Huo Li will not be famous for his evaluation. Even in the midst of heavy rain, he will also drive the wolves, and fight straight into the battle.

Now I can’t do anything, and I will retreat decisively.

But what does Song Yu let him leave safely? Immediately letting “who is riding alone?”

“Lord! The standard is under!”

There are dozens of cavalry who have said that this is the cavalry of the Flying Tigers. In the final situation, it is also responsible for covering the Lord’s demise!

“The enemy general Huo Li has fled, you wait for the north to pursue, must kill!” Now the situation is urgent, Song Yu also directly said, it is exposed, but also refused.

Although he is personally led by the soldiers, the effect will be better.

However, Song Yu just thought about it and abandoned this plan. After all, the current body, in the end is still a fetus, although the martial arts high strength, and Divine Technique body, but limited by the common, if it is dangerous, there is damage, it is stupid!

As a master, many things are also involuntarily.

Just like now, although I really want to go to harvest Huo Li’s life, I have to be patient.

“Nuo!” Cavalry Captain said.

Although I don’t know where the Lord’s information came from, the military order is like a mountain. Since the Lord’s public has orders, it’s the mountain of blades and a sea of ​​fire.

“Get on the horse!” This Captain is drinking.

Dozens of cavalry, silent, turned over the horse, although only a few dozen rides, but a sense of sorrow emerged.

“On these, it seems that I can’t deal with this black wolf!” Song Yu has some frowns.

Just thinking, there are pro-combats coming to pass “reporting to Wuhou, black feather riding command, guerrilla deputy Luo Bin to see!”

“Quick pass!” Song Yu shines. Hurry and talk.

The pro-employed trotting out, not long after, the sound of armor rang, Luo Bin stepped in, and bowed and said, “The subordinates see a sudden downpour. I am afraid that things have changed, and the special escorts come to the escort, and also ask the Lord for forgiveness. crime!”

“haha…you are coming right, what is sin?”

Song Yu was overjoyed and asked, “How many people do you bring?”

“There are two hundred rides!”

“Okay! You are desperate to take the headquarters with you, and you will ride alone. Hunting Huo Li to the north!” Song Yu said immediately.

At this time, the rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky came faster and went faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the clouds are gone. The bright moonlight is revealed.

By the moonlight, Luo Bin can see that the state soldiers in the camp mostly abandoned their weapons, surrounded by several piles, became prisoners, and there were soldiers guarding the Song.

Other sporadic resistance, previously because of low visibility. I haven’t been able to clean it up. Now the rain is stopped, and the archer immediately pulls the bow and arrow. Shooting at the enemy, there are screams coming from time to time, and soon disappeared.

Seeing that there is really no problem in the military camp, Luo Bin was told to say “No! The subordinate must be the main public, and the Huo Li dog head!”

Turn over the horse and sip “Children! Follow me to chase Huo Li. Make a meritorious deed, right now!”

A horse rushed out first. The rest of the cavalry also ordered the horse to keep up.

Hundreds of cavalry. Gathered into a mighty flood and chased north.

Horseshoe rumble.

“Damn…” Huo Li took the soldiers and ran on the official road, but in his heart, he was filled with unwillingness.

For the sake of this war, he used his heart and mind, and he did not hesitate to lose his reputation. He was guilty of the Aristocratic Family. Was it not to defeat Song Yu in one fell swoop, and to build a world-famous name, and then swept the whole state?

I didn’t want to be so carefully designed, but I was seen by Song Yu, and I was tempted by myself.

At this time, in addition to the dozens of cavalry that followed, Huo Li’s men, it can be said that nothing is left.

Every time I think of it, Huo Li’s heart is like a fire, heartbreaking.

“It’s just raining down, it’s dark, and there’s a good chance! As long as the wolves in this seat can tear open the defense, this seat will dare to take the cavalry and raid the Song Yu!”

Huo Li remembered the situation just now, but he was still unwilling, close to gnashing teeth.

“that’s all, the time has come! This is the destiny, why not! For the present plan, only the class teacher… oh! Although the whole army is in the middle of the squad, but the heavy rain in the night, it is God to help me, tomorrow will gather At least three thousand, this Hongze, can no longer stay, or return to Jianye, there are soldiers in this seat, Zhaopan has a reputation there, to cooperate, to maintain the overall situation of the construction industry, or not a problem!”

Thinking of this, I turned to look at the Song Yu military camp “Song Family kid, you and me, do not share the sky! As long as you have this seat, you will want to unify Wuzhou!”

Now Huo Li, although there is no hope of Wuzhou, but if he makes up his mind and obstructs Song Yu’s great cause, he is still a very troublesome enemy.

Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz, as the terrain continues to fluctuate, in the above Huo Li, the scorpion is deep and calm, from time to time, but the ray of blood and blood.

At this time, Huo Li’s ear moved, but he heard different voices.

“Well? Are there cavalry chasing?” Huo Li said to himself. “It’s so sweet!”

At night, the cavalry is a big taboo. Even if the moonlight is clean and tidy, the visibility is not very good. If you are not careful, you will be injured and even fall off the cliff and lose your life!

“Listen to this hoof, but there are hundreds of fine rides, can not be strong!” If there are only a few dozen rides, then on the Huo Li team, only the serving of food.

Now I also follow Huo Li’s own soldiers. Naturally, I usually cultivated a lot of hard work. The killing and decisiveness, the will tencious, is the former mid-volt, under siege, and only a few.

Everyone here, let go out, is. One hundred people will!

In addition, Huo Li used the magic to help out, it is the fifty cavalry, Huo Li also has the confidence to eat!

But no matter how deep the Tao, the elite cavalry guarded by hundreds of military forces can only escape from the wind. If you are not careful, you will be killed!

Huo Li was not a fool. He immediately ordered “after the pursuit of the soldiers, I will wait for the split, and meet in Hongze Fucheng!”

I don’t know how to operate, but in an instant, the little horse team is divided into two waves, each going to go!

The wind blew his face and the horseshoes rushed. With the moonlight, Luo Bin could already see the horse riding in front of him.

It is a big earthquake that is not caused by the spirit. This killing the enemy emirates has always been a great achievement. Don’t miss it! The opponent is also famous in Wuzhou. Let Luo Bin be more strangled!

At this time, the cavalry was also seen to be diverted and fled.

“Hey! What about the division? We have a lot of people, no matter how they are divided, just don’t let go!”

Luo Bin ordered “a team to chase the right team, one should not let go, the rest. Come with me!”

The cavalry behind him was also diverted immediately. There were more than a hundred cavalrymen, behind Luo Bin, chasing the enemy on the left.

Along the way, the enemy in front. And continue to divide the soldiers.

Luo Bin sent a small team every time, chasing after the end.

At the end of the day, the enemy is already inseparable, only one ride.

Luo Bin took more than ten rides and saw the enemy in front of him. Actually stopped the escape and waited in the same place.

Although it is unbelievable, Luo Bin is still commanding his men to surround this person.

I saw a healthy black horse, a middle-aged, wearing a general armor, with a proud color on his face, looking at his own.

“Is the enemy in front of Huo Li?” Luo Bin took a deep breath. Asked openly.

“It is this seat!” Huo Liwei squinted his eyes and replied.

Although it is only one person, it also has out of the ordinary. This is the majesty that is mastered by the army, killed and killed, and cultivated!

Just a sight, let Luo Bin affirm that this person is Huo Li!

“You stopped the war horse, but obediently surrender?” Luo Bin asked. The enemy is born, naturally than the dead head. More valuable.

I am also fortunate in my heart, although I know that the other party may send a substitute. But the induction in the darkness still makes him catch up with this person, but he doesn’t want to be the enemy in the middle!

“Hey! obediently surrender! Song Yu that child, which is worthy of this seat?” Huo Li is said with a smile.

“Bold! It seems that only your head will be dedicated to the lord!” Huo Li said this, Luo Bin will persuade to drop the plan, in the words, directly with the murderous aura, pulled out the Bailian steel to create Long knife.

With his movements, the cavalry of the encirclement, also pulled out the ordnance, aiming at Huo Li!

The scene is very chilling!

Although as long as the order is made, Huo Li can be divided into corpses, but Luo Bin always feels that something is wrong.

Perhaps Huo Li in the encirclement, there is no fear of color.

This instinct, let him give up the invitation to go forward, single-handedly, and said, “Send Huo General on the road!”

Hearing this statement, the soldiers under his command have not yet acted. Huo Li, who is in the middle of the encirclement, opened his eyes.

What kind of eyes is this?

Putting green light outside, with bloodthirsty and cruelty, there is a cold and ruthless killing intent, the only thing that is not, is the human emotion, just like the wild beast’s nephew!

Even the horses under Luo Bin’s seat seemed to be frightened and even took a few steps back.

“Look at your dress, it is also the general under the song jade hand! If you kill this place, it will make him feel bad for a few days!”

“Well, let me just let you wait for the road!” Huo Li’s tongue licked his lower lip. This movement, when he did it, was full of ferocity!

“Hugh to be awkward!” Luo Bin drank “together!”

Surrounded by more than ten cavalry, while waving a long knife to kill! They cooperated with each other and sealed Huo Li’s retreat. This battle, even if it is the general of the enemy, if you meet, you must drink hate!

But at this time, Luo Bin, I saw an incredible scene!

Huo Li single-handedly charged and rushed to the blade light.

The long, bright knife, cut on the black armor, sparked, but just let Huo Li body shake, then immediately throw the black blade in the hand!

In the wave, there are several heads that fly out with incredible colors.

“Baojia! Only the top treasure! Only in this way!” Luo Bin said, even if the general name, there are gaps in the connection, these cavalry, are elite, trained, the angle of the knife, all kill To the weak point of protection, do not want to be resisted.

In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, Huo Li wears it, it is the top of the treasure, the connection also uses the protection of the animal skin, in order to have no dead ends.

But even if you have a treasure, you have to eat a few knives, a huge impact, but also make Huo Li face red!

“He can’t support it! Cut the horse!” Luo Bin ordered loudly. To be continued


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