Fang Ming was just a general liberal arts student. He was a little knowledgeable about the way of driving down. He only remembered a few words of “rewarding and punishment”, “playing a stick, giving a sweet date” or something. Now he is rushing to the shelves and has to fumble himself.

He did not use the bandits to go far, but he was hiding on one side to see the effect. Seeing that my own hands are gradually becoming one, it is also a big heart, knowing that your own soil method is also useful.

At this time, suddenly there was a sense, and I saw a scene along the line of faith.

He Songlau made a day, went back home, looked at the house with not many furniture, and remembered the previous difficult time. He couldn鈥檛 help but shudder and wondered, “I have always believed in talent, but I have never had an opportunity. Now it is falling in the sky. Opportunity, as Su Hu said, don鈥檛 try it, how can you be willing?鈥?/p>

I also want to “think about learning, I am not afraid, but unfortunately this matter, the words of He Shu’s family are most useful. On relatives, I am far away. Now, only God is blessed to help me transport!”

If you don’t hesitate, come to the corner, dig up the money that you can’t easily squat, buy the incense offerings at all, put them at home, order the incense, respectfully bow down, and pray in the mouth: “The believer He Song, sincerely worship, look at the land God helped me to get the position of the history. If this matter is done, I will not dare to forget the great grace!” For the table, the statue is majestic and seems to be watching him.

Fang Ming was shocked. It was a surprise to see He Song鈥檚 luck.

He Song鈥檚 life is still red in the white, the highest among the believers. But before I saw him, there was only a fundamental life on the top of his head, and there was no gas transportation. Therefore, he was trapped in a small village and could not learn to show it in his chest.

You know, according to Fang Ming, this fate determines the highest point that an individual can reach in the future, and the air transport determines the individual’s current position. The two complement each other and are indispensable.

He Song has a blushing life, the highest can be the official position of the eight products, but there is no air transport, like the fish is waterless, hard or light, if it happens to be low tide, then encounter the disaster, it is Xie Jin End.

But now, there is a small group of white gas on his head, micro-microwave movement, to achieve the level of luck, the face is much better, the luck is in front of him, knowing that he has 20-30% chance to become a history And even if you can’t get what you want, you can enter the company through other channels.

With the worship, a fragrant fire will be absorbed by the priesthood, and the three-dimensional white power will be extracted. Fang Ming will wave his hand and inject a little power into Hessian body to form a defense. At this time, pay attention to it, and there will be a discovery. I saw that the Shensong body has been filled with great power and turned into a white light to protect the body. With the infusion of this fascinating power, the white light is brighter, and the top of He Song鈥檚 head, the air transport is slightly more.

Suddenly realized, what is the air transport? Air transport is power! As long as you can master the power, there will be air transport, the greater the power, the stronger the air transport. Therefore, if there is money, there will be air transport, there will be air traffic in the official position, and the power of the military will be more air transported.

He Song can be regarded as his big customer, and he can produce the most divine power every day. Fang Ming has returned more than 60 sacred powers, and his power has turned into a halo protector. The body has a lot of divine power to protect, and it can be indirectly controlled by power. Generate, with the life, can retain the air transport, do not make lost, to be used later.

For example, when He Song and the villagers went out and encountered a large number of ghosts, he could survive by relying on the power of the gods. Who is more air-conditioned than the dead villagers? Of course it is him! Therefore, the gods protect the body, the gas is self-sufficient. The past life truly sincerely worships the righteous, luck will be better, this is the increase in air transport, otherwise it is a bad luck to go to worship God. Of course, the evil spirits are first-rate, and worshipping will cause the loss of gas.

This world, energy changes are more likely to appear. However, the growth of divine power is also imperceptible and extremely subtle. He Song was accumulated for nearly two months before he was discovered. After all, Fang Ming has many things every day, how can each and everyone carefully watch the air transport?

Fang Ming wants to understand the cause and effect of the air transport and think about He Song.

He Song has fifty-six scorpions in his account, but it is not enough to do this. The air transport of the shackles is two levels worse than the history of the dynasty. There is a gap of four or five times. This means that Fang Ming wants to give him three hundred lines of power to He Song, so that he can get the same air and the history of the history, and that is almost the case.

This is going to lend He Song more than two hundred gods of power. It鈥檚 really a big deal. Fang Ming had previously collected a group of Xie Jin, and only spent this number. Tomorrow, I have to go into the mountains. The power is precious, and I have to keep it in case. According to the previous regulations, this matter has not been done. However, in a blink of an eye, this seems to have a turning point.

He called He Dong, said things, and asked: “You used to be a county history, familiar with the situation, seeing this time He Song is not a big chance?”

When He Dong came in, he heard this question, and his heart was a bitter. This is his own position, and his children and grandchildren are not filial. It is a pity that the boss asked, but he had to accompany him with a smile and said: “Be sure to speak out, my family’s mouth, I have never liked He Song, I will not help him to talk, He Song has no money to manage, only County Magistrate Wei Zhun, It鈥檚 a talented person, so there鈥檚 still a 20% count!鈥?/p>

After that, I looked at Fang Ming again and said, “Of course, as long as the Lord is willing to pay attention to it, then the matter will be tenfold! Never mind!”

Fang Ming smiled and the voice was crisp. He said, “This is not the case. You are also managing the accounts. You should know that He Song’s incense is not enough. If you open this, you will not be able to do it in the future!”

He Dong nodded said that he knows that the lord is a very savvy person, and he pays attention to the rules and records the details of the villagers’ incense. If the incense is not enough, he will not give it.

At this time, Fang Ming said: “However, there are few ways to add incense. I will give him a dream tonight, and you will go in, face-to-face, and point out the relationship. There is also the ancient jade buried in the west of the village, listening to you. Say it’s very good, the value 100 silver taels, also refers to him! In that case, how sure?”

He Dong thought for a moment and said: “As a result, there are five 60%.”

Fang Ming nodded, said: “That should be done, you remember to write a note on the account, spend a hundred incense, let He Song first owe, then make up!”

He Dong smiled and should be.

When the voice fell, Fang Ming found that He Song鈥檚 head was over, and there was a lot of cloud gas. This cloud was red with white, and He Song鈥檚 own air transportation was not compatible with him. I know that although I did not directly make this a success, I also intend to help him. This is why He Song borrowed his own strength. The borrowed power is also power, so there is a show in the air transport.

He Song鈥檚 current air transportation is not much different from the history of the history. This matter is very clear. He Song鈥檚 history of Anchang County is naturally good for himself. Besides, letting He Dong give He Song a point of relationship, there is also a layer of meaning, that is, let him see that the predecessor’s history of death has to do things under the land god, lest he should be obsessed with ignorance and ungratefulness.

On the night, after giving He Songto a dream, Fang Ming put the matter down, went back to the lobby, and gathered his men to discuss the matter of entering the mountain tomorrow.

In the lobby, Fang Ming sits in the middle, with a majestic posture and several subordinates on each side.

On the left hand side, it is the priest He Dong and the servant Zheng Kuan. In the past few months, He Dong has done an all-out effort. Fang Ming looks at his eyes, raises him to the level, promotes him to a priest, and promises to help him give his family a dream and let them dream. Seeing each other, He Dong was grateful for zero.

Right hand side, Wang Liulang ranked first, Xie Jin followed closely behind, followed by a few of them promoted themselves.

This side of World, Wen Zuowu right is a habit, Fang Ming is too lazy to change, let them stand like this.

He looked at the left side and only had two people. His life was not the same, it was all white. On the right, it is a talented person. Wang Liulang鈥檚 life is white and red, and he can have a body. Xie Jin is even better. His life is with yellow, and he has the ability to be a school. The next few are also out of the ordinary.

Fang Ming smiled bitterly, he is now under his hand, and this person is still light and heavy. But there is no way, the knowledge spread of this World is very limited, there are two, it is not bad. Thinking about it, in the future, is it time to go out and see more, find a dog head military division to come back.

At this time, the lobby was silent. Fang Ming coughed and said: “I mean, I will lead the team tomorrow, into the Castle Peak, Xie Jin, you say the situation!”

Xie Jin came out and performed a ceremony. He had no alcohol at this time. He couldn鈥檛 see that he was drunk. He said, 鈥淭he main public, the green hills are spreading hundreds of miles, and the twists and turns are the branches of Daqingshan. It is extremely difficult to walk, but it does not hinder me. The head of Peng Chun, is a devil, gathers more than a hundred evil spirits, and travels thousands of souls. I heard that it can be used as a weapon by force, there are more than a dozen confidants, there are knife guns. However, there is no A.”

Fang Ming nodded, although the ghost has a strong force, but it is not endless, can produce more than a dozen weapons, it is already good. Let Xie Jin go back and ask Wang Liulang: “How many soldiers are we in hand now?”

Wang Liulang calmly listed and replied: “Reporting to the Lord, I have already built a new fire, and only when the main public sends out the weapons, it will be available. Now there are a total of 32 soldiers, ready for the public!”

Fang Ming said, “What do you think of this victory?”

Wang Liulang indulged and said: “If you can find the right position, you can’t prepare it, and suddenly it will kill. The thousand souls will inevitably be fried. It is useless. I wait for thirty to one hundred, but the other is an ordinary murderer. Only a dozen people have weapons. We train with the military law, the soldiers use their lives, and there are leather armors. It is a great victory! Just be careful to escape after the defeat, if you hide into the mountains, or simply escape into Daqingshan, Then there is ** annoying!”

This is true, the guerrillas are the most troublesome, and Fang Ming does not want to be dragged by a small ghost, accompanying it to hide and seek in the deep forest. Just said: “The matter should be noted, you have to keep in mind, don’t let go of the dagger!”

The people on the right echoed immediately: “No!”

Fang Ming nodded, and asked: “When you wait, you will use bows and arrows, how many people?”

Wang Liulang and Xie Jin have been overjoyed. This bow and arrow has always been a weapon in the military. Wang Liulang said: “The Lord has a bow and arrow? That battle is more certain, and six people in the army will use it!”

Xie Jin also said: “There are four people in the army!”

Fang Ming was overjoyed, his hand waved, the red light flashed, and ten more bows came out on the ground.

“You wait for it, but use it together?”

Wang Liulang stepped forward, picked up a bow, tried the string, and the sound cleared, knowing that it was a good horn bow. I picked up another arrow and looked at the shimmering arrows. The end of the arrow was made of eagle feathers. I couldn鈥檛 help but say, “This bow is great!”

Fang Ming laughs, the bow and arrow structure is complex, white power can not simulate, since the red power, he has repeatedly experimented, finally made a bow and arrow, and armor, but the armor can be retained first, and then rewarded to the general.

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