Divine Ability, inherited from the previous city, Mu Qing, can not only gather rain clouds, but also seek for rain, and the effect of rain!

The believers below are extremely religious, and the heart and the gods are combined. They will see a golden light rushing out of the city temple, turning into a golden pillar and smashing into the continuous dark clouds. &{}..{}

This golden light is a very subtle point for the dark clouds, but when it falls into the clouds, it causes a qualitative change!

Layers of dark clouds, like the snow and the sun, open the sky behind.

The raindrops that just started stopped immediately, and the sun shone through the clouds, with a few rainbows.

“The rain stopped!” The believers at the bottom, cheering in a row.

They have also squatted: “Thank you for the blessing of the old man of the city, the believers will come to the day to give a big sacrifice…”

“This rain… really stopped?” The old Wu head opened his mouth and looked like a big man, some unbelievable.

This scene has had an impact on his outlook on life for many years.

“haha… I said that the old man of the city is kind, will not sit down…” The old grandson patted the shoulder of the old Wu head and said with a big laugh.

Looking at the old Wutou, who is still in a daze, hurry and pull the sleeves. “Is still screaming for it? Give the city 隍 磕 谢 谢 谢 ”!”

The old Wutou was dragged down.

At this time a shivered: “If this god can really bless the people, then I was wrong before, so god, it really should be enshrined…”

The buzzing sound, peng peng sounded.

At this time, there is sincerity. If Fang Ming is here, it can be seen that a line of faith is generated from the top of the old Wu, connected to the jurisdiction.

“Well! This rains. Not only keeps the harvest of Xin’an, but also purifies the faith and harvests many believers!”

Fang Ming senses the new line of faith. Said with a smile.

Seeing loyalty at the time of crisis, this flooding not only saves the people from the fire, but also makes the former believers more pious and more susceptible to many unbelievers and become believers.

God read it. Seeing that Gu Xiaolian also turned to the jurisdiction, it was a smile.

If everything is going to be done by Fang Ming, what else do you want to do?

This time. With Gu Xiaolian doing it, I saved Fang Ming a lot of time and energy.

It is the need to save the field in front of Fang Ming, and some points are lost.

But there is nothing, after all, the new appointment. Some are not familiar. It is also inevitable.

At the same time, it also has the effect of honing, Gu Xiaolian will be able to take this battle, and the control of Divine Ability will surely take it to the next level!

In the future, you can independently control the affairs of the government!


The weather was fine, but the farmer returned home as soon as possible, preparing for the young and the old to fight and collect food. just in case.

After all, this time there is a god of the city to protect the clouds. It’s fortunate that no one dares to take his own life and take it for another bet!

On the endless golden fields, many farmers have bent over the rice.

The young and old are helping each other, picking up the fallen ears.

The peasant woman sweats hot, bundles the rice, and is ready to be transported back for processing.

In the countryside, harvesting rice is a very labor-intensive job. If the landlord is a long-term worker, it must be supplied with at least three meals a day, and it must have oil and water to meet the physical needs.

But for their own sake, these people broke out with 120% enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

On the ridge, two officials look like they are walking around the patrol. Nearby, as well as the servants and the books, the two are dressed in eight official uniforms, majestic, all out of the ordinary, other farmhouses. In the long run, it is to avoid the road and salute at the road.

“Wen Bin! How do you see the growth of this field?”

Meng went down late, stroking the ears of rice in the field, and inadvertently asked.

This rice ear is full and thick, heavy, straight to bend the rice straw, almost hit the ground, the rice is golden, like gold, giving people a feeling of rich harvest.

Meng Zhuo is also a farmer who has been working on the land for many years and has never seen such a good rice growing up!

“In Wunan, more than one mu of rice is produced by three stones, and two grains of wheat are produced.” Shen Wenbin is also under the arm, carefully watching the growth of rice.

These two people are the upper officials. If they do this, they are somewhat indecent, but no one cares about them.

As a feudal dynasty, the harvest of Tianmu is a major event of the country. It is related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. The two see this field, and some lost self-control is also inevitable.

Shen Wenbin looked at it for a long time, only stood up, and there were some numb legs and feet.

“I look at this field, but there are four stones, and the yield per mu has increased by 40-50%!”

“This city is full of power. I have been able to see this field until now, but I still can’t believe it…”

Song Yu and Fang Ming are one-person things. They are still well concealed. After all, after the reincarnation, Song Yu’s spirit has changed. It is the use of Divine Ability calculus, and it is absolutely impossible to compare with Fang Ming. Department.

In this way, what outsiders can see is that Song Yu is in exchange for the Sanfu belief in exchange for the help of the city.

This transaction, many people at the beginning, thought it was unwise, but was forced by Song Yu.

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo, as the core, know more about secrets, and know that this property is one of the trading conditions.

But the truth is that there is still some unbelievable feeling.

“hu ……” Meng Zhuo is also getting up, long export gas, like casually said: “Every acre has four stones, Xin’an this year, almost doubled the grain of food last year, the support of the three thousand troops, come out Up…”

Before Fang Ming, he recruited a lot of troops in the Sanfu, and recruited 20,000. In addition, there were 30,000 tiger wolves before!

“You missed the mountain and the soldiers, plus the Huhe Department, our army has a total of 40,000, the state soldiers are only less than 30,000, this force, or our superiority …”

Shen Wenbin added that although the return of Shanyue was extremely strange, but Hu Hui made an elite investment, and moved the women and children to the hinterland of Fucheng, but it was the real hand to death in the hands of Song Yu, and then do not leave!

“The more ferocious the mountain, the more you don’t listen to the order. If you really want to use it, you have to practice a few times and let them learn the discipline of military law…”

Meng did not say back, as an orthodox scholar, he was a bit of a sense of superiority in nature, and he was born with a sense of psychological superiority.

“This is also…” Shen Wenbin remembered the Shanyue generals he had seen before, especially the look like a tiger and wolf, and immediately shivered.

Then he shook his head and seemed to throw his memories out of his head.

Looking at the no one nearby, the farmers are far away from the distance, and they are all in the distance with the class, so that the two can talk freely.

As soon as I stepped forward, the voice was extremely low, saying: “Meng Zhu, you are serving the Lord, what can you see?”

“See what?” Meng asked and smiled.

Not waiting for Shen Wenbin to answer, he looked at the distance and seemed to mutter: “Renovation of the house, it can be said that it is for office! You can collect valuable wood, build a ancestral temple, and invite the patriarch to come and prepare for the five generations of ancestors. This is to go any further…”

This world sacrifices strength, so the specifications are stricter.

According to the system, civilians can only sacrifice one generation, three generations of sects, five generations of princes, and the princes can sacrifice seven generations. As for the nine generations, it is only the Royal Family.

The sacrifices here are to accept the public sacrifices of the outsiders. Of course, there are many differences in the various dynasties, such as the big dry, and the regulations are added.

Only by being worshipped by outsiders and receiving incense and qi, the ancestral spirits can be powerful, and even open a blessed land to shelter the clansman soul.

This is in Dagan, the pursuit of most of the small and medium Aristocratic Family, a lifetime.

The Aristocratic Family, such as the county, can let its ancestors receive sacrifices from outsiders, but due to the rules, only three generations can be sacrificed, unless there is another prince!

However, there is a hereditary prince, which is the threshold of the door valve Aristocratic Family. It has always been held very tightly, and it is not a big change in the world.

Many counties look at the Aristocratic Family, which is stuck in this step. For hundreds of years, it is not allowed to enter, countless heroes Patriarch, but also stop here, which is a regrettable life.

Now Song Yu, to build a ancestral temple, to worship the five ancestors, is a sign of waiting!

The Lord wants to be called by himself!

This is the wind that Song Yu deliberately released, that is, to look at his attitude.

This is the same as the main male and female. Do you know less news than yourself?

Just come and inquire about your own voice that’s all! However, since Meng Meng’s official Song Yu, the rise and fall of his glory and humiliation, and even his life and death, are all tied to Song Yu. Now, seeing the Lord’s public can go further and is extremely gratified.

Immediately said: “Accept the emperor and the public, when you swear to death! Now see the glory of the lord of the Lord, but also can not tell the comfort … when playing congratulations…”

Fang Ming wants to be praised, that is, completely on the opposite side of Imperial Court, which is equivalent to just and honorable flag rebellion. This is dangerous and natural, but Meng has come all the way, has an understanding of Song Yuzhi, and also believes that he is the master. A few chances can be dyed.

At the same time, on the boat, still want to? Meng Zhuan followed Song Yu, and was branded as a long way. No matter how the protagonist is, he can only go to the black.

“Good! I know that Meng is your loyalty and bones!” Shen Wenbin said with great joy.

If Song Yu is called, Shen Family is a mother, and its status is naturally rising.

He also knows that Meng is the core of his heart, and there is no way out. He is almost just and honorable, instead of adopting other more concealed strategies.

“After that time, I will wait for the table together and advise the Lord!”

Shen Wenbin said the real purpose at this time.

“haha…because of it!” Meng said with a palm.

Since ancient times, this is from the merits of the dragon and the merits of the standing, but it is absolutely missed, Meng Meng came later, compared to the old man who followed Song Yu from all the way, the qualifications are slightly shallow, not counting from the dragon, so This is a merit, but it is absolutely impossible to miss it.

The two men looked at each other and smiled. They felt more close to each other and added some tacit understanding.

Just then, far cheers came from,

“Four Stones!”, “Four Stones!”, “Four Stones!”

It is a distant people, cut the rice, and said that the output of one mu is a cheering jump.

There are quite a few old men, all of whom are in tears, beheading the city, and thanking the adults and the gods.

Meng laughed loudly: “This is the blessing of the Lord! Only to be self-reliant, there are such heavens, the people’s heart will be fixed, this is the world’s game, there is much to be done!!!”

“Not bad! Good!” Shen Wenbin’s eyes brightened, and the sound echoed.

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