This big man also has three oil paints on his face, which is equal to Fang Ming. However, Fang Ming will not be deceived by his honest appearance. In the memory and memory, this Bayan, once in battle, is like a mad tiger, unstoppable.

Especially after killing red eyes, this Bayan, also likes to tear the living, gnawing its flesh and blood, like Asura!

I don’t know why, this relationship between Bayan and Huhe is extremely good, but it is one of the few good brothers who are in the Tianzhu Department.

“My brother, your efforts, I believe, the shepherd and the high priest must be in the eyes, you can soon become Barut…”

Fang Ming At this point, he replaced himself with Huhe, and said with perseverance, every move, even Ba Yan could not see the flaws.

In the eyes of this big man, there are also some reddish, loudly shouted, saying: “Go, let’s drink! Today, the spirits you grab from the people, I also drank, the taste is really good, one compares, we ourselves Stuffed, like a horse, and sings and swears…”

“I have specially reserved for you, go, drink together! haha… These people, fight, can’t do anything, it’s very good, it’s time to grab them…”

With the big tricks of Bayan, Huhe and Bayan, go further and further…

“peng!”, “peng!”, “peng!”

The dust was flying, and a big man was called to kneel on the ground and pulled out a big pit.

Although the soil is soft, it is still very painful to take out such a big pit.

This big man is as if he is not aware of it. He laughs and says: “haha…heh, I haven’t seen it for a few days. Your strength has increased, and I have tried before. I haven’t had such great strength!”

Drinking again; “I have to be serious, you are careful!” The state changed, the eyes were red, as if they were crazy, and they fluttered.

The wind that is brought up will pick up the clothes and the clothes.

Fang Ming only feels the wind blowing, if it is ordinary people. In the face of this Bayan, the light is imposing, it is completely overwhelmed.

It depends on this strength and speed. The so-called “martial arts master”, in the face of this Bayan, I am afraid it is unfortunate.

But if Bayan is brave enough, who must look at the object? Fang Ming lightly smiled.

The figure flashed. I escaped from Bayan’s blow. Then grabbed Bayan’s arm, loudly shouted, and even lifted the entire Bayan, and flew out.

In this fall, Fang Ming also used a clever force. I saw that Bayan flew out and hit a few rolls on the ground, that is, I couldn’t climb.

For a long time, I got up. Asked: “A good call, how is this done? Teach me!”

Huhe shook his head and said, “This is when I am fine, one person ponders out, but it is similar to the martial arts of the cadres. Some of them are similar. If you want to learn, you will be taught!”

“Wu Gong?” Bayan shook his head. “I don’t understand the things that I do. But before, the one that was torn by me, isn’t it called Wuyi Number One Expert? I haven’t seen how powerful…”

He laughed and asked, “Is that still not learning?”

“Learning! It is a fool who doesn’t learn!” Bayan replied loudly.

“You can learn, but those wines have to be returned to me…” Huhe pointed to the hip flask brought by Bayan and said.

“Well… but you can guarantee it, you must teach!” Bayan swallowed her mouth and said that she was gnashing her teeth.

“Reassured, I must teach you!” Fang Ming laughed and thought that this big man is quite interesting.

After the fight, Ba Yan said: “Good brother, you come to that many white pigs, I owe you once, there will be anecdotes in the future, even tell me!”

The tone is extremely sincere.

Fang Ming, I remembered it. The purpose of this call and go hunting.

This mountain, since you can live in the mountains, there is a natural way to resist the evil spirits.

Their method is to sacrifice evil spirits!

Every month, you will be alive and sacrifice to the evil spirits, called “blood sacrifice”! If the evil spirit has a sacrifice, it will last forever, and it can also be cultivated and gathered into power.

In this way, the wild ghosts wandering around will naturally be driven away to protect the Tianzhu people.

However, as the evil spirit cultivation base deepens, the number of ghosts and ghosts that are gathered together increases, and the number of live sacrifices required is increasing.

Once the Tiangong Department can’t offer sacrifices, the evil spirits will take the lead in making a bow.

The sacrifices of the Tianzhu Department have always been captured by other tribes, or the prisoners who came from the mountains and plundered!

Once the quantity is insufficient, then only use your own clansman!

This is tradition! After all, sacrificing a few people is always better than the whole family.

This time, the Tiangong Department lost in the battle with the Black Tiger Department before, not only did not catch the prisoners, but lost a lot of their own warriors.

In this way, the Tianzhu Department, which is greatly damaged, will not be able to make a sacrifice this month.

According to the rules, people must be selected from the Tianzhu tribe instead of sacrifices.

But evil spirits have spirits, old people are angry and weak, and they don’t want it. Only young sacrifices will be accepted.

This time, it is the younger sister of Bayan!

Although Bayan has repeatedly led troops out and looted the population, but the people who have been with the mountains and the neighbors for so many years can survive, they are not idle, they are not fleeing to Beppu, they are defending according to the fort, it is extremely difficult. Sweeping.

Ba Yan sent troops, but it was a lot of damage. The only ones who came over were only a few districts, far from reaching the number of sacrifices.

It is still a call, and it is dangerous to take risks. With hundreds of people, it is not easy to get into the boundaries of the people. It has finally won a lot of victory and has swept a lot to meet the demand this month.

This is a great help, and Bayan is naturally moved.

“We are brother, you younger sister, that is my younger sister, needless to say this…” Huhe poured a large mouthful of wine and looked at the distant sky, saying: “This month is good, and there is next month. When is this day, is it a head? The blood of our heavenly bow can’t flow away…”

Ba Yan’s eyes were confused and murmured: “No, what should I do? My people, inevitably Totem!”

This Totem is the evil spirit logo. They don’t dare to sacrifice in their real names, lest they become Wraith, and they receive the restraint in vain.

“You said, why do you do it. Don’t you have to sacrifice?” Huhe took another drink and threw the jug to Bayan, asking at random. In the eyes, it seems that there are rays of light flashing.

“This?” Bayan took the jug, drank a big mouth, and wiped his mouth and said, “Who knows? Maybe it is because they live in the city, can’t the fierce go in?”

Huhe clap his hands and say; “Then we bow. If you also enter the city, can you not be afraid of the evil spirits?”

“Going into the city?” Bayan’s eyes shrink, “You are crazy! The last priest. It is to move to the city, only to be killed by the giant tree Totem…”

Thinking of the scene at the time, even the barbarian, a barbarian, could not shrink from the neck.

Fang Ming smiled. This evil spirit. Is it not for the blood sacrifice to protect the Sky Bow?

However, if the Tiangong Department enters the city and has a law, even the evil spirits cannot easily enter.

Such a self-drilling thing, the fool will do it!

The evil spirit Totem, naturally hopes that the Tianzhu Department can always maintain the original social structure. The law is loose, and there is room for it to be a ghost.

The last priest. Advocating to enter the city, the big criminals are jealous, and it is not natural to die.

But the human instinct is to pursue a better life, Fang Ming Shen Nian, clearly noticed the eyes of Ba Yan, the flash of heart and envy, my heart is certain.

Even the murderer of Bayan is looking forward to stability. Other mountain clansman, do you still use it?

Seeing good brother, it seems to move, Bayan hurry to persuade: “hu and, I know, you are good for our tribe, but this matter, don’t say it later…”

“Reassured!” Huh and patted the shoulders of his friends. “I just thought about it, I forgot when I slept!”

I yawned again and said, “So late, I will go back to sleep first!”

Bayan did not retain, just expression, some quirky, staring at the call, said: “It is time to go back early, hehe … can’t do it tonight, there are surprises!”

“What surprise?” Huhe touched his head and asked.

“When you go, you know, what do you do with so much?” Bayan is very tight, pushing and calling, “Go! Go!”

If you call before, you must ask again, but Fang Ming, nodded, turn and leave.

At the door, Fang Ming was swept away, that is, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “It’s really a good surprise!”

Set God and push the door.

By the moonlight, I saw that on my bed, there was a half-large girl lying naked, showing a flat belly and a hill above it.

This person, Huhe is to know, can not help but say: “Auntie, what are you doing here?”

This girl is the pro-younger sister of Bayan. Now, she is only 14 or 5 years old. Although Fang Ming has long guessed it is a reward, but still asks.

“You saved the aunt, and the aunt is yours. This is the case… A brother agrees.”

The girl said low.

Fang Ming touched his nose and smiled a little. This mountain is open to the public, and there are even open-air wilderness. This aunt, I must have seen it too much.

Although this girl is still a good show, there is a wildness that the civilians do not have, but Fang Ming’s wives and sisters are all in awesome, and the taste has long been raised.

Even with Song Yu, I just ate two. When it was deep in love, the thoughts on this matter were lightened.

However, I have to say that this girl chooses to call and is not only simple to repay.

After all, there is no better man than the caller, and he is not only able to repay, but also the guarantee of life in the future!

“Maybe Bayan is also seeing this, it is not against it!” Fang Ming thought about it.

So when I stepped forward, I looked at the girl and felt the lovable body in my arms. It was a smile.

“I am very tired now, I want you again in a few days!”

After that, Huhe painted oil on his face and painted a strange symbol on the forehead of the girl.

“Now, you are my person, sleep!”

In the mountains and mountains, the combination of men and women, naturally there is no parental life, the words of the media. The two can see it, and no one else can come out and snatch it, they can live together.

This symbol is the mark of the call. On the forehead’s forehead painting, it means that this aunt is a caller. In the future, if there is a man, he wants to pursue the aunt, unless he defeats the call, or asks for the consent of the call.

This symbol draws aunt’s forehead, and the girl seems to have undergone a transformation, and her eyes are also a little more tender.

Fang Ming felt that the girl in her arms no longer trembled, could not help but smile and slept.

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