“Why is the road leader so?”

Song Yu’s pretense was unclearly asked, and it was related to his deliberate manifestation of his own.

After all, Song Yu was the founding of Wu, and the air was strong. No matter where it was, it was as dazzling as the torch in the night, and Fang Ming deliberately concealed it.

What he is playing now is the princes who begged by the gods of the city. Naturally, they cannot be fully aware of the things between Baiyunguan and Fang Ming.

“This…” Qing Brows frowned, and Wu said that this god had hit the Baiyun Guanshan Gate, not only took the mountain gate to protect the law, but also defeated two real people to join hands, and lived to death and live.

I really want to say that the reputation of Baiyunguan is still missing?

After the war, Baiyunguan has been hiding in the dead, not only to gather the discipline, not allowed to go out, Qing and real people are also pretending to be retreats, concealing the news of the military!

The mind turned a thousand times, or said with a bite: “It’s just a long-awaited city god, some surprised, Wu Hou is strange…”

“Lonely is not blame!” Song Yurao looked at Qingxu with deep thoughts. It was like a master who had a little bit of news and speculation, but left some face to the subordinates and no longer asked.

Said: “The Baiyun Temple is the head of the Wuzhou Daomen Gate. The god of the city is also a lonely bone. The horse fights for the hegemony. The self-owned ghosts use their lives! As for other ghosts, they have to wait for them…”

Qing Xu and Fang Ming are sayings: “Don’t dare! It must be Wu Wuping’s Wuzhou!”

“haha…” Song Yu laughed and said, “I have you waiting. What is the fear of being alone?”

Before Qing Xu left, he also said: “The Baiyun Temple is deeply rooted in Wu, and you can contact the Commander of Bright Gown Guard. If you can reduce some resistance, it is also a matter of merit!”

The Baiyun Temple is very popular among the Wubei people. The relationship can even affect many of the officials, and Song Yu will never let it go.

“This poor Daoist will get it!”

After seeing Fang Ming in the Qing Dynasty, my heart was even more urgency, and I was determined to throw a lot of dry goods to win the top.

When leaving. Looking at Fang Ming again, I still couldn’t hide my horror.

I have met several times before, and this god is a soul. Although Wei can be awkward, it still has a negative.

But now, like a living, it must be a great advance. By the yin and yang. In a short time, it is horrible and fearful!

Time goes into the night, and the emptiness is in the room, but it seems to be somewhat uneasy.

While walking back and forth, the brows picked up and suddenly sat down, expressionless.

At this time in the room. There seemed to be a breeze until the breeze passed. Inside the small house, there is a more silhouette!

“Fellow Daoist! See you in the daytime, because of the people, can’t make fun of it, the true body comes specially, and it’s a candlelight night…”

This person is Fang Ming. At this time, he only wears azure clothes. If there is not a faint golden light, it is almost a weak scholar.

“When you come, don’t know what’s wrong?” Qing Xu got up, although he knew that if he was fighting at this time, he might not be able to escape his life. However, Wu Houzun is here, and this god will not dare to be too impudent, but he will calm down. Slowly said:

“I don’t seem to have a good talk about my white clouds and respecting God…”

The voice is cold and cold, and there is even more resentful resentment! Before Fang Ming, he hit the Baiyun Guanshan Gate, not only to collect the mountain gate protection method, but also to kill the real people, to break the white cloud view, and more importantly, to break the Baiyunguan discipline for hundreds of years of accumulation!

Lost in heart, except for the unwavering generation, other disciplines, if you want to be refined in the way of repairing the road, it is a lot more difficult!

This generation of discipline, almost already considered abolished, the inheritance of Baiyunguan, also appeared fault! Every time I think about this, I want to eat the flesh of Fang Ming!

But here is the Wuhou Palace, not rude, only to be patient.

Of course, the most important thing is that if you know the truth, you will be able to do it yourself, and you may not be able to get Fang Ming! Even the damage to the Fang Ming Divine Body can’t be done!

The strengths and weaknesses are so disparate, almost letting the sinister real people, all of them have a sinister demon in their hearts.

“I am waiting to be working with Wu Hou now. You Baiyunguan and Wu Houqi are connected. If you want to help Wu Houcheng, you can alleviate your sins and turn away from it! True body will not look at the previous investment.” With this premise, I have not had the premise of not cooperating!”

Fang Ming did not care and said clearly.

If it is clear and here, then it is said that there is no effect, but there is no effect, but the difference between the two, as the sect master of Baiyunguan, must be sure to make a favorable choice for the overall situation.

Fang Ming’s guess is not wrong. Sure enough, as the voice fell, the room was in an unspeakable silence.

After a long time, I heard the humming voice and asked: “How do you want to cooperate with God?”

Before the Qing Dynasty came, there was indeed a plan to retaliate from Fang Ming and Song Yu. However, when Wu Nankai opened up the production, he immediately knew that things could not be done and wisely dispelled the thoughts.

Not only that, but Song Yu’s establishment of the city as a righteousness, but it has become a sense of crisis, before it was decided to pay attention to the price.

Now see Fang Ming throwing out the cooperation talk, but it is a good idea to listen and see the conditions.

Fang Ming smiled and said: “Yang Shixian no matter, Yin Shi forces, in Wunan, my city temple is not doing it, but out of Azure Dragon, there are still some weaknesses… You Baiyunguan is a landlord for hundreds of years, presumably Wubei cultivation forces, as well as knowing, can be with the true body to wipe out these rats…”

The matter of the yang dynasty, it has to be solved by Song Yu, but the things in the cultivation world are not suitable for the church, or it is safer to solve it privately by Fang Ming.

“Respect God is so timid!” Although Qing Xu knows that this god’s appetite is not small, but did not expect Fang Ming to be so daring, even want to take the entire Wuzhou cultivation community to a net!

“Of course! If there is a loose repair, you can abandon the dark cast, obey the law, the true body is naturally not before, but the stubborn generation is only gray…” Fang Ming added.

Wuzhou Dao School has always been a one-of-a-kind Baiyun Temple. It can openly build Taoist temples and sacrifice the treasures.

However, the rest of the scattered sect can survive under the high pressure of Baiyunguan, and naturally have the emboldened spirit. One or two, Baiyunguan is still not in the heart, but it is also a great force in unity!

These scattered repairs have not yet been cultivated as immortals, and there is no need to enshrine in the world. They often secretly foster a few agents, take charge of Yang Shi’s goods and support themselves, which forms a lot of secret forces.

Before the Imperial Court and the Daomen, because of the evolution of the heavens, they all looked at the dragons. Together with these scattered forces, although they usually did not interact with each other, there were personal complaints and other things, but in the face of the Imperial Court and the Daomen, they immediately succumbed to the cold. Hand is also not easy to deal with, so it will endure!

But Fang Ming, as the owner, is determined to sweep the world and win the Qi of True Dragon to help Shinto. How can he tolerate the existence of such a hidden group of people who do not listen to the order?

Naturally, with the thunder, sweep away!

Clearing the jaws, this group of scattered forces, like a mouse that can’t die, is not a big problem, but it is also disgusting. Now that this god is willing to take a shot, it is not a good idea to clean up part of it.

Just ask: “These, my Baiyun view naturally knows a lot, just…” Some words stop.

Fang Ming sees this, but says: “This is not for you, true body can be the main promise, after the Baiyun Temple, in Wuzhou, as long as the government and the city temple, you can freely build a memorial… ”

“Freedom to build a sacrifice?” Qingzhen extremely angry: “My Baiyun view was shackled by the great ancestors, and the dynasties were guarded by Wudi. After centuries, the Wuzhou was observed. The gods took the existing rewards to perfuse. Isn’t it too much sincerity?”

Although I know that the dynasty is different, Fang Ming said that it is to take Baiyunguan’s leading position in Wuzhou and kill it!

Baiyunguan is a large school of Wuzhou. It has the power to build Taoist temples and enjoy incense. If other sects are used, the same is true, but it must be approved by Baiyunguan. Otherwise, even if it is sinful, it will not be wiped out. It’s all done! The government will also organize encirclement on a regular basis!

According to Fang Ming, the status of Baiyunguan in the future, not to mention the thousand zhang, but also after the city, lost the jurisdiction of other sects in Wuzhou!

“hehe…clearing the truth and realizing it!” In response to this, Fang Ming seems to have a well-thought-out attitude. He said: “I don’t know why the emperor is a courtier? Wu Houge Ding, naturally has a new system, true body is not talented, but got it. Wu Hou promised to lead the Wuzhou Yinsi ghost…”

“hmph!” The truth is coldly snorted, but it doesn’t move, but it is listened carefully.

“true body wants to build a ghost department, and put Wuzhou ghosts into the control system. This requires a lot of people, but also some places for real people…”

This is Fang Ming’s long-established vision. It is necessary to unify the new souls and ghosts of Wuzhou and the whole world, and to judge the blessings and rewards according to the behavior of life.

The set in Wunan is just a small fight, and the audience is also a believer in the city.

Now, it is to establish the embryonic form of the former yin and sin! ! !

This is a big project, and it costs a lot of money, but if it can be done, it will be far more than that, at least a hundred times of huge profits!

If you build the whole world of the yin, then it will not be enough for Fang Ming to be a manpower now.

It is to put the goal in Wuzhou. With the manpower accumulated before Fang Ming, there are some shortcomings. He naturally does not want to take out some positions, and rewards the dedication or even the real person!

After all, every faction has a military solution for various reasons, and only the ghost of the ghosts can exist!

It is a real person, and it is up to two hundred lives!

Ghost repairs are not a fairy, but after all, there is still a limit of life essence, waiting for the soul to run out, so soul destroyed, miserable.

But the shin of Fang Ming, but for these ghosts, another way.

Becoming a Shinto bureaucrat, although there are still restrictions, at least, you can get rid of the life essence troubles, have a thousand years of life, and there are recorded ghosts, but never lived five hundred examples, the gap between the two sides, can be seen by the discerning eye .

Fang Ming After the experiment on Gu Xiaolian, I am sure of this.

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