Incense Into The Shinto
Chapter 15
澶 儨寰楀綊锛屼紬浜 儨寰楀綊锛屼紬浜 儨寰楀綊锛屼紬浜 殑蹇冩儏褰撶劧寰埚ソ锛屽 殑蹇冩儏褰撶劧寰埚ソ锛屽 殑蹇冩儏褰撶劧寰埚ソ锛屽 殑蹇冩儏褰撶劧寰埚ソ锛屽 殑璋 殑璋 殑璋 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二ぇ鏄痮ut of the ordinary 锛寁erdant hills and limpid water 锛屼 d d hill hill 镐 € € €
Fang Ming 澶ф璧 湪鍓嶉 湪鍓嶉 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 笉鐢ㄧ锷涢伄鎺╋纴浠栦篃杞 笉鐢ㄧ锷涢伄鎺╋纴浠栦篃杞 笉鐢ㄧ锷涢伄鎺╋纴浠栦篃杞 笉鐢ㄧ锷涢伄鎺╋纴浠栦篃杞 笉鐢ㄧ锷涢伄鎺╋纴浠栦篃杞 涧涓嶅皯锛岃 涧涓嶅皯锛岃 涧涓嶅皯锛岃 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 兂璧 兂璧 兂璧镌 宸 宸 彸锛 彸锛 滃畨鏄屽皬铡匡纴闾 滃畨鏄屽皬铡匡纴闾 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 鏄ヤ 傦纻鈥 傦纻鈥 傦纻鈥
娓 涔嬬 涔嬬 涔嬬 涔嬬 ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut竴铡 箣涓纴浼 箣涓纴浼 箮涓嶈 夎 夎 涔埚锛屾洿浣曞喌锛屽悇涔 涔埚锛屾洿浣曞喌锛屽悇涔 ° ° ° ° ° °跺缑Yin Soldier 锛岃 umbrella 浜嬶纴璁〧 ang Ming chain 夌偣鐤戞儜銆
Fang Ming 鏄庣槠浜嗭纴杩椤埗阃犱簨绔纴涔熷缑鎸戣蒋镆垮瓙锛屽畨鏄屽幕绂侀旋徃涓嶅湪锛岃嚜鐒堕徃涓嶅湪锛岃嚜鐒堕夊畠锛屽叾瀹冨悇铡匡纴涓 鏉ユ 鏉ユ 鏉ユ 闾 澶 disease 澶 hydrogen 嬶纴浜屾潵杩樻湁绂侀 嬶纴浜屾潵杩樻湁绂侀 嬶纴浜屾潵杩樻湁绂侀 徃鐩戞 徃鐩戞 徃鐩戞 徃鐩戞 锛屼笉鍙彇銆 絾鍙媺浜Father-in-law
鍙堣蛋浜嗗嚑姝ワ纴鐪嬭涓€镞佺殑璐哄厛鐢熻槠not say a word 锛屼絾鍙岀洰榛濋粦锛屽ぉ搴ケ婊★纴琛岃蛋涔嬮棿锛岃嚜 変竴 変竴 ° ° ° 纴灏卞悜璐哄厛鐢熼棶镌 纴灏卞悜璐哄厛鐢熼棶镌 锛 锛 锛 滆缮涓岖煡鍏堢敓澶 滆缮涓岖煡鍏堢敓澶 悕锛熷灞呬綍澶勶纻鈥 悕锛熷灞呬綍澶勶纻鈥
璐哄厛鐢焥ighed 锛岄殢鍗锛岄殢鍗镌镌锛锛沧垜钖嶈沧垜钖嶈沧垜钖嶈鐜夋竻銆鐜夋竻銆箖搴滃煄浜哄锛岃锛岃锛岃瀹箣箣Patriarch 锛屽崄鍑犳棩鍓岖梾阃濓纴濂堜綍绁栧畻瀹楀檐鍐咃纴瀹炲湪娌’綅缃简锛屽彧寰楄嚜宸卞嚭鏉ワ纴涓嶆兂阆囧埌娴佸尓锛屼竴璧锋専瑁鏉ワ纴杩 鏉ワ纴杩 鏉ワ纴杩 鏉ワ纴杩 鏉ワ纴杩 ソ child child child child child child child child child child child child child child child潚骞达纴鐪腑灏腑灏祦暗嚭娆h祻鎱堢埍涔嬫剰銆
Fang Ming 蹇冧腑涓€锽滐纴鍙堥棶镌€锛气滈偅鍏堢敓镐庝箞鐪婰€滈偅鍏堢敓镐庝箞鐪婰injiang 搴滀箣浜嬶纻鈥
璐 帀娓 ne ne ne ne ne 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃 鈥渃
鈥滃摝锛岃春鍏堢敓浣曞嚭姝よ█锛熲€卤ang Ming 蹇冮噷涓€鎯婏纴杩樻槸涓嶅姩澹 mixed 壊锛岄棶镌€銆
璐虹帀娓呮姎浜嗘姎鑳¢』锛岃镌€锛气沧潕榛戣惫澶︼ 沧潕榛戣惫澶︼ 鐚栫崡锛屾墠鎴愭伓楝硷纴灏 鐚栫崡锛屾墠鎴愭伓楝硷纴灏 鐚栫崡锛屾墠鎴愭伓楝硷纴灏 鐚栫崡锛屾墠鎴愭伓楝硷纴灏 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩庯纴濡勫浘鏅嫔崌楝 帇锛屽 帇锛屽 缁忔侪锷ㄥ窞 缁忔侪锷ㄥ窞 岋纴娲 岋纴娲 岋纴娲 缑澶 啖锲 啖锲 啖锲 啖锲 啖锲 he he he he he he he he he he镒忕畻鐩桡纴瑕佹槸鐪熺粰浠栨垚浜嗛鐜嬶纴 chain 掍笉澶 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂銆傗€
鈥滃彲鎯滀竴姝ヤ箣宸纴difference between Heaven and Earth 銆 窞 窞 屼笉浼 屼笉浼 啀缁欎粬镰 啀缁欎粬镰 啀缁欎粬镰 啀缁欎粬镰 啀缁欎粬镰 啀缁欎粬镰 啀缁欎粬镰 曟槸宸茬 曟槸宸茬 曟槸宸茬 曟槸宸茬粡寮曞缑锏 簯 簯 箣娉ㄦ剰锛岀伆椋炵儫鐏箣 箣娉ㄦ剰锛岀伆椋炵儫鐏箣 箣娉ㄦ剰锛岀伆椋炵儫鐏箣 箣娉ㄦ剰锛岀伆椋炵儫鐏箣 熶笉杩 熶笉杩 煟锛佲
Fang Ming 変 変 鍏 鍏 鍏 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂
璐虹帀娓呰寮 湴鐪嬩 FFang Ming 涓 鐪硷 鐪硷 鐪硷 寰桰 寰桰 寰桰 mperial Court 鍐屽皝锛岃涓湁涓や 鐪熶 鐪熶 鐪熶 锛屽垎 傞亶鍙婂悇鍦 傞亶鍙婂悇鍦 傞亶鍙婂悇鍦 纴钖 纴钖 纴钖 纴钖 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣 徃锛屽鏄槠浜戣ヤ笉鐭ワ纻闅鹃死鏄晠镒忔秷阆d笌鎴笌鎴
Fang Ming 灏村艾涓€绗戏鈥滃鈥滃鈥滃庡皬姘庡皬姘庡皬姘纴涓岖煡宸纴涓岖煡宸噷major event 锛岃鍏堢敓瑙佺瑧浜嗐€傗€濆张鍙夊紑璇濋锛气€沧垜钖椈锛屾潕榛戣惫浼 笌澶栧窞楝 笌澶栧窞楝 笌澶栧窞楝 帇 帇 夋墍鍕 夋墍鍕 夋墍鍕 瀹氱粨鐩燂纴涓岖煡鍏堢敓濡 瀹氱粨鐩燂纴涓岖煡鍏堢敓濡 瀹氱粨鐩燂纴涓岖煡鍏堢敓濡 瀹氱粨鐩燂纴涓岖煡鍏堢敓濡鈥
鈥滃棷锛熲€濊春鐜夋竻frowned 锛岄殢鍗冲鏁鏁e紑锛气滈鐜嬭€滈鐜嬭€咃纴寮€搴滃搴滃琛欙纴楝琛欙纴楝啖杩囦竾锛岀敓鏉浜埚ず锛屽▉涓ユ繁嶏纴闱炵湡浜嶏纴闱炵湡浜嶏纴闱炵湡浜笉鍙晫锛屽笉鍙晫锛屽绠椾笉鏀绠椾笉鏀绠椾笉鏀潕榛戣惫涓潕榛戣惫涓笅灞烇纴笅灞烇纴屾槸绾篃蹇呯劧棰愭寚姘斾娇锛屽枾瀹锛屽枾瀹ず涓汇€ Effect 彲闾f潕榛戣惫锛屾仿鍕囨楠滐纴闱炴槸鐢桦眳浜眳浜笅涔嬩笅涔嬩簩 呭繀璧 呭繀璧 呭繀璧 簤 簤 簤 簤 椂闱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一
Fang Ming 鎶氭帉澶х瑧锛气滃厛鐢熶箣瑷€滃厛鐢熶箣瑷€锛岃鎴戣锛岃鎴戣濉】寮€锛岀湡涔冨悕澹皵锛佲€
鍙堣瘹鎭 竴绀硷纴璇 竴绀硷纴璇 潃锛 潃锛 滃厛鐢熻缮鏄笉镒 滃厛鐢熻缮鏄笉镒 滃厛鐢熻缮鏄笉镒 滃厛鐢熻缮鏄笉镒 滃厛鐢熻缮鏄笉镒 滃厛鐢熻缮鏄笉镒
Fang Ming 绁炵涓 绗 绗 绗 纴璇 纴璇 潃锛 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 沧垜闱炴晠镒忛殣鐬掕 喅锛屾 喅锛屾 喅锛屾 喅锛屾 喅锛屾棦鐒跺厛鐢熷姝よ浜嗭纴闾e ammonia plate 湪灏卞 湪灏卞 锛屽緟鎴戣 鍐 鍐 鍐 town o纴镊︻劧鐭ユ棤涓嶈█銆傗€
Wrought ring guarding pot 滀笅锛岀帇鍏儙锛岃 鏅嬭槠鐒 鏅嬭槠鐒 鏅嬭槠鐒 湁镣 湁镣 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄 纴浣呜缮鏄紬浜 浜嗗潡寮 浜嗗潡寮 阒斿湴锛屾殏镞 阒斿湴锛屾殏镞 阒斿湴锛屾殏镞 阒斿湴锛屾殏镞 紤鏁 紤鏁
Yin Soldier 鎸夊啖鍒楃珯濂 纴 纴 潃镄勫叾瀹冩姇闱犱箣娓 潃镄勫叾瀹冩姇闱犱箣娓 潃镄勫叾瀹冩姇闱犱箣娓 镵 镵 镵 镵 镵 镵 湪鍙 竴杈癸纴涓よ 呭彉鎴愪袱锲纴娉 呭彉鎴愪袱锲纴娉 呭彉鎴愪袱锲纴娉 呭彉鎴愪袱锲纴娉嗘槑銆
Fang Ming 鏉ュ埌娓 鍫嗗墠锛屽贰 鍫嗗墠锛屽贰 鍫嗗墠锛屽贰 鍫嗗墠锛屽贰 嗕竴鐪硷纴璇 嗕竴鐪硷纴璇 嗕竴鐪硷纴璇 嗕竴鐪硷纴璇 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓 沧垜鍓嶆潵鍓屽浣犵瓑鎸熻9鏉ョ殑娓鏉ョ殑娓琼锛屾湁镌€璇激锛屽疄闱炴垜涔嬫湰镒匡纴链涗綘绛変綋璋呪€[€〈綘绛夋棦鎷沧垜涓轰富鍏纴褰撹澶хぜ鍙傛嫓锛佲€
浼楁 at the other in in dismay 锛屾湁鍑犱 闱 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 沧嫓佷富鍏紒鈥
Fang Ming 涚潃浼楁 涚潃浼楁 榄 榄 ご椤 ご椤 ご椤 皵杩愶纴 皵杩愶纴 皵杩愶纴 皵杩愶纴 皵杩愶纴 皵杩愶纴
镞╁湪鏀跺彇绗竴涓 涓嬫椂锛屼粬灏卞彂鐜 涓嬫椂锛屼粬灏卞彂鐜 纴灏佽祼 纴灏佽祼 纴灏佽祼 屾槸浠庤 屾槸浠庤嚜宸 殑姘旇繍 屾敮鍙栵纴 屾敮鍙栵纴 屾敮鍙栵纴 岀湡姝 岀湡姝 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 繝璇氱殑灞炰笅锛屾皵杩愯嚜鐒跺悜镊 Songs and songs
杩欐椂闅忕潃娓 涓嬫嫓锛屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎娓 涓嬫嫓锛屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎娓 涓嬫嫓锛屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎娓 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸 镄勬皵杩愰兘钖戣嚜宸鍙缮 chain 夊嚑涓纴姘旇繍鏄庢樉 chain 剰锛岀敋镊 剰锛岀敋镊 剰锛岀敋镊 pet 缮鎯 敾鍑 敾鍑 嚜宸 嚜宸 嚜宸 嚜宸 嚜宸 嚜宸竴鑴告伃璋ㄤ箣璞€
杩椤湪娓 钀ュ湴灏卞彂鐜 钀ュ湴灏卞彂鐜 钀ュ湴灏卞彂鐜 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎锛岃浜嗕篃娌 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 銆 銆 嗭纴灏 嗭纴灏 嗭纴灏 嗭纴灏 嗭纴灏 嗭纴灏闱犵殑娓 蹇冨瘨锛屾 蹇冨瘨锛屾 蹇冨瘨锛屾 蹇冨瘨锛屾 蹇冨瘨锛屾 F F F F F F F F F F F F F涓崭笅铡 纴浣嗕 纴浣嗕 鎹熶 鎹熶 鎹熶 锷熷痉锛屽 浣曡嫤 浣曡嫤 浣曡嫤
杩欐椂宸茬粡杩 娴佹皯钀ュ湴锛屽 掍篃涓嶆 掍篃涓嶆 掍篃涓嶆
Fang Ming 鍐 瑧涓 闂︼ 闂︼ 闂︼ 岃 岃 岃 岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 滈儹鐩涳纴浣犳墠瀛 滈儹鐩涳纴浣犳墠瀛 滈儹鐩涳纴浣犳墠瀛冩 濈 濈 濈 瀛濓纴浠婂皝浣犱 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜
杩栾瘽涓 钀 钀 纴浠峄 ang Ming 澶撮 姘旇繍涓垎鍑 姘旇繍涓垎鍑 竴 竴 竴 槠姘旓纴娉ㄥ叆閮洓澶撮 槠姘旓纴娉ㄥ叆閮洓澶撮 槠姘旓纴娉ㄥ叆閮洓澶撮 槠姘旓纴娉ㄥ叆閮洓澶撮 锛屼粬 夌潃绾 夌潃绾 夌潃绾 夌潃绾 夌潃绾 夌潃绾岃繀阃熸秷鍖栵纴澶撮 锏 锏 锏 皵鍑濊仛锛屽 浠庢湰 浠庢湰 浠庢湰 浠庢湰 浠庢湰 竴绾缡 F F F F Ming 镄勬皵杩愶纴Fang Ming 涓€鐪嬶纴澶撮“镄剅ed 姘旇繍浼 箮澶 箮澶 箮澶 箮澶 箮澶 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 d d d d d 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖 涓濓纴涓岖涔嬮 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 锛屾湁璐ゆ墠锛岃嚜鐒 锛屾湁璐ゆ墠锛岃嚜鐒 鏀寔涓诲悰镄勬皵鏁 鏀寔涓诲悰镄勬皵鏁 鏀寔涓诲悰镄勬皵鏁 钖涙皵杩愰珮娑ㄣ 钖涙皵杩愰珮娑ㄣ
绁炲姏娑屽嚭锛屽皢閮洓鍖呰9锛屼笉澶氭椂灏辫涓€涓︼韩镌€浠ゅ悘鍏湇镄勯潚骞村嚭鏉ワ纴浼间箮鑴镐笂杩樻湁璇у纾涔嬭壊锛孎ang Ming 涓€nodded 锛屽张鍒嗗嚭涓€涓濈锷涳纴涓洪儹鐩涜€佹瘝绋冲浐鏁d Gongga ship浣撱€彧 彧 侀儹鐩涜 佹瘝涔嫔墠宸 佹瘝涔嫔墠宸 佹瘝涔嫔墠宸 佹瘝涔嫔墠宸 浣撴 浣撴 浣撴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴 涔憋纴屾皵鑹 ぇ chain夊ソ杞
閮洓澶у枩鎷滆阿锛气€渕any thanks 涓诲叕锛岃噜蹇呬负涓诲叕鏁堟锛佲€
琼 琼 琼 琼 櫙锛屼笉鐢卞ぇ鍝楋纴 櫙锛屼笉鐢卞ぇ鍝楋纴 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming纴娉勬 浜嗘秷鎭 浜嗘秷鎭 粬 粬 粬 夋 夋 夋 夋 Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di浠栨 涓嫔仛浜嬩竴鏉 ° ° ° ° 唴灏卞姝ゅ 唴灏卞姝ゅ 唴灏卞姝ゅ 唴灏卞姝ゅ 浼狅纴鍒 浼狅纴鍒 浼狅纴鍒 浼狅纴鍒 椂楹荤 椂楹荤 椂楹荤 澶锛岀幇鍦ㄩ兘鏄粬镄勬落涓嬶纴鍏跺畠镄勪篃璺戜笉浜嗭纴涓嶆€曟硠婕忔秷鎭€
Fang Ming 鍙坥ne after another 澶勭 锛屽皢杩欎笁鍗佸嚑涓 锛屽皢杩欎笁鍗佸嚑涓 榄 after after one after another 瀹夐 銆 銆 銆 銆婂 ammonia鍙墿鍑犱 璺︻潃锛孎 ang Ming 鍐 瑧涓嶈锛岃 瑧涓嶈锛岃 瑧涓嶈锛岃 鏅嬬湅鍑 鏅嬬湅鍑 鏅嬬湅鍑 镆勶纴杩欐皵姘 镆勶纴杩欐皵姘 镆勶纴杩欐皵姘 镆勶纴杩欐皵姘 镆勶纴杩欐皵姘 镆勶纴杩欐皵姘Ammonia
鍙︼鍦 笂璺︻潃镄勫嚑浜 笂璺︻潃镄勫嚑浜 纴璧劧鏄紶 纴璧劧鏄紶 纴璧劧鏄紶 佸嚑浜 佸嚑浜 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 鍑犱 鍑犱儨姝ゆ椂韬綋绔熺劧锷ㄥ 涓崭 涓崭 锛屽紶 锛屽紶 锛屽紶 锛屽紶 佹儴绗戜竴澹 佹儴绗戜竴澹 佹儴绗戜竴澹 佹儴绗戜竴澹 庝 庝 庝 庝箞鍙戠幇镄勶纻鈥
Fang Ming 涓€绗绗绗纴杩椤嵈鏄粬镄勭瀵嗭纴涓嶈兘璇纴纴夋椂涓娄綅夋椂涓娄綅呬缭鎸佺偣绁炵镒燂纴瀵粺寰粺寰笅灞炴湁镌€濂借濂€锛气滀綘绛夋槸鍖滀綘绛夋槸鍖滀綘绛夋槸鍖滀綘绛夋槸鍖钖屽厷锛岃缮鏄钖屽厷锛岃缮鏄傦纻鈥傦纻鈥
寮犻F涔熶笉闅愯棌浜嗭纴镐掕镌 MingFang Ming 锛屽嚑娆茬敤鐩厜灏嗕粬涔卞垁鍒嗗 锛 锛 滆 滆 滆 瀛愶紒浣犵瓑灞呯劧椹辫 鎴戠瓑鏀诲尓锛屽鎴戝浜 鎴戠瓑鏀诲尓锛屽鎴戝浜 浜庝 浜庝 浜庝 浜庝 缮 缮 缮 缮 缮 缮 殑锛熲 殑锛熲
鈥滃ぇ鑳嗭紒鈥濊阿鏅嬫娊鍑洪昵鍒€锛屾湜钖慒ang Ming 銆
Fang Ming 鎶ご链涘ぉ锛屼笉鍙戜竴璇
鑹箙锛屾憜浜嗘憜 嬶纴璋 嬶纴璋 (2) 檵浼氭剰锛屽甫澶 姩 姩 姩 嬶纴闀垮垁鍒掕 嬶纴闀垮垁鍒掕 嬶纴闀垮垁鍒掕 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽皢寮犻 锛屽寲涓 锛屽寲涓伆姘斻€
鈥涣h! 鈥濊春鐜夋竻鐪嬬潃姝ゆ櫙锛岄昵sighed then said 锛屽张佽佽佽钖庝袱涓︷潚骞钖庝袱涓︷潚骞劯鑹劯鑹儴锏儴锏纴鏄纴鏄槸槸曪纴鍙堟 曪纴鍙堟 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 叞鍑犲彞锛屼 叞鍑犲彞锛屼 叞鍑犲彞锛屼 叞鍑犲彞锛屼
Fang Ming came back to his senses 锛岃蛋鍒拌春鍏堢敓闱(一)墠锛岃镌€锛气€幇鍦ㄩ兘鏄嚜宸幇鍦ㄩ兘鏄嚜宸变浜嗭纴鎴戜篃娌浜嗭纴鎴戜篃娌暐濂暐濂介殣鐬掔殑锛屾垜涔冨湡鍦 绁楋纴镐 绁楋纴镐 緰闱掓邯涔 緰闱掓邯涔 緰闱掓邯涔 洓鏉戝湡鍦 洓鏉戝湡鍦 洓鏉戝湡鍦 纴杩欐 纴杩欐 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 鏄ュ祴锛屽 ammonia 鐜囨 涓嬭繘灞卞洿鍓匡纴涓嶆湡阆囧埌鍏堢敓锛屽厛鐢熷彲镒垮姪鎴戜竴镊 箣锷涳纻鈥
璐虹帀娓呰劯鑹茶寮傦纴锽冨杻镊︼锛气滃湡鍦滃湡鍦滃湡鍦滃湡鍦锛屼浣曟垜娌惉杩団 〔€[€[€
鍙堣浜嗕竴绀硷纴鈥滃け绀 锛屾垜涓 镞 镞 镞 兂涓嶈捣鍦熷湴绁炰箣绉 潵铡嗭纴涓岖煡灏婇┚鍙惁鐩 潵铡嗭纴涓岖煡灏婇┚鍙惁鐩 潵铡嗭纴涓岖煡灏婇┚鍙惁鐩锛熲€
Fang Ming faintly smiled, said: “Nothing, my ancestral spirit, I have been jealous, forgetting most of my memory, just remembering that I am called Fang Ming. But somehow, suddenly there are a few Divine Ability, and my mind is gradually Being awake, I want to be a god, and when I protect the land, I will be a land god.” This is a lie, a place that Fang Ming made for himself. When Fang Ming said this, his eyes were clear and his voice was sincere, and he even believed himself.
He Yuqing’s face is strange and said: “The fortuitous encounter of the car is really unheard of, and is very different from the ancestors of the Aristocratic Family!”
“Oh! Mr. can tell me carefully!”
He Yuqing thought for a moment and said: “The land of the country, there are few sacrifices, if there is, it is only one, this drive should be clear.”
See Fang Ming nodded, and then said: “The big county in the county, the county is Aristocratic Family, the family is rich, the incense is strong, the lesser two or three, more than five or six people, no matter how many words, support is no longer, I The family is also counted as a county. There is some fame in Wenchang House. There are endless sacrifices in the family. Only five ancestors can be supported. If the children and grandchildren are not filial, how can they argue with the ancestors? So I only come to see the opportunity.”
“And the Aristocratic Family, known as the world, the ancestral temple, gradually become different, can open up a piece of blessed land, small county, big and state. I heard that the products are rich, do not smell the flood, Like Immortal Realm. People in the family, as long as they get into the genealogy, they can go there after death, and they will be guaranteed for a long time.”
“Although although the ancestors opened up the foundation, the gas is like the mountains, and it is not allowed to be worn every day. The blessed land needs the support of air transportation. Therefore, the children and grandchildren are the official, and they must be the chiefs of the three products, directly supported by the people, and millions. The popularity of the people, after the death, carrying the air transport to supplement the blessed land, can be maintained. In the troubled times, there are also Aristocratic Family ethnic groups are annihilated, then you have to see the temples, so that the blessed land is destroyed, the spirit can not be guaranteed, but can enjoy For a long time, Qingfu, the Aristocratic Family, can be more lucky than me.
“The royal blessed land, it is said that there are half the size of the world, which can also accommodate the hundred officials and the army, which is spiritual, is top secret, I do not smell, just faintly heard, Imperial Court after the death of the Aristocratic Family official, with The Aristocratic Family is fascinating, and the two are fighting against each other. “Fang Ming is surprised that this blessed land is the embryonic form of the former world, but it also needs humanitarian supplements.
“But between the yin and the yang, the resistance is very large, and the blessings are not allowed to come out. The restrictions are even stricter than those in the rural counties.” Fang Ming sneered, this is like the ghost of the underworld in the past, but also wants to come to Yang Shizhen, although not dreaming. But it also has to go through many hardships.
“So this county hope, in the eyes of the real Aristocratic Family, is still a country bandit, even his own clansman can not shelter. And the county, always stare at the above Aristocratic Family, can not replace it. And the world Aristocratic Family, once in a troubled world, they are all running in the position of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It’s really one after another, and it’s endless.” Here, He Yuqing smiled bitterly.
Fang Ming knows this information and is the secret of each Aristocratic Family. If it wasn’t just to meet He Yuqing’s county, Patriarch, it’s so secretive.
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