With the voice of the voice, the two farmers are drifting away.

He listened carefully and suddenly sighed, “The foundation has been fixed!”

Just two people, formerly the displaced people, Song Yu opened the field, naturally need to set up.

Nowadays, in the troubled times, there are many people who have no land and less land, and they all happen to be tenants. Within the three prefectures, these emigrants were taken out, and Dazhi was ruled by Dazhi, and immediately stabilized.

In the face of these slums, Song Yu took a severe punishment.

The five families will be compiled into one, and the guarantors will be selected, registered and booked, and serious decrees will be made to supervise each other. Once they have committed crimes, they will not report them in time.

When you are in a place, you have to follow the rules of a place. Nowadays, it is suitable for this method.

However, it is impossible to control the high pressure. In addition to giving each ration to protect the survival, Song Yu also issued a decree, announcing that the farmers can gain the benefits, not only can they be awarded to the people’s home, but also the fields, which will immediately kill the people. Working hard.

Such a soft and hard application, and finally the emigrants to conquer, at this time the displaced people, the gray on the top disappeared, turned into white gas.

In the words of the mortal world, all of them have become good people. This time, suddenly rose to the strength of Song Yu.

Originally, the squad thief, its gas has black, this is not ghost qi and military, but humane air transport, on behalf of dissatisfaction with Wang Fa, fierce tyranny.

The former refugees, although not to this extent, also have gray, which is a gas transport between black and white, extremely unstable, both may be recruited for the people, but also may fall into the grass.

But now, all have become white. What is the benefit of this in and out?

Only this one, Song Yu’s air transport is a big rise. Almost comparable to the next house.

Moreover, these reliants, the land on which they depend, are all from the Song Yu regime. If Song Yu falls, it will inevitably be liquidated, even if it can escape. This field is definitely going to be collected.

What do the displaced people want? Will be desperate to protect Song Yu rule to protect their own interests.

These ones. It is also the foundation of the civilian population!

Just like the recruitment of soldiers, these people know the truth. They are all sent to their families and register. Fight for Song Yu!

Such an army. In order to be self-reliant, I will face the Imperial Court and dare to start!

Jing Jing silently thought, his face could not help but dignified. Hu Hansan saw this scene and quickly asked: “What problems can adults have? Even if they are given to small ones, they must be handled properly for adults…”

It is to put yourself in a slave position, and a mind has climbed.

Yu Jing shook his head. Laughter said: “Nothing… just thinking about this person, for a time. Forgot that you are already extraordinary…”

It is useless to think about it now. It is a god of the city. It has already separated from the mortal world. If you think about it, is it not worrying?

Hu Hansan said with a smile: “It’s hard to avoid adults who are in a hurry. Even a small number of people, as adults visit the county, see the mortal life scenes, and often sigh, stunned…”

Seeing Jingjing smiling, Hu Hansan stepped forward and whispered: “Adult! What you told me before, the small has been done, has been sent to see, the adults home, Ankang, Mrs. and Young Master, are both safe. it is good……”

There was some flushing on the face of Jingjing. I was very excited. I put Hu Hansan’s arm and even the voice, and I was a little trembling. I asked carefully: “You… can you tell me?”

Hu Hansan smiled bitterly: “How dare to bully the lord, a small person who has found a few familiar people, seeing those who went to Linjiang, they asked them to inquire about the news, and finally got the letter today…”

As a god, you are busy with the priests, plus the yin and yang are separated. Naturally, you can’t leave at will and visit your family.

However, he has his own way to collect three people from Hu Han. This Hu Hansan is also a snake with a snake road. He has a vast expedition, and he has opened the road with the gods and the money. He is finally looking for a way to inquire about the family.

Now I have gotten it, I feel the ups and downs of my heart, and I have asked some of my family’s recent situation.

Hu Hansan did not dare to neglect, nothing is fine, it is exhaustive, it seems to have spent a lot of thought.

Yu Jing listened to the family and was very good, and said with a long sigh of relief: “Fortunately, you!”

“Where, for the lord to do things, small deaths!” Hu Han three heart happy, and quickly expressed loyalty.

He knows that his identity is humble, his knowledge is short-lived, even the force is flat, but he is usually very bold, and some brothers help.

This kind of condition can only be said to be medium and some mediocre. I chose Yin Soldier and I was brushed down several times. Fang Ming is now very strict with Yin Soldier. It is not really martial arts. soul.

Like Hu Hansan, if it is the opening period, there are still some expectations, but now, it is directly brushed down.

A few times down, Hu Hansan was also dead, just thinking about enjoying one, doing nothing every day, hehe.

But the appearance of appeasement made him see a glimmer of hope.

This appeasement has a literary talent. Although Hu Hansan does not know that he has geometry, in the case of many illiterate civilians, it is a scholar who can write a few words, which is worth investing.

When the gods were selected, they only helped one. Afterwards, the performance of appeasement also proved that Hu Hansan did not read the wrong person.

This year, with the appearance of Yu Jing, the more he was reused, the mind of Hu Hansan changed with the change.

I used to invest a lot of money, and then I have the attachment. Now, I have to entrust my life.

After all, appeasement took less than a year, from the lowest god, to the fat priest, from the promotion of nine products, with a god, it is only two steps!

The gods selected with him, now more than one level in the battle, only a few, mixed to the level of the order, this is already very good.

In comparison, the increase in appeasement can be described by advanced by leaps and bounds.

Hu Han has made a sense of trust, but it is normal.

“Well! Good! Good!” Hu Hansan’s mentality, appease gaze as if a torch, naturally also see.

This person is in front of him, the move is more and more cautious, and the ceremony is very gracious. This is the heart of trust.

Even if you are relying on it, there are many different kinds. If you say that Hu Hansan is just the equivalent of a guest at the beginning, now, you have to sell and trust, and be a slave.

In this case, of course, I am very happy in my heart. He feels that he is alone, even if he has to do something, he has no manpower.

This Hu Hansan, I knew from the beginning, and after so many things, knowing each other well, it is very easy to use.

Before sending him to explore the home, there is also a hint.

It seems that this Hu Hansan also feels. Yu Jing smiled and said: “You have done a very good job, take the money, and drink some bars with the brothers…”

Say, from the sleeves, I found five white big money, this is the Shinto money, and Fang Ming is transformed with divine power.

This white big money is a kind of white power, not only the hard currency in the city law, but also the repair of the soul and the enhancement of mana. It is extremely precious.

Before Fang Ming, only a few important subordinates were issued, which was the shallow income of the divine power. Even if the expenditure was maintained, there were some shortcomings. How can it be wasted?

Later, with the abundant power of Fang Ming, the government was promulgated, and the military officials belonging to the following were all approved, and they were approved on time.

After a few months of trials, I found that I was motivated to improve my subordinates.

Jingjing is now a priest, and there are five big money every month.

Hu Hansan saw white money, which was bright in the eyes.

He and several brothers, although they were asked by the cousin, as long-term followers, but they are only helping the idle status, not compiling, even the lowest level of the Ding is not counted, can have a stop meal every day, to maintain consumption, is good, Naturally, there is no sorrow.

The diet here is made by the power of the gods. It is different from the ordinary diet in the village. It can maintain the consumption of the soul and prolong the lifespan. It is also highly sought after.

This is also the reward for being hired for help.

Five big money, quite a lot. You can buy five altar wines and have a drink with the brothers. If you use it yourself, you can replenish your soul and make it last.

Hu Hansan involuntarily took over, his eyes were straight and straight, and then he secretly slammed his own things, and quickly thanked him: “many thanks lord!”

“You don’t have to pay more!”

Although this Hu Hansan is selling and selling, some of the necessary sweetness is still to be given.

“Let’s go! There are three hundred 70 acres of land in the north of the county. You need to use Divine Ability to increase fertility. You can’t be slow! If you do the errands, even the lord can’t eat it, take it…”

Lu Jing told him that this is a major event, Hu Hansan and another long hurriedly said: “Yes! I am still waiting for the errands.”

One line could not help but speed up the pace. After a while, they went to the north of the county.

I saw a farmhouse, and there was a farmhouse built in the middle of the field.

On the square inside the village, there is a small temple of the city, and there are traces of incense in front of the temple.

Yu Jing took out a document and checked the field, nodded, saying: “It’s here!”

From the arms of a large sum of money, about Moss has dozens, inside the outer circle, there is a rune on it, flashing white brilliance.

In the hands of the appeasement, the power of the Shinto is turned into a white power, pouring into the body.

Divine power turned into a stream, absorbed by a piece of symbol in the middle of Dantian.

It is the Divine Ability rune that Fang Ming gave!

Jingjing pointed to the field and said: “Go!”

The white light, which emerged from the fingers, turned into a little bit of stars, scattered into the field and disappeared.

Appease nodded, knowing that after the Divine Ability has been applied, the output of this field can increase 50%. As long as you don’t encounter any irresistible floods and droughts, the harvest is a matter of nailing.

A few times down, today’s mission is completed, and Jingjing is also a long-term export.

This Divine Ability does not need to be applied daily, as long as it is once in January, it is enough.

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