In Void, the yellow light flashes and a daoist silhouette appears.

“Here, Wu Nan is far away, I am afraid I have already reached the northern boundary of Wuzhou!”

Fang Ming looked around and muttered to himself.

Looking at the front again, drinking: “Now!”

a path of traces, floating out of thin air, flashing with glimmers, seems to be the mark of people walking, staying in the air.

“This sinful defamation method is really a small thing. After a night, it ran for nearly a thousand miles…” Fang Ming was not very emotional.

Qing Xu is a real human cultivation base, with a long veins and proficiency in all kinds of hidden methods. I don’t know how many ways.

If it wasn’t for Fang Ming who had changed a lot of Divine Ability tracking, I’m afraid it would be escaped.

The two chased one and escaped, and it has been going through one day and one night, chasing from Xin’an to northern Wuzhou.

Fang Ming followed the Void traces, and the bandits started under the feet, and they chased them up.

So, another time passed.

Fang Ming looked at the distant scene and was slightly surprised.

At this time, it has already reached a suburb, far away, is a thick city wall, all made of stone, after the wind and rain, revealing the color of the black scorpion, the part looks strong.

The city wall has been greatly repaired. Below it is the moat, above, and even a small boat.

“This city is not small, it is enough as a capital city. Where did I catch up?” Fang Ming had some doubts, but then he solved it.

Fang Ming walked to the city gate and saw the two ancient texts on the high city wall. It was vigorous and powerful. Although it was far visible, it was the word “Jianye”.

Here. It turned out to be Wuzhou Heavy Town and Jianye City.

The name of Jianye City began more than three hundred years ago. At that time, Wu Wangfa’s husband, hunting thousand, digs the stone of Nancang Cangshan and builds it with boulder. It took three years to complete. In order to build this city, Wu Wang exhausted the people’s strength and soon died. Become a joke.

This Jianye City has another name for “Stone City”.

“I don’t want to actually come to Jianye City, the capital of Wuzhou. Also, Baiyunguan is a large school of Wudi. In this Jianye City, how can it be arranged?”

Fang Ming fixed the god. Looking at Jianye City, I saw the popularity of the people, the rigorous laws, the slightest convergence, and even the golden in the middle, like the waves, and the distant intersection, seems to have an exchange with one.

“There is…” Fang Ming looked far and wide and saw golden eyes full. Even with the sound of dragons, the eyes hurt, and my heart glimpsed. Knowing this, I still control it in the hands of Imperial Court. Although the Imperial Court has a lot of control in the chaos, how can a state capital give up?

“Although it is hard, it is not impossible, but why waste my energy?” Fang Ming smiled. Ship the Divine Ability.

At this time, he used Divine Ability to develop a lot of new applications.

For example, the previous distracted possession, after careful study by Fang Ming, with the golden power, you can attach the Fang Ming true body to the mortal, not a distraction.

Fang Ming swept through and quickly selected the person with the body.

“It’s you!” Fang Ming picked up Divine Ability and drank: “Attach!”, golden light flashed, one person on the ground, suddenly, body trembled, fainted.

“School, is it okay?” asked an old man from the same company.

“No…nothing, the weather is too hot, some summer! Just a break!” Fang Ming laughed and replied, and quickly combed the memory of this person.

“Well, it turned out to be Yang Yun, 18 years old, from the cold door, came to rely on 舅舅, Bo was born.”

Fang Ming is a god, and all the memories of this person are digested in a few breaths. At this time, it plays a vivid role, that is, Yang Yun’s relatives are here, and they cannot recognize it.

“Oh… no wonder, on such a hot day, you are a scholar, and your body is thin. It doesn’t matter. If you take two more steps, you will go to Jianye.” The old man said.

Old man has only one surname, claiming to be the old grandson. When Yang Yun met on the road, he read the letter for the old grandson, and he was greatly respected. Just as the old grandson had to enter the city, he would accompany him.

The two entered the city gate, and the old grandson said: “The scholar, the old man is going to see the granddaughter, just separate it. The old grandson lives in the old water well alley, you have something to do, even though come to me… …”

The floc said, handing the package on his shoulder to Fang Ming: “Hey, your parcel!”

Fang Ming’s face is strange, this is remembered, the original package is Yangyun, but unfortunately the road is fortunate, the old grandson has volunteered to take over.

After taking a trip, it was light and there was almost no weight.

“This person physique, how weak is it?” Fang Ming swept away. “This person is reading a stupid, weak body, almost weak and undressed…”

According to this situation, this person may not live for two years.

“I am now using my power to clear meidian for you and enhance physique, but it is also a life-saving job. The two phases have come to a close…”

Fang Ming smiled and said in her heart.

“Okay, just break up here, and you are thanking you along the way. Yang Yun will report it in the future…” Fang Ming cup one fist in the other hand.

“hehe… The old man is half-earthed, and what is greedy? You are a scholar, that’s so curved!” The old Sun’s laughing straight-eyed hand seems to be in a mood unlike what he said.

Fang Ming smiled, saluted again, and left with a parcel.

Jianye is the capital of a state, and the weather is different from the county. Even with the big road under the foot, it is mostly paved with bluestone. With this one alone, I don’t know how much it will cost.

Along the way, people flowed, all kinds of small shops were on both sides, there are snack stalls, hawkers selling along the street.

There are still a few places, but the surrounding is full, a few artists in the middle, performing juggling martial arts, etc., the crowd from time to time to cheer, then there is a companion to the front, holding a copper plaque, asking for money.

Fang Ming walked all the way, all the way to see, Rao is used to the Anchang style, but also feels that the prosperity of this place is victorious.

Even so, Fang Ming’s main attention is still looking for traces of emptiness.

At this time, he already knew the intention of clearing the virtual, and the old road was trying to rely on the state city law, and Fang Ming was outside the city.

The most unfortunate, with so many people hiding, but also can cover his own breath, it is not easy to be discovered.

Fang Ming spent a morning. Hired a carriage and took the state City Lord to the place, but nothing.

Fang Ming got out of the car. Set the carriage money, look at the sky, the sun half-covering into the sky, the sun is getting darker.

“It’s too late, I’m still going to see this Yangyun’s house. After all, it’s also a seven-story official. It’s not a big thing.”

The calculation has been fixed. Go to the south of the city.

This is also the residence of Aristocratic Family officials. The more you go, the more elegant the buildings on both sides.

Fang Ming walked to the front of a red door and stopped. Look up and look at the plaque.

“Cheng Zhai. It seems to be here.” Knocked on the knocker.

After a while, a small cockroach came out and looked at Fang Ming. Some confused asked: “Just you knocked on the door, what happened?”

“Is this a journey to find a big family? I am his family, come here to see you!” Fang Ming said with a smile.

“My grandfather, it is Cheng Xun, you wait, I will inform you!” This little sister has been working for a long time. Eyesight is experienced.

Seeing Fang Ming, although dressed in ordinary clothes, he is not humble and self-sufficient. It’s not like scamming, not scorning, putting on a smile, and laughing.

“Okay, go, I am waiting here!” Fang Ming didn’t care. Said.

“You are waiting!” The door ran away.

Not long after, the door opened. “In the first two days, I received a letter saying that Yuner is coming, I have been waiting, I don’t want to be here today!” The sound of hearty sound came.

With the words, a big man stepped forward and was eight feet tall. At this time, my face was mild and I looked at Fang Ming.

This is the shackles of Yang Yun, Cheng Xun, the current seven-product inspection, the equivalent of the Public Security Bureau, in Jianye, also considered some real power.

“I have seen you!” Fang Ming bowed down.

“haha… get up quickly!” Cheng Xiang raised Fang Ming and looked at it carefully. He said, “I will see you when I am old. Although I am reading poetry, I am bothered with blood and blood. I am afraid that there is a deficiency. Advise younger sister to be well-received, and now it has fruitful results, and the color has improved a lot, so congratulations…”

Yang Yun’s face is slightly red, saying: “It’s too much work, I’m here…”

“Come, go home and say, meet your younger brother younger sisters!” Cheng Xun did not wait for Fang Ming to finish, just pull up Fang Ming’s arm and enter the Cheng Family Mansion.

“Commanded to go down, renovate the banquet, I have to entertain the cloud!” Cheng Xun red light, full of laughter.

Under the servants of the family, they quickly started to work, and in a short time, they rehabilitated the feast.

“Come here… I will introduce you, this is my eldest son Cheng Xu, you saw it when you were young, and you should have an impression now.”

“I have seen the big brother!” Cheng Xu came out, and the ceremony said that it was a bit weak.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare!” Fang Ming quickly returned.

Later, Cheng Xun introduced several people to Fang Ming. They were all a few children. This attitude is more casual. Fang Ming is also one after another.

After the banquet, Cheng Xun took Fang Ming to the study and asked: “This time you come, younger sister and I are in the letter, there is also a mention, since you want to work in Jianye, you naturally support, but Still have to ask you again…”

“Yang Yun let me tell you!” Fang Ming retired without thinking.

“Good, good!” Cheng finds a face with joy. Fang Ming thought of it when he was in the heart. Before the journey, he asked Yang Yun to go out of his way, but Yang Yun was a nerd who refused. Now he looks at this scorpion and finally reopens.

“I have a few vacancies here, but they are all at the book level, but some of them have wronged you… So, you will be my first driver, and until next year, I will have a few vacancies… …” Cheng Xunwei is sinking, he said.

This is not the responsibility of the officials, but the Imperial Court also confessed that it is a half-anchocratic transitional position. The size of the power depends on whether the boss appreciates it.

Cheng Xun is both a cloud and a cloud. This is naturally to be promoted and promoted.

“舅舅大恩, Yang Yun remembers…” Fang Ming bowed.

“I am waiting for a family, I will not help you, who will help you?” Cheng Xun smiled and said. “You will follow me tomorrow, remember, read more and talk less…”

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