of them easily crushed?

The other rivers and lakes in the eighth and ninth realms obviously don't have this concept yet, and the butcher and the drunkard seem to have forgotten at this moment that in the entire eternal night rivers and lakes, only one person has reached that realm, Master!

Thinking of this, the drunkard immediately opened his mouth and said, "The two of us came from the eternal night rivers and lakes!"

"Eternal Night Jianghu?"

Hearing this, all the experts in the rivers and lakes in front of Lingyin Temple were even more surprised. There are several rivers and lakes in the world, Li Xiuyuan has told them in detail before, and even there are some amazing existences in these rivers and lakes, Li Xiuyuan also told many heroes.

But this eternal night rivers and lakes...

But never heard of it!

Everyone was still puzzled, but seeing that Huang Longshi was slightly surprised at this moment, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Could it be that these two came from the sealed rivers and lakes?

Hearing this, Cao Changqing thought for a while, and felt that what Huang Longshi said might be the truth.

It's just that the sealed rivers and lakes showed such terrifying strength, which was beyond Cao Changqing's expectations.

These two breaths must be in the realm of heaven and man, and the master of Fang Jianghu is actually quite strong!

"Li Xiuyuan! The two of us came here today, not to eat your Quanlong Banquet, but to challenge you! In today's battle, it will be a matter of life and death!

The drinker used his Yuan strength again, faced Daoji's direction, and threw the wine jar in his hand directly.

On the wine jar, his Yuan Power was secretly attached, and it was extremely tyrannical!

Looking at the wine jar floating towards him, Li Xiuyuan didn't show the slightest dignified or panicked look on his face, but said with a helpful smile, "Haha, it's good to come!"

Li Xiuyuan just fingered it, and the whistling wine jar suddenly hovered in the air. Immediately afterwards, the cover of the wine jar was directly lifted by an invisible force, and the fine wine in the jar was like a bridge of water. , towards the confluence of Li Xiuyuan.

Li Xiuyuan opened his mouth slightly, and the water bridge merged into Li Xiuyuan's mouth.

"Good wine!

Li Xiuyuan laughed, and soon a flush of red appeared on his face.


In the distance, the drunkard was extremely horrified.

Although he and Li Xiuyuan were testing from a distance at the moment, they were still able to test some depths.

That monk is just an existence who has just stepped into the sixth realm, and he is already infinitely close to the seventh realm, why can this monk remove his means so easily?

At this moment, the alcoholic who has always cherished his life felt a little hesitant in his heart.

He has a feeling that the monk in front of him must be weird, and if he really fights to the death, he might take a great risk?

The butcher on the side saw this, and his expression changed at this moment.

Immediately take out the butcher's knife and prepare to shoot.

But at this moment, a joking voice floated slowly from the air: "You two, aren't you going to fight for a poor monk? Why are you still hesitating? No... Do you two have the courage?"

Li Xiuyuan's words hit the butcher's and alcoholic's sore spot.

In the eternal night rivers and lakes, the two of them hid from the Master for hundreds of years, but they were finally found by the Master.

But scholars are still mild after all, and it was the first time that Li Xiuyuan directly said they were timid.

Therefore, the moment Li Xiuyuan finished speaking, the faces of the two became extremely ugly.

"You and I have been hiding from that person for hundreds of years in Yongye Jianghu, and will continue to hide when we arrive at Dali? A kid who has just entered the Sixth Realm, what are we afraid of him?"

The drinker couldn't help but yelled.

The butcher looked at Li Xiuyuan in the distance coldly, and after listening to the drunkard's words, there was also a hint of war in his eyes.

They have been hiding for too many years. If they go to this river and lake to hide again, what's the point of coming out of the eternal night river and lake?

The butcher clenched the knife in his hand, and suddenly the monstrous sword intent surged, and the atmosphere in the whole world became extremely chaotic in a radius of dozens of miles.

Around their bodies, the infuriating qi was crazily disintegrating at this moment, and it seemed that there were cracks in the space at this moment, as if a vacuum had formed.

Seeing this, the expressions of Li Chungang and the others in the distance changed, and they couldn't help taking a breath.

"Is this the Eternal Night River and Lake isolated from the Eight Great Rivers and Lakes, the strength of a warrior?

"Impossible, the aura of these two people seems to be from heaven, but it seems that something is wrong?" Hong Xixiang also had a strange look on the side.

These two ordinary looking old men in the distance have completely different auras on their bodies and the way they move their auras. Under the pressure of their powerful auras, even Hong Xixiang, the former reincarnation of a heavenly man, was stunned. Huge waves.

The strength of these two people is still above the sky!

But the situation is different from what Li Xiuyuan told before.

According to Li Xiuyuan, the great immortality of heaven and man is the mastery of Tao. Even if the strength is higher than that of heaven and man, it should be the perception of Tao and the application of the rules of heaven and earth to crush heaven and earth, not the old man with a sword. Press hard!

At this moment, Hong Xixiang seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Could it be that... above heaven and man, there is not only the great immortality of heaven and man, but also a higher realm than this?

The masters in front of Lingyin Temple looked at the butcher, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

At this moment, they also felt the suppression on that realm!

Leaving aside Li Xiuyuan as a freak, none of Wang Xianzhi at that time could bring them this feeling.

"You must be curious at this moment, why the butcher and I's breath is so terrifying, right?" Seeing the fear of the heroes in front of Lingyin Temple, the drunkard finally showed a rare look of pride on his face.

It seems that after coming to Dali, their strength has completely crushed the warriors here, and there will be no master who always rides on their heads!

Moreover, this side of the rivers and lakes did not have Haotian's attention, and there was no need to hide their strength.

The alcoholic's face couldn't help showing a touch of excitement. He had suppressed too many emotions for thousands of years in hiding in Tibet. Today, when he arrived at Dali, these emotions seemed to find a place to vent in an instant.

He glanced sideways, but saw that the butcher's eyes also flashed bloodthirsty light at this moment.

This is not the eternal night rivers and lakes, they have no sense of belonging to Da Li, and naturally they will not feel guilty!

In addition, there is no concern about making a move here, the drunkard and the butcher finally no longer suppressed the manic vitality in the body, and the turbulent aura shot straight into the sky!

The corner of the drunkard's mouth twitched, and he said coldly: "That's because, after the great immortality of heaven and man in your mouth, there are still two realms!

As soon as these words came out, the masters in front of Lingyin Temple were all shocked and inexplicable.

Huang Longshi frowned slightly: "Is it a completely different system from the other eight rivers and lakes? 35

Since there is a defined realm, it means that in that river and lake, someone has really reached that step!

Just like the realm of heaven and man in other rivers and lakes, many martial artists have never heard of it or seen it.

But there are indeed Zhang Fuyao and Ah Qing who have reached this level.

717 That is to say, there are masters in Yongye Jianghu who have crushed the other two great realms?

Thinking of this, Huang Longshi couldn't help being slightly startled, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to the butcher and drinker in the distance.

How high has the realm of these two people reached?

At this moment, many masters in front of Lingyin Temple were captured by the breath of those two people. The strength of these two people is no less than that of young eunuchs, and they are even stronger!

However, under such terrifying coercion, Li Xiuyuan still fanned his fan leisurely and said with a light smile: "What you two want to express is that your realm crushes poor monks. ?35

Hearing this, the drinker couldn't help but sneer and said with a proud face: "Yes, the realm of the old man is boundless and boundless, and the realm of the butcher is close to immortality.

The drinker's distance is boundless and immeasurable. According to the distance, it is a stable heaven and human realm. In addition, the drinker has been immersed in these two ways for many years. Now it has been infinitely approaching and breaking through, and it is only a footstep away.

The butcher's realm is close to immortality, and immortality is the strongest demon realm in the sixth realm! The domineering among them is as simple as eating and drinking.

"if not?"

The drunkard sneered: "You are at best a top performer in our eternal night rivers and lakes. With such strength, you dare to call a Buddha an ancestor, it is really ridiculous!

Unexpectedly, after hearing the drunkard's words, Li Xiuyuan laughed dumbly: "You two, I'm really embarrassed, compared to comparing the realm, the poor monk prefers to speak with his fists.

"Before the two of you make a move, you have to tell your realm well in advance. Are you feeling guilty and trembling?"

Li Xiuyuan sneered mercilessly.

"If being a dog can live forever, would you turn your face and be a dog?"

Hearing Li Xiuyuan say this, there was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

"You monk, don't be glib here!!!

The drunkard was furious. Li Xiuyuan taunted the two of them one after another. At this moment, he couldn't hold back his anger. He immediately threw the wine gourd from his waist and smashed it at Li Xiuyuan. The butcher beside him also moved his knife. With Li Xiuyuan, he took out a powerful sword!

The butcher slashed out, the sky and the earth changed color, a pale golden butcher's knife phantom gathered on the sky, and then slashed towards Li Xiuyuan viciously.

In front of Lingyin Temple, Xu Fengnian looked at the butcher and the drunkard who sacrificed the wine gourd and the sword, and shook his head: "These two people are quite good, but how come their moves are not as good as that of Master Daoji?"

Li Xiuyuan smiled leisurely, and took one step forward, moving forward unexpectedly.

He nodded slightly and put his hands together.

Immediately afterwards, an Arhat statue fell from the sky and fell between the drunken butcher and Li Xiuyuan.

You gather your strength, and I will subdue the dragon!

The dharma fell, one punch shattered the wine gourd, and another punch burst the sword light in the sky.

In the distance, the pupils of the two old men shrank, looking at the real body of Arhat falling from the horizon, with a trace of struggle and fear in their eyes.

This monk... is really dangerous!!.

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