A group of people who originally had the same identity, on this great hall, one is a guest, but one is a prisoner.

Although I know it well, some people still can’t help but ask: “Wu is this so much?”

“I don’t want to say more! You wait for yourself!”

Song Yuyi waved his hand and had a waiter, holding the literary plaque.

The person who asked the question took a look, but it was a paper file that detailed the time and place of the certain Patriarch, and what was promised. Finally, even the witness’s name was registered, and Physical evidence.

This is the ironclad proof. Patriarch’s face was pale, but he couldn’t say a word anymore.

Patriarch, who is in trouble, knows that Song Yu is very strong and dares to collude with foreign enemies. It is very cautious to act naturally. I don’t want to be here in Song Yu, so it is so detailed.

This kind of secret, you can know, that little trick of your own? This Patriarch’s face completely lost his blood and almost fainted.

With the patriarch of the public, the entire great hall is in a deadlock.

Song Yu looked at the scene below and sneered in his heart.

If you only rely on Bright Gown Guard, naturally there is no such effect, but Fang Ming is a city, and the whole Wunan is located in his rule, and it is from the underworld. No matter how the Yangshi is prevented, it has limited effect.

This naturally does not have to be stated, keeping mystery and increasing the fear of these Patriarch.

“Xu Jin, Zhang Wei, what do you have to say?” Song Yu asked.

“Yu only wants to die, I hope Wu Hou has let go of my wife and daughter…” Xu Jin struggled.

“Hey! I only know regret now!” Song Yu sneered.

“It’s late! Come here, the two will be. And the whole family, men, women and children, don’t miss one, all kill the flag…”

This is the rhythm of the family! There is a Patriarch out: “Wu Hourong禀… Is this too cool…”

“Not so. How can you alert the world? Or… Do you want to do this?”

Song Yuxi said with a smile.

This Patriarch’s heart is cold and cold, knowing that he has to say a little more, immediately is a great disaster, and hurry down: “Little dare! Little dare!”

“If you don’t dare, then this time, you will be sentenced to prison! If one less, you will make up ten of your own!”

Song Yu said with a cold smile.

Immediately there were two sergeants. Say: “Adult! Please!”

This Patriarch is like eating coptis, bitter face, and dare not defy. I was taken to the front of the two guards.

Song Yu looked at the Patriarch standing in the temple and suddenly smiled. “This is a small matter. You don’t have to break the mood today. Come on! Banquet. I won’t be drunk…”

Patriarch look at each other in dismay, only to sit down, there is a palace lady to come up, offering delicious food.

But at this time, it is the taste of the mountains and seas. In the eyes of Patriarch, it is also the same as chewing wax.

A group of people groaned until the end of the banquet. Out of the Wuhou Palace, I was angry.

Everyone seems to get out of the water in general.

“Master! What happened to you?” The family who are waiting around. Hurry up and support the master.

“Fast! Go back!” These Patriarchs, but they did not dare to wait for a moment, urging the next person to go back.

On the third day of the second year of Hongzhi’s first year, Song Yu gathered 30,000 soldiers and invited Wu Nan Aristocratic Family Patriarch.

At the banquet, Song Yu took the thunder and took several Aristocratic Family in succession. After showing the ironclad certificate, the family was destroyed and the whole situation was reported.

In the meantime, killing nearly 5,000 people like the Xu Family and Zhang Family.

Because at the riverside, the blood flowing out, the whole river will be dyed red!

Also, the head is tired of Jingguan, and the monument is recorded as a bloody warning!

Wu Nan Aristocratic Family, taken in the fierceness of Song Yu, and there are also big army and tiger watching, all swearing, not dare to move.

It was before some thoughts, under the threat of Song Yu’s smashing the family and destroying the family, before the Song Yu army was unsuccessful, it also turned out the delusion and clamped the tail to be a man.

The rear is flat, Song Yuming Song Hu is sitting in Wunan.

Not only will Xuan Ce all be left, but also four thousand new recruits will be assigned to Song Hu, and they will be sent to wait.

Song Hu is the Song Family clansman, and Song Yuyi is hand-picked. After many years of loyalty, Wu Nan, at this time, has no internal enemies and retains five thousand troops, enough to cope with everything.

As for Song Yu, he took the remaining 25,000 soldiers and went to Azure Dragon to meet Ye Hongyan.

Ye Hongyan is a guerrilla general of the Five Qualities, leading a 6,000-strong family.

Adding these, it is this Song Yu decided to go out and compete for the team in the world.

A total of 31,000 people, not much more, placed in Wuzhou, is definitely the top, when the outside states have their own dog brain, there is no outside interference, used to unify Wuzhou, but it is enough!

Azure Dragon is off.

Ye Hongyan is now in his thirties. He is near-middle-aged and more stable. He is the most beautiful man of a man.

Every day, the public has been valued and promoted all the way. It has achieved the guerrilla generals of the five martial arts, and is the head of the generals of Song Yu.

Although it was broken before, there was little contact with the family. After the name was born, clansman came to rely on it.

Ye Hongyan took out the land that was given by the Lord’s public reward, demarcated the sacrifice of the field, and paid for the construction of the ethnology. As a center, a small family was formed.

“Adult!” A young military officer came in and said, “The Lord called you to discuss the past…”

“Yeah!” Ye Hongyan’s jaw, said that he knew, and look at this young man, star-browed swordsman, figure tall and straight, walking, there is a strong vitality, not to be nodded.

This young man is Ye Jianfeng, but is the clansman of Ye Hongyan.

After Ye Hongyan gathered clansman, he selected the capable ones and entered the military to cultivate. This is the practice, and the rest of Song Yu is also the same.

Song Yu is also acquiescence, but there is a degree, you must have real talents to do it, in order to promote, or at most do a job.

This Ye Jianfeng is the most outstanding talent of Ye Family. He is skilled in martial arts and experienced in practice. Now he has done a good job from Jiu Pin Ren Yong, who has an official body and is considered to be in the first place.

At present, he is the former team member of Ye Hongyan. After he is released outside, he can also add one level and become a battalion.

Ye Hongyan liked this family’s afterlife, and slowly said: “This time, you are following me, just don’t listen, don’t be rude! Otherwise, the uncle can’t save you…”

Ye Jianfeng’s eyes are bright, and Wu Hou’s deliberation has always been more than Wei Zheng.

Now Ye Hongyan takes him in. Although he is only a servant, his identity is different. At least, he has an understanding of Wu’s policy, and he can broaden his horizons and get to know his contacts. Are you afraid that there will be no credit?

Immediately kneel down: “many thanks adults to promote!”

“Get up…” Ye Hongyan got up and walked out of the camp: “Don’t let Wu Hou wait, otherwise I will be rude…”

Ye Jianfeng’s heart was hot and he quickly followed.

When I arrived at the Chamber of Deputies, guarding both sides and seeing the arrival of Ye Hongyan, they were all saluting: “I have seen the general!”

“Yeah!” Ye Hongyan nodded, striding into the hall.

Ye Jianfeng took a deep breath, followed closely from behind.

The two guards looked at each other without dissuasion. Although this Ye Jianfeng, only wearing the team’s clothing, but can come to the goalkeeper, are all well-informed generations, who do not know that this is Ye Hongyan’s relatives, but also capable, the future is boundless.

As a guerrilla general, Ye Hongyan entered with a servant and was also within tolerance, so there was no action.

When the hind legs also stepped into the Chamber of Deputies, Ye Jianfeng’s heart was long in the air. Just now, he always feared that he would be stopped by the guards. It’s hard to lose face. But if you are tired of being untied, you can die. No more words.

Ye Hongyan looked back and seemed to see the embarrassment in his heart, expressionless, just in the eyes, the color of encouragement.

Ye Jianfeng’s heart was warm, and he was stunned by his uncle’s tall back.

Seeing the martial arts and martial arts, old or young, all have different attitudes, the only thing that is common is that the body can not help but spread the majesty of the air, so that is the team’s positive Ye Jianfeng, some worry.

Ye Hongyan has a high status in the Song Yu system. Many people come up to say hello as soon as they come in.

Ye Hongyan calmly responded and introduced Ye Jianfeng from time to time.

Everyone is old and fine, naturally knowing Ye Hongyan’s suggestion, and reporting a tacit smile, but it is the name of Ye Jianfeng’s name in mind.

This is the network! This time, it is better than five years! The road after Ye Jianfeng is much flatter than ordinary people.

Ye Hongyan is not only that, this time, the most important thing is to make the impression of the Lord’s public heart, which is more important than anything else! As long as Jane is in the heart of the emperor, I am afraid that I can’t be peaceful.

This scorpion is not a pool of things. The lord is also known for knowing the people. I hope that Jian Feng can enter the eyes of the public law!

At the time when Ye Hongyan’s thoughts turned thousands of times, he heard the sound of Zhong Rong’s voice sing, and a sharp voice sang: “Wuhou arrived!”

Hurry up and pull some scorpions and take the lead.

“Chen and other pay respects to Wu Hou!”

Is this Wu waiting? Ye Jianfeng’s heart glimpsed, only to feel that the air was silent, it seemed to have a little more heavy feeling.

The spirit of the Lord is extraordinary!

Ye Jianfeng’s secretly thought, suddenly a cold body, a tight scalp, a little cold sweat behind.

From the military for a long time, he also went to arduous training or hard work to make some sense of sensation, knowing that this is the natural reaction of being stared at, and it is difficult to aim at the arrow in the dark, as long as there is a slight change, it is a chaotic arrow Kill the ending!

When the body just wanted to have an action, it was suppressed and knew that Wu Hou’s guard was strict. This is a normal temptation. If it is frightened, it will be a great disaster! Hurry up and down, don’t dare to move!

It may have been a long time, or maybe only after a moment, I heard the voice of a young man: “Zhu Qing is flat!”

The sound is clear, such as the jewels, Ye Jianfeng only feels a light body, the peeping sensation disappears, and suddenly thanks, he stood up with relief.

Although I really want to look up and see the rise of less than two years, I will unify Wu Nan, saying that Wu Hou, who is waiting for Jianguo, looks like it, but the reason is suppressed, and his face is lowered, his hands are hanging down, and he is following Ye Hongyan. Behind, be careful.

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