Nowadays, despite the chaos in the world, the town is full of towns. ====

However, at this time, most of the princes of the town, the official position of the Imperial Court.

Most, like Song Yu before, hang the name of the imperial edict, and seal yourself.

But in any case, it is covered with the outer layer of Imperial Court, leaving a layer of face for Imperial Court!

But Song Yu once said! Then it is a three-year-old child, and he knows that he wants to stand on his own feet!

Even if the big dry at this time is that the building will be tilted, but the rotten ship has three pounds of nails! Song Yu was the first to be praised, and this was the most violent backlash.

Moreover, the Flood Dragons of other states in the world will sit and watch, and it will be the whole world.

Song Yuruo is a candidate, completely abandoning the name of the Imperial Court, then the air transport at this time, at least 30%!

Under the unsteady foundation, suffering from so many backlash, one careless, is to be defeated, implicating the end of clansman!

“But not, how can you abandon the Imperial Court and be self-reliant!”

“To compete for the world, to achieve the True Dragon position, tempering is essential, and can not be related to the former dynasty…”

Song Yu’s eyes are faint, and it’s a complete decision. I want to abandon the Imperial Court’s name and stand on my own feet!

“Although it is decided to be self-contained, the timing is still good! From September to September, under Divine Ability, Xin’an’s per mu production will inevitably increase by more than 50%. When the people’s heart is attached, the hundred-year-old return is thorough. Get the best time to get rid of Imperial Court!”

Before Fang Ming moved the government to Xin’an, sent a god, and applied Divine Ability. It is necessary to upgrade Xin’an’s production to create a potential for Song Yu.

It is almost September. Wait until the output of the mu, the five cities, the air transport. How much?

With the righteousness and righteousness, the people’s minds can be attached. If this is the case, the air transport can increase 30% and make up for the loss of the Imperial Court.

The attachment of the people’s hearts will lead to the erosion of the scholars and the tyrannical powers, and urge them to return. This foundation is solidified.

And, this can also be passed down to the world. Although the Aristocratic Family in the field is mostly unbelief, but at the crucial moment, it can be reached by thehund thousand soldiers!

“This year, I accepted Shanyue and won the two houses. The crops are harvested. I will be able to send troops to fight for dragons next year! I will see, Wuzhou, who else can stop me?”

At this time, the sky will be late, and the distant sunset will reflect the clouds. Looking from afar, the sky at this time seems to have covered a layer of red yarn. Beautiful! The red glow drifted and the breeze blew. The clouds change and form different forms.

Suddenly, the clouds freeze and become sinuous, looking from afar, like a snake, and come back.

This form, even Song Yu met, was a little surprised.

At this time, the ancients, paying attention to the sense of heaven and human beings, the most serious natural phenomenon, Song Yu is also inevitably affected.

“I just got this idea, there is a natural phenomenon! This will help me!”

Song Yu was overjoyed and walked down the stairs.

“The main public!!!” Shen Wenbin, Song Si and so on, watching Song Yuying shine in the dragon snake guard formed by the burning cloud, the heroic silhouette, could not help but be surprised, squat down.

“hahaha! This is a good sign, God bless me!” Song Yu laughed, and said, “I will pass on this matter quickly, and it will be a sign of my town’s great prosperity!”

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin and so on looked at the protagonist, they felt more majestic than usual, could not help but squat down, Shen Sheng promised.

Soon, the news of the fall of the Red Dragon and the Guardian’s Festival was spread throughout the government and spread to the rest.

When Song Yu returned to the palace, he saw the white air and came to himself.

“If it was before, maybe it still has some help, but now, it’s just a cup of water and a salary…” Song Yu looked at this little airlift and said with a smile.

This flickering air transport is not too much. If it is gathered together on a white body, it may have seven hopes.

But it was placed on Song Yu, and it was a great resource before it was made.

When you capture the new Anfu, you can only count it as a small supplement. Up to now, occupying the five government, lush and green, can be called a few, these air transport, but can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

But it is good to have one more point. Some of his greed is not enough. Song Yu shakes his head and laughs.


The sun and the moon are spinning, and it’s time to go, and time is not until September.

September is the harvest season.

At this time, Xin’an Yifu, but it is caught in a joy, whether the Pingtou people or the official Aristocratic Family, are happy.

Since the welcoming of the city gods, not only in Xin’an, but also in the fields of tens of thousands of fields, this vacant field will take away the displaced people and the tenants who have no land and land.

As a result, the security pressure of Xin’an has been greatly alleviated, and the contradiction between civilians and Aristocratic Family is less. Xin’an is naturally a big rule.

In Fang Ming’s view, the crime of committing crimes and crimes has been greatly reduced, and the social anger has also been resolved.

At the time of the street, the old man dressed by two farmers walked side by side and was chatting with each other.

“Wu old man, this year’s rice grows really good, I counted, at least I can charge a hundred pounds, this is really a god of the city gods…”

“How do I hear that the Song Festival made the Scorpio, this land of the rising dragon, is it different?” Wu old man said inexplicably.

“I think it is the city of Enze! Since the city lord came, this incense is strong, whether it is the disease of the livestock at home, or the request for the blessing of the child, there is a test, Anchang does not have the news, this believes in the city, Can save the land harvest…”

“Then I ask you! The Zhang Family next door doesn’t believe in the city. It is also a good harvest for the land of his family. It’s hard to be done. This city is even blessed by him.” Wu old man smiled, but faintly asked.

“This…” The old man who spoke earlier had some words, and said: “It is impossible to say that the old man of the city is merciful. If you look at Zhang Family, life is not easy, and you will be given Enze…”

“Good! Just like you said, that Xin’an has all increased production, and it is also the city’s grace?” Wu old man said, the sound is a little playful.

“Come on your mouth quickly! When the street is stunned, be careful!” The old man quickly slammed the mouth of Wu old man, and he made a slap in the face, saying in his mouth: “The singer is no stranger! ”

There is some regret in my heart, talking about this matter with Wu Lao man who does not believe in the city.

“Okay, go back soon! Later, the farm work will be delayed…” Wu old man Although some unbelief about this ghost, but usually listened a lot, some of them become tigers, but also secretly Regret, but no longer said anything, and quickly urged the old man to go back.

“Exactly! The rice in the house is still to be harvested! Even if you want to turn in Li Family 50%, you can leave a lot of taxes and you can stay a lot. You can live for a good year…”

When it comes to this matter, the old man’s face is gone, and there is a happy color.

“Yes! Yes!” Wu old man should be. Looked at the sky again, see some dark clouds in the distance, some moisture in the air, suddenly yelling bad.

“Old grandson, look, this day is not going to rain?” Wu old man has been a farmer for a lifetime, and he has rich experience. When he looks at this color, he knows that the major event is not good.

“His mother!” The old grandson looked up at the sky and couldn’t help but scream.

Once it rains, the crops in the field are finished, and the hard work of the end of the year is all over the water!

“I saw it yesterday, it’s so good, how can it rain…” Wu old man can barely stand, and he will sit on the ground.

“What can I do?” Sun old man wants to cry without tears, and some are overwhelmed.

Wu old man didn’t know where the strength came, suddenly jumped up, and pulled the sleeves of Sun’s old man and said, “I still do what I want to do? Go home and collect the rice!”

At this time, the black clouds became denser, but the raindrops did not fall, but the passers-by did not see it. Many farmers, crying on the side of the road, or hurrying, go back and grab the harvest before the rain to reduce losses.

“It’s too late!” The old grandson looked at the sky, and the old tears finally swayed: “It’s been a hard work for a long time, and finally I’m looking forward to it. I don’t want to be like this, heaven, how can you treat me?”

“You…hey…” Old Wu’s head was awkward and somewhat helpless.

He also knows that watching this sky, the heavy rain will not be able to go down in a moment, even if I go back at this time, how much can I collect?

At this time, I heard several farmer companions rushing to the center of Fucheng. The voice of the city was faintly heard: “I heard that this city is not only able to protect the land, but also to keep the house safe and even the rain. At this time, it is Dead horses as a living horse doctor, have to try!”

When the old grandson heard it, there was glory in his eyes. He took the old grandson’s arm and ran towards the city hall.

“Hey! Old grandson, are you not too sad, lost? You are not there…” The old grandson’s hand was very big at this time, and he was so angry that he had a headache.

“I am not crazy!” The old grandson did not return, but the voice was unprecedentedly calm: “God can’t hope for it, and he can’t get much food when he goes home. He only wants to ask the city master, ask him to send compassion. Bless us…”

Old Wutou instinct wants to refuse. But at this time, I went to Danger Realm, even if I had straw, I wanted to catch it.

Hearing the words of the old grandson, although he sighed, he did not break free, and went to the city temple with the old grandson.

In the center of Fucheng, the temples at this time have been filled with believers and are praying.

Since the ancient people used food for the heavens, it was a great thing for the harvest of a house. In a moment, the believers gathered. If it was a while, the parents would come to the public sacrifice, pray for the gods to show their power and disperse. Rain clouds, keep a bumper harvest!

The old grandson saw that the front was full of people, and he couldn’t get in, just kneel down in the square and recited: “The old man of the city is blessed, please also disperse the rain cloud and give my family a way to live…”

The voice is pious, and I pay homage to the ceremony.

The old Wu head was pulled, surrounded by believers, thinking of his own harvest, sighed, is also his majesty, although he does not believe in ghosts and gods at this time, it is not silently prayed at this time: “If there is a god, please show the spirit…”

The devout belief in incense, with pledge, turned into a golden wave and entered the city.

In the quiet room, Fang Ming opened his eyes, and the golden in the scorpion flashed, and he understood the outside world.

“There is rain at this time, but it is unfavorable for harvest, and there are believers seeking help. It should be taken care of!”

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